Where does it show any interest coming in? That's my question. I know they pay the interest, but you say they receive interest payments on money they have borrowed. The only interest payments I see, is all negative numbers. The only place I see a positive # is on the interest on refunds of tax collections. Yes they collect interest on bonds......How does that go again...Oh yeah! ....that's
not relevant.
The government puts aside funds for future obligations and invests in government bonds. This is where the interest income comes from.
These are all the funds
Civil service retirement and disability fund
Military retirement Foreign service retirement and disability trust fund
SMI interest
HI interest
Unemployment trust fund
Railroad retirement
Airport and airway trust fund
Other on-budget trust funds Interest not offset in 901
Once again you're not paying attention: I said "why don't they show the gross interest number"
That's where your famous lines came ......again "that's not relevant"
How the government chooses to display its interest costs on a web site for public consumption is completely and totally irrelevant to any discussion about monetary policy.
Unless you don't understand monetary policy and/or accounting.
I most certainly do, and the federal reserve holds American bonds and gets paid interest on them because the government deposited them as collateral on their loan from the reserve. It is the reserve that collects this interest not the American gov't. You have not shown anyone that the American gov't receives interest from the federal reserve.
This is wrong. The Fed acts as a depository for the US government. That is why the government deposits debt with the Fed. That is one of the functions of the Fed. It is the bank of the government
The Fed owns treasury securities because it purchases them in the open market to effect the interest rate, not because the Fed is funding the US government. Government funding of its debt comes almost entirely from investors.
Serendipitously, I found this at work today while flipping through some research
Half of US government funding comes from foreigners.
Cell 768 shows $-552,000,000....that's a negative by the way.....interest on loans to federal financial bank.
That is wrong. A negative sign indicates income from the source, not an interest expense. That's why the entry Interest received by on-budget trust funds: all have negative numbers.
And that is interest income from the Federal Financing Bank, not the Federal Reserve. They are different.
The Federal Financing Bank (FFB) is a government corporation, created by Congress in 1973 under the general supervision of the Secretary of the Treasury. The FFB was established to centralize and reduce the cost of federal borrowing, as well as federally-assisted borrowing from the public. The FFB was also established to deal with federal budget management issues which occurred when off-budget financing flooded the government securities market with offers of a variety of government-backed securities that were competing with Treasury securities. Today the FFB has statutory authority to purchase any obligation issued, sold, or guaranteed by a federal agency to ensure that fully guaranteed obligations are financed efficiently.
Interest received by on-budget trust funds:
You have shown a balance sheet for the Federal Government ....not for the Federal Reserve. You will never find a balance sheet from the Federal Reserve. Never. For god sake, the federal government does not even have access to it. In my posts if I refer to "the fed" I am referring to the federal reserve. Now when you say "fed" what are you referring to ?
The Federal Reserve.
I'll post it again for you.
See that the URL says "federalreserve.gov"?
See where it says "FEDERAL RESERVE Statistical Release"
See where it says
Factors Affecting Reserve Balances of Depository Institutions and
Condition Statement of Federal Reserve Banks
Etc., etc., etc.
Its the Federal Reserve balance sheet. I read it every two weeks.
posts with links....97,93,91,75,86,52,17,3,
but let me guess ....that's not relevant!
Not to someone who denies a link right to the Federal Reserve balance sheet is the Federal Reserve balance sheet!
No where has anyone shown me that the interest on any national debt goes back to the government.
You said you'd
never find an income statement for the Fed.
Here you go. The audited financial statements of all 12 regional fed banks.
Boston Fed
New York Fed
Philadelphia Fed
Cleveland Fed
Richmond Fed
Atlanta Fed
Chicago Fed
St. Louis Fed
Minneapolis Fed
Kansas City Fed
Dallas Fed
San Francisco Fed
I even went to the trouble of adding up all where all the profits went for each and every bank.
Reserve Bank , Distribution to the US Treasury , Distribution to Member Banks , Contribution to Surplus
Boston $1,937 $51 -$1,036
New York $10,269 $215 $255
Philadelphia $268 $31 $450
Cleveland $799 $65 $1,014
Richmond $0 $198 $1,160
Atlanta $1,420 $42 $375
Chicago $1,919 $50 $113
St. Louis $768 $16 -$92
Minneapolis $407 $15 -$9
Kansas City $572 $10 $22
Dallas $1,113 $9 $18
San Francisco $1,996 $80 $66
Total $21,468 $782 $2,336
Perc. Of profits 87% 3% 10%
The Federal reserve banks paid $21.5 billion in profits back to the US Treasury, or 87% of all profits. $782 million went to the member banks. You can look each and every one of those numbers up in the links I provided.
and the links that toro has provided definitely shows that the U.S. is .......insolvent ....thanks buddy!
Yeah, if you can't read a financial statement!