Palin roasts Obama in rousing convention speech


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.
The last week is just a reminder that the US is an evangelical nation, not much different from the extremism in the ME. Rational issue driven discussion gives way to flagwaving bible thumping. Sure people will talk about it. It's really a shame.

(my emphasis added)

I will give you that the religious right can be irritatingly intolerant, but I've got to say this is way over the line.

I see no stonings for adultery.

Last time I looked, women were allowed to drive, to be present in the company of men other than their husband or very close relative, to dress as they like.....and to be treated equally under the law.

I've seen no female circumcision.

I've not heard about a woman being executed for being raped.

No hands cut off for minor theft.

No one driven into the church by men with whips.

No fathers legally drowning their 15 year old daughters for necking with a man.

I see no trials for defaming Jesus Christ.....

Nor do I see executions for converting from Christianity.....

You know, Hindus, Sikhs, Confiscians, Buddhists are not required to be executed......

I submit there is no comparison between the religious right and Islamic extremeism

lone wolf

Grossly Underrated
Nov 25, 2006
In the bush near Sudbury
(my emphasis added)

I will give you that the religious right can be irritatingly intolerant, but I've got to say this is way over the line.

I see no stonings for adultery.

Last time I looked, women were allowed to drive, to be present in the company of men other than their husband or very close relative, to dress as they like.....and to be treated equally under the law.

I've seen no female circumcision.

I've not heard about a woman being executed for being raped.

No hands cut off for minor theft.

No one driven into the church by men with whips.

No fathers legally drowning their 15 year old daughters for necking with a man.

I see no trials for defaming Jesus Christ.....

Nor do I see executions for converting from Christianity.....

You know, Hindus, Sikhs, Confiscians, Buddhists are not required to be executed......

I submit there is no comparison between the religious right and Islamic extremeism

Just give them the opportunity and the power Islamic clerics have..... We've already heard condemnations for abortion, gay marriage, wanton sex.....

Really, all you need is the impression to set off the jihad on the other side of the fence.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 27, 2006
I don't know Colpy, I took what Kreskin said for the whole message. It seems to me that he said they aren't much different, and the comparison was the following sentence. Rational issue driven discussion gives way for flag-waving/flag-burning bible thumping/quran quoting. Not much different really.

As to what you said, that's true, but I don't think that was the intention of Kreskin at all.


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
The last week is just a reminder that the US is an evangelical nation, not much different from the extremism in the ME. Rational issue driven discussion gives way to flagwaving bible thumping. Sure people will talk about it. It's really a shame.

Well that is what the left likes to trump up. But Christians get pushed all over this country. They are the easiest targets. We are not evangelical at all. When they bring up the "Christian Right" it is just another form of slander. It puts people on the defense.

"Wait a minute...I am not part of the Christian Right."
"'re a bible thumping jack booted flag waver!"

Thats how it is done!

lone wolf

Grossly Underrated
Nov 25, 2006
In the bush near Sudbury
Well that is what the left likes to trump up. But Christians get pushed all over this country. They are the easiest targets. We are not evangelical at all. When they bring up the "Christian Right" it is just another form of slander. It puts people on the defense.

"Wait a minute...I am not part of the Christian Right."
"'re a bible thumping jack booted flag waver!"

Thats how it is done!

Christians get pushed all over? Heiffer dust! "By God's will", spouted by your grand pooba, is pushing alright....


Dec 18, 2007
Halifax, NS & Melbourne, VIC
The last week is just a reminder that the US is an evangelical nation, not much different from the extremism in the ME. Rational issue driven discussion gives way to flagwaving bible thumping. Sure people will talk about it. It's really a shame.

And yet when I relate the two, people can't see the comparisons :dontknow:


Doctor of Thinkology
Feb 23, 2006
Well that is what the left likes to trump up. But Christians get pushed all over this country. They are the easiest targets. We are not evangelical at all. When they bring up the "Christian Right" it is just another form of slander. It puts people on the defense.

"Wait a minute...I am not part of the Christian Right."
"'re a bible thumping jack booted flag waver!"

Thats how it is done!
Geez ES, did you watch the convention? When did McCain become a God fearing evengelical? A - When he needed to win the Presidency. Certainly he didn't believe this stuff when the angry Christian right railroaded him and his family when he and Bush ran against each other. He isn't stupid. Being a real Maverick doesn't work. He's a good man but he has sold himself out to rally the base because that's what works in that divisive party and half of the country. Some day that country will grow up and good men like McCain won't have to resort to that baloney.


Dec 18, 2007
Halifax, NS & Melbourne, VIC
(my emphasis added)

I will give you that the religious right can be irritatingly intolerant, but I've got to say this is way over the line.

Depends on which side of the line you stand.

I see no stonings for adultery.

But there's still beatings, cross burnings, and casting out of people in communities due to their race or sexual preference.... or if they had an abortion. The hatred and intollerance is still the same, just different actions.

Last time I looked, women were allowed to drive, to be present in the company of men other than their husband or very close relative, to dress as they like.....and to be treated equally under the law.

Yet gays can't marry or have open relationships in public without getting heckled or insulted, being called f*gs or having something chucked at them..... or just simply swarmed and beaten for who they are and what they do.

I've seen no female circumcision.

I've heard of those being done in Africa, by strong christian faithed tribes and communities. I honestly don't remember hearing of this occuring in Muslim nations, but then again, I haven't bothered to look it up. Knowing that there are christians around the world who do this, sorta cancels out your comparison.

I've not heard about a woman being executed for being raped.

Usually it's got nothing to do with being raped, but what they did against their own laws that brought the situation to hand. The rapist is also delt with.

No hands cut off for minor theft.

Perhaps they should.

No one driven into the church by men with whips.

Ok, now you're pulling sh*t out of your arse and playing with it.

No fathers legally drowning their 15 year old daughters for necking with a man.

Oh, there has been a few. Our little girl dating a black man?.... .look out.... of course it's illegal here, but all they have to do is banter on about religion this and religion that, and they get off due to insanity.

I see no trials for defaming Jesus Christ.....

Yet there's the book burnings of Harry Potter and boycotts of the movies because it promotes Witchcraft..... Ooooooo.... Don't forget about the Golden Compass..... and you thought Muslims were silly?

Nor do I see executions for converting from Christianity.....

Yet we have Mormons and Witnesses constantly harrassing everybody, telling them they're sinners and pressuring them to join their religion. Crazy religious wing nuts who stomp their feet, ignore rational thought, and try to drown out opposition to their views like little children not getting their way.

Not to mention they're trying to push Creationism into regular/public schools..... trying to force people to have no choice in their lives when it comes to having children or not..... trying to ban condoms and birth control because they promote immoral behavior.

And those are just the first steps..... I bet you as soon as they get a foothold and get their beliefs imposed on the rest of society, the executions will come soon enough.

You know, Hindus, Sikhs, Confiscians, Buddhists are not required to be executed......

I submit there is no comparison between the religious right and Islamic extremeism

Oh there's plenty, just in different approaches. They're both screwed up in their heads, both think their ways are the right ways, both think they have the right to force their beliefs onto others, both are trying to get their morals and religion thrown into everybody's lives, regardless of what they believe, Both are trying to push their religions to be incorporated into the governments everyday. Both justify their "evil doings" as being God's way.

You're just trying to split hairs between the two and saying there is no comparison. The only real difference between the two is that Christians have been placed under control a bit better for the time being. Give Extremist Christians the freedom for their religion as Extremist Muslims, and they'd probably be even worse.

Oh, don't forget about the raping and sexual molesting of children by the church..... oh and don't forget about the Roman Catholics trying to breed out and assemilate the Natives here in Canada.

When you compare the amount of atrocities each religion has done to our fellow man since their creations, Christianity beats out Muslims ten fold.


House Member
Aug 28, 2006
Its an election. Everyone involved on all sides are politicians.

You will not see an honest potrayal of any of the 4 until after the election. Its no different than any other election in any country in the world.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.

Depends on which side of the line you stand.

Not really....

But there's still beatings, cross burnings, and casting out of people in communities due to their race or sexual preference.... or if they had an abortion. The hatred and intollerance is still the same, just different actions.
Yet gays can't marry or have open relationships in public without getting heckled or insulted, being called f*gs or having something chucked at them..... or just simply swarmed and beaten for who they are and what they do.

If someone is assaulted, the perpetrators of that assault go to jail. Some looney anywhere will do something outrageous....the difference is the loonies in the Christian society of the USA are in a distinct minority, and are prosecuted when they hurt people. In the Islamic ME, the loonies are running the asylum.

I've heard of those being done in Africa, by strong christian faithed tribes and communities. I honestly don't remember hearing of this occuring in Muslim nations, but then again, I haven't bothered to look it up. Knowing that there are christians around the world who do this, sorta cancels out your comparison.

That would be true, except Female Genital Mutilation is an exclusively Muslim practice.....I can find no reference to its use by any Christian, certainly not in modern times. Ooops.

Usually it's got nothing to do with being raped, but what they did against their own laws that brought the situation to hand. The rapist is also delt with.

So, you think it is okay to execute a woman for being raped? I know I must be misunderstanding your post, or at least I hope so........but yes, conservative Islamic courts sentence women who have been raped to death. This is unacceptable, I don't give a hoot what their laws are.

And yes, the religious police in Saudi Arabia drive the "faithful" into places of worship at the prayer call, five times a day, and yes, they use whips.

Oh, there has been a few. Our little girl dating a black man?.... .look out.... of course it's illegal here, but all they have to do is banter on about religion this and religion that, and they get off due to insanity.

See my first answer.

Yet there's the book burnings of Harry Potter and boycotts of the movies because it promotes Witchcraft..... Ooooooo.... Don't forget about the Golden Compass..... and you thought Muslims were silly?

Not supported by the state, no one dies..........freedom of speech allows peaceful protest of whatever you think is wrong. I think you can see the difference between having your financially successful book/movie whatever boycotted.....and having murderous riots, fatwas endorsing your death, and charges and execution by the state.

Yet we have Mormons and Witnesses constantly harrassing everybody, telling them they're sinners and pressuring them to join their religion. Crazy religious wing nuts who stomp their feet, ignore rational thought, and try to drown out opposition to their views like little children not getting their way.

Not to mention they're trying to push Creationism into regular/public schools..... trying to force people to have no choice in their lives when it comes to having children or not..... trying to ban condoms and birth control because they promote immoral behavior.

And those are just the first steps..... I bet you as soon as they get a foothold and get their beliefs imposed on the rest of society, the executions will come soon enough


You have heard of freedom of speech? Peacefully expressing dissent is perfectly acceptable in the Christian west......try it in Saudi Arabia.......

When was the last time anyone in the Christian west was executed for a religious crime? 300 years ago? And Christianity has been the dominant force in the west for about 250 of those 300 years.

Oh there's plenty, just in different approaches. They're both screwed up in their heads, both think their ways are the right ways, both think they have the right to force their beliefs onto others, both are trying to get their morals and religion thrown into everybody's lives, regardless of what they believe, Both are trying to push their religions to be incorporated into the governments everyday. Both justify their "evil doings" as being God's way.

Okay, so you are a non-believer. Perfectly OK. Try this little sppech in an Islamic State. Bye-bye head.

You're just trying to split hairs between the two and saying there is no comparison. The only real difference between the two is that Christians have been placed under control a bit better for the time being. Give Extremist Christians the freedom for their religion as Extremist Muslims, and they'd probably be even worse.

Baloney. There is no comparison. Christians built the free west.

Oh, don't forget about the raping and sexual molesting of children by the church..... oh and don't forget about the Roman Catholics trying to breed out and assemilate the Natives here in Canada.

I never said they were perfect.........

When you compare the amount of atrocities each religion has done to our fellow man since their creations, Christianity beats out Muslims ten fold.[

I strongly doubt that.......

Socrates the Greek

I Remember them....
Apr 15, 2006
Fashionistas aside, what about the economy? Has anyone talked about how they are going to get things put back on track, people in jobs and houses? Or do Americans really find that it's most important whose bitch is sporting a pearl necklace?

Unforgiven you hit the nail on the head…… People are loosing their homes by the hundreds of thousands, and the Fashionistas as you correctly call them are talking nothing but bull SH!T……throwing rocks at Obama will not solve the problem of the Economy and the housing crisis in the US. I really hope the American people can see through these pathetic right wing losers………..