Palin roasts Obama in rousing convention speech


May 24, 2006
Phony artificial humanity……………. She is capable as first lady to help the poor…:x:x……..what a bunch of phony F losers. The children on the American ghettos with no food to eat will benefit from a bich who feels she should wear a $3000 dress, so she can be easily identified as one of US’S ELITE…:roll::roll::roll:…..Ye voting for losers like that is like taking a crap on a ones voting franchise……….
Hey just because you can't afford a $3000 dress doesn't mean she can't... What she does with her own money is only her own business, not yours.

Socrates the Greek

I Remember them....
Apr 15, 2006
Hey just because you can't afford a $3000 dress doesn't mean she can't... What she does with her own money is only her own business, not yours.

Hahahahahaha Risus first of all I don’t wear dresses or kilts, but the optics show the woman is a vanity queen and poor is a bad smell for her, just imagine what she would do for the poor……………sweet f all. :p
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Time Out
Feb 12, 2007
Bill Clinton was scum.....IMHO guilty of treason for the removal of restrictions on the sale of computer technology used in missiles to the return for a large election contribution. To say nothing of perjury, rape, and theft of public property.

Oh, did you know the practise of "rendition" the passing of suspects to foreign countries for torture, was approved by Clinton?

Bush can't seem to read the Constitution.......

I wouldn't vote for either.

BTW, dumbass, I've actually got an education in history and political science, you are simply an insulting little pissant.

Your skills seem limited to idiotic accusations, slurs, misuse of the English language, and Orwellian double-think.

If Clinton was guilty of treason why has he not been executed?

.....because it's not true?

So now you don't beleive in torture?

Is that all you can come with against Clinton?

Clinton....wait for it....was a fiscal conservative applauded by Alan Greenspan, hardly a lefty.

Bush ruined everything Clinton and Newt did for the economy while destroying any credibilty the U.S. had around the world.

I'd take Clinton any day over Bush or McCain the mini-Bush.

Education? Perhaps you should prove it sometime by writing something smart.

You just went all tough online and you want me to believe you're educated.....LMAO!


May 24, 2006
Hahahahahaha Risus first of all I don’t wear dresses or kilts, but the optics show the woman is a vanity queen and poor is a bad smell for here, just imagine what she would do for the poor……………sweet f all. :p
Well, I'm not sure about your 'dress' comment, but seriously an image has to be set: you don't want a president or first lady candidate wearing rags....
Still its none of your business....


Time Out
Feb 12, 2007
Well, I'm not sure about your 'dress' comment, but seriously an image has to be set: you don't want a president or first lady candidate wearing rags....
Still its none of your business....

An image of elitism when they are trying to win the votes of hard working American families losing their homes isn't smart politics.

Socrates the Greek

I Remember them....
Apr 15, 2006
Well, I'm not sure about your 'dress' comment, but seriously an image has to be set: you don't want a president or first lady candidate wearing rags....
Still its none of your business....

Hey Rags to $3000 for the dress alone, not counting on a total evening photo up session she is probably wearing $50.000 worth when you total up DIAMONDS and the rest, and oh by the way, a braw for her and a pair of panties is probably $300 range…
$50000 to look good, one responsible individual could easily get away looking the greatest with only $2000 - $3000 per dress up, to fit the image of a first man or first lady…….
So, my pal Risus, she is a F ELITIST………………………….and that is what the American people should pay attention too………………Not the Bull sh!t right wing spin for three quarters of Palin’s speech….That is what the American people should pay close attention too…….

Socrates the Greek

I Remember them....
Apr 15, 2006
Yeah, they probably drugged the baby so it wouldn't cry out and disturb their brainwashing *snickers*

Yeah, I know, a bad joke..... and yet, I somewhat think it could be true.

Oh............ that was the stupidest optic of this session; the poor kid was sleeping during this stupid phony episode, and for sure the kid never will never remember a f thing of what happened there that night

. I wander what the poor kid was dreaming about, during the screaming which kept on coming on a 30 second interval. Soooooo self serving for the Polin’s to bring the kid just for the optics like caring a ****ING CHANEL BAG. That makes me so f angry when we see how phony the right wing can be…………………………………. :angry3:
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Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.
If Clinton was guilty of treason why has he not been executed?

.....because it's not true?

So now you don't beleive in torture?

Is that all you can come with against Clinton?

Clinton....wait for it....was a fiscal conservative applauded by Alan Greenspan, hardly a lefty.

Bush ruined everything Clinton and Newt did for the economy while destroying any credibilty the U.S. had around the world.

I'd take Clinton any day over Bush or McCain the mini-Bush.

Education? Perhaps you should prove it sometime by writing something smart.

You just went all tough online and you want me to believe you're educated.....LMAO!

Avro, do you read any of the posts on here?

i have often spoken out against Bush's domestic anti-terror legislation, I have repeatedly said there is absolutely no excuse for torture......and water-boarding is torture, I have criticized the use of military tribunals and trial as obviously unconstitutional under the Fifth Amendment.

There are lots of people on here I disagree with as much or more than I disagree with you......but I manage to get along with almost all of them, and I actually like a bunch of them.

What proves your lack of intellectual depth is the fact that you seem incapable of simple debate without insult. You attack personally with no started this entire exchange of insults by calling me a half-wit.....hmmmmmmm

You don't just fight back, you start it every time.

Not smart.

Why don't you try behaving as if you had half a brain? Them maybe one could actually take you seriously.


May 24, 2006
Hey Rags to $3000 for the dress alone, not counting on a total evening photo up session she is probably wearing $50.000 worth when you total up DIAMONDS and the rest, and oh by the way, a braw for her and a pair of panties is probably $300 range…
$50000 to look good, one responsible individual could easily get away looking the greatest with only $2000 - $3000 per dress up, to fit the image of a first man or first lady…….
So, my pal Risus, she is a F ELITIST………………………….and that is what the American people should pay attention too………………Not the Bull sh!t right wing spin for three quarters of Palin’s speech….That is what the American people should pay close attention too…….
What the hell is a braw????

Anyway what she wears is no one's business. You are just guessing at these figures, and having someone on stage wearing torn blue jeans just won't cut it, so give it a rest...

Considering the alternative option, maybe tattered blue jeans would work, cause obama will never get elected.


Time Out
Feb 12, 2007
Avro, do you read any of the posts on here?

i have often spoken out against Bush's domestic anti-terror legislation, I have repeatedly said there is absolutely no excuse for torture......and water-boarding is torture, I have criticized the use of military tribunals and trial as obviously unconstitutional under the Fifth Amendment.

There are lots of people on here I disagree with as much or more than I disagree with you......but I manage to get along with almost all of them, and I actually like a bunch of them.

What proves your lack of intellectual depth is the fact that you seem incapable of simple debate without insult. You attack personally with no started this entire exchange of insults by calling me a half-wit.....hmmmmmmm

You don't just fight back, you start it every time.

Not smart.

Why don't you try behaving as if you had half a brain? Them maybe one could actually take you seriously.

Pot meet kettle.:roll:

Colpy, dear old Colpy, if you have an argument with someone on here and they don't agree with you, tell me you don't treat them like children in a class room, please if your gonna take the high road have a leg to stand on. I won't be patronized nor should anybody else on here so if you can't take a little bloody nose don't dish it out.

Class dismissed.:lol:

Btw, you and I are closer on issues than you think and I commend you on being the only con I know who sees that Bush has pissed on the U.S. constitution. A document meant to protect people from the government and not the government from the people.;-)

Which is why I find it odd that you would support the same party that made this mess and believe they are the ones to fix it.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.
Pot meet kettle.:roll:

Colpy, dear old Colpy, if you have an argument with someone on here and they don't agree with you, tell me you don't treat them like children in a class room, please if your gonna take the high road have a leg to stand on. I won't be patronized nor should anybody else on here so if you can't take a little bloody nose don't dish it out.

Class dismissed.:lol:

Btw, you and I are closer on issues than you think and I commend you on being the only con I know who sees that Bush has pissed on the U.S. constitution. A document meant to protect people from the government and not the government from the people.;-)

Which is why I find it odd that you would support the same party that made this mess and believe they are the ones to fix it.

Me? Accused of intellectual arrogance?

Guilty, to a degree.

However, I don't resort to initiating name-calling as a rule..........

I know we agree on a number of things.

And you still couldn't give me a bloody nose in a month of trying.


Force majeure
May 28, 2007
Fashionistas aside, what about the economy? Has anyone talked about how they are going to get things put back on track, people in jobs and houses? Or do Americans really find that it's most important whose bitch is sporting a pearl necklace?


Time Out
Feb 12, 2007
Me? Accused of intellectual arrogance?

Guilty, to a degree.

However, I don't resort to initiating name-calling as a rule..........

I know we agree on a number of things.

And you still couldn't give me a bloody nose in a month of trying.

You talk down to people Coply when they don't subscribe to your ideology, a trait held by many of the intellectual elite, I won't put up with it nor should any other member here, so stop pretending to be oh so innocent.:roll:

I already have given you a bloody nose, a regular Joe against an intellectual elite like yourself and you still stumble a fumble over the issue of Palin's hypocrisy.:lol:

Unless of course you are getting all internet tough again, telling us all how macho you are.:lol::roll:


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
Boy...the lefties are even starting to panic up in Canada! You should hear them down here. They do not know what to do about Palin. :lol:


Dec 18, 2007
Halifax, NS & Melbourne, VIC
Boy...the lefties are even starting to panic up in Canada! You should hear them down here. They do not know what to do about Palin. :lol:

Ha ha.... panic? Oh no, wez don't know what to do about Palin...... *slaps cheeks in horror*

She's a friggin joke. Everybody is relating her to Dick Cheney with her tough attitude and not backing down ways..... now that's a wonderful comparison.... since Dick has done such a great job so far with that attitude.

no..... it's either his way, or no other way. Screw what American Citizens want, I know best, and like Bush, I'll stick to my guns even if I know I'm wrong.

And you think the rest of the US wants to have that kind of mentality for another 4 or more years? Even worse: that attitude with no practical experience where it matters......

If McCain dies from an over powering fart on the toilet, she'll be in power, and chances are she'd round up all the heathens and deport them, execute all the people who had abortions, turn the schools into secondary Christian Churches, give more guns to the gangs to kill each other off and solve her problem with the "Undesirable" and probably nuke any country that doesn't agree with her......

Sounds like a familiar path the US is already on.

She's not that special and all she's doing is saying what everybody wants or expects to hear. I couldn't believe the level of soap opera acting going on in last nights speech.

Oh yeah, and McCain's speech was so wonderful last night..... protesters sneaking in and holding up their signs, scuffles in the crowd, and him going on about nothing directly in regards to his plans, and just talked up war.... server your country first, join the army, get sent over to Iraq and get killed in the name of your country.....

.... because you know, the more people sent over to a war and die, the sooner there can be peace....... great logic he has.

Although it did get the republicans all in an uproar and ready to go get blown up, forgetting everything that has happened, how and why it happened.

And of course when a protester got the spotlight, the whole crowd tries to down them out with chants of "USA! USA! USA!" ~ Yeah, that's a great way to address concerns..... drown it out with patriotic banter and ignore the problems.

Even McCain told everybody to just simply ignore the "Static" in the crowd..... yes.... ignore the issues.... ignore fellow citizen's concerns...... great image to send everybody.


House Member
Dec 1, 2004
Saint John N.B.
America deserves better than those 2, but more than likely will end up having the same old policies in effect. I'm afraid for the future of the USA, if the Reps. win this one.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.
You talk down to people Coply when they don't subscribe to your ideology, a trait held by many of the intellectual elite, I won't put up with it nor should any other member here, so stop pretending to be oh so innocent.:roll:

I already have given you a bloody nose, a regular Joe against an intellectual elite like yourself and you still stumble a fumble over the issue of Palin's hypocrisy.:lol:

Unless of course you are getting all internet tough again, telling us all how macho you are.:lol::roll:

You really can't read English, can you? I guess I'm not surprized.

When you accused me of intellectual arrogance, I said "guilty, to a degree", then you accuse me of "pretending to be so innocent" Yep. Okay. Sure. Makes about as much sense as the rest of your post.

You could not, and certainly have not, given me anything close to a bloody fact, just like in the debate above, you just keep smacking yourself in the face.

I don't have to be internet tough.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.
America deserves better than those 2, but more than likely will end up having the same old policies in effect. I'm afraid for the future of the USA, if the Reps. win this one.

Actually, despite their closeness in the polls, I think Obama will drag out enough of the black and youth vote to soundly trounce McCain.

But, I rarely am correct in political predictions.

So, we'll see.

I'd like to be wrong on this one.