Our cooling world


Trolling Hypocrites
May 27, 2007
Northern Ontario,
Well, if you take the average depth of the ocean, say 5000 m, and you heated it up a little bit, say so the density decreased from 1000 kg/m3 to, say, 999.99 kg/m3, you would raise the sea level by 50 mm. It doesn't take much, given the volumes involved.
I can see that you have no practical knowledge of the process of heating water......
By the time the water at the bottom of the ocean would heat up just a few degrees, the surface would have to be boiling....If you did any scuba diving in the ocean you would notice big difference in water temperature at 75 ft compared to the surface.
Next time you go camping, if you ain't a city slicker.....try something I've done a number of times to fool newbies in the bush....bring a can of water to a boil over an open fire, or camp stove, pick it up on the edge with a gloved hand, then put the bottom in your other bare hand.....You will notice that it takes a while for the heat to transfer to the bottom of the can.....heat rises you know.
That's why common sense trumps bullshyte!


House Member
Apr 12, 2013
Does it work the same at 223atm?


I can see that you have no practical knowledge of the process of heating water......
By the time the water at the bottom of the ocean would heat up just a few degrees, the surface would have to be boiling....If you did any scuba diving in the ocean you would notice big difference in water temperature at 75 ft compared to the surface.
Next time you go camping, if you ain't a city slicker.....try something I've done a number of times to fool newbies in the bush....bring a can of water to a boil over an open fire, or camp stove, pick it up on the edge with a gloved hand, then put the bottom in your other bare hand.....You will notice that it takes a while for the heat to transfer to the bottom of the can.....heat rises you know.
That's why common sense trumps bullshyte!

Well what can I say? I'm somewhat flabbergasted that people would actually deny that warmer water takes up more volume than cooler water. I guess I shouldn't be, given the level of knowledge of most deniers. The fact that this is easily demonstrable given the simplest equipment, and that it is an experiment conducted thousands of teim in high school science classes across the nation, just seems to have no impact at all. Deny, deny, deny.

Why don't you try it? Heat up water. See if it's level rises or falls.

Here you can even watch it live on youtube:

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Trolling Hypocrites
May 27, 2007
Northern Ontario,
BTW a 60 degree Celsius difference in temperature will increase the volume of 1 liter of water to 1.0126 liter..and that would mean such increase would have to go all the way to the bottom of the ocean for any measurable difference..
So this theory is a non issue.....


Well what can I say? I'm somewhat flabbergasted that people would actually deny that warmer water takes up more volume than cooler water. I guess I shouldn't be, given the level of knowledge of most deniers. The fact that this is easily demonstrable given the simplest equipment, and that it is an experiment conducted thousands of teim in high school science classes across the nation, just seems to have no impact at all. Deny, deny, deny.

Why don't you try it? Heat up water. See if it's level rises or falls.

Here you can even watch it live on youtube:
Gawd you're gullible......The thing with the straw is to impress gullible people the surface area of the water rising in the straw being much smaller than the bottle...and the surface of the ocean is wider at the top...(The exact opposite of the youtube illustration) BTW you still have time to fix your https.

The actual expansion is actual only 1% if the whole ocean was heated by 60 Celsius degrees.....

Common sense man.....common sense....


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Gawd you're gullible......The thing with the straw is to impress gullible people the surface area of the water rising in the straw being much smaller than the bottle...and the surface of the ocean is wider at the top...(The exact opposite of the youtube illustration) BTW you still have time to fix your https.

The actual expansion is actual only 1% if the whole ocean was heated by 60 Celsius degrees.....

Common sense man.....common sense....

In the 21st century, greenhouse gases have continued to accumulate in the atmosphere, just as they did in the 20th century, but global average surface air temperatures have stopped rising in tandem with the gases. The temperature of the top half of the world's oceans -- above the 1.24-mile mark -- is still climbing, but not fast enough to account for the stalled air temperatures.

Many processes on land, air and sea have been invoked to explain what is happening to the "missing" heat. One of the most prominent ideas is that the bottom half of the ocean is taking up the slack, but supporting evidence is slim. This latest study is the first to test the idea using satellite observations, as well as direct temperature measurements of the upper ocean. Scientists have been taking the temperature of the top half of the ocean directly since 2005, using a network of 3,000 floating temperature probes called the Argo array.

"The deep parts of the ocean are harder to measure," said JPL's William Llovel, lead author of the study published Sunday in the journal Nature Climate Change. "The combination of satellite and direct temperature data gives us a glimpse of how much sea level rise is due to deep warming. The answer is -- not much."

The study took advantage of the fact that water expands as it gets warmer. The sea level is rising because of this expansion and the water added by glacier and ice sheet melt.

While the upper part of the world’s oceans continue to absorb heat from global warming, ocean depths have not warmed measurably in the last decade. This image shows heat radiating from the Pacific Ocean as imaged by the NASA’s Clouds and the Earth's Radiant Energy System instrument on the Terra satellite. (Blue regions indicate thick cloud cover.) Image credit: NASA

To arrive at their conclusion, the JPL scientists did a straightforward subtraction calculation, using data for 2005-2013 from the Argo buoys, NASA's Jason-1 and Jason-2 satellites, and the agency’s Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE) satellites. From the total amount of sea level rise, they subtracted the amount of rise from the expansion in the upper ocean, and the amount of rise that came from added meltwater. The remainder represented the amount of sea level rise caused by warming in the deep ocean.

The remainder was essentially zero. Deep ocean warming contributed virtually nothing to sea level rise during this period.

Study Finds Earth’s Ocean Abyss Has Not Warmed - NASA Science


House Member
Apr 12, 2013
Gawd you're gullible......The thing with the straw is to impress gullible people the surface area of the water rising in the straw being much smaller than the bottle...and the surface of the ocean is wider at the top...(The exact opposite of the youtube illustration) BTW you still have time to fix your https.

The actual expansion is actual only 1% if the whole ocean was heated by 60 Celsius degrees.....

Common sense man.....common sense....

I already did the math earlier on that. I guess you missed it or didn't understand it. I could do it again, but what would be the point? If you're stupid you won't get it, and if you're ignorant you'll ignore it. Or a troll, which actually seems the most likely.


The study took advantage of the fact that water expands as it gets warmer. T

And...change the subject. The petros dance once again. Spends three pages trying to convince me that warm water doesn't expand. Quotes a study based on expansion of warm water. :lol:


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
I already did the math earlier on that. I guess you missed it or didn't understand it. I could do it again, but what would be the point? If you're stupid you won't get it, and if you're ignorant you'll ignore it. Or a troll, which actually seems the most likely.

And...change the subject. The petros dance once again. Spends three pages trying to convince me that warm water doesn't expand. Quotes a study based on expansion of warm water. :lol:
I posted that to DaS as a " hey, NASA needs to learn your parlour trick".

Why does NASA say warming has flatlined while gas and temp increases have parted ways? Do you remember me saying they've known that gas and temp corellations go their own way in previous interglacials or were you being ignorant, stupid or trolling?

Or perhaps we are seeing the theory collapse as irradiance diminishes?


House Member
Apr 12, 2013
I posted that to DaS as a " hey, NASA needs to learn your parlour trick".

Why does NASA say warming has flatlined while gas and temp increases have parted ways? Do you remember me saying they've known that gas and temp corellations go their own way in previous interglacials or were you being ignorant, stupid or trolling?

Or perhaps we are seeing the theory collapse as irradiance diminishes?

And changing the subject once again. The Petros Dance.

Sorry, I can't have a scientific discussion with a guy who can't even accept that warming water expands. Again--stupid, ignorant or trolling. And like DaS I suspect the latter.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
I'll admit I erred. Boil point was what I was thinking. But the CO2/temp correlation falling apart still stands as it is widely accepted.

Same goes for the flatlined temps and diminishing irradiance.


Trolling Hypocrites
May 27, 2007
Northern Ontario,
I already did the math earlier on that. I guess you missed it or didn't understand it. I could do it again, but what would be the point? If you're stupid you won't get it, and if you're ignorant you'll ignore it. Or a troll, which actually seems the most likely.

And...change the subject. The petros dance once again. Spends three pages trying to convince me that warm water doesn't expand. Quotes a study based on expansion of warm water. :lol:
What you tried was a little parlor trick that they do for grade school kids to indoctrinate them to your bullshyte.....


House Member
Apr 12, 2013
What you tried was a little parlor trick that they do for grade school kids to indoctrinate them to your bullshyte.....

Yes I think that actually having the kids see for themselves demonstrates an important principle of science, allows them to apply that knowledge to one of the threats of global warming and--perhaps best of all--because they see it for themsleves, because they do it themslevs, it inoculates them from your bullshyte. Surface area of the bottle? Seriously? :lol:


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Was it a threat when seas retreated a few hundred years back?

What preposterous notion made you believe it was to remain at the coldest point in the entire Holocene?


Trolling Hypocrites
May 27, 2007
Northern Ontario,
Yes I think that actually having the kids see for themselves demonstrates an important principle of science, allows them to apply that knowledge to one of the threats of global warming and--perhaps best of all--because they see it for themsleves, because they do it themslevs, it inoculates them from your bullshyte. Surface area of the bottle? Seriously? :lol:
Man... wake up...if you had the same water heated in a straight sided tube instead of up a tiny straw you wouldn't even be able to see the expansion ....it's trickery same as those graphs that zoom on a small percentage instead of showing the whole!


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Man... wake up...if you had the same water heated in a straight sided tube instead of up a tiny straw you wouldn't even be able to see the expansion ....it's trickery same as those graphs that zoom on a small percentage instead of showing the whole!

But can you explain why were going back to normal instead of remaining cold? Huh? Huh? Huh? Hey now? LOL!