Liberal phobia and the cause….


Subjective Poster
Nov 18, 2008
Lower Mainland, BC
Good day Country boy, you forgot to mention #6

The Owner shorts the worker on benefits and pay and the worker starts steeling from the owner to get even, which in the long run is far more expensive for the owner then taking care of the worker which is and will never stop being a pivotal part of business.
The same with the Government of the day, the Government steals from the people and the underground economy becomes a wild economic power that steals from the Government by not declaring true incomes.

When Mulroney was at work sticking it to the Canadian taxpayer, the underground economy was at its best, many of the working force where given a reason to F THE GOVERNMENT.
So…………… plane and simple, if you put the cart before the horse, and in this case the horse is the people, and the cart is the employer or the Government, then you see huge societal stupidity and a work force agenda to fight back.

I love being a Liberal………………………………...:p

Good day Soc,

I don't agree totally with that.. Many owners do as much as they can for employees.. It is only a minority who now abuse employees and benefits..

Benefit packages are more restricted from the "provider" side then the employer now.. So the Insurance companies are now cutting back on what they provide employees and making it more difficult for people to get proper coverage.. drugs are being taken off the "approved " list and even in BC it is being taken off our pharmacare by our own government.. This has to stop.. As an example my fathers heart madication is no longer covered by pharmacare but he is lucky that his veterans blue cross still does but we have no idea for how long before they de-list it..


Hall of Fame Member
Jul 5, 2009
Um, you forgot to mention that the hotdog vendor would cut the throat of his neighbor's cow/pig in order to make the hotdogs he would make the profits from. AND he'd immediately add a handling cost every time he had to butcher a neighbor's animal to pay for the party he'd throw giving his rich pals free hotdogs. And when he got bored, he'd rob seniors, start a loanshark biz for students to rack up wads of debt to him, register his hotdog business in another town so he wouldn't have to pay the higher taxes of the town he was raping, and sabotage the clinic that was treating his customers for the bad health his hotdogs were causing. But he also showed everyone he could balance his budget and show he can make profits (while swindling his investors out of their profit margins).


House Member
Apr 16, 2008
Middle fingers the middle finger no matter what hand you use..Same S+++ different pile...

If the Country had to pick two colors ..I would choose Green and Blue...Red is too confussed..

Green/Clean Tech is here now and is the only True Real Future..

In 1 Peace or in Pieces..

Peace..( Here's your half) ...:icon_smile:..#1

Have a gooda onea Eh

Or whatever

You choose.

Me , I choose to be Independent ...;)


Time Out
Nov 7, 2008
If the L.C.D. is kept constant you won't see prices sky rocket to ten times what they are now. It all begins with wages.

What in the world is L.C.D.? Is that some kind of magic bullet to keep inflation perpetually at zero? I thought L.C.D. is a kind of television screen.


Time Out
Nov 7, 2008
OK I realize that you worship each Liberal leadership clone as they step to the fore,

Really? Show me even a single post by me praising any of the Liberal leaders (except Trudeau, of course). I have never ever praised any of the Liberal leaders. I have said it many times here, I support ideas, not personalities.

but just because others see a specific party as the best alternative for the present political situation, does not mean that they in turn idolize the party's leader as you do. One can vote Conservative and not love Harper, just as one can vote Liberal and not love their leader.

So what is your point?

One other thing is there are differences between "Liberals" and liberals, just as there are between "Conservatives" and conservatives. The differences are probably more extreme in the first case. I am a classical liberal in some respects but definately NOT a Liberal.

I also consider myself more of a liberal than a Liberal, I am not a member of the Liberal Party (my son is). However, Liberal party is the only party which supports the same issues, same causes as I support. So I end up voting for Liberal Party.


Time Out
Nov 7, 2008
Glad to see some intelligence being infused into this thread Wulfie. I'm trying to get it through S.J.'s head that I am NOT conservative, NOT Liberal, NOT N.D.P. - just for whatever works in a particular situation

Sorry JLM, you have said the following things here.

1. Conservative way is the right way.
2. You love Harper.

That makes you a conservative in my opinion, your protestations to the contrary notwithstanding.

and raisng min. wage is not one of them. Wage raises just fuel inflation.

I see, and having sky high deficits is good for the economy, I suppose? Your idol, Harper has ran more deficit that anybody else.

So you seem to be claiming that wage rises for the poor cause inflation, but sky high deficits are OK, they don't cause any harm. And you claim that you are not a conservative?


Time Out
Nov 7, 2008
It is just a refusal to understand that raising the minimum wage will only cause the price of what is being manufactured to go up accordingly.

When Republicans were in power for12 years, they did not raise the minimum wage for the poor even once (Democrats raised the minimum wage as soon as Obama came to power). And of course we can see the resultant prosperity all over USA. Republicans gave us the current meltdown.

It is very easy to blame the poor for bad economy, inflation, indeed any problem one could think of, the right is good at that.

But if minimum wage was bad for the economy, then we would have unparalleled economic prosperity whenever Republicans are in power, since they never raise the minimum wage. Then why does economy invariably end up in the toilet when Republicans are in power? We had two huge economic meltdowns while Bush was in office (oh, I forgot those economic meltdowns were the fault of Obama, Clinton, Carter, Kennedy and FDR). Is that also the fault of the poor?

Interestingly, conservatives become all apoplectic when it comes to raising the wages for the poor. But they have no problem whatever with huge, astronomical budget deficits. Raising wages for the poor is bad for the economy, having astronomical deficits is evidently good for the economy.


Time Out
Nov 7, 2008
As far as I know, Obama hasn't really done much of anything yet, except a lot of talking. And one of the things he keeps talking about is government-run health care, which would indeed cause a lot of spending and taxing.

Again, you are changing the subject. We were discussing which politician practices tax and spend, YJ claimed it was Obama, and when challenged, he could not substantiate the statement.

As to what you are saying about Obama, you are a conservative (I think you yourself have said so), so of course I would expect you to badmouth Obama, no surprise there.

And, based on the emotional and far left stances you've been demonstrating, I was wondering if you are getting your talking points from Communist Central Politburo. Or would it simply be a far left textbook?

They say that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery and I am flattered.


Time Out
Nov 7, 2008
It's either a "refusal" or an inability. What does get in the way of understanding that rather simple fact is the popular liberal habit of throwing money at a problem and then declaring it solved. If that doesn't work, they just crank up the emotion and yell louder.

I see, so let me get this straight. Raising the wages for the poor is bad for economy, will lead to increased inflation, will lead to a recession, depression, end of the world, whatever.

However, having sky high deficits is good for you? It must be, since one conservative leader after another practices borrow and spend economic.


Traditionally Progressive
Nov 30, 2009
Good day Country boy, you forgot to mention #6

The Owner shorts the worker on benefits and pay and the worker starts steeling from the owner to get even, which in the long run is far more expensive for the owner then taking care of the worker which is and will never stop being a pivotal part of business.
The same with the Government of the day, the Government steals from the people and the underground economy becomes a wild economic power that steals from the Government by not declaring true incomes.

When Mulroney was at work sticking it to the Canadian taxpayer, the underground economy was at its best, many of the working force where given a reason to F THE GOVERNMENT.
So…………… plane and simple, if you put the cart before the horse, and in this case the horse is the people, and the cart is the employer or the Government, then you see huge societal stupidity and a work force agenda to fight back.

I love being a Liberal………………………………...:p

Hmm...I think the original premise was that the owner decided to give his 2 employees a raise. Did I get that wrong? :-?

Besides, I don't think it would meet provincial health regulations to be selling hot dogs from a cart pulled by a horse! Unless of course, the horse is at the back end of the cart. :lol:


Time Out
Nov 7, 2008
I am all for government helping those who are incapable of helping themselves, but I'm dead set against government helping people who don't want to help themselves.

"Your way" has resulted in too many free rides, thus placing an unfair burden on those who do work hard. .

'My way' (the way of Clinton, Chretien and Martin) has resulted in balanced budget, healthy surpluses, low unemployment and economic prosperity.

'Your way' (the way of Reagan, Bush, Mulroney, Mike Harris) has resulted in huge deficits, high unemployment and recession.

lone wolf

Grossly Underrated
Nov 25, 2006
In the bush near Sudbury
'My way' (the way of Clinton, Chretien and Martin) has resulted in balanced budget, healthy surpluses, low unemployment and economic prosperity.

'Your way' (the way of Reagan, Bush, Mulroney, Mike Harris) has resulted in huge deficits, high unemployment and recession.

Do you consider world economic conditions in your calculation?


Traditionally Progressive
Nov 30, 2009
Um, you forgot to mention that the hotdog vendor would cut the throat of his neighbor's cow/pig in order to make the hotdogs he would make the profits from. AND he'd immediately add a handling cost every time he had to butcher a neighbor's animal to pay for the party he'd throw giving his rich pals free hotdogs. And when he got bored, he'd rob seniors, start a loanshark biz for students to rack up wads of debt to him, register his hotdog business in another town so he wouldn't have to pay the higher taxes of the town he was raping, and sabotage the clinic that was treating his customers for the bad health his hotdogs were causing. But he also showed everyone he could balance his budget and show he can make profits (while swindling his investors out of their profit margins).

Holy crap! This dude sounds bad! It kinda' sounds like the guy that was in charge of the Sponsorship scandal, although I understand he was from a good "family." :p


Time Out
Nov 7, 2008
Obama for the most part been held in check, but for a starter, someone is going to have to pay those stimulus packages he handed out. Only way has to be increased taxes at some point. So he has raised taxes without officially raising them.

I see, so you are condemning Obama, not for raising taxes, but because he may raise taxes sometime in the future? Are you also going to condemn Obama because he may commit genocide sometime in the future?

Reminds me of the story of the wolf and baby lamb. The wolf was looking for an excuse to eat the baby lamb. He said to the lamb “six months ago you badmouthed me, you swore at me.”

The lamb said “that is impossible; I was born four month sago.”

The wolf said “well, if not you, it may have been your father” and he proceeded to eat the baby lamb.

You remind me of him. Any excuse to trash, badmouth Obama. If he hasn’t raised taxes, then he will raise taxes in future, so let us trash him, badmouth him in advance.


Traditionally Progressive
Nov 30, 2009
'My way' (the way of Clinton, Chretien and Martin) has resulted in balanced budget, healthy surpluses, low unemployment and economic prosperity.

'Your way' (the way of Reagan, Bush, Mulroney, Mike Harris) has resulted in huge deficits, high unemployment and recession.

Tut tut, now...let us not get our shirttails in a knot here. Anyone (like Paul Martin) can balance a budget by moving things a heavy download of health care costs from the federal to 10 different provincial budgets.

And, performance is always fairly measured with a big "given the conditions"...following a Liberal government after they've cooked up the books (remember, health care!) isn't exactly ideal operating conditions. Following an NDP provincial government is about the worst possible nightmare, fiscally speaking. Cleaning up the hidden doo-doo takes a bit longer.


Traditionally Progressive
Nov 30, 2009
I see, so let me get this straight. Raising the wages for the poor is bad for economy, will lead to increased inflation, will lead to a recession, depression, end of the world, whatever.

However, having sky high deficits is good for you? It must be, since one conservative leader after another practices borrow and spend economic.

Uh, I don't think you got it straight yet.