Israel 'attacks' Gaza aid fleet


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
Re: How About Keeping The Rest Of Us Safe From Israel?

Isn't it funny that all your stuff Colpy looks exactly like the Hasbara crap ground out for debating points for defenders of Israeli atrocities. That's the only "evidence" I need to know what you're standing in up to your ears.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Re: How About Keeping The Rest Of Us Safe From Israel?

Hey Beave. If you ever get the chance, go check out Baalbec temple in Lebanon.
It's amazing!

It's up near the border with Syria and you can get a nice ball of red leb for dirt cheap.

I'm sure Colpy would enjoy it too and would be stunned at how incredibly friendly they are and how well they treat white foreigners.


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
Re: How About Keeping The Rest Of Us Safe From Israel?

Hey Beave. If you ever get the chance, go check out Baalbec temple in Lebanon.
It's amazing!

It's up near the border with Syria and you can get a nice ball of red leb for dirt cheap.

I'm sure Colpy would enjoy it too and would be stunned at how incredibly friendly they are and how well they treat white foreigners.

I would very much like to see and do exactly that someday.


Time Out
Jan 23, 2010
Re: How About Keeping The Rest Of Us Safe From Israel?


I actually read historians, people that were somewhere close.

I am actually capable of thinking for myself.

I don't get most of my info from the web. I know, actual books. The ones with covers and pages you have to turn.

yes i know you read books. pro-israeli books. which you use to form an opinion, which will clearly be bias.

AND, most importantly of all, what is YOUR solution to the problem of war in the ME?

probably huge changes in usa foreign policy as well as dismantling of israel. let jews and arabs live wherever in the middle east they want to peacefully and as well allow both jews and arabs to visit any holy site they please. a lot of the hostility of the conflict could be diminished simply by working out a compromise of the use of these holy sites. both israel and palestinians claim sovereignty over some of these holy sites.


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
Re: How About Keeping The Rest Of Us Safe From Israel?

.......... Israel has killed comparatively very few Arabs.......and a large portion of those were killed in defensive wars.
Being made a refugee is considered a crime against a person, a war crime to be exact.
How many wounded in your count or are they not considered to be a causality worth mentioning?

For the Arab nations to expel about the same number that Israel made refugees, by Nov of 1948, they would have been living in relative safety even though Palestine was a hot spot due to Jewish immigration from the early 30's.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.
Re: How About Keeping The Rest Of Us Safe From Israel?

Hey Beave. If you ever get the chance, go check out Baalbec temple in Lebanon.
It's amazing!

It's up near the border with Syria and you can get a nice ball of red leb for dirt cheap.

I'm sure Colpy would enjoy it too and would be stunned at how incredibly friendly they are and how well they treat white foreigners.

Actually, I wouldn't be surprised at all. My best friend spent 7 years in Saudi Arabia........and although he has little good to say about the "city" Arabs, he spent a lot of time in the desert with the Bedou.....a culture in which a man's worth is judged first by his hospitality, and only second by his courage.......Muslim and devout, friendly, open, honest, eager to aid strangers, and armed to teeth against enemies....I can't imagine a better culture. :)

People are people, firstly.

probably huge changes in usa foreign policy as well as dismantling of israel. let jews and arabs live wherever in the middle east they want to peacefully and as well allow both jews and arabs to visit any holy site they please. a lot of the hostility of the conflict could be diminished simply by working out a compromise of the use of these holy sites. both israel and palestinians claim sovereignty over some of these holy sites.

Good answer....thank you. It let's me know who I'm dealing with.

Unfortunately, letting the Jews live without a homeland has not worked out real well for them........and I'm not simply talking about the Nazi Holocaust....with was simply the climax of over 1,000 years of persecution, murder, expulsion, and attack on Jews simply for being Jews. Read a little history....just for example, in 1347, in city after city the Jewish quarter was murdered to a man.....why???....because OBVIOUSLY wicked Hebrew magic was responsible for the onslaught of the Black Plague......

There is a significant minority in the Muslim world that will not leave peacefully with Jews.......the Koran is mildly anti-Jew, and is interpreted by many of the wackiest as an exhortation to murder has happened before, when the British mandate of Palestine was intended to be exactly as you said.....but Jewish emigration so excited some Arab instigators, that in 1929 over a hundred Jews were murdered, and thousands injured, in Arab riots. The same happened in the year or two before the birth of Israel.......over a thousand Jews murdered......and Arabs as well, by Jewish terror groups.

What holy sites are Arabs not allowed to visit??????

Your peace plan is incredibly idealistic, and naive, IMHO. When the Jews said "never again"...they meant it. Israel IS, and it is not going anywhere.....not only that, it is the most decent country in a field of looney states.......and it shelters the people that have been most abused on earth for the past 1000 is a tiny piece of territory....

They will persevere.

Any peace must recognize the right of Israel to exist.....or there will never be peace.

And that is where your solution falls short.


Executive Branch Member
Feb 13, 2009
United States
Re: How About Keeping The Rest Of Us Safe From Israel?

Isn't it funny that all your stuff Colpy looks exactly like the Hasbara crap ground out for debating points for defenders of Israeli atrocities. That's the only "evidence" I need to know what you're standing in up to your ears.
You obviously have never visited the Mid-East. With a few exceptions it is safer than downtown Toronto at midnight. (Israel, Egypt, Jordan and even Syria)

Just the Facts

House Member
Oct 15, 2004
SW Ontario
Re: How About Keeping The Rest Of Us Safe From Israel?

let jews and arabs live wherever in the middle east they want to peacefully and as well allow both jews and arabs to visit any holy site they please. a lot of the hostility of the conflict could be diminished simply by working out a compromise of the use of these holy sites. both israel and palestinians claim sovereignty over some of these holy sites.

Muslims have always had free access to holy sites where Israel has been in control. Jews have always been banned from holy sites where Arabs are in control.

Arabs live freely in Israel. Jews are slaughtered if not under 24 hour armed protection in the disputed territories.

Genocide at work. How many Jews in the PA police?

Arab women join IDF rescue units - Israel News, Ynetnews


Time Out
Jan 23, 2010
Re: How About Keeping The Rest Of Us Safe From Israel?

Good answer....thank you. It let's me know who I'm dealing with.

Unfortunately, letting the Jews live without a homeland has not worked out real well for them........and I'm not simply talking about the Nazi Holocaust....with was simply the climax of over 1,000 years of persecution, murder, expulsion, and attack on Jews simply for being Jews. Read a little history....just for example, in 1347, in city after city the Jewish quarter was murdered to a man.....why???....because OBVIOUSLY wicked Hebrew magic was responsible for the onslaught of the Black Plague......

this is interesting. i too am interested in history a lot. but i've only just recently just got interested in it. i won't deny there are still things i need and want to learn.

There is a significant minority in the Muslim world that will not leave peacefully with Jews.......
i don't doubt it. just like i don't doubt there are a minority of jewish people who refuse to live peacefully with muslims.

What holy sites are Arabs not allowed to visit??????

this was in the news just a few months ago

Israelis Block Palestinians From Holy Site - The Lede Blog -

Your peace plan is incredibly idealistic, and naive, IMHO.

maybe but it's not an easy question to answer. i wanted to try and be optimistic but in reality the arab/israeli conflict will probably continue till the end of time.


Electoral Member
Dec 2, 2008
Re: How About Keeping The Rest Of Us Safe From Israel?

yes i know you read books. pro-israeli books. which you use to form an opinion, which will clearly be bias.

probably huge changes in usa foreign policy as well as dismantling of israel. let jews and arabs live wherever in the middle east they want to peacefully and as well allow both jews and arabs to visit any holy site they please. a lot of the hostility of the conflict could be diminished simply by working out a compromise of the use of these holy sites. both israel and palestinians claim sovereignty over some of these holy sites.
That's really a sweet idea - but you have a gynormous Muslim edifice trampling the foundations of the Jewish Temple - the HOLIEST place in the Jewish world. Jews can't rebuild their temple - actually they could, but that would cause war - so they don't and it was only the '67 war that gave them the ability to worship at more than the mere fraction of the Temple's walls. For a religion that gives lip service to respecting the 'three books', it gives short shrift to the founding volume. The temple mount is the MOST holy place in Judaism - what did Islam do? They build a temple on their holy place. Come to think of it, why should I be surprised? Think of the Hagia Sophia - the holiest church in the Eastern Christian Church - Islam had no respect for those Christians either. It had been converted to a Mosque, but when the government took control, did they give it back to the Orthodox Church as they should have? No. They made it into a museum. I mean, how mean spirited! Claim to 'love' one of the 'parent faiths' of your religion, and then trample them.Lots of respect going on there, right?

jackie cox

New Member
May 21, 2010
Re: How About Keeping The Rest Of Us Safe From Israel?

watched israel and their tiny; holocausted, honest, respectful, caring, sharing, transparancy society, and their vast humanitarian contributions to all remaining cultures still left from their efforts to save themselves from extinction, and above all their utter unconditional love and respect for their neighbors. Their respect and fairness has gained them a special place in the hearts of all, not only their neighbors but people involved in busness dealings with them, as they are especially known for their honesty and fair business practices. the young, beautiful, however poor ladies of the world hold them dearly for their aid in job placement and the end of employment tactics for the few survivors who are alowed life after the end of their servatude. The respect from common business men who are unfortunate or unaware of the vast scope of business reserved for their tiny poor population who happen to attempt to go into those businesses, and the resulting devestation of their businesses and families. And the stupid golims who are doing time in their prison society here in the usa so their tiny population of lawyers and impoverished judges can have food on the table, and cars, boats, planes, estates, and the funds to buy Nobility degrees for their tiny poor impoverished populations. And not last but which I will mention are their vast hireling population in the usa, here in their recently emerged " one brand economy " who work for minimium wage like the 3,000,000,000 working for americas largest employeer for the poor impoverished walton family, who are so proud to be their slaves and work hard at walmart for their 12,000 dollars a year before taxes, which are duly deducted and paid, and for the really great health insurance their workers get (sick and die). Throughout the world, the ethnic cleansing of populations who are unfortunate to live on geophysical assets, who are happy to sacrafice their lives, and the lives of their families and friends, to the paramilitaries hired by the world class mafia, a tiny impoverished population of israelites, who need those assets to put feed on the table for their tiny families who only double their tiny declining populations every 17 years. And the opportunity to sacrafice the lives of the 250 infants, and 1500+ adults, and the wounded, 7,500, in their last little incursion into Gaza to make way for the new settlements for the remenents of the tiny poor, ever growing new settlements, in just gaza. I will not mention the rest of our great world class mafias affairs throughout the world and the opportunity of the heahens to give life, land, and country so the tiny, impoverished, persecuted, wonderful israelites can find new places to rest their tired but happy trigger fingers from ridding their new found lands where their helpless victims lay down their lives to make way for the kind, wonderful, caring respectful israeli gOd chosen people, if they are still in that catagory, or they may well have moved on to become something else, where actual words are unfit to describe what they have become.

The nice thing about the intenet, is you can say anything positive about the israelites without having it suppressed, on the jewish PR sites. Google " Jew Watch " and read some real statistics about the shame of humanity called israel, and their founders, " The World Class Mafia " I'm not a profit, and for that matter I have never read anything proficied by the proisraeli profits that actually happened, like say information technology, and the inability of cash to control the input of real data that place it in the catagory of an information revolution. I give them perhaps another 10 to 15 years before they either change and return the stolen properties , lands, factories, shares, cash, etc etc, not that they can return the lives of their victims, but if they stop and become like the rest of the worlds youth, they may still have the slimmest of chances of avoiding being exterminated. Either way their time on earth is at best limited to decades. Nobility is always met with anarchy, Nobility, hiding behind,large fences, deed, title, and the predatory laws they makeup as they plunder their way through life is no longer invisible, as are not the secular, communistic kibbutz life styles. The shame of humanity

the pseudo holy places the pirates of society hide behind are no longer fooling the common people, the servants, slaves, hirelings, who are gathering out of respect for their survival and equal rights, and will not stop until injustice is eradicated. Things do not look very positive for jew society and their philosopy of a one world government and a one brand economy, perhaps devine intervention, spirit of truth, karma, whatever, their time has come, their ways will be lost to time, and very very soon. The information revolution is their end, and their is nothing they can do to prevent it. Knowledge is power, ignorance, no longer bliss

I believe everything I read about the fairness of the firstborn israeli society and the utter fairness they show to all female humanities. It must be so otherwise they would not have stated it. All those stolen women, and the brotherls in israel, and the auctions of poor young pretty captured women are the stuff of pulp fiction, and I presonally turn a blind eye to the real occurances of such things as buying anf selling people and body parts in israel, a part of israel I refuse to see, even when it is absolutely exposed and stratified as being the truth. I mean, can you imagine a rabbi getting off at the expense of sexual slaves kept in bondage by threat of their lives and the murdered to shut them up when they are so longer pleasing. then I read all about the holy places in israel presided over by the very same rabbis. And how the arab women stand in lines to endorse the IDF, yep, the words here have the ring of truth, but the tone is broken and a white noise accompanies all the words

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Electoral Member
Dec 2, 2008
Re: How About Keeping The Rest Of Us Safe From Israel?

watched israel and their tiny; holocausted, honest, respectful, caring, sharing, transparancy society, and their vast humanitarian contributions to all remaining cultures still left from their efforts to save themselves from extinction, and above all their utter unconditional love and respect for their neighbors. Their respect and fairness has gained them a special place in the hearts of all, not only their neighbors but people involved in busness dealings with them, as they are especially known for their honesty and fair business practices. the young, beautiful, however poor ladies of the world hold them dearly for their aid in job placement and the end of employment tactics for the few survivors who are alowed life after the end of their servatude. The respect from common business men who are unfortunate or unaware of the vast scope of business reserved for their tiny poor population who happen to attempt to go into those businesses, and the resulting devestation of their businesses and families. And the stupid golims who are doing time in their prison society here in the usa so their tiny population of lawyers and impoverished judges can have food on the table, and cars, boats, planes, estates, and the funds to buy Nobility degrees for their tiny poor impoverished populations. And not last but which I will mention are their vast hireling population in the usa, here in their recently emerged " one brand economy " who work for minimium wage like the 3,000,000,000 working for americas largest employeer for the poor impoverished walton family, who are so proud to be their slaves and work hard at walmart for their 12,000 dollars a year before taxes, which are duly deducted and paid, and for the really great health insurance their workers get (sick and die). Throughout the world, the ethnic cleansing of populations who are unfortunate to live on geophysical assets, who are happy to sacrafice their lives, and the lives of their families and friends, to the paramilitaries hired by the world class mafia, a tiny impoverished population of israelites, who need those assets to put feed on the table for their tiny families who only double their tiny declining populations every 17 years. And the opportunity to sacrafice the lives of the 250 infants, and 1500+ adults, and the wounded, 7,500, in their last little incursion into Gaza to make way for the new settlements for the remenents of the tiny poor, ever growing new settlements, in just gaza. I will not mention the rest of our great world class mafias affairs throughout the world and the opportunity of the heahens to give life, land, and country so the tiny, impoverished, persecuted, wonderful israelites can find new places to rest their tired but happy trigger fingers from ridding their new found lands where their helpless victims lay down their lives to make way for the kind, wonderful, caring respectful israeli gOd chosen people, if they are still in that catagory, or they may well have moved on to become something else, where actual words are unfit to describe what they have become.

The nice thing about the intenet, is you can say anything positive about the israelites without having it suppressed, on the jewish PR sites. Google " Jew Watch " and read some real statistics about the shame of humanity called israel, and their founders, " The World Class Mafia " I'm not a profit, and for that matter I have never read anything proficied by the proisraeli profits that actually happened, like say information technology, and the inability of cash to control the input of real data that place it in the catagory of an information revolution. I give them perhaps another 10 to 15 years before they either change and return the stolen properties , lands, factories, shares, cash, etc etc, not that they can return the lives of their victims, but if they stop and become like the rest of the worlds youth, they may still have the slimmest of chances of avoiding being exterminated. Either way their time on earth is at best limited to decades. Nobility is always met with anarchy, Nobility, hiding behind,large fences, deed, title, and the predatory laws they makeup as they plunder their way through life is no longer invisible, as are not the secular, communistic kibbutz life styles. The shame of humanity

the pseudo holy places the pirates of society hide behind are no longer fooling the common people, the servants, slaves, hirelings, who are gathering out of respect for their survival and equal rights, and will not stop until injustice is eradicated. Things do not look very positive for jew society and their philosopy of a one world government and a one brand economy, perhaps devine intervention, spirit of truth, karma, whatever, their time has come, their ways will be lost to time, and very very soon. The information revolution is their end, and their is nothing they can do to prevent it. Knowledge is power, ignorance, no longer bliss

I believe everything I read about the fairness of the firstborn israeli society and the utter fairness they show to all female humanities. It must be so otherwise they would not have stated it. All those stolen women, and the brotherls in israel, and the auctions of poor young pretty captured women are the stuff of pulp fiction, and I presonally turn a blind eye to the real occurances of such things as buying anf selling people and body parts in israel, a part of israel I refuse to see, even when it is absolutely exposed and stratified as being the truth. I mean, can you imagine a rabbi getting off at the expense of sexual slaves kept in bondage by threat of their lives and the murdered to shut them up when they are so longer pleasing. then I read all about the holy places in israel presided over by the very same rabbis. And how the arab women stand in lines to endorse the IDF, yep, the words here have the ring of truth, but the tone is broken and a white noise accompanies all the words

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Holy smokes Jackie - sounds like you might want to loosen up the neck ties of that white hood that you 're wearing!
I've heard that when it's too tight it results in a lack of oxygen to the brain resulting in terminal STOOPIDNESS. Mind you, that condition has also been noticed amongst people who are their own first kousin ....


Executive Branch Member
Feb 13, 2009
United States
Re: How About Keeping The Rest Of Us Safe From Israel?

Israel had good reason to block some Muslims from going to Holy site to pray. It is called security reasons.
"Updated | 10:24 a.m. On Friday, Israeli police prevented young Palestinian men from praying at a holy site in Jerusalem, and Israel’s military imposed a temporary ban on travel by Palestinians from the West Bank into Israel. The security crackdown comes after recent clashes following Friday prayers in Jerusalem.
The Associated Press reported that police would only allow Palestinian women and Palestinian men over 50 years of age to pray on Friday at the Jerusalem holy site known to Muslims as the Noble Sanctuary and to Jews as the Temple Mount."

Only young troublemakers were blocked.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.
Re: How About Keeping The Rest Of Us Safe From Israel?

watched israel and their tiny; holocausted, honest, respectful, caring, sharing, transparancy society, and their vast humanitarian contributions to all remaining cultures still left from their efforts to save themselves from extinction, and above all their utter unconditional love and respect for their neighbors. Their respect and fairness has gained them a special place in the hearts of all, not only their neighbors but people involved in busness dealings with them, as they are especially known for their honesty and fair business practices. the young, beautiful, however poor ladies of the world hold them dearly for their aid in job placement and the end of employment tactics for the few survivors who are alowed life after the end of their servatude. The respect from common business men who are unfortunate or unaware of the vast scope of business reserved for their tiny poor population who happen to attempt to go into those businesses, and the resulting devestation of their businesses and families. And the stupid golims who are doing time in their prison society here in the usa so their tiny population of lawyers and impoverished judges can have food on the table, and cars, boats, planes, estates, and the funds to buy Nobility degrees for their tiny poor impoverished populations. And not last but which I will mention are their vast hireling population in the usa, here in their recently emerged " one brand economy " who work for minimium wage like the 3,000,000,000 working for americas largest employeer for the poor impoverished walton family, who are so proud to be their slaves and work hard at walmart for their 12,000 dollars a year before taxes, which are duly deducted and paid, and for the really great health insurance their workers get (sick and die). Throughout the world, the ethnic cleansing of populations who are unfortunate to live on geophysical assets, who are happy to sacrafice their lives, and the lives of their families and friends, to the paramilitaries hired by the world class mafia, a tiny impoverished population of israelites, who need those assets to put feed on the table for their tiny families who only double their tiny declining populations every 17 years. And the opportunity to sacrafice the lives of the 250 infants, and 1500+ adults, and the wounded, 7,500, in their last little incursion into Gaza to make way for the new settlements for the remenents of the tiny poor, ever growing new settlements, in just gaza. I will not mention the rest of our great world class mafias affairs throughout the world and the opportunity of the heahens to give life, land, and country so the tiny, impoverished, persecuted, wonderful israelites can find new places to rest their tired but happy trigger fingers from ridding their new found lands where their helpless victims lay down their lives to make way for the kind, wonderful, caring respectful israeli gOd chosen people, if they are still in that catagory, or they may well have moved on to become something else, where actual words are unfit to describe what they have become.

The nice thing about the intenet, is you can say anything positive about the israelites without having it suppressed, on the jewish PR sites. Google " Jew Watch " and read some real statistics about the shame of humanity called israel, and their founders, " The World Class Mafia " I'm not a profit, and for that matter I have never read anything proficied by the proisraeli profits that actually happened, like say information technology, and the inability of cash to control the input of real data that place it in the catagory of an information revolution. I give them perhaps another 10 to 15 years before they either change and return the stolen properties , lands, factories, shares, cash, etc etc, not that they can return the lives of their victims, but if they stop and become like the rest of the worlds youth, they may still have the slimmest of chances of avoiding being exterminated. Either way their time on earth is at best limited to decades. Nobility is always met with anarchy, Nobility, hiding behind,large fences, deed, title, and the predatory laws they makeup as they plunder their way through life is no longer invisible, as are not the secular, communistic kibbutz life styles. The shame of humanity

the pseudo holy places the pirates of society hide behind are no longer fooling the common people, the servants, slaves, hirelings, who are gathering out of respect for their survival and equal rights, and will not stop until injustice is eradicated. Things do not look very positive for jew society and their philosopy of a one world government and a one brand economy, perhaps devine intervention, spirit of truth, karma, whatever, their time has come, their ways will be lost to time, and very very soon. The information revolution is their end, and their is nothing they can do to prevent it. Knowledge is power, ignorance, no longer bliss

I believe everything I read about the fairness of the firstborn israeli society and the utter fairness they show to all female humanities. It must be so otherwise they would not have stated it. All those stolen women, and the brotherls in israel, and the auctions of poor young pretty captured women are the stuff of pulp fiction, and I presonally turn a blind eye to the real occurances of such things as buying anf selling people and body parts in israel, a part of israel I refuse to see, even when it is absolutely exposed and stratified as being the truth. I mean, can you imagine a rabbi getting off at the expense of sexual slaves kept in bondage by threat of their lives and the murdered to shut them up when they are so longer pleasing. then I read all about the holy places in israel presided over by the very same rabbis. And how the arab women stand in lines to endorse the IDF, yep, the words here have the ring of truth, but the tone is broken and a white noise accompanies all the words

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A fine example of why Jews require a homeland........especially when one takes a good, hard look throughout these threads and sees how widespread this kind of psychotic, delusional hatred really is......thank you for providing this support for the state of Israel.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Re: How About Keeping The Rest Of Us Safe From Israel?

Think of the Hagia Sophia - the holiest church in the Eastern Christian Church - Islam had no respect for those Christians either. It had been converted to a Mosque, but when the government took control, did they give it back to the Orthodox Church as they should have? No. They made it into a museum. I mean, how mean spirited! Claim to 'love' one of the 'parent faiths' of your religion, and then trample them.Lots of respect going on there, right?
Have you ever seen it? The Christian origins were never defaced out of respect and Islamic themes were added later as the building grew to continue the story depicted in the architecture and art works.

Go see it some time, you might enjoy yourself.


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
Re: How About Keeping The Rest Of Us Safe From Israel?

A fine example of why Jews require a homeland........especially when one takes a good, hard look throughout these threads and sees how widespread this kind of psychotic, delusional hatred really is......thank you for providing this support for the state of Israel.
They deserve to be as safe as any other group, their safety, is not more important than any other person, including having 33 countries vote to put them in a place where none of the guidelines of peaceful integration. The only integration the Jews want is the expulsion of Arabs (as equal citizens capable of winning the Gov position in a fair and balanced election). If they want true safety they should stop sticking (beating the war drums) about Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Iran, etc.

Did you know the God they believe in will resurrect all of them, but not without resurrecting certain Gentiles at the very same time.

If you take the time to watch the documentary, 'Waiting for Armageddon' some leaders of the Christian Churches (50 M) are listing 10 Muslim countries that should be wiped off the face of the earth because the Bible says somebody is going to be a danger and they figure they know who it is, not that any of their other guesses over the last few hundred years was correct.
At what point are you going to start calling them on the 'war like' ways?


Time Out
Jul 26, 2007
Re: How About Keeping The Rest Of Us Safe From Israel?

As Zionists came like a thief, and were supported by the imperialists: UK and USA; so they will disappear; it is certain. It is a promise of God in the Quran 17: 3-8 and 17: 104
A Warning to Jews of Perishing, If they do not believe in the Quran

Some said this may be at 2022/2023 ; they depended on some calculations using the rule of × 19 ; this seems reasonable :thumbup: God is All-Knowing; I didn't hear this from the interpreter, but he said: their end is inevitable; God's promise in the Quran; and in the Gospel:

Mark 13:14 "When you see the 'abomination that causes desolation' standing where it does not belong –let the reader understand – then let those who are in Judea flea to the mountains…"

Reasons for their disappearance:
1- They are not now commanded by God to occupy Palestine.
God ordered them in the past to fight the idolaters of Jericho and they refused and rebelled against Moses and against the command of God; while now the Palestinians are not idolaters, but Muslims believing in God alone and all His apotles (Moses, Jesus, Mohammed and the rest).

2- They are wrong-doers: persecuting the Palestinians: children, women and all young and old men. And God dislikes the wrong-doers.

3- They are idolaters and associaters worshipping the shrines of Bar Yohaya and Rachel their grandmother and many others, even Lucifer and the genies.

4- A large number of them are atheists: actually from them issued all the atheism, particularly of men like Darwin and Marx .

5- They disbelieve in Jesus and Mohammed the apostles of God to all people.

6- They disbelieve in God's books: the Gospel and the Quran.

7- They fight the Palestinians and the Arab and the Muslims everywhere and everytime with all their means: while the Muslims are the new chosen people of God (if they abandon the atheism and the enthusiasm about their sheikhs and imams).

8- The world will change in the coming years to their disadvantage, and God's hand will be against them as was He against the idolaters and associaters of their grandfathers.

A Call to Contemporary Jews
Last edited:


Time Out
Jan 23, 2010
Re: How About Keeping The Rest Of Us Safe From Israel?

That's really a sweet idea - but you have a gynormous Muslim edifice trampling the foundations of the Jewish Temple - the HOLIEST place in the Jewish world. Jews can't rebuild their temple - actually they could, but that would cause war - so they don't and it was only the '67 war that gave them the ability to worship at more than the mere fraction of the Temple's walls. For a religion that gives lip service to respecting the 'three books', it gives short shrift to the founding volume. The temple mount is the MOST holy place in Judaism - what did Islam do? They build a temple on their holy place. Come to think of it, why should I be surprised? Think of the Hagia Sophia - the holiest church in the Eastern Christian Church - Islam had no respect for those Christians either. It had been converted to a Mosque, but when the government took control, did they give it back to the Orthodox Church as they should have? No. They made it into a museum. I mean, how mean spirited! Claim to 'love' one of the 'parent faiths' of your religion, and then trample them.Lots of respect going on there, right?

what is this racist tripe, all i see is "the big evil muslims bullying and suppressing the holy jewish peoples"


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
Re: How About Keeping The Rest Of Us Safe From Israel?

That's really a sweet idea - but you have a gynormous Muslim edifice trampling the foundations of the Jewish Temple - the HOLIEST place in the Jewish world. Jews can't rebuild their temple - actually they could, but that would cause war - so they don't and it was only the '67 war that gave them the ability to worship at more than the mere fraction of the Temple's walls. For a religion that gives lip service to respecting the 'three books', it gives short shrift to the founding volume. The temple mount is the MOST holy place in Judaism - what did Islam do? They build a temple on their holy place. Come to think of it, why should I be surprised? Think of the Hagia Sophia - the holiest church in the Eastern Christian Church - Islam had no respect for those Christians either. It had been converted to a Mosque, but when the government took control, did they give it back to the Orthodox Church as they should have? No. They made it into a museum. I mean, how mean spirited! Claim to 'love' one of the 'parent faiths' of your religion, and then trample them.Lots of respect going on there, right?
God had Neb dismantle the city and the Temple because the Temple leaders were killing the Prophets God sent to them. It was called an exile and God rewarded Neb in that Neb was a true believer in Daniel's God. So the prophecies about the Messiah coming as High Priest god let them have Jerusalem and a Temple, under a Gentile King, Rome. After what was done, God had Rome put the City back into it's exile state. Neb or Rome cannot be faulted for carrying out God's determinations.

Gentiles having control was to end when Jesus returned and built His own Tabernacle. This may come as a bit of a shock but Christians do not need Churches to be Christians, prayer can be said anyplace and wherever a few gather to talk about God, let alone the monstrosities that some Christian sects go to as 'proof' of how much Christ likes them. It only shows how far they are away from the actual words in the NT and there are vain rather than being humble.

The Jewish quest to make their own homeland and rebuild a temple (for the restoration of blood-sacrifice of all things) isn't found anyplace in Scripture. For any of the 12 Tribes to be there before Christ takes control is .... for them it is against God's wishes.

Colpy, most of the poor Jews over the last 1500 years that were killed over 'persecutions' can be traced back to the Jewish Bankers, a more blood-thirsty group of people has never walked the face of the earth. Did you know how much money they made from WW!!, the massacre of Jews during that time was allowed to happen because it supported their 'cause'. You are becoming loyal where you should be backing away. You often criticize the 'common German' for being so blind to support the Nazis rather than running them out of town on a splintery rail.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Re: How About Keeping The Rest Of Us Safe From Israel?

They had 600+ years to rebuild before Islam came along. There is nothing stopping them from building a shiny new temple in Tel Aviv is there?