The Climate Summit in Copenhagen Must Be Cancelled!


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
No, I did. Because cutting the heat back one or two degrees at a time, and driving one less trip a week won't cut it. It helps, but it won't make the grade.

With current technology, and population growth, it would require drastic lifestyle changes. Efficiency improvements and conservation would be a good start, but we'd all need to fundamentally change our habits in the end if we keep the same old technology.

Which brings me to another point, how do you know how much we need to cut back? What if your suggestions aren't enough?

Perhaps but sometimes changes pick up momentum as they go along. Maybe the person will find he enjoys the walk to the corner store so next week instead of being once it may be twice. He may find he is delighted with the reduced fuel bill, so he puts on a extra sweater and cuts it back 3 degrees. All I was suggesting was a start.


Hall of Fame Member
Dec 25, 2005
Eagle Creek
Perhaps but sometimes changes pick up momentum as they go along. Maybe the person will find he enjoys the walk to the corner store so next week instead of being once it may be twice. He may find he is delighted with the reduced fuel bill, so he puts on a extra sweater and cuts it back 3 degrees. All I was suggesting was a start.

Exactly, JLM. He may then talk his neighbor who will talk to another, and so on. The bottom line is it starts with me and it starts with you. We can make a difference.

I am not saying technology does not have a role to play, indeed it does. In the mean time, rivers, lakes, ponds, and streams are dieing. The wasteland surrounding the waters is fouled by mountains of animal feces containing growth hormones and antibiotics. Many water-filtration plants downstream, are unable to filter all the pollutants out of the water - the water people drink every day.

We do not need technology to close down feedlots. We do not need technology to close down multi-million dollar agri-business farms growing corn solely to use as ethanol.

What we need is the will to do it. But it can be done.


Hall of Fame Member
Jul 5, 2009
Cleaning up the backyard is a start, as I mentioned earlier. The biggest change would be to pressure business into changing its attitude of profit over people and life in general.

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
Back in Copenhagen, the Group of 77 (G77) walked out for a while,
but they've wandered back in....or was it the India-China group?

I've got to go & find my Program again. :-?

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
Developing nations return to climate change talks: EU
CBC News - World - Developing nations return to climate change talks: EU

The European Union said developing nations have ended their Monday boycott of
United Nations climate change talks in Copenhagen, allowing negotiations to
continue towards a new global treaty on responding to global warming.

EU environment spokesman Andreas Carlgren says informal negotiations have
resolved the impasse and said the developing nations have found a solution to their
dispute with rich nations, although it's unclear what brought them back to the

China, India and poorer nations walked out of the talks with demands that
developed countries discuss deeper reductions of greenhouse gas emissions.

Formal working groups were cancelled at the 192-nation conference after
developing countries called for the 1997 Kyoto Protocol to be extended past 2012,
when it is expected to expire.

Kyoto imposed penalties on rich nations that did not comply with its strict emission
limits but made no such binding agreements on developing nations. As well, Kyoto
would not apply to non-signatories such as the United States.

Observers suggested the move was an attempt to put pressure on world leaders,
many of whom are expected to arrive in Copenhagen on Tuesday.

"They are trying to put the pressure on", said Gustavo Silva-Chavez, a climate
change specialist with the Environmental Defence Fund. "They want to make sure
that developed countries are not left off the hook."

Canada's Environment Minister Jim Prentice told reporters on Monday the decision
to boycott negotiations was "not particularly helpful" and said "we lost some
important time today."

More than 100 world leaders, including Prime Minister Stephen Harper and U.S.
President Barack Obama, are expected to arrive at the summit for a leader's

The dragging negotiations have spurred protests from environmentalists in the
Danish capital, with hundreds of police keeping a close eye on a demonstration that
attracted over 3,000 activists.

More than 1,200 people were detained in weekend protests, although almost all
were released after questioning.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 27, 2006
Perhaps but sometimes changes pick up momentum as they go along. Maybe the person will find he enjoys the walk to the corner store so next week instead of being once it may be twice. He may find he is delighted with the reduced fuel bill, so he puts on a extra sweater and cuts it back 3 degrees.

I agree with that.

All I'm saying is that we need these new technologies, and we need people to follow your conservation goals :smile:


Time Out
Feb 12, 2007
My father inlaw built a wind turbine for my cottage, works great....along with solar panels and hydro electric power our bills have been reduced over 40%.

It can be done.


Time Out
Nov 7, 2008
Back in Copenhagen, the Group of 77 (G77) walked out for a while,
but they've wandered back in....or was it the India-China group?

I've got to go & find my Program again. :-?

Ron, in any conference, meeting, negotiations etc. there is a lot of back and forth. Some things are done just for show, some are done as a bargaining chip, some are done to throw the adversary off course and so on.

There will be plenty of twists and turns between now and the end of the conference. Let us just wait until the end to judge if it was a success or a failure.


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 28, 2007
The snow will shut them down.

Forecast for Copenhagen

issued Tuesday December 15 at 11:30 hours

WednesdayCloudy with heavy snowfall. Maximum day temperatures around 2 degrees Celsius, minimum night temperatures around minus 3 degrees Celsius. Up to fresh wind.

ThursdayCloudy with a little snow. Maximum day temperatures around minus 1 degrees Celsius, minimum night temperatures around minus 7 degrees Celsius. Up to strong wind.

FridaySunny spells. Maximum day temperatures around minus 3 degrees Celsius, minimum night temperatures around minus 12 degrees Celsius. Up to fresh wind.

SaturdayCloudy weather. Maximum day temperatures around 0 degrees Celsius, minimum night temperatures around minus 2 degrees Celsius. Up to fresh wind.

SundayCloudy with some snow. Maximum day temperatures around 1 degrees Celsius, minimum night temperatures around minus 3 degrees Celsius. Up to fresh wind.


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 28, 2007


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 27, 2006
Even for a spoof that's poor quality. Can't even space "to_find____logic__and__reason" evenly. It's not surprising that the simple science stuff goes over their head.



Hall of Fame Member
Jan 28, 2007
December 16, 2009
Gore's end run around the press in Copenhagen

Ralph Alter

[FONT=times new roman,times]Surrounded by a phalanx of blockers including the lady press secretary showing a pretty solid stiff-arm, Al Gore demonstrates the Warmist End Run in the video provided by Phelim McAleer:[/FONT]
YouTube - Inconvenient Question to Al Gore

[FONT=times new roman,times]The Washington Redskins could benefit from studying the film and might want to recruit a couple of the beefy blockers employed by the United Nations to protect their primary breadwinner.[/FONT]
[FONT=times new roman,times]Mr. McAleer's treatment at the hands of Gore's blue-shirts speaks volumes about the tenability of Gore's increasingly discredited bloviation. [/FONT]


Hall of Fame Member
Jul 5, 2009
lmao I liked this description:
The conspiracy theory in question, which has been given unparalleled publicity ahead of the Copenhagen summit, goes like this: several thousand leading scientists, seeking to secure research funding, have corrupted global temperature data to stay in the pay of governments bent upon extorting higher taxes through the dissemination of scare stories about so-called global warming. Climate change is a hoax propagated by greedy academics and greens, better described as "the new reds".
Climate Change Deniers Cost the Earth |


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 27, 2006
If politicians follow the advice of scientists, and actually cut the emissions that the scientists are saying is necessary, do you think the amount of money given out as grants to climate science will go up, or down?

They're not asking for more money to study this issue. The scientists who go against the IPCC and the national academies of science are saying we need to understand more.

Objectively, the shoe is on the other foot. But objectivity seems to be in short supply these days.