Re: How About Keeping The Rest Of Us Safe From Israel?
watched israel and their tiny; holocausted, honest, respectful, caring, sharing, transparancy society, and their vast humanitarian contributions to all remaining cultures still left from their efforts to save themselves from extinction, and above all their utter unconditional love and respect for their neighbors. Their respect and fairness has gained them a special place in the hearts of all, not only their neighbors but people involved in busness dealings with them, as they are especially known for their honesty and fair business practices. the young, beautiful, however poor ladies of the world hold them dearly for their aid in job placement and the end of employment tactics for the few survivors who are alowed life after the end of their servatude. The respect from common business men who are unfortunate or unaware of the vast scope of business reserved for their tiny poor population who happen to attempt to go into those businesses, and the resulting devestation of their businesses and families. And the stupid golims who are doing time in their prison society here in the usa so their tiny population of lawyers and impoverished judges can have food on the table, and cars, boats, planes, estates, and the funds to buy Nobility degrees for their tiny poor impoverished populations. And not last but which I will mention are their vast hireling population in the usa, here in their recently emerged " one brand economy " who work for minimium wage like the 3,000,000,000 working for americas largest employeer for the poor impoverished walton family, who are so proud to be their slaves and work hard at walmart for their 12,000 dollars a year before taxes, which are duly deducted and paid, and for the really great health insurance their workers get (sick and die). Throughout the world, the ethnic cleansing of populations who are unfortunate to live on geophysical assets, who are happy to sacrafice their lives, and the lives of their families and friends, to the paramilitaries hired by the world class mafia, a tiny impoverished population of israelites, who need those assets to put feed on the table for their tiny families who only double their tiny declining populations every 17 years. And the opportunity to sacrafice the lives of the 250 infants, and 1500+ adults, and the wounded, 7,500, in their last little incursion into Gaza to make way for the new settlements for the remenents of the tiny poor, ever growing new settlements, in just gaza. I will not mention the rest of our great world class mafias affairs throughout the world and the opportunity of the heahens to give life, land, and country so the tiny, impoverished, persecuted, wonderful israelites can find new places to rest their tired but happy trigger fingers from ridding their new found lands where their helpless victims lay down their lives to make way for the kind, wonderful, caring respectful israeli gOd chosen people, if they are still in that catagory, or they may well have moved on to become something else, where actual words are unfit to describe what they have become.
The nice thing about the intenet, is you can say anything positive about the israelites without having it suppressed, on the jewish PR sites. Google " Jew Watch " and read some real statistics about the shame of humanity called israel, and their founders, " The World Class Mafia " I'm not a profit, and for that matter I have never read anything proficied by the proisraeli profits that actually happened, like say information technology, and the inability of cash to control the input of real data that place it in the catagory of an information revolution. I give them perhaps another 10 to 15 years before they either change and return the stolen properties , lands, factories, shares, cash, etc etc, not that they can return the lives of their victims, but if they stop and become like the rest of the worlds youth, they may still have the slimmest of chances of avoiding being exterminated. Either way their time on earth is at best limited to decades. Nobility is always met with anarchy, Nobility, hiding behind,large fences, deed, title, and the predatory laws they makeup as they plunder their way through life is no longer invisible, as are not the secular, communistic kibbutz life styles. The shame of humanity
the pseudo holy places the pirates of society hide behind are no longer fooling the common people, the servants, slaves, hirelings, who are gathering out of respect for their survival and equal rights, and will not stop until injustice is eradicated. Things do not look very positive for jew society and their philosopy of a one world government and a one brand economy, perhaps devine intervention, spirit of truth, karma, whatever, their time has come, their ways will be lost to time, and very very soon. The information revolution is their end, and their is nothing they can do to prevent it. Knowledge is power, ignorance, no longer bliss
I believe everything I read about the fairness of the firstborn israeli society and the utter fairness they show to all female humanities. It must be so otherwise they would not have stated it. All those stolen women, and the brotherls in israel, and the auctions of poor young pretty captured women are the stuff of pulp fiction, and I presonally turn a blind eye to the real occurances of such things as buying anf selling people and body parts in israel, a part of israel I refuse to see, even when it is absolutely exposed and stratified as being the truth. I mean, can you imagine a rabbi getting off at the expense of sexual slaves kept in bondage by threat of their lives and the murdered to shut them up when they are so longer pleasing. then I read all about the holy places in israel presided over by the very same rabbis. And how the arab women stand in lines to endorse the IDF, yep, the words here have the ring of truth, but the tone is broken and a white noise accompanies all the words
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