NATO nations set to reap spoils of Libya war


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 23, 2009
Just checked the post in question. That was MY entry. I just changed the font. Did not copy it or self serve it from anywhere.

As I thought. Now you are LOOKING for things to complain about without considering or noticing that I have never posted a quote from an article without a link reference. I try to be meticulous about it.

Let's cut to the chase.: If you don't agree with my ideas etc........say so and present YOUR ideas and concepts as a counter post. Isn't that how a dialogue should go??

I come here for the dialogue and to see what others think about the important issues of the day. Plus it is a diversion from recovery from major vascular surgery .

Now, can we move on and get back on track.??


considering that is a topic onto about starting a new thread for it. ??

Off topic - smopic - Answer the question - Yes or no. Not to hard is it.


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
As I thought. Now you are LOOKING for things to complain about without considering or noticing that I have never posted a quote from an article without a link reference. I try to be meticulous about it.
So why the apology here.

Let's cut to the chase.: If you don't agree with my ideas etc........say so and present YOUR ideas and concepts as a counter post.
That's exactly what i did.

Isn't that how a dialogue should go??
Yes. But when you're confronted by dissension, you get to bullying.

I come here for the dialogue and to see what others think about the important issues of the day.
No you don't.

Now, can we move on and get back on track.??
That's up to you.

lone wolf

Grossly Underrated
Nov 25, 2006
In the bush near Sudbury
I told you what I am looking for. Believe as you wish. We have already had a set to re: cherrypicking (re: observe) thus I am guilty of assuming a repeat based on prior performance.

Apology sent.

Ocean Breeze

Hall of Fame Member
Jun 5, 2005
I told you what I am looking for. Believe as you wish. We have already had a set to re: cherrypicking (re: observe) thus I am guilty of assuming a repeat based on prior performance.

Apology sent.

Apology accepted.



Council Member
Jan 28, 2010
Where were these nations when the Lockerbie Pan Am bombing took place and Libya later accepted the responsibility for that tragedy. Many others too. Now there must be some big spoils involved to warrant a Summit type meeting in Paris. How about OIL? And I don't mean the Palm Oil either.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
TRIPOLI, Libya (AP) — Rebel forces and armed civilians are rounding up
thousands of black Libyans and migrants from sub-Sahara Africa, accusing them
of fighting for ousted strongman Moammar Gadhafi and holding them in makeshift
jails across the capital.

Virtually all of the detainees say they are innocent migrant workers, and in
most cases there is no evidence that they are lying. But that is not stopping
the rebels from placing the men in facilities like the Gate of the Sea sports
club, where about 200 detainees — all black — clustered on a soccer field this
week, bunching against a high wall to avoid the scorching sun.

Those were just the black people that blew the plane up over Lockerbie. Death to tyrants!

Ocean Breeze

Hall of Fame Member
Jun 5, 2005
Libya: Another country for NATO to take root in

Libya: NATO Acquires Military Outpost In Third Continent

who woulda thunk it??:roll:

that seems to be the formula for the :"west'

Invade , regime change , promise the invaded population "freedom" slaughter a lot of men, women, children all the while gaining control of land for more military that the shadow of the invader always hangs over the people as a reminder. to whom they should be beholding to for "freeing " them Do lots of "selective " photo ops for the media so the folks back home will continue to support the war machine.

so bottom line: WHO BENEFITS??? ( those in fantasyland will say "everyone" and consider themselves "saviors" and "do gooders" for the world.



Time Out
Jul 23, 2011
Libya: Another country for NATO to take root in

Libya: NATO Acquires Military Outpost In Third Continent

who woulda thunk it??:roll:

that seems to be the formula for the :"west'

Invade , regime change , promise the invaded population "freedom" slaughter a lot of men, women, children all the while gaining control of land for more military that the shadow of the invader always hangs over the people as a reminder. to whom they should be beholding to for "freeing " them Do lots of "selective " photo ops for the media so the folks back home will continue to support the war machine.

so bottom line: WHO BENEFITS??? ( those in fantasyland will say "everyone" and consider themselves "saviors" and "do gooders" for the world.


That backs up the article written by the professor I posted.

Why is NATO in Yugoslavia? by Sean Gervasi

It's an older article about Yugoslavia but obviously applies here as well..

However, the sending of NATO troops into the Balkans is the result of enormous pressure for the general extension of NATO eastwards.

If the Yugoslav enterprise is the first concrete step in the expansion of NATO, others are planned for the near future. Some Western powers want to bring the Visegrad countries (2) into NATO as full members by the end of the century. There was resistance to the pressures for such extension among certain Western countries for some time. However, the recalcitrants have now been bludgeoned into accepting the alleged necessity of extending NATO.

The question is: why are the Western powers pressing for the expansion of NATO? Why is NATO being renewed and extended when the "Soviet threat" has disappeared? There is clearly much more to it than we have so far been told. The enforcement of a precarious peace in Bosnia is only the immediate reason for sending NATO forces into the Balkans.

recommended reading...

Ocean Breeze

Hall of Fame Member
Jun 5, 2005
thanks for the read. and agree, that we the collective population has very little knowledge as to all that is going on

an aside.....but there appears to be more "secrecy" now when it comes to information flow. On the grounds of "national security " of couse. (sarcasm alert)

Many horrfic atrocities have been and continue to take place under the label of "national security " or the implication that when a nation is at war different rules come into play .......some of which tread over our rights.



Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.
That backs up the article written by the professor I posted.

Why is NATO in Yugoslavia? by Sean Gervasi

It's an older article about Yugoslavia but obviously applies here as well..

However, the sending of NATO troops into the Balkans is the result of enormous pressure for the general extension of NATO eastwards.

If the Yugoslav enterprise is the first concrete step in the expansion of NATO, others are planned for the near future. Some Western powers want to bring the Visegrad countries (2) into NATO as full members by the end of the century. There was resistance to the pressures for such extension among certain Western countries for some time. However, the recalcitrants have now been bludgeoned into accepting the alleged necessity of extending NATO.

The question is: why are the Western powers pressing for the expansion of NATO? Why is NATO being renewed and extended when the "Soviet threat" has disappeared? There is clearly much more to it than we have so far been told. The enforcement of a precarious peace in Bosnia is only the immediate reason for sending NATO forces into the Balkans.

recommended reading...

Sean Gervasi, according to Wiki....

"He was appointed the Hunter/Zakin screenwriting chair at UCLA and taught there in spring 2009."

He is a professor........of writing fiction.

It is almost too funny... :)


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
Sean Gervasi, according to Wiki....

"He was appointed the Hunter/Zakin screenwriting chair at UCLA and taught there in spring 2009."

He is a professor........of writing fiction.

It is almost too funny... :)

Nice catch Colpy. Abby actually got this article from a website called Emperors-Clothes. The owner of the the webpage goes into great details of his views. He is actually a supporter of Milosevic and the Serbs and thinks they got a raw deal. He also claims that the photos of emaciated Muslims in Bosnian Concentration Camps were fake.

This is from that guys website...

" I was very much impressed with Slobodan Milosevic. Here was this President of a small country, standing up to U.S. envoy Richard Holbrook and his huge NATO forces. Every day Holbrook publicly threatened to bomb Yugoslavia - which of course was by definition terrorism - and Milosevic handled it brilliantly. He would start to give in, then hold firm, then retreat, then advance. It was like watching David stand up to Goliath. And then it dawned on me: he was buying time, using every chance to get his message out to wake up the world."

Editorial Board of Emperor's Clothes


Time Out
Jul 23, 2011
Sean Gervasi, according to Wiki....

"He was appointed the Hunter/Zakin screenwriting chair at UCLA and taught there in spring 2009."

He is a professor........of writing fiction.

It is almost too funny... :)

Unfortunately nothing in the article is fiction.


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 23, 2009
Just checked the post in question. That was MY entry. I just changed the font. Did not copy it or self serve it from anywhere.

As I thought. Now you are LOOKING for things to complain about without considering or noticing that I have never posted a quote from an article without a link reference. I try to be meticulous about it.

Let's cut to the chase.: If you don't agree with my ideas etc........say so and present YOUR ideas and concepts as a counter post. Isn't that how a dialogue should go??

I come here for the dialogue and to see what others think about the important issues of the day. Plus it is a diversion from recovery from major vascular surgery .

Now, can we move on and get back on track.??


considering that is a topic onto about starting a new thread for it. ??

OJ - - murder of ex wife. Innocent or guilty
Bump - Bump and Bump again - Oh yes - Why are Powell & Rice so innocent reference the war in Iraq.