Israel 'attacks' Gaza aid fleet


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
Re: How About Keeping The Rest Of Us Safe From Israel?

No, I'm not waiting for the Final Battle... :)
That's good to know, killing 60 m or 600 m wouldn't bother the Christians as depicted in this video. 50 million deluded Christians are as dangerous to 'world peace' as any group that has that many followers, tap that by the ones who promote the few things you do not like about Israel and what they could cause is less than either past WW and possibly more destruction than both combined.

Watch Waiting for Armageddon online | MovShare - Reliable video hosting

It isn't a matter of they launch them, it is a matter that they determine they are the only ones that can have them and the efforts they expend to widen their persecution of anybody that supports the cause of the Palestinian people.

The ones near the beginning of the vid that are 'helping' by their jobs that support the machines of war would be considered to be 'living carelessly in the Nations' and as such they will be treated as 'enemies' if that army was the one to be gathered against Christ.

With that rule in place where do the people that insist Israel can do whatever it wants to ensure it's survival, with unlimited support from Christians who have left this 'rule' behind which ensures their own destruction by the very one they claim they follow.

One of the main speakers in the vid mistakenly tips his hat to the knowledge that this gathering is a false one. He makes one short statement about Israel being taken 'captive' again. The whole 10 countries being enemies who just happen to be Muslim is more than a little convient and even you should be able to spot the propaganda that this vid promotes. That same view would be fed to the 50M in each sermon from those leaders. You certainly don't have a problem pointing out the deceptions of the Nazis in setting a people up for sl;aughter, why so silent know when the potential number is much higher than all of WW!!. If you encourage this sort of activity that just makes you just as evil but on a smaller scale. You said it yourself, if you kill them in low numbers it is not a genocide, if Israel is determined to remove all Arabs/ Muslims Nations then they are promoting genocide over peace deals that are lived up to in every letter, such as UN181.

Do a little history, after the Muslims it would be another Gentile group that become the 'enemy'.


Hall of Fame Member
Jul 5, 2009
Re: How About Keeping The Rest Of Us Safe From Israel?

I really don't belong to any political group, i think it's stupid. but right wingers from what i've observed are generally whacko and borderline insane, some actually are insane.
From a centrist POV, both wings look clipped. lol


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Re: How About Keeping The Rest Of Us Safe From Israel?

The entire flap about Israel selling to South Africa is based on papers that show South Africa requested that they talk about selling nukes..........Israel did not even reply, or at least there is no evidence that Israel replied, despite the existence of the documents

"The topic of [Israeli] Jericho missiles came up and three different types of warheads were said to be available by the Israelis," Polakow-Suransky said. "The South Africans perceived the offer as an explicit offer for nuclear warheads."

3 Types on the table but they didn't reply. Sounds like bull**** to me.

Oh course they would say it's BS because it makes Israel out to be the global nuclear threat that they are.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.
Re: How About Keeping The Rest Of Us Safe From Israel?

"The topic of [Israeli] Jericho missiles came up and three different types of warheads were said to be available by the Israelis," Polakow-Suransky said. "The South Africans perceived the offer as an explicit offer for nuclear warheads."

3 Types on the table but they didn't reply. Sounds like bull**** to me.

Oh course they would say it's BS because it makes Israel out to be the global nuclear threat that they are.

From the horse's mouth.....

Polakow-Suransky - Google Search

This guy is working hard to sell books. :)

PAYLOADS they talked about, on missiles capable of nuclear and non-nuclear development......the Israelis NEVER mentioned nukes specifically, and considering they worked with South Africa from 1975 to "almost 1990", they had every chance to transfer info or weapons.

Did South Africa have nukes?


Case closed.

The Old Medic

Council Member
May 16, 2010
The World
Re: How About Keeping The Rest Of Us Safe From Israel?

How about some reality in this thread?

In 1947, the United Nations voted to partition the protectorate of Palestine into two independent states, Israel and Palestine.(NOTE: Throughout recorded history, there had never been any country named Palestine that was a free country. The name was originally applied by the Romans, when THEY controlled the area.)

The Jews in what became Israel accepted that partition, and begged the Palestinians to do the same. Instead, Lebanon, Syria, Trans-Jordan, Egypt and several other Arab countries stated that if Israel were to declare its independence, they would invade and wipe out this new country.

Announcements were made on Arabic radio stations, telling the Muslim population out get out, because the Armies of those countries (and several others) would be invading that territory, and they did not want to kill Muslims. The day that Israel declared it's independence in 1948, each and every one of those Arabic countries declared war, and began an invasion.

The Israeli's whipped the combined armies of all of those countries, and Israel became a reality. Trans-Jordan took over the entire West Bank, and the eastern portion of the capital city. Egypt took over the Gaza strip. No country of Palestine was ever allowed to become an independent country, its Arab neighbors refused to allow that to happen.

From 1948 through 1967, the countries of Jordan and Egypt controlled all of the land that was to be the country of Palestine. Why did they not allow the Palestinians to form their own country during that time frame? They not only did not allow that to happen, but they forced those Palestinians that had left what became Israel to stay wherever they had gone, in squalid refugee camps.

Those people became stateless. Neither Egypt, Jordan, Syria or Lebanon would allow any of them to become citizens of the countries they resided in, their children born in those countries were not citizens, nor were their grandchildren.

So, you want to blame someone for the mess in the middle east, put the blame squarely where it belongs, on EGYPT, JORDAN, SYRIA, LEBANON, SAUDIA ARABIA, IRAQ, IRAN, THE EMIRATES, ETC.

The fact that there is no Palestine is 100% their fault.

They are all, except for Jordan and Egypt, still in a state of war with Israel. The Israeli's would be insane to not be armed to the teeth, not to be paranoid about the Arabs, when their intent is to completely destroy the country of Israel.

If you are too stupid to understand these simple facts, then you are utterly hopeless in your misinformation.
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Time Out
Jan 23, 2010
Re: How About Keeping The Rest Of Us Safe From Israel?

, a member of the Knesset, declared at the Knesset that "The Arabs are worms. You find them everywhere like worms, underground as well as above." and went on to describe them as "murderers" and "terrorist
Colpy likes to bring up anti-semitic rhetoric from leaders opposing Israel, ignoring the anti-arab rhetoric made by Israeli leaders.

Arabs aren't living in a wonderland in Israel like you try to make it sound like.


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
Re: How About Keeping The Rest Of Us Safe From Israel?

Colpy likes to bring up anti-semitic rhetoric from leaders opposing Israel, ignoring the anti-arab rhetoric made by Israeli leaders.

Arabs aren't living in a wonderland in Israel like you try to make it sound like.
Anti-Arab sentiments are anti-Semitic as they are Semitic peoples too. Jews and Arabs are brothers. What is going on over there is a family feud.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.
Re: How About Keeping The Rest Of Us Safe From Israel?

Colpy likes to bring up anti-semitic rhetoric from leaders opposing Israel, ignoring the anti-arab rhetoric made by Israeli leaders.

Arabs aren't living in a wonderland in Israel like you try to make it sound like.

I never said there were no morons in the Israeli Knesset. The Minister of Defense (I believe) wants to throw all the Arabs out of can find some truely offensive people in the Israeli gov't.....and I never claimed Arabs were treated as equals in Israel, just the opposite.

But, oddly enough, Arabs in Israel are better off than Arabs in any of the surrounding states.......with the possible exception of Jordan.

Arabs in Israel actually have rights, and get to elect representation, and practise whatever religion they like, and say what they please....

Why do you think there is so LITTLE rebellion among Arab Israelis?

Why do you think the most Arab of Arabs, the Bedou, fight in the Israeli Army??????


Time Out
Jan 23, 2010
Re: How About Keeping The Rest Of Us Safe From Israel?

Oh Bull****......

Casualty figures........

Twentieth Century Atlas - Death Tolls

i don't doubt there is a genocide going on, and i don't think it's even debatable.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Re: How About Keeping The Rest Of Us Safe From Israel?

But, oddly enough, Arabs in Israel are better off than Arabs in any of the surrounding states.......with the possible exception of Jordan.
Which Mid East contries have you personally visited in the past 5 years?


Executive Branch Member
Feb 13, 2009
United States
Re: How About Keeping The Rest Of Us Safe From Israel?

Hezbollah's Growing Ballistic Missile Stockpile Turns From Terror Threat to Military Threat

Week of May 24, 2010
While there has been much discussion in recent weeks over whether or not Hezbollah actually received Scud short range ballistic missiles from Syria, it's Hezbollah's growing stocks of Syrian made M-600 battlefield short range missiles that may prove more threatening. The M-600 is an improvement on the Iranian Fatah-110 missile, carrying a thousand pound warhead to ranges in excess of 300 kilometers. What makes these missiles a military, versus terror, threat is that they are fitted with GPS-aided inertial navigation. While the Scud is liquid fueled, which means it's vulnerable to air strikes while fueling before launch, the M-600 is solid fuel and can be fired without preparation. Read More.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Re: How About Keeping The Rest Of Us Safe From Israel?

Hezbollah's Growing Ballistic Missile Stockpile Turns From Terror Threat to Military Threat

Week of May 24, 2010
While there has been much discussion in recent weeks over whether or not Hezbollah actually received Scud short range ballistic missiles from Syria, it's Hezbollah's growing stocks of Syrian made M-600 battlefield short range missiles that may prove more threatening. The M-600 is an improvement on the Iranian Fatah-110 missile, carrying a thousand pound warhead to ranges in excess of 300 kilometers. What makes these missiles a military, versus terror, threat is that they are fitted with GPS-aided inertial navigation. While the Scud is liquid fueled, which means it's vulnerable to air strikes while fueling before launch, the M-600 is solid fuel and can be fired without preparation. Read More.
All in response to a massive build up of IDF forces on the Israel/Lebanon border. Should they not protect themselves from another attack?


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.
Re: How About Keeping The Rest Of Us Safe From Israel?

i don't doubt there is a genocide going on, and i don't think it's even debatable.

Ahhhhh......I am beginning to suspect that you don't really know what the word "genocide", let me help:

From the free on-line dictionary...

gen·o·cide (j
)n. The systematic and widespread extermination or attempted extermination of an entire national, racial, religious, or ethnic group.

Take a look at this:

Population Statistics - Israeli-Palestinian Conflict -

You will find a population graph for the West Bank and Gaza.....which in 1949 had a population of less than one million, and now has a population of over 3.5 million.

According to your lovely graph, 6500 Palestinians have died in 9 average of 720 per year........2 a day.

Yep. Genocide. :roll:

Lets be tolerant though, take 2009, in which the Israelis waxed Gazan arse, and then we'll even round up! To 1500 per year.

At that rate, the Israeli "genocide" will be successful! In about 2300 years....IF they somehow stop all Palestinian reproduction........

If Israel engaged in genocide, they are SPECTACULARLY unsuccessful at it........

Completely ludicrous claims simply make you look foolish, and do NOTHING to help your cause.........

BTW, guess who was among the very FIRST countries to accept Bosnian MUSLIM refugees back when the Serbs and Croats were engaged in REAL genocide in the 1990s????


Genocide, my ass.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.
Re: How About Keeping The Rest Of Us Safe From Israel?

All in response to a massive build up of IDF forces on the Israel/Lebanon border. Should they not protect themselves from another attack?

Oh yeah, I remember....the Israelis quit their last incursion into Lebanon on the promise of the UN and western countries to prevent Hezbollah arming with missiles meant for Israeli civilians.

They did SUCH a fine job! NOT!

This time, Syria pays as well.

Death to terrorists.


Executive Branch Member
Feb 13, 2009
United States
Re: How About Keeping The Rest Of Us Safe From Israel?

Palestinians are the same as the Israeli's, just like the English and the Irish. as well as most of us, mutts.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Re: How About Keeping The Rest Of Us Safe From Israel?

Colpy I asked this:

Quote: But, oddly enough, Arabs in Israel are better off than Arabs in any of the surrounding states.......with the possible exception of Jordan.​

Which Mid East countries have you personally visited in the past 5 years?

Oh yeah, I remember....the Israelis quit their last incursion into Lebanon on the promise of the UN and western countries to prevent Hezbollah arming with missiles meant for Israeli civilians.

They did SUCH a fine job! NOT!

This time, Syria pays as well.

Death to terrorists.
Now Syria is to blame? Who is next? Belgians?

Tell me this. Why is the US arming Lebanon? Is the US anti-Zionist too? The US wants Lebanon to wipe them off the map?


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
Re: How About Keeping The Rest Of Us Safe From Israel?

Oh yeah, I remember....the Israelis quit their last incursion into Lebanon on the promise of the UN and western countries to prevent Hezbollah arming with missiles meant for Israeli civilians.

They did SUCH a fine job! NOT!

This time, Syria pays as well.

Death to terrorists.

Be careful of what you wish for.

Arms for everyone, that way the war will have the best chance of being profitable. Not everyone will suffer though.


Time Out
Jan 23, 2010
Re: How About Keeping The Rest Of Us Safe From Israel?

Ahhhhh......I am beginning to suspect that you don't really know what the word "genocide", let me help:

From the free on-line dictionary...


Take a look at this:

Population Statistics - Israeli-Palestinian Conflict -

You will find a population graph for the West Bank and Gaza.....which in 1949 had a population of less than one million, and now has a population of over 3.5 million.

According to your lovely graph, 6500 Palestinians have died in 9 average of 720 per year........2 a day.

Yep. Genocide. :roll:

Lets be tolerant though, take 2009, in which the Israelis waxed Gazan arse, and then we'll even round up! To 1500 per year.

At that rate, the Israeli "genocide" will be successful! In about 2300 years....IF they somehow stop all Palestinian reproduction........

If Israel engaged in genocide, they are SPECTACULARLY unsuccessful at it........

Completely ludicrous claims simply make you look foolish, and do NOTHING to help your cause.........

BTW, guess who was among the very FIRST countries to accept Bosnian MUSLIM refugees back when the Serbs and Croats were engaged in REAL genocide in the 1990s????


Genocide, my ass.

Yes it is genocide. You're getting into semantics now. It's been described as a slow genocide which is completely correct.