Re: How About Keeping The Rest Of Us Safe From Israel?
Yes it is genocide. You're getting into semantics now. It's been described as a slow genocide which is completely correct.
Oh RIGHT! And I'm the one engaging in semantics.....
To accuse the Israelis of genocide is ludicrous. Genocide which does not even effectively slow the population GROWTH of the "target" group is simply not genocide.
And that ignores the fact that the majority of the 100,000 individuals the Israelis have killed in the past 62 years have been combatants.......
Moreover, to accuse the Israelis of genocide is most offensive. The Jews have been the victim of the most effective genocide of the bloody twentieth century, one carried out by a civilized modern, educated state, one in which they lost at least 5.7 million people, one third of the world population of Jews.......
Absolutely idiotic! The idea that Israel is commiting genocide is simply outside the Pale........
It leaves only three possibilities.....
1. The accuser is a complete moron.
2. The accuser has a political agenda which involves the destruction of the State of Israel.
3. The accuser is a psycho, who sees the acceptance of the accusation of genocide as some great ironic victory, and who truely hopes the Arabs all get togwether and finish the job the Nazis bungled........
Pick one.