Palin roasts Obama in rousing convention speech


Doctor of Thinkology
Feb 23, 2006
Actually, despite their closeness in the polls, I think Obama will drag out enough of the black and youth vote to soundly trounce McCain.

But, I rarely am correct in political predictions.

So, we'll see.

I'd like to be wrong on this one.
It will be close but I don't think Obama still has to add too much to offset the color barrier to win.


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
Ha ha.... panic? Oh no, wez don't know what to do about Palin...... *slaps cheeks in horror*

Well...they don't know what to do about her.

She's a friggin joke. Everybody is relating her to Dick Cheney with her tough attitude and not backing down ways..... now that's a wonderful comparison.... since Dick has done such a great job so far with that attitude.

The Dems aren't laughing. She dope slapped Obama and he has been humbled. I am sure they are going to make every attempt to compare her to Dick...but there is no comparison. The left keeps bringing up Bush and Cheney...but they aren't even running.

no..... it's either his way, or no other way. Screw what American Citizens want, I know best, and like Bush, I'll stick to my guns even if I know I'm wrong.

Well that is your strong opinion...but he is not saying that.

And you think the rest of the US wants to have that kind of mentality for another 4 or more years? Even worse: that attitude with no practical experience where it matters......

At first I didn't think so. But now I think McCaine will be able to pull it off. Who knows what the next few months will bring but as of now they are neck and neck. McCaine closed the gap even before the RNC.

If McCain dies from an over powering fart on the toilet, she'll be in power, and chances are she'd round up all the heathens and deport them, execute all the people who had abortions, turn the schools into secondary Christian Churches, give more guns to the gangs to kill each other off and solve her problem with the "Undesirable" and probably nuke any country that doesn't agree with her......

Colorful...but really no basis of fact. Emotional...but not really possible. This type of talk is what gets the Republicans in the WHite House just about every time.

Sounds like a familiar path the US is already on.

So we have heard...but so far we have not seen it. More of the scare tactics that just turn off the voting public.

She's not that special and all she's doing is saying what everybody wants or expects to hear. I couldn't believe the level of soap opera acting going on in last nights speech.

She sure is causing quite a stir though!

Oh yeah, and McCain's speech was so wonderful last night.....

Glad you agree

protesters sneaking in and holding up their signs, scuffles in the crowd,

More reason why the Dems hardly ever win. People see that and get turned off. Who gets blamed for this? The Dems and Obama. People see that and say...

"Well thats Obama's people... no class"

and him going on about nothing directly in regards to his plans, and just talked up war.... server your country first, join the army, get sent over to Iraq and get killed in the name of your country.....

Must have missed that. I'll go check the transcripts. :roll:

.... because you know, the more people sent over to a war and die, the sooner there can be peace....... great logic he has.

And how has Obama reacted? He at one point said he would withdraw all the troops immediatly. He has gone back on that. So looks like the war goes on no matter who gets in.

Although it did get the republicans all in an uproar and ready to go get blown up, forgetting everything that has happened, how and why it happened.

Not just Republicans...everyone! Working mothers are flocking to McCaine/Palin. That is going to hurt.

And of course when a protester got the spotlight, the whole crowd tries to down them out with chants of "USA! USA! USA!" ~ Yeah, that's a great way to address concerns..... drown it out with patriotic banter and ignore the problems.

And the Democrats would have allowed a protestor to step up to the microphone and state his case? Whenever a hardball question is thrown to a Dem in a town meeting setting he is shouted down. Each and every time...

Heck I remember a guy asking Kerry a tough question... Kerry responded...

"Who are you? Who do you work for?"

They do the same stuff. The guy was not even supposed to be there. It was not their show. Dems are just to blind to realize that whenever their ilk does stuff like that it just turns folks off.

Even McCain told everybody to just simply ignore the "Static" in the crowd..... yes.... ignore the issues.... ignore fellow citizen's concerns...... great image to send everybody.

He was right to do so. A party nomination speech is not the time to debate issues. The goal of the protestor(s) was not to get his view out... it was to cause trouble. To disrupt... to use a form of social protests to spoil the moment. To be noticed. It is an act of desperation.


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 9, 2004
Location, Location
She dope slapped Obama and he has been humbled.

She did? I thought she read a speech (who wrote it, anyway?), made some comments, told everyone how great she is, and how bad the others are, and everyone in the world knew it just another meaningless political speech.

Just like every politician on every side makes. It's all theatre, and the less you believe, the better off you'll be.

It's just advertising. Stop believing any of it. It's all hyperbole and twisted partial facts, whether it's these guys or those guys saying it.


Time Out
Feb 12, 2007
You really can't read English, can you? I guess I'm not surprized.

I sure can pops.

When you accused me of intellectual arrogance, I said "guilty, to a degree", then you accuse me of "pretending to be so innocent" Yep. Okay. Sure. Makes about as much sense as the rest of your post.

So why are you so surprised when people fight back, like I said if you don't want it, don't be suck a dick.:p

You could not, and certainly have not, given me anything close to a bloody fact, just like in the debate above, you just keep smacking yourself in the face.

Awe, isn't that cute, Coply dosen't even know when he's been owned.:lol:

I don't have to be internet tough.

OOOOOOOOOOOO, I'm so scared.:lol:

Judging from your picture you are more creepy than tough old man.:lol:


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
She did? I thought she read a speech (who wrote it, anyway?), made some comments, told everyone how great she is, and how bad the others are, and everyone in the world knew it just another meaningless political speech.

Just like every politician on every side makes. It's all theatre, and the less you believe, the better off you'll be.

It's just advertising. Stop believing any of it. It's all hyperbole and twisted partial facts, whether it's these guys or those guys saying it.

I am sure someone did write her speech, but do you know that as fact? John F. Kennedy had some spectacular speeches in his days... he had two speech writers.


Time Out
Feb 12, 2007
No, I don't know it as a fact, which is why there was a parenthetical question.

Really, some people need to take some basic comprehension classes.

I'm gonna say she didn't write the whole thing, when she talked about international issues you could see her struggle a bit but she was on the mark when she went after Obama and the media.


Doctor of Thinkology
Feb 23, 2006
So far I haven't heard any real meat from the republicans except they want to explore for more oil and build nuclear plants. No where what how when. So far it's flag waving and about a VP that will supposedly change Washington. VP's don't change Washington. They don't have the power to change much of anything. Their only say is if the congress is divided equally. They actually don't do much.


Dec 18, 2007
Halifax, NS & Melbourne, VIC
So far I haven't heard any real meat from the republicans except they want to explore for more oil and build nuclear plants. No where what how when. So far it's flag waving and about a VP that will supposedly change Washington. VP's don't change Washington. They don't have the power to change much of anything. Their only say is if the congress is divided equally. They actually don't do much.

Agreed.... there was a lot of "Thank yous" and a lot of pumping others up for helping them get to where they are.... heck and there was a lot of bashing what the other side opposes, but no clear goals or outlines.... just a bunch of promises with no clear direction.

I mean, if he plans on reducing taxes and trying to reduce the amount people pay to live in the US, how does he plan to start building more oil rigs and nuclear power plants? Where's the money coming from?

McCain talked a lot about how Obama will raise taxes and costs on everything in order to meet his promises, yet McCain will have to resort to doing the exact same thing to meet his own promises.

And cutting out those "Pork" things out of the budget will only go so far..... which Obama already promised to do as well.

Drilling for more oil and seeking technology for clean coal is only a short term solution, not a long term. It not only won't meet the existing demands, but what happens when those resources run low again?

All McCain is doing is supporting the oil companies with this plan, nothing more..... just more of the same.


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
I have no doubt. Same playbook from Bush 04.


The election isn't even here and IF McCaine wins there will be the cry that the GOP has stolen the election. However if Obama wins everything will be on the up and up.

just one more conspiracy that will flourish here. But think of the fun you will have with it! Those threads will go on for at least a year!

lone wolf

Grossly Underrated
Nov 25, 2006
In the bush near Sudbury

The election isn't even here and IF McCaine wins there will be the cry that the GOP has stolen the election. However if Obama wins everything will be on the up and up.

just one more conspiracy that will flourish here. But think of the fun you will have with it! Those threads will go on for at least a year!

If it's not all the "American" way it's a conspiracy. Is blame someone else really Official Policy?

I like Ms.Palin. She's already shaking up Washington politics. It would do Uncle Sam good for some up home reality to square off with the narcissistic state of America.
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Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
If it's not all the "American" way it's a conspiracy. Is blame someone else really Official Policy?

I like Ms.Palin. She's already shaking up Washington politics. It would do Uncle Sam good for some up home reality to square off with the narcissistic state of America.

I don't really get the first part. I think you mean by "American" you mean conservative?

I think blame the other guy is not official policy...but it is surely unwritten policy.

lone wolf

Grossly Underrated
Nov 25, 2006
In the bush near Sudbury
I don't really get the first part. I think you mean by "American" you mean conservative?

I think blame the other guy is not official policy...but it is surely unwritten policy.

Evangelical conservatism ... rabid right ... they who are intolerant of all that isn't their way - and they come in Democrat or Republican. That's why the quotation marks.....


Dec 18, 2007
Halifax, NS & Melbourne, VIC
Another thing that made me feel it was all pretty fake was the signs being held up saying:

"A Real American Hero"

I thought that was GI JOE's thing.

^ Oh wait, my mistake, Real and American are one word..... and I thought that was just bad spelling/grammar.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.
Avro ranted incoherently:

sure can pops.

What is increasingly obvious is no, you can't. I would suggest a course in adult reading comprehension, except that I doubt you qualify as an adult.

So why are you so surprised when people fight back, like I said if you don't want it, don't be suck a dick.:p

That's what I love about you; the quality of your repartee is simply beyond belief. :)

Awe, isn't that cute, Coply dosen't even know when he's been owned.:lol:

What leaves me in awe is the fact that you think you've scored a point..........

OOOOOOOOOOOO, I'm so scared.:lol:

Judging from your picture you are more creepy than tough old man.:lol:

I'm truely sorry you are scared........perhaps a diaper would help?

You know, one of the big reasons I'm not still teaching high school history is because I do not have the talent, the patience, or the tolerance to deal with idiots that can't understand the simplest concepts, but carry on regardless, believing themselves omniscient. You appear to share the psychology of a below-average 15 year old high school student.....and CC ain't even paying me to enlighten your ignorant ass.

I'm done talking to you.



Doctor of Thinkology
Feb 23, 2006

The election isn't even here and IF McCaine wins there will be the cry that the GOP has stolen the election. However if Obama wins everything will be on the up and up.

just one more conspiracy that will flourish here. But think of the fun you will have with it! Those threads will go on for at least a year!
The last week is just a reminder that the US is an evangelical nation, not much different from the extremism in the ME. Rational issue driven discussion gives way to flagwaving bible thumping. Sure people will talk about it. It's really a shame.