Omnibus Jeffrey Epstein & Ghislaine Maxwell


Trolling Hypocrites
May 27, 2007
Northern Ontario,
You know, when I was working making newsprint, one of our customers was the Toronto Star.
One year, a few of us who made the paper they printed the news on were invited for an all expense paid visit to their to their printing facility just north of Toronto.
Also got a one year free subscription.
even with all that I still read our local newspaper, also the timmins press
I don't restrict myself to a single source to read and quote!!!!!
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Hall of Fame Member
Oct 26, 2009
You know, when I was working making newsprint, one of our customers was the Toronto Star.
One year, a few of us who made the paper they printed the news on were invited for an all expense paid visit to their to their printing facility just north of Toronto.
Also got a one year free subscription.
even with all that I still read our local newspaper, also the timmins press
I don't restrict myself to a single source to read and quote
i posted from the citynews website and got criticized for that. no matter what is posted there will always be posters that will find fault. 💡


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 26, 2009
Jeffrey Epstein victim claims Virginia Roberts 'sexually assaulted' her
Author of the article:Brad Hunter
Publishing date:Jun 09, 2022 • 1 day ago • 2 minute read • 27 Comments

A high-profile victim of sicko sex trafficker Jeffrey Epstein is now claiming she was sexually assaulted by Prince Andrew accuser Virginia Roberts Giuffre.

According to the New York Post, Rina Oh has filed a claim in court alleging that Giuffre — recruited by Epstein pimp Ghislaine Maxwell when she was just 15 — took part in the twisted sexual antics.

Giuffre, now 38, was a “sex slave” to Epstein and Maxwell, and claimed she had underage sex with Prince Andrew on three different occasions. Last year she sued the disgraced royal for sex abuse and settled for an estimated $12 million in February.

Oh, 43, filed her bombshell claim in U.S. District Court in the wake of a counter-claim from Giuffre.

In court papers, Oh states that she was “sexually assaulted and abused by [Giuffre] at Epstein’s direction” in 2001 at the billionaire pedophile’s Manhattan mansion.

“[Oh] was surprised when she was called to the massage room to see Epstein and found Epstein and [Giuffre] waiting for her. [Giuffre] then proceeded to touch [Oh] without [Oh’s] consent and much to her horror,” the court brief states. “[Oh] did not reciprocate or sexually touch [Giuffre].”

Oh told The Post: “I went into the massage room and [Giuffre] touched me without my consent; she sexually abused me. I was standing there, frozen like a deer. I did not move. I was in shock. I felt mortified and was uncomfortable.”

At the time she was introduced to Epstein, Oh was on the “rebound” from a relationship that ended the year before.

Previously, she had described the twisted financier as “her rich, older boyfriend” but now claims she’s a “sexual victim of Epstein.”

On another occasion, the court document claims that Giuffre “and other females sexually assaulted [Oh] while Epstein watched.”

The document lays out a perverse Ponzi scheme where Giuffre was allegedly used by Maxwell and Epstein to “groom and bring many more girls to Epstein, including minors as an adult.”

But Giuffre’s lawyer, Kat Thomas, said the allegations “are not true.”

The outspoken Giuffre triggered the latest court battle when she claimed that Oh, an artist, “procured and partook in the abuse of minors.” Oh sued for $10 million following the tweet resulting in a countersuit from Giuffre in May.

Giuffre claimed: “[She was] the victim of the sadomasochist sexual play and physical abuse perpetrated against her by Ms. Oh, including cutting, slashing, and other physical injuries during the sadomasochist sessions that have left Ms. Giuffre with permanent emotional and physical scars.”

Oh told the tabloid she never touched Giuffre nor did she ever hear of any BDSM during her involvement with Epstein.



Hall of Fame Member
Oct 26, 2009
U.S. prosecutors seek prison term from 30 to 55 years for Ghislaine Maxwell
Author of the article:Reuters
Publishing date:Jun 23, 2022 • 4 hours ago • < 1 minute read • Join the conversation

NEW YORK — Ghislaine Maxwell should be sentenced to between 30 and 55 years in prison after being convicted of helping the sex offender and globetrotting financier Jeffrey Epstein sexually abuse teenage girls, U.S. prosecutors said on Wednesday.

Maxwell, 60, was convicted in December by a federal jury on five charges, including sex trafficking, for recruiting and grooming four girls between 1994 and 2004 for sexual encounters with Epstein, then her boyfriend.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 26, 2009
MAXWELL VICTIMS SPEAK: She opened 'the door to hell'
Author of the article:Brad Hunter
Publishing date:Jun 28, 2022 • 15 hours ago • 2 minute read • Join the conversation

The victims of socialite turned sex trafficker Ghislaine didn’t mince words in their impact statements.

She was described as a “monster” and accused of “opening the door to hell” when she introduced her young victims to her longtime paramour and protector, billionaire pedophile Jeffrey Epstein.

Maxwell was convicted in December of five charges, including sex trafficking minors for sexual encounters with the fiendish financier. Prince Andrew accuser Virginia Giuffre (Roberts) statement was included even though she was not part of the indictment.


“Ghislaine, 22 years ago, in the summer of 2000, you spotted me at the Mar-a-Lago Hotel in Florida, and you made a choice. You chose to follow me and procure me for Jeffrey Epstein. Just hours later, you and he abused me together for the first time. Together, you damaged me physically, mentally, sexually, and emotionally.

“Jeffrey Epstein was a terrible pedophile. But I never would have met Jeffrey Epstein if not for you. For me, and for so many others, you opened the door to hell.”


“Simply put, Ghislaine Maxwell is a monster. Ever since she and Jeffrey Epstein got their hands on me, I have never felt okay. Thinking about them still gives me frequent panic attacks and night terrors. I appreciate Your Honour imposing the maximum sentence available.”


“Ghislaine Maxwell, I was 22 years old when you entirely derailed the trajectory of my life. You made a choice to view me as an individual less than you. You saw me as an object whose only purpose was to be manipulated, used, abused, regarded as trash, and sent back from where I came.”


“Over the next seven to eight months, I became, against my will, nothing more than a human sex toy with a heartbeat and soul for the entertainment of Epstein, Maxwell and others. Sometimes I was subjected to sexual predation multiple times per day.”


“In the most literal sense of the word, Epstein and Maxwell terrified me. They told me that if I told anyone, nobody would believe me and if they did, they would kill me and the people closest to me. I believed them. After meeting Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell, it felt like someone shut off the lights to my soul.”


“It should be known that Ghislaine‘s impact on my life cannot be understated. She assured me that I could be killed walking down my favourite path in NYC (New York City). I believe she will harm me if she ever has a way. She is a very dangerous and devious individual.”



Hall of Fame Member
Oct 26, 2009
Socialite sex 'monster' Ghislaine Maxwell jailed 20 years
Author of the article:Brad Hunter
Publishing date:Jun 28, 2022 • 14 hours ago • 3 minute read • 40 Comments

Even at the bitter end of her sentencing hearing, disgraced jet-setting socialite Ghislaine Maxwell seemed to believe she was above it all.

And that she would somehow skate away, like she had done most of her life.

She wasn’t and she didn’t. Her connections and social cache amounted to nothing on Tuesday.

And she was shocked.

The 60-year-old convicted sex trafficker was sentenced to 20 years in a U.S. Federal Prison on Tuesday by Judge Alison Nathan.

She sniffed to Nathan and the victims: “I hope my conviction and harsh incarceration brings you pleasure.”

She had faced 55 years in the slammer.

Maxwell — the daughter of fallen publishing magnet Robert Maxwell — was convicted on Dec. 29, 2021 for her star turn in billionaire pedophile Jeffrey Epstein’s global sex trafficking ring.

She was convicted of five charges of recruiting and grooming four girls to have sexual encounters with Epstein — her boyfriend from 1994 to 2004.

In court, Maxwell wore a blue long-sleeve jumpsuit with a long-sleeve shirt underneath and sporting a bob haircut. She was also wearing a mask.

“The damage done to these young girls was incalculable,” Nathan said in passing sentence. “The conduct demands a substantial sentence.

“The rule of law demands, and this court agrees, that whether you are rich or powerful or entirely unknown, nobody is above the law.”

The judge added that the fallen belle of the ball is not a “proxy for Epstein” and that her antics were “heinous and predatory.”

A number of her victims gave harrowing impact statements.

“Simply put, Ghislaine Maxwell is a monster,” Juliette Bryant said in her statement. “Ever since she and Jeffrey Epstein got their hands on me, I have never felt okay. Thinking about them still gives me frequent panic attacks and night terrors.”

During her four-week trial, court heard that Maxwell was the stick that stirred the drink in Epstein’s odious apparatus that preyed on vulnerable young women and underage girls.

Maxwell would recruit and groom the girls for sex with Epstein and his coterie of wealthy like-minded pals.

Her lawyers argued that the wealthy Maxwell was also a victim of Epstein and that she should only serve four years in the slammer. The legal eagles again claimed that Maxwell was a proxy for the monied monster.

Prosecutors had asked for 30 years.

Epstein — a mysterious financier — hanged himself in a Manhattan jail cell in August 2019 while awaiting trial on sex trafficking charges. He was 66.

Maxwell herself again pinned her predicament on Epstein in addressing the court.

“Victims considered him as a godfather, a mentor, a benefactor, a friend, a lover,” Maxwell said. “It is absolutely unfathomable today to think that was how he was viewed contemporaneously. His impact on all those close to him has been devastating.”

She added: “I’m sorry for the pain that you have experienced.”

Outside court, Maxwell’s victims called her belated apology “hollow.”

And victims had also long hoped Maxwell would name names during her trial. The socialite and her maladroit mate were famous for their little black books packed with boldface names.

None were named during the trial, but one of the lawyers representing the victims said that associates of the couple should be the feds’ “next target.”

“Let’s hope they’re the next target. If we have anything to do with it, they will be,” lawyer Brad Edwards told reporters outside federal court before proceedings.

He said he had some people in mind but “I can’t share that.”

In addition to the jail sentence, Maxwell was ordered to pay $750,000.

Judge Nathan recommended the low-security federal prison in Danbury, Connecticut for Maxwell’s new home. The jail is best known for housing author Piper Kerman of Orange Is the New Black fame and reality TV star Teresa Giudice.


Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
So…what about the kiddie-diddlers listed off in the “little black ledgers” mentioned early on in this goat rodeo? The “who’s who of the rich & famous?” Any word on any of them beyond Randy Andy?

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan

Now that the British former socialite Ghislaine Maxwell has been convicted in her sex-trafficking trial, speculation is growing that she may try to cut a deal and become a government witness in any broader investigation into the elite social circle of her ex-boyfriend Jeffrey Epstein.

Maxwell would be aiming for a reduced sentence by naming powerful names when it comes to others who may be involved in Epstein’s crimes.

But defense lawyers and sexual-crimes prosecutors have cast doubt on the government’s appetite to strike a bargain. They question whether Maxwell has any vital information the government does not already have, and whether it represents a strategy Maxwell has previously attempted that has failed.
Epstein topped himself (Arkancide?) in a Manhattan jail cell in August 2019 while awaiting trial for sex trafficking. But what about his friends, you ask, his pals in perversion who lusted after teen girls?

Why didn’t Ghislaine Maxwell name names? That may still come, dear reader. The disgraced publishing heiress has until June 2023 to sing for her supper.

“I think Ghislaine has been wrestling for a long time on whether to sing or not,” author and Pulitzer Prize nominee Barry Levine told me. “People want her to name names.”

A problem for Maxwell is that the prosecution never offered her a deal and she didn’t ask for one.

Levine said the prosecution wanted a jury verdict and they got one.

“I think the time for her — and the prosecution — to act is now because the verdict was tainted by the two jurors who didn’t acknowledge their past,” Levine said. “They have based her appeal off of that.”

In addition, Maxwell’s family want her moved to a British prison where conditions are significantly better.

Levine thinks if Maxwell sings, she’ll target the four women who were given immunity by the feds in connection with Epstein’s 2008 underage sex plea deal. Maxwell mysteriously wasn’t named but is the fifth woman Epstein’s lawyers asked for immunity.

But will she name the great and good who defiled the teens with help from Epstein and Maxwell?

Maxwell may also have another worry. Epstein’s “suicide” is not the final word on his death, same with Brunel.

“There’s some who might say if Ghislaine turns rat she’s opening herself up to getting a ‘hit’ put out on her,” Levine said.

“But every minute she spends behind bars there’s the risk of being killed by a crazed inmate. So she’s damned either way.”


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Epstein topped himself (Arkancide?) in a Manhattan jail cell in August 2019 while awaiting trial for sex trafficking. But what about his friends, you ask, his pals in perversion who lusted after teen girls?

Why didn’t Ghislaine Maxwell name names? That may still come, dear reader. The disgraced publishing heiress has until June 2023 to sing for her supper.

“I think Ghislaine has been wrestling for a long time on whether to sing or not,” author and Pulitzer Prize nominee Barry Levine told me. “People want her to name names.”

A problem for Maxwell is that the prosecution never offered her a deal and she didn’t ask for one.

Levine said the prosecution wanted a jury verdict and they got one.

“I think the time for her — and the prosecution — to act is now because the verdict was tainted by the two jurors who didn’t acknowledge their past,” Levine said. “They have based her appeal off of that.”

In addition, Maxwell’s family want her moved to a British prison where conditions are significantly better.

Levine thinks if Maxwell sings, she’ll target the four women who were given immunity by the feds in connection with Epstein’s 2008 underage sex plea deal. Maxwell mysteriously wasn’t named but is the fifth woman Epstein’s lawyers asked for immunity.

But will she name the great and good who defiled the teens with help from Epstein and Maxwell?

Maxwell may also have another worry. Epstein’s “suicide” is not the final word on his death, same with Brunel.

“There’s some who might say if Ghislaine turns rat she’s opening herself up to getting a ‘hit’ put out on her,” Levine said.

“But every minute she spends behind bars there’s the risk of being killed by a crazed inmate. So she’s damned either way.”
October Surprise? Skeletons, whips, chains, tricks n treats and names?
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The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Nope. Im just waiting for history to repeat. Something is coming. Will it be this or some other lump under the rug? I dont know.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 26, 2009
Sex trafficker Ghislaine Maxwell asked Elon Musk to 'destroy the internet'
She also reportedly asked Musk why alien lifeforms had resisted contact with Earth

Author of the article:Brad Hunter
Publishing date:Oct 12, 2022 • 22 hours ago • 2 minute read • Join the conversation

Sleazy socialite-turned-sex trafficker Ghislaine Maxwell begged tech billionaire Elon Musk to “destroy the internet” to erase her connection to pedophile Jeffrey Epstein.

Former Vanity Fair writer Vicky Ward — whose 2002 portrait of Epstein was heavily redacted — said Maxwell and Musk met at the glossy mag’s 2014 Oscar party.

A photo of Maxwell and Musk emerged from that event.

The Tesla founder has denied knowing the convicted sex trafficker, saying only that she was “photo bombing” him at the party.

Now, The New York Times says Maxwell cornered Musk at the bash and asked point blank: “(Is there) a way to remove oneself from the internet.”

Maxwell, 60, currently caged in a federal prison in Florida where she’s serving a 20-year sentence, then encouraged the tech titan to “destroy the internet.”

Aside from her brazen self-interest in being removed from the web, Maxwell also reportedly asked Musk why alien lifeforms had resisted contact with Earth.

He tweeted when the photo emerged: “She photobombed me at a Vanity Fair Oscar party. Was there with Tallulah Riley. Don’t know Ghislaine at all. Why do you think it should be a bigger story?”

For years, Maxwell — the spoiled daughter of disgraced British publishing baron Robert Maxwell — was the sexual playmate, muse and manager for Epstein’s far-flung sex-trafficking endeavours.

Ward had been onto Epstein and Maxwell as far back as 2002, interviewing two sisters who were victims of the fiendish financier. But the sex assault allegations were dropped from the story.

“Separately, each told me that Epstein had sexually abused both of them, Annie (Farmer) when she was just 15. I believed them and I wanted to publish their story, but to my dismay, the sisters’ allegations did not make into my Vanity Fair article,” Ward wrote in the Daily Mail in 2021.

Before the story was to be edited, Jeffrey Epstein appeared in the magazine’s offices.

Ward bitterly noted: “It is, to say the least, highly unusual for the subject of an investigative magazine article to appear in the offices of the outlet profiling them — and perhaps especially in the editor’s office.”

Epstein killed himself in a Manhattan jail cell in August 2019 while awaiting trial on sex-trafficking charges.

Maxwell was arrested the following year and in December 2021 was convicted of sex trafficking and sentenced in June to 20 years in federal prison.



Hall of Fame Member
Oct 26, 2009
Sex trafficker Ghislaine Maxwell asked Elon Musk to 'destroy the internet'
She also reportedly asked Musk why alien lifeforms had resisted contact with Earth

Author of the article:Brad Hunter
Publishing date:Oct 12, 2022 • 22 hours ago • 2 minute read • Join the conversation

Sleazy socialite-turned-sex trafficker Ghislaine Maxwell begged tech billionaire Elon Musk to “destroy the internet” to erase her connection to pedophile Jeffrey Epstein.

Former Vanity Fair writer Vicky Ward — whose 2002 portrait of Epstein was heavily redacted — said Maxwell and Musk met at the glossy mag’s 2014 Oscar party.

A photo of Maxwell and Musk emerged from that event.

The Tesla founder has denied knowing the convicted sex trafficker, saying only that she was “photo bombing” him at the party.

Now, The New York Times says Maxwell cornered Musk at the bash and asked point blank: “(Is there) a way to remove oneself from the internet.”

Maxwell, 60, currently caged in a federal prison in Florida where she’s serving a 20-year sentence, then encouraged the tech titan to “destroy the internet.”

Aside from her brazen self-interest in being removed from the web, Maxwell also reportedly asked Musk why alien lifeforms had resisted contact with Earth.

He tweeted when the photo emerged: “She photobombed me at a Vanity Fair Oscar party. Was there with Tallulah Riley. Don’t know Ghislaine at all. Why do you think it should be a bigger story?”

For years, Maxwell — the spoiled daughter of disgraced British publishing baron Robert Maxwell — was the sexual playmate, muse and manager for Epstein’s far-flung sex-trafficking endeavours.

Ward had been onto Epstein and Maxwell as far back as 2002, interviewing two sisters who were victims of the fiendish financier. But the sex assault allegations were dropped from the story.

“Separately, each told me that Epstein had sexually abused both of them, Annie (Farmer) when she was just 15. I believed them and I wanted to publish their story, but to my dismay, the sisters’ allegations did not make into my Vanity Fair article,” Ward wrote in the Daily Mail in 2021.

Before the story was to be edited, Jeffrey Epstein appeared in the magazine’s offices.

Ward bitterly noted: “It is, to say the least, highly unusual for the subject of an investigative magazine article to appear in the offices of the outlet profiling them — and perhaps especially in the editor’s office.”

Epstein killed himself in a Manhattan jail cell in August 2019 while awaiting trial on sex-trafficking charges.

Maxwell was arrested the following year and in December 2021 was convicted of sex trafficking and sentenced in June to 20 years in federal prison.

it will be interesting to see if the insanity defense works. 👾 :alien: 🛸 ;)


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 26, 2009
Billionaire Leon Black accused in lawsuit of raping woman in Jeffrey Epstein's mansion
Author of the article:Reuters
Jonathan Stempel
Publishing date:Nov 28, 2022 • 1 day ago • 2 minute read

NEW YORK — Leon Black, the billionaire co-founder of private equity firm Apollo Global Management Inc , was sued on Monday by a woman who said he raped her two decades ago in the late sex offender Jeffrey Epstein’s Manhattan mansion.

Cheri Pierson said she had been a cash-strapped single mother who had already given Epstein five massages for $300 each, when the financier arranged in the spring of 2002 for her to massage Black for $300.

She said Black, who was eight inches taller and weighed more than twice as much, without her consent physically overwhelmed her and caused “excruciating pain” in their encounter on the third floor of Epstein’s home.

Susan Estrich, a lawyer for Black, called Pierson’s lawsuit “categorically false and part of a scheme to extort money from Mr. Black by threatening to destroy his reputation…. We intend to defeat these baseless claims.”

Pierson’s lawsuit in a New York state court in Manhattan seeks unspecified damages from Black for sexual assault and intentional infliction of emotional distress, and from Epstein’s estate for negligence.

Her law firm Wigdor LLP also represents Guzel Ganieva, a former Russian model who in June 2021 sued Black for defamation, saying he falsely claimed she tried to extort him after accusing him of rape.

In a Nov. 19 letter to the Wigdor firm, Estrich said: “Mr. Black never sexually assaulted anyone anywhere at any time.” She also said Black may bring defamation claims or seek sanctions if Pierson sued.

Lawyers for Epstein’s estate did not immediately respond to requests for comment.

Black is worth $9 billion according to Forbes magazine.

Pierson sued under New York’s Adult Survivors Act, a new law giving sexual assault victims a one-year window to sue their alleged abusers, even if the misconduct occurred long ago and statutes of limitations have expired.

Epstein killed himself in August 2019 in a Manhattan jail cell while awaiting trial on sex trafficking charges.

His former associate Ghislaine Maxwell is appealing her conviction and 20-year prison sentence for enabling Epstein’s abuse of underage girls.

Pierson said Epstein had introduced her to Black, describing him as someone who could “help” her, implying financial help.

She said that after the alleged rape, Black began calling her, saying he “wanted to talk” and felt “bad.”

Pierson said they met at a bar in the St. Regis Hotel where Black gave her $5,000, ostensibly to reduce her credit card debt.

She said he called later and said “I want to see you,” and she refused. (Reporting by Jonathan Stempel, Editing by Rosalba O’Brien)


Man of Memes
Mar 22, 2019
Epstein's flight log......


Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan