Time Urges 65 Million Americans Who Voted For Hillary Not To Pay Taxes


Adorable Deplorable
Jun 18, 2007
they're still sore these progs, cucks, manlets and sjw's.

Under the twisted premise of losing the popular vote and "no taxation without representation", TIME's Mark Weston proclaims that the approximately 65 million Democrats who voted for Hillary Clinton should pledge "we won’t pay taxes to the federal government... until democracy is restored."

Because, It's just not fair?

Twice in the past 16 years, a Republican candidate who finished second in the popular vote has won the presidency. This year, Donald Trump won the electoral vote with about 46% of the popular vote, while Hillary Clinton received about 48%. If the parties stay this evenly divided, another electoral mishap is more likely than not in the next 20 years.

Most Republicans are quite content with this system. Appeals to fairness have not persuaded them of the need to amend the Constitution to establish direct presidential elections, preferably with a runoff if no one wins 50% of the vote. Nor does the real chance that a Democrat could win the presidency with fewer votes than a Republican alarm them. Even the taunt, “Are you afraid of a direct election? Can’t you win a straight-up vote?” doesn’t faze them. Democrats must, therefore, pester Republicans where it hurts: the pocketbook.

Is signing a pledge to not pay taxes legal? Yes, if no overt act of conspiracy is involved, and the pledge itself is hypothetical. No one knows when or if it would be carried out.

A national movement not to pay federal taxes in the future would put Republicans on notice: they do not have the right to impose a hard-right, second-place presidency on a moderate nation every dozen or so years. If the Republicans won’t help amend the Constitution so that America can resume being a democracy, then Democrats, lacking the representation that supporters of a future popular vote-winner ought to have in the executive branch, should not submit to paying taxes to the federal government.

How would the pledge work?

First, an online group such as MoveOn.org, Change.org or both, should circulate a petition. The pledge is not just a powerful protest; it is also effortless, requiring no legal or financial sacrifice at all for years, possibly decades.

Second, the pledge should only apply to federal taxes. We would still pay state, local, sales and property taxes. This is a protest against our 229-year-old system of electoral votes, not against taxation in general.

Third, if a Republican wins the election without winning the popular vote again, we should still pay what we owe in federal taxes—just not to the IRS. Instead, people would compute their federal taxes, file a Form 1040 and write a check to a national escrow account, preferably in a well-established Canadian or British bank that is beyond the reach of the U.S. Justice Department, because whoever opens this account probably will be in violation of U.S. law. In the check’s memo line, people should write, “Funds to be transferred to the IRS as soon as America resumes being a democracy.”

If the U.S. government wanted control over the trillions of dollars in this escrow account, it would have to replace our antiquated electoral system with a fairer way of electing presidents. Then, when 38 state legislatures have ratified an acceptable Constitutional amendment, the escrow officer could cheerfully transfer the account’s trillions of dollars to the IRS.

The beauty of a no-taxation pledge is that it almost certainly won’t have to be carried out. The mere threat could be enough to propel a Constitutional amendment. If millions sign now, Republicans will know that a third modern Republican runner-up presidency is impossible; Democrats will not be cooperative again.

The cry, “No Taxation Without Representation,” inspired America to declare its independence in 1776. It can also lead to a rebirth of democracy in our own time.

Sadly, it appears, Mr. Weston missed out on what America's constitutional democracy means. As we noted previously, despite what the disaffected left now says about the "outdated" electoral college system, there was and still is solid reasoning behind it's existence. The power of the individual states weighed very heavily on the founding fathers who created the electoral college system specifically to avoid the mass centralization of power in high population density areas. And, while we certainly understand why the left would look to now discredit such a system, the fact is that there would be no United States of America without it as smaller states simply never would have opted in to the union.

Per the map above, absent the electoral college system, presidential elections would be almost entirely determined by a handful of cities including New York City, Boston, Chicago, Los Angeles and San Francisco. And while the left would prefer to ignore the opinions of those in the "fly-over" states, we would suggest that their representation in the electoral college is a vital underpinning of American democracy...without such representation we're not sure why the fly-over states would choose to remain a part of a union where they had no say.

* * *
Finally, we look forward to President-Elect Trump's tweet response to this seemingly treasonous sore-losership.

Time Urges 65 Million Americans Who Voted For Hillary Not To Pay Taxes | Zero Hedge



Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
How many of them actually pay income tax to start with? Might be better to just withhold government money from Clinton supporters if they don't like how the system works.


Council Member
Oct 11, 2015
Southern Ontario
Withholding taxes would really be good tor the country, wouldn't it?
Ideas like this indicate that the 'Hillary supporters' are not interested in the good of America, they are only interested in getting their own way and keeping their idol in power.


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 26, 2005
Minnesota: Gopher State
they're still sore these progs, cucks, manlets and sjw's.

Under the twisted premise of losing the popular vote and "no taxation without representation", TIME's Mark Weston proclaims that the approximately 65 million Democrats who voted for Hillary Clinton should pledge "we won’t pay taxes to the federal government... until democracy is restored."

Because, It's just not fair?

[/B][/I] * * *
Finally, we look forward to President-Elect Trump's tweet response to this seemingly treasonous sore-losership.

Time Urges 65 Million Americans Who Voted For Hillary Not To Pay Taxes | Zero Hedge


Funny how when Rick Perry and others in Texa.s.s. threatened secession over Obama's legitimate win none of the delusional far right objected.


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 6, 2015
Olympus Mons
Funny how when Rick Perry and others in Texa.s.s. threatened secession over Obama's legitimate win none of the delusional far right objected.

Funny how Time doesn't have a problem with this though.
Hillary Clinton reached 2,383 delegates only with the help of 107 superdelegates from states Bernie Sanders won, who actively thwarted the will of millions of Democratic voters in their own states.

In Utah, where Sanders won by a 79-20 margin, two of the state’s four superdelegates are backing Clinton.
11 of 16 superdelegates in Minnesota are supporting Clinton, even though Sanders won the state’s March 1 caucus by a 62-38 margin.
While Sanders blew Clinton out of the water by a 73-27 margin in Washington State, Clinton has 10 of 16 superdelegates. Sanders has zero.
Six of Wisconsin’s ten superdelegates are supporting Clinton, while only one is backing Sanders. The Vermont senator won the Badger State’s primary by 14 points.
All nine superdelegates in Rhode Island have committed to supporting Hillary Clinton, even though Bernie Sanders defeated the former Secretary of State by a 12-point margin.
Sanders also has only one superdelegate in Alaska, same as Clinton, even after winning the state by an 82-18 margin. One Alaska superdelegate backing Clinton patronized and belittled a Sanders supporter who asked her to cast her superdelegate vote with how her state’s residents voted.
Comparatively, only 14 of Sanders’ 49 superdelegates have come from states Hillary Clinton won. Two of those superdelegates came from Arizona, where the US Department of Justice is conducting an official investigation due to widespread complaints of election fraud and voter suppression.
It’s important to note that in 2008, media networks didn’t call the nomination for Barack Obama until after every state and territory had voted. On June 3, after Obama won the final two primaries in Montana and South Dakota, media networks declared him the presumptive nominee, after having enough pledged delegates and unpledged superdelegates to cross the threshold of 2,118 total delegates necessary to clinch the nomination. 241 of Obama’s 478 superdelegates came from the 21 states and 2 territories Hillary Clinton won.
This year, the key difference is that the AP declared Clinton the presumptive nominee on June 6, a full day before six more states voted. This effectively discourages nearly 11 million registered Democrats from voting (7.43 million in California, 1.79 million in New Jersey, 1.29 million in New Mexico, approximately 320,000 in Washington, DC).

How 107 Superdelegates Robbed 11 Million Democratic Voters


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 26, 2005
Minnesota: Gopher State
check your facts:

"An analysis showed that Bernie Sanders would have won the Democratic nomination if it were not for the Super Delegates."
— Donald Trump on Sunday, July 24th, 2016 in a tweet



Hall of Fame Member
Sep 23, 2015
Funny how when Rick Perry and others in Texa.s.s. threatened secession over Obama's legitimate win none of the delusional far right objected.

Perry Never Advocated Secession
The Obama team falsely suggests Texas Gov. Rick Perry advocated secession. Perry's actual remarks have been mischaracterized. Perry entertained a reporter's question about secession after a tea party rally in 2009, and warned that "if Washington continues to thumb their nose at the American people, you know, who knows what may come out of that?" But he's made clear all along that "we've got a great union" and there is "no reason to dissolve it."
Perry has carelessly commented that Texas has a unique right to secede from the union, having once been an independent republic. That's a myth, historians say. But Perry never advocated secession.

What Perry Really Said About Secession
fact check

a bunch of times where obamnaughts put the words in his mouth at that link though

more fake news I am afraid


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
Perry Never Advocated Secession
The Obama team falsely suggests Texas Gov. Rick Perry advocated secession. Perry's actual remarks have been mischaracterized. Perry entertained a reporter's question about secession after a tea party rally in 2009, and warned that "if Washington continues to thumb their nose at the American people, you know, who knows what may come out of that?" But he's made clear all along that "we've got a great union" and there is "no reason to dissolve it."
Perry has carelessly commented that Texas has a unique right to secede from the union, having once been an independent republic. That's a myth, historians say. But Perry never advocated secession.

What Perry Really Said About Secession
fact check

a bunch of times where obamnaughts put the words in his mouth at that link though

more fake news I am afraid

Sadly fake news is the only news the liberals can read these days with all this Trump winning going on.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
How many of them actually pay income tax to start with? Might be better to just withhold government money from Clinton supporters if they don't like how the system works.

The number of votes Hillary got is irrelevant- that not the way the system works. Anyway I think 65 million is bull sh*t!


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 23, 2015
The number of votes Hillary got is irrelevant- that not the way the system works. Anyway I think 65 million is bull sh*t!
Everyone seems to forget all the vote fraud they did find, and the convictions, in the last two previous federal elections to the last one, were all Obama and hillary
how quickly they forget