Polar bears. 50 years from now nobody will give a shit about polar bears.…& currently a bit off the beaten track, but it doesn’t have to be.
Are the whooping cranes dead or nobody gives a shit any longer?
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Polar bears. 50 years from now nobody will give a shit about polar bears.…& currently a bit off the beaten track, but it doesn’t have to be.
$8.64B/$37.1B= A Shitload. If about a quarter of your personal revenue or income was removed so a Politician could get more votes in Vancouver/GTA/Montreal/Etc…would that still be minor?
Sure, you're absolutely right of course. But it has for at least 150 years so far and it's not likely to change. There have always been policies that hurt the west to please the east. It used to cost more to ship goods east than west to prevent any competative western industries popping up, there were policies in place up to the end of ww1 to limit population growth in the west to make sure political power was in the east, there was the original NEP.... need i go on?It shouldn’t play well anywhere in Canada if we’re not being divided amongst ourselves for political gamesmanship.
They weren't voting for the liberals before that eitherGo figure. Not much incentive. Would you vote for a political entity that wants to decimate 1/4 of your economic activity
Food prices. those people in the city aren't stupid, they realize that if there's less food and it costs more to make that's going to hit them. But again you seem to miss what's being said. I said it was 'iffy' Not that it affected the cites. I just don't think people in toronto really understand what the issue with fertilizer is so it's not selling, he's not getting the traction he wanted, meanwhile the pushback is considerable, so politically it's not been worth it.How does going after fertilizer affect Vancouver Or Montreal Or Toronto directly?
ANd that right there would be the problem. You can't have a transition without something to transition into and yet that's exactly what Trudeau is trying to do. So the only thing he'll 'transition' people into is unemployment.Especially if there’s only a “Catchphrase” to transition to. All hat & no Cowboy.
Agriculture isn’t just Fertilizer, but diesel for equipment, & propane for grain dryers, and so on & so forth… and everything has to be shipped both to and from each farm, which is more diesel…
Yep. Some parts more than others depending on the scapegoats to get those Vancouver/GTA/Montreal votes…
Yep with over a third of it trapped on the North side of the potash zone making transporting it to expensive to go around the zone to the West or cross the border into Man. putting it in the direct path of the NEBOur O&G reserves make Alberta's a joke. You'd have to have to be crazy to think that the Phanerozoic ended at the border.
If you've paid attention you'd know Phanerozoic bullshit is highly interesting to me but my MSc and career life is rooted in the Pre Cambrian THO aka Trans Hudson Orogen and the birth of North America where the Churchhill Craton smashed into the Superior Craton. Copper and gold galore.
Shit like this.
View attachment 17059
Yup, it is what you think it is. 22%Au 36%Cu the rest Fe Si Mg S C and trace elements.
Cool shit but anywhore . From SK geology to politics.
It's taken Saskatchewan 60 years to recover from Communism and Tommy Douglas but we still can't tap the best oil on the continent because it is zoned as potash. Great money there but halites aren't as valuable as oil. 100 years maybe 200 but it'll be tapped.
But what the fuck do I know about the impact of today's attack on SK oil and gas.
Don't get me started on the Williston and Athabasca Basin resources both under attack and yet to be developed.
.Alberta....pffffb. Chump change.
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Smith and Trudeau met briefly to discuss shared aspirations and concerns over pending federal legislation, dubbed Just Transition, aimed at helping Canadian workers adapt to the global move to increasing reliance on renewable energy.
The short meeting began with Trudeau reaching down to shake hands, with Smith offering a hesitant palm down hand in return, prompting Trudeau to take it and hold it in place with his thumb on top as she delivered a hint of a smile and he grinned broadly while the cameras clicked and whirred.
Alberta Premier Smith meets Prime Minister Trudeau; awkward handshake ensues — The Canadian Press
OTTAWA - Alberta Premier Danielle Smith met face to face with Prime Minister Justin Trudeau Tuesday in a photo opportunity punctuated by short statements and a very awkward handshake.apple.news
Smith, in Ottawa with other premiers for talks on health-care funding. The premiers had been asking for an immediate annual top-up to the Canada Health Transfer of $28-billion, plus a minimum 5-per-cent annual increase. That would have totalled well over $300-billion in new spending over 10 years.
The federal government is offering premiers $46.2-billion in new health care funding over 10 years, a figure that is significantly less than what they had demanded, but which they appeared resigned to accepting after a meeting Tuesday with Prime Minister Justin Trudeau….but that’s a different story.
Federal government offers premiers $46-billion over 10 years, far short of demand for $28-billion per year — The Globe and Mail
Still, Ontario’s Doug Ford said he welcomes any new money; Quebec’s François Legault said no premier would reject what was pretty much a final offerapple.news
Keep voting for takers , you get what you give .So the issues with health care will continue. Shocker there.
Who says the provinces have exclusive jurisdiction ? Just watch me .Finally, some details on this “Just Transition” thing we’ve been hearing about for years as if it was real:
The plan released Friday is the first time the government has laid out in some detail what it proposes to do, including renaming the idea from the “just transition” plan — a concept that has been criticized for implying those working in oil and gas are in some way are unjust — to the “sustainable jobs plan.”
The term itself refers to the idea that governments guide workers displaced by environmental policies towards new jobs. It has, however, taken on a somewhat different meaning in Alberta, where politicians have suggested it’s a plan to shut down the oil and gas sector and impoverish Canada’s richest province.
At this point, the plan is a plan for more plans, better data collection and further engagement across various groups and regions in Canada. It establishes frameworks and councils to continue the discussions; it’s light on figures and timelines, includes no new funding and doesn’t put a specific figure on just how many jobs might be created.
The 32-page “Sustainable Jobs Plan” says if Canada plays its cards right, the clean energy economy will create so many jobs there may not be enough workers to fill them. But some of it will require the traditional oil and gas sectors to “aggressively” lower the greenhouse gas emissions produced as the fuels are extracted.
“Implementing a federal plan of this magnitude in areas of exclusive provincial jurisdiction doesn’t merely require piecemeal ‘discussions’ with the provinces, it requires outright provincial approval and cooperation,” Smith said in a statement. “Alberta has not been involved in any such approvals, nor included in the development of the plan published today.”
The plan, released Friday while the political world was paying attention to the report on the Liberals’ use of the Emergencies Act to quash the Freedom Convoy protests last year, is to guide the first two years of the transition — further plans will be released every five years after 2025.
Liberals' 'just transition' clean energy jobs plan is a plan for more plans — National Post
Alberta's Danielle Smith has been a vocal critic of the Liberal plan to eliminate 'jobs deemed too dirty by elites in Ottawa'apple.news
They are looking to hire some liberal contributors to study the plan to plan and create a plan to keep the commission perpetual .Sound like there is no plan other than a plan to plan a plan.
When all else fails (or isn't even tried), re-brand!The only thing of interest in that plan to plan is the name change of the old plan to the new plan. That’s pretty much it. That’s the plan.
As an Albertan I can only speak for myself (obviously) but while Albertans are not happy with the Feds, they are also patriotic & love Canada which is why they're not "into" separation is my take on things. I know I don't support separation but if things get really bad, I might change my mind. As it is, it's no where close to that currently & I'm optimistic with the right leaders, we can accomplish much not only for Alberta but for the country. Might well be "wishful thinking" tho'. I think Smith may be on the right track but only time will tell.Well there's not really enough support for that right now even in Alberta. Which is surprising, i would have thought it would be at an all time high. Which i guess is why Smith is going for 'separation lite' as her pitch
As an Albertan I can only speak for myself (obviously) but while Albertans are not happy with the Feds, they are also patriotic & love Canada which is why they're not "into" separation is my take on things. I know I don't support separation but if things get really bad, I might change my mind. As it is, it's no where close to that currently & I'm optimistic with the right leaders, we can accomplish much not only for Alberta but for the country. Might well be "wishful thinking" tho'. I think Smith may be on the right track but only time will tell.
With an election coming up, things are going to get interesting. The NDP are promising all kinds of things which will likely never come to fruition under their leadership & have nothing but contempt for Smith. It's too close to call but I'm hoping that people remember the last NDP government which turned out not to be what Albertans were expecting. Not only that, the provincial NDP usually follows the Federal NDP which is not the case with other provincial parties.
And for every single voter (and those who couldn't be arsed) in Canada.Except right now there is no right leadership in any party. So guess we just have to keep waiting for someone to magically be awesome for every area of Canada, right?
And for every single voter (and those who couldn't be arsed) in Canada.
“I didn’t vote for him, but he’s my president. And I hope he does a good job”
--John Wayne, speaking of JFK
Maybe "magically awesome" requires a little maturity on the part of the whiners in the cheap seats.