Is the U.S. Insolvent


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
If Congress is a representation of the people why did the people let it happen?

Well as you can see... when the people get upset they vote them out... except in Massachusetts.

That is just the Federal rate. Add state taxes, county/city property taxes and user fees etc and the picture changes.

Especially in my Liberal Democrat controlled state. All they do is raise taxes and pass restrictive laws.

If the poor or unemployed end up having to take the majority of the pain on this they may go a little crazy. 10% is a lot of people for down there, that's more than the population of Canada.

What pain will the poor get? They will still get all their fat welfare checks and food stamps, housing, free health care, etc. Then they can go get their lottery tickets and 55" flat screens.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
Police, fire, meatwagons and charity hopspitals have only been doing priority calls for a few years now in several regions and cities.

Back in May 2011, 40 Million were on food stamps already too. Considering unemployment rate is still climbing so I assume that Food Stamp reliance has risen by now too.

BTW I hope you consider toilet paper as an essential.

About 1 in 7 in U.S. Receive Food Stamps - Real Time Economics - WSJ

Eaton's catalog worked when I was a kid. You don't worry about toilet paper when you are just trying to survive!

EagleSmack; What pain will the poor get? They will still get all their fat welfare checks and food stamps said:
I don't think welfare is a picnic for anyone who is striving to live a normal life. I think the ones who are buying lottery tickets, playing bingo etc. have kids who need new shoes or get slim pickin's for lunch. Those are the ones who should probably be busy in the vegetable patch, or darning socks etc.


Council Member
Jan 28, 2010
Imagine Timmy Geithner standing in a commode with his feet in the throat and one hand on the handle about to flush. He is saying, "Goodbye cruel world!" The US economy is following him in the vortex too.! The once great US economy got raided bu corporate interests and big banks. Now they want a Global Economy their group can manipulate. It will be here soon and it will speak Mandarin probably.


on dbl secret probation
Oct 19, 2005
Chillliwack, BC
It's hard to see this 'deal' as anything but a collapse to a radical rump of libertarian ideologues who are now defining the agenda for the U.S.. i mean i almost toss when i seen these smug, stupid little fart tea baggers on tv.. all reading from the same idiot script..and throwing the poorest people in America under the bus rather than imposing a fair taxation system of the richest, who are making their money through speculative capital gains by selling out their country's currency and manufacture.

Frankly Obama comes out of this looking like a weakling, unwilling to support his constituency.. and someone who seems unlikely to be able to articulate a strong enough vision of the future to get himself reelected.


Hall of Fame Member
Dec 25, 2005
Eagle Creek
I wonder myself. Both Bush and the Obama Administrations went haywire with spending and for years the Congress for the most part went along with it.
Here's my take on the situation, for what it's worth. The collapse of the financial and housing markets caught everyone by surprise. They thought they had lots of time to deal with the rising debt but history caught up with them.

Well I think their benefits and pay should be cut! As soon as they get elected they have a built in Golden Parachute even if they only serve one term. That's BS!
I was listening to an interview on CTV today with Paul Workman, their correspondent in Washington. He mentioned that he was asking Americans he met what they thought of the debt crisis. One fellow replied, " You're a Canadian." "You must look at us and wonder, what the heck we're doing south of the border - that we can't get our act together."

Well sir, the thought had crossed my mind. I suppose what bothered me the most about this whole drama was that if it had been anything but the fact that they were fighting over the ability of the United States to pay its bills, it might have been laughable. The American people deserved so much more than this folly they just witnessed. That they are furious and angry with their government is well justified.

Bar Sinister

Executive Branch Member
Jan 17, 2010
All that fuss just to decrease the projected deficit over the next ten years from 28.8 trillion to 26.3? Contemptible. And the decline of the once great USA continues. Don't the idiots in Washington realize that they are destroying their country?


Executive Branch Member
Feb 13, 2009
United States
Re: Is the U.S. Insolvent ?

"In numerous years following [the Civil War], the Federal Government ran a heavy surplus.It could not [however] pay off its debt, retire as securities, because to do so meant there would be no bonds to back the national bank notes.To pay off the debt was to destroy the money supply."

Insolvent: the inability to pay financial debt

That is one reason the debt can’t be paid off: our money supply is debt and can’t exist without it. But there is another obvious reason: the debt is simply too big. To get some sense of the magnitude of a $7.6 trillion obligation, if you took 7 trillion steps you could walk to the planet Pluto, which is a mere 4 billion miles away. If the government were to pay $100 every second, in 317 years it would have paid off only one trillion dollars of this debt. That’s just for the principal. If interest were added at the rate of only 1 percent compounded annually, the debt could never be paid off in that way, because the debt would grow faster that it was being repaid. (3). To pay it off in a lump sum through taxation, on the other hand, would require increasing the tax bill by about $100,000 for every family of four, a non-starter for most families.

If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks...will deprive the people of all property until their children wake-up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered.... The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs. -Thomas Jefferson

Of course we are.
Both Republicans and Democrats moved closer.