He mjust be very scary to you. I note you spent--what--two hours of life you'll never get back turning him into a monster. How Freudian. :lol:
Five minutes Pal. He's not my first creation.
He mjust be very scary to you. I note you spent--what--two hours of life you'll never get back turning him into a monster. How Freudian. :lol:
The National post had nothing to do with posting that crap on these discussion boards. That was you CM nobody else.
Five minutes Pal. He's not my first creation.
Are you not wearing your hockey helmet?...
BTW -PET is also considered worse than Paul Bernardo - not just Olsen
Really? You're going to double-down and throw another sadistic child killer you compare favourably to Pierre Trudeau? Wow.
Way to keep it classy, Captain. :lol:
What about Manson? Sorry Charlie?
Nobody dislikes Pierre Trudeau and his legacy less than I.........I am, in fact, sworn to make a pilgrimage to Ottawa for the sole purpose of visiting his statue, and peeing on its leg.
It is on my bucket list.
That said, the survey that lists him as worse than Clifford Olsen or Paul Bernardo is simply ludicrous. Pierre was many very negative things, but he was NOT a psychotic child-killer, a sexual sadist, nor a rapist, nor anything even remotely close to that.
Really? You're going to double-down and throw another sadistic child killer you compare favourably to Pierre Trudeau? Wow.
Way to keep it classy, Captain. :lol:
Just a simple question: How come those opposed to Justin Trudeau will yell over and over that he is just riding on his dad's name but
in the same breath tell us what an awful b-stard his dad was? If PET was so bad, how can his name be so beneficial?
Just a simple question: How come those opposed to Justin Trudeau will yell over and over that he is just riding on his dad's name but
in the same breath tell us what an awful b-stard his dad was? If PET was so bad, how can his name be so beneficial?
Why do you find this confusing? It's simple really.
The old man was popular and did win elections to become PM. So when they say he is riding on his dads coat tails they are referring to the strengths the old man had.
Those that say he was a bastard are those who saw his weaknesses and the damage he did to this country as a PM..
Is this all rocket science to you?
Know much about politics boy?
Sure, why not?.. Afterall, apparently the public has spoken on this so perhaps we can now rightly assume that PET's tenure was an abject failure.
By the way; how come you're not chomping at the bit to turn the knife in the sides of Kristen French's family on this... Your ever so intelligent suggestion of approaching the families of Olsen's victims and encouraging them to relive the pain was a real winner idea...
Why have you stopped there when there are so many other families that you can torture for your twisted jollies?
That might generate results that the true-believers don't appreciate
Just a simple question: How come those opposed to Justin Trudeau will yell over and over that he is just riding on his dad's name but
in the same breath tell us what an awful b-stard his dad was? If PET was so bad, how can his name be so beneficial?
I didn't agree with his politics, but I admired his intestinal fortitude when it came to standing up for that which he believed. ie: Just watch me.
And, like Colpy, the whole peeing on the leg is a joke.
I'm putting in a request for a John Baird Hulk!!!! :lol:
Minds were made up back then...
Fear was a key component used by Liberals to maintain a majority and try and scare people away from the Harper Conservatives.
I find it rather funny to hear Liberals complain that it is being used against them.
Just a simple question: How come those opposed to Justin Trudeau will yell over and over that he is just riding on his dad's name but
in the same breath tell us what an awful b-stard his dad was? If PET was so bad, how can his name be so beneficial?
Events have confirmed many of the fears about Harper as PM.
We have much less accountability and transparency and even conservative caucus members are angry about the dictatorial nature of the PMO.