Merger of the Century: Why Canada and America Should Become One Country


Ace Poster
Nov 18, 2008
Aether Island
After the US dollar collapses, we'll buy the States. We will keep the good parts and sell the others to China. We may keep Alaska or sell it back to Russia.
Real Estate by Spade


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
After the US dollar collapses, we'll buy the States. We will keep the good parts and sell the others to China. We may keep Alaska or sell it back to Russia.
Real Estate by Spade

Aren't we into American dollars heavily?

Which good parts?

The democratic parts where milk and honey flow down golden streets past healthy beautiful well educated happy and free American citizens. It will all fit on a half ton.


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 26, 2005
Minnesota: Gopher State
Gee, what a surprise!

Up to now, all these right wing Canuckleheaded wannabes have loved the Republican party and everything they stand for - now all of a sudden they don't want to be a part of the system their party fücked up.

How predictable!!!


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
Gee, what a surprise!

Up to now, all these right wing Canuckleheaded wannabes have loved the Republican party and everything they stand for - now all of a sudden they don't want to be a part of the system their party fücked up.

How predictable!!!

Know what gopher...... i am FAR from a republican supporter. In fact, if you had half a brain and half a memory to go with it, you would remember that I have said that BOTH fu cking parties in the u.s. are right wing compared to Canadian parties. Even our Conservatives are left of you idiot democrats.

What it comes down to is, I am Canadian. I am not some wannabe american. IF Canada ever becomes part of your united sl*ts of america, then I will be leaving as I am not interested in living under YOUR countries rule.


Ace Poster
Nov 18, 2008
Aether Island
Which good parts?

Joshua Tree National Park, Hawaii, and the protectorates of Palau, Nauru, and the Marshall Islands. As Joshua Tree National Park is uninhabited, we will not have to send too many missionaries there to reeducate the natives.

Are you selling futures on this?

I need some good workers to build defensive fences, so my company may go public to raise funds for men and materials. Watch for the IPO.


Time Out
May 5, 2013
at my keyboard
Why are people so afraid of the Big Bad Boogie Man to the south..

We are all Children of a Common Mother..


Drawback for Western Canadians

Ah, one can only dream.

Turtle island AS T mother??

Better ask Political Nick first..


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit

As per ritual requirement they must announce their plans ahead of time. This was an early X-Ray scanner prototype on display for all to see their future many moons ago.. Sometimes it's a portal the to Luna frequency but that's hush hush.


Time Out
May 5, 2013
at my keyboard
It was set to allow repressed Quebec women to enter at one end and emerge as Raelians at the other, Petros.

Take a break
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Jan 6, 2007
I think if there's any one single line of discourse that puts Canadian teeth on edge regarding the US, it is exactly that line of discussion. Because we all know it wouldn't work.

The way I see it, both countries are pretty much geographically maxed out for being able to effectively run with a central government, and I have my doubts if we haven't actually already surpassed our capabilities.

That alone clinches it for me. Screw the 'we're better, they're better, I wish I was, I wish I wasn't' stuff. Would it even work? No.

We all know there would be no way to effectively merge our governments, and thus it comes across as an issue of acquiring resources regardless of the damage it does.


Time Out
Aug 6, 2013
“After all, we’re both melting-pot societies,” she says. So why not turn the whole continent north of the Rio Grande into the world’s biggest pot?

This sentence betrays the underlying misunderstanding that makes her proposal the worst possible deal Canada could make. The US is a "melting pot" in which overwhelming pressure is brought to make everybody become members of an ideology which only benefits the top of the pyramid. In looking at Canadian v US culture the biggest reason why such a union is contrary to Canada's best interest can be found in their budgets. Canada's biggest budget item is health care, looking after each other. America's biggest budget item is its various militaries - it thrives on war, conflict and killing. This pretty well sums up the two cultures. Mixing them looks superficially possible, but like oil and water it would not benefit both parties. America would get the second biggest geo-political land mass in the world. Canada would get drugs, ghettos and indiscriminate gunfire.

The structure of government would also hurt Canada. In Canada, after we elect a leader he is on probation throughout his time in office. His fellow MP's can kick him out by a simple majority vote. Parliament can remove him at any time. Most importantly, he must answer to the people in Parliament every day it sits. Not so in America. In the US a terminal Alzheimer's patient can be elected, kept hidden from public view and stage managed like a puppet, and nobody can touch him for four long years. He never has to justify himself to keep his power. That was Ronald Reagan. He was followed by dubya, who could not have survived the cut and thrust of parliamentary debate. God only knows how many people were killed by the policies of those two. US government structure is modeled after England in 1775 and it is relatively unchanged since then. That is why the US "king", the president, can wage war contrary to the will of the nation. No Canadian PM would dare to copy his US counterpart.

Another crucial issue is the two party system in America. America is right wing. The further right they go the more power government usurps. All the US left has to do to get more power in America is follow the right, then politic them into occasional corners. The power is never returned to the electorate no matter what the people think, because there is nobody in power to do it. In Canada our multi-party system prevents that. The NDP has never yet formed a federal government, but it has kept the others honest. It forces them to be closer to centre, to never be as right wing extremist as America.

Who is this author? She claims dual citizenship, but one suspects she is US educated and wishes to see more American consumer culture in Canada. It is hard to believe anybody seriously wants to invite to Canada a culture whose police are at armed standoff with the people, whose right wing males are so power hungry or fearful they cannot appear unarmed in public, and whose military is larger by a factor of somewhere close to 10X than the next competitors. The world does not need an America the size of North America. Canadians will not benefit from Obamacare. We are rather proud of our identity as people who care for each other at the same time as we compete as an internationally respected industrial nation.


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
Gee, what a surprise!

Up to now, all these right wing Canuckleheaded wannabes have loved the Republican party and everything they stand for - now all of a sudden they don't want to be a part of the system their party fücked up.

How predictable!!!