How we treat prostitutes


Electoral Member
Sep 8, 2005
scared1010 said:
I just read a reply from SHIVA.

I am so horrified at what she has wrote. For her to say that welfare is the answer for everything really proves she does not know what she's talking about.

Where did I say welfare is the answer for everything? (it's not, but apparently prostitution is!) If you really have an argument, you want have to put words in my mouth or characterize my posts as something they're not, to make it. :roll:

scared1010 said:
First off welfare is poverty! They don't give individauls let alone families enough to pay the rent. I don't know how happy you would feel balancing a budget that requires 1200 a month when you are only given 800 from social assistance. Oh yeh and having to go with your kids to food banks to get food.

I'd rather do that, and also sign up for some of the free gov't services to get job skills, than sell my body. And it's a completely valid alternative that will help you get skills outside of selling your body, whereas working as a prostitute doesn't get you any other 'skills' that will get you back out there in the mainstream of the workforce.

scared1010 said:
As for the nice free education your talking about that is free to all the poor. Who gave you that info? The welfare will only give up to $5000 for an education. I'm not sure what education one could get with that but it may pay one dollar more then the high min wage that anyone would get other wise. And not to mention that you have to cry and holler just so they will give you that one time free education is so fun. if you even are so lucky to get it. its only a one time thing not a yearly 5000.

Well, as someone going through an education at the University of Toronto, I can tell you that an undergraduate degree at UofT doesn't cost much more than $5000 (about $5200). Keep in mind, this is one of the most expensive (public) universities in the country (there are many other fine institutions where the cost is less). In addition to being able to get that money from welfare, you could also apply for OSAP (which will give you a loan not only to help pay for your tuition, but also transportation costs, and housing costs). In addition to OSAP, you could apply for bursaries (free money) given out by the university to help cover costs of books or any other demonstrable needs. Such grants are regularly given out to the poor.

scared1010 said:
Oh yeh why dont we start talking about the little essentials us parents needs to take care of a child like one examole is medicine. Oh yeh they give welfare recipients a drug plan card. Sure they do but as with any drug plan only certain medications are allowed some are not even offered but may be needed. Whose paying for that? No one so someone on welfare has to remain sick , uncured, or maybe even die becasue they can ot get the medications needed.

Oh please. :roll: All kinds of plans- public and private- do not cover many drugs that we may wish to purchase. If you ever tried getting into university, you might know that most universities also include a basic dental and medical plan as a part of their tuition, and perhaps that could supplement a welfare plan until you get into the workforce. Alternatives abound for those willing to do a little work. ;)

scared1010 said:
Lets say your child gets sick in the midle of the night you have budgeted your whole welfare cheque and tylonal was not on your list of expenses what happens then? Or yeh you go to your family, your friends, your neighbours. But what if you dont have family or friends? Even if you do,how long will they be able to support you in times of troubles? And the situation remains...your child is sick...What do you do?

If you're on welfare and your child is sick and you have a drug card, you get your doctor to prescribe the tylenol for you and you get it for free. Or you can get the (free) doctor to prescribe tempra instead which does the same thing as tylenol, and works wonders on children who are a little older than toddlers or infants.

scared1010 said:
It is easy for people like you to sit there and make comments like that because you never had to live off any assisstance no doubt or you undoubtably live in a fantasy world.

You don't know me. How the hell do you know I was never on assistance, eh? What, just because I argue against prostitution, therefore I've never had a hard time in life? Get real. The fact that you need to make a personal attack at me just goes to show that there is no substance to your argument.

If your argument had substance, you could argue the points I raised instead without getting personal. But you have no argument.

scared1010 said:
Welfare in Canada and in the US is not giving their people anything they need to get on there feet and be respectable citizens in society. First, if needed provide the educationg for free to those with no to little income. A fundage more then 5000 that will insure a solid education. And provide full coverage of a course of choice by the person. Provide courses that will enable the person to make honest goals for their lives not programs that are set up to teach people to fill out resumes. Allow the individual to work out his or her own life plan to better his or her situation and make them accountable for what progresses they are continuing to make while under the care of the welfare. Provide monies with a resonsible budget to account for rent, clothes, food, medicine, emergencies etc. And make all individuals keep receipts of all expenses and purchaces so to balance, readjust or terminate the care welfare will provide if these demands are not met. Provide bus tickets and or gas monies into the budget before not after the individuals plans and goals are set to insure that the person or family has the means to get to the places they need to be without excuses. Plan weekly or bi weekly meetings with the individual to insure that they remain on the path they have chose.

I'm really skeptical about hard you've tried to go through the system because if you had, you'd know anyone can get OSAP, and OSAP provides for cost of living for rent, transportation costs, etc. It's not free money- you have to pay it back in the end- but while you're studying you don't have to pay a cent and it covers your most important costs. It will provide for you while you need the help, and once you've finished the degree and are employable, then you can start making payments back (there is a six month grace period for you to find a job before you are required to pay money back). I know, because I'm using OSAP.

scared1010 said:
If there goal is to seek employment then let them do so within a reasonable amount of time without excuses and provide care until they have got on their feet again and is able to provide the basics for themselves. All proof of progress is in the work or school attenance and in the reciepts they will have to provide. Daycare subsized and a week short waiting lists if this means the government has to open and fund new facilities so be it but they should make it happen. Change the percentage of child care providers to child by 1 care giver to 3 children to insure the children get the attention and care they all deserve while in daycare. There are people who will try to fraud any system but one set up like this will differ these people becasue of the progress reports the weekly or bi weekly visits as well as the making of a solid plan for improvement. The funds for education not given directly to the individual but only to the schools directly. The only monies handed to the recipient is the monies for the month which should be direct deposited into the persons account in two payments for the month not one which will make budgeting a little easier . And as I said before all expences need to be accounted for with receipts which will be viewed on the weekly or bi weekly meetings with the worker. Life has its ups and downs and sometimes there will be considerations to the rules. Such as new mothers and or people with learning disabilities, mental illness etc. But all issues and situations must be placed into consideration and be made known to the worker to be able to be eligiable for the program.

There's already a system in place where if you're trying to go to school & can't afford it, OSAP will cover your costs. You apply, they look at your tax records, and if you really are poor, they give you the amount of money you need to pay for tuition, books, transportation, and even rent if you have children or cannot receive support from your parents & live on your own.

scared1010 said:
Sure there may be little problems with my plan of the way it should be but these plans are good plans that should be put into consideration and revised if the need is there for it to be.

Yes this all costs money but with a plan like this in place life would be so much safer, cleaner, happier and like most people who are opposed to legalizing prostitution it will ensure that if anyone is receiving pleasure and sex from someone, you will know he or she is not paying for it.

It seems your argument is society is failing people, so prostitution should be allowed until certain issues are addressed. So you obviously don't think prostitution is some sort of ideal job, or something that ought to be promoted, but is something that is turned to through sheer desperation.

I'd say that rather than changing the laws to legalise prostitution, we should be fixing any problems in the social safety net.

If you make prostitution legal, then it's legal work just like anything else, and even people who don't want to do it would not be able to receive things like EI if they receive offers for it because it would be a job just like anything else (this problem is happening in Germany). Legalising prostitution would force people who don't want to do it into it and entrap them as well. And would the problems preventing prostitutes from getting an education, etc., be addressed at all, helping them to get out of this type of work? Well, no. The government would have less incentive to help them because they would then be able to meet their basic needs financially.

scared1010 said:
The debate is a long one in the eyes of someone so sheltered yet full of opinons and critisims. But for the people in the world that are living life in poverty the case is closed. Welfare as it is, is no ones safety net. Its just a net with major holes in it that can not support anyone.

Just because I disagree with you doesn't make me sheltered. You aren't even aware of some of the larger issues that I just pointed out surrounding the legalisation of prostitution, and yet you have so many criticisms of my arguments and nothing to rebut the problems with legalisation that I've pointed out.

scared1010 said:
Other countries give their people a hell of a lot more and are better organized with there programs. Canada and the US are rih enough to provide I am sure.

They're not supposed to provide for anybody. People should provide for themselves. The only responsibility government has- as representative of society as a whole- is to try to help those who are disadvantage or who have not had an opportunity to make it.

The idea isn't to provide for people, but to help them so that they can provide for themselves.

scared1010 said:
So blame our government for having failed the people who sell sex for money. Dont blame the ones who have and are suffering. Dont blame people for wanting more out of life then a cheque that does not allow someone to live with dignity or one that does not support anyones basic needs.

You condemn the gov't for denying people dignity with an inadequate cheque, but then argue that a job ought to be legal that denies people their dignity. So are you for or against people living dignified lives?

scared1010 said:
Lastly, for the love of GOD do not even start to say that prosituting oneself is a perversion and is linked to child porn, child sex, child abuse etc. Someone who does that and exposes a child to that life is perverted and very sick mentally.

There's something mentally sick about the idea that you can use someone as an object to fulfill your sexual desires with no regard for them as a person, in the manner that prostitution allows (even if the people being used in that manner are adults).

scared1010 said:
Being forced to do something someone does not want to do is cruel. No one, adult or child should have to do anything they dont want to do. The people that do this to others should be punished greatly when it comes to sex with a child for money or forced sex. But I am not talking about that here and that is not the issue. Selling a child for sex of any kind has no link to prostuiton of two or more consenting adults. No one is forcing me to do what I need to do to live but the system itself.

I'd argue that the system isn't forcing you to do what you're doing. Sorry, but I don't buy it. Lots of people are poor and they don't resort to prostitution to get by.

The rest of your post raises points that I already addressed before. If you want to know my answer, go back and take a look.


House Member
Jan 31, 2006
Scared, tell your ex that under the Criminal Code that if you know a crime has been commited or is going to be committed and you don't report it than you are now the Criminal. So now when he beats you over the head with his Balony on reporting you for you illegal activities he will have to explain his actions on not reporting you. Dear Heart if you arn't caught in the act his "I'm going to tell" routine isn't worth a pound of bacon. If he reported you he looks like the Scum Sucking Pig that he is. Stay strong young lady. Shiva, in Nova Scotia Welfare Recipiants aren't allowed to go to University or they will lose there Benifits. However, you can attend a Community Collage with a duration no longer than two years. That policy reaks of a Bourgois (Rich and Educated attitude) mentallity. A large percentage of todays Co-eds pay their way through University prostituting themselves--oops I mean they are Escorts. If it walks like a duck, it's a duck. There is enough Evil in todays world but Prostitutes are one of them.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 19, 2004
Ottawa, ON
Sassylassie said:
If it walks like a duck, it's a duck. There is enough Evil in todays world but Prostitutes are one of them.

You meant prostitution, not prostitutes, right?

Or did you mean "aren't" but the fingers miseed the "n't" keys?


New Member
Feb 10, 2006
You did say it SHIVA and I quote, "they could go on welfare and get a free education..." So that 's the first one down...Then in your last writing you brought up osap in which you added that it is not a FREE education that the person will have to pay it back. So what are you doing, looking up info as you go along?

If you want to get a job fine. Anyone can get a job but is it gonna pay enough without much of an education? NO! Skills you say? Some things in life you dont need to go to school to learn and some people live their whole lives never learning any skills other then the ones that they are taught in school. Have you not heard of the working poor here in Canada?

Osap is fine and that is a great deal of help. But osap does not come close to covering all costs. And I do know that while receiving welfare and osap together monies are cut largely. This still does not nearly cover housing costs and other basic needs. Its fine that and great that anyone can get osap to give us a loan but one would still have to ask for help from someone along the way finacially. You being in school must know that. Why then do students have no choice but to find full time or part time jobs just to get by? If they wanted they could just go to the welfare and get everythig for free. That's not true!

See there are many different people with many different lives and problems you cant just say -do A B C and D and your life will improve. Its not as easy to succeed as you are making it out to sound. Oh go and apply for all these free things well its not free. It takes monies to get to where you are going, monies to have someone watch your kids etc. Didnt anyone ever tell you that nothing in life is free? Well they are right,nothing is. Everything costs something.

Like I said osap does not cover the costs for all those things you mentioned. Talk to people and you will see. Osap does not cover full rent costs unless you live in a room. Like I have said if you have freinds and family to help you out finacially then you more then likely will succeed but if you dont no government program is going to pay.

Well the system does have to change. The kind of help our government is giving makes it very difficult for most to improve their situation.
I do not see how legalizing prostitution will do anything you are speaking of here in Canada. I didnt quite understand the entrapment part. If they are a prostitue and it is legal who needs to worry about entrapment? Legalizing prostitution will not make people do it,if they dont want to. Who would do that, our government? Come on... I dont know much about germany but I will say that they do have a different government then we do and can not be compared. Im just not clear on what you are saying in this paragraph. Could you explain more in depth. The only big issue I see in legalizing prostution is that it would be government conrtolled now what that will entail if it were to happen I would like to see.

As for providing tempra or tylonol the docotors will not give you a prscription for it and it be covered by welfare. Tylonol and tempra are not prescription drugs. What the doctor will do if he has any avalable is give the child some samples and only if the dr has them. The other thing you can do is go to the emergency department and wait in line with you feverish, vomiting child for 4 to 8 hours to be seen by a dr who will then give your child tylonol. No one covers non prescription meds to anyone for free not even welfare. Call your doctor and ask!!! The fact remaining its in the middle of the night your chid is sick.

I have open ears and an open heart. I have read your past writings. Now you are hearing from a person who is a sex worker. A person who knows the system far to well. Some of your points are very good and you have a lot to say but you cannot debate something that you have not heard the oppositions side on. And I am sure up till now I have mentioned things you never knew. Although it is hard to communicate like this and to completely understand each others points of views, I do know that you beleive and feel strongly opposed about legalizing prostitution. You would be a good lawyer but not a good judge or cousillar since you seem to not want to hear about the problems and make resolutions towards bettering the lives of the poor in Canada. The programs set are not set to help ones who have no one but the govenment to help thats the bottom line.

Well that was a bit of contradicting. We should help ourselves in stead of asking the goverment you said. Well we poor unprivlieged people in Canada want nothing more then to take care of ourselves, so we ask to be legalized and to have better programs and fundages for improving the lives of the poor and the working poor.

The system needs to change. A job and government funding -have you not heard of the working poor? Are you not aware that even the government knows they need to do more but they dont know what to do. Are you that neive to beleive all you are saying? You may have education in your hands but no life experience when it comes to poverty.

Say you work a job selling cars. Do you care about the person who walks in the door as a person? No you only care to get him or her to buy the car. Would you care if he or she then bought the car and leaving with it 10 mins had a minor accident with it? Sure you would care if he or she was okay maybe but would you care enough to replace the car for them? What is caring when it comes to work? The level of caring in any business even escorting is no different then in any business. People care to say hi, care to follow up on whats new but that is as far as it goes when it comes to the business relationship. When it comes to selling sex for money or selling a car everyone knows the deal and that is we respect eachother but we know what we are all there for. To sell a product and to get payment for it!

Lastly lots of people are poor and do do things that the holier then thou people would see as demeaning etc but they do not tell anyone about it. They want it to remain a secret in fear of people like you who dont by there cries for help. Who have all the answers and thats A B C and D. The person that sits next to you in class maybe does it but they dont look like any differnet then anyone else in the class. Well all I can say to that is go get some education on life other then the life you know and gain some insight on poverty in Canada.



House Member
Jan 31, 2006
Machjo, yes I missed a few letters. What I was suppose to type was Prostitutes are not one of them, evil. Scared do you ever wonder why it is that Gays can now marry (which I think is great) but the Oldest Proffession in the World is still illegal in Canada. Why?


New Member
Feb 10, 2006
Well from what I heard recently it is not illegal to be a prostitute, it's illegal to do prostitution here in Canada. What ever that means! I am so confused about that. I spoke with one well known person in the industry and she had said to me those very words. She told me a lot and reassured me of my fears for the time being but the fears remain. I will have to swallow my pride as I did the first time I called her and call her again to ask how she claims as a business in this industry.

From what Ive heard they are still debating if that new law for gays will remain or not. I guess the difference between being gay and being a prostitute in the eyes of the government is this... That being gay is a life style. Perhaps something from birth. Unlike prostitution where it is a job and not something from birth. Prostitution being a choice. But hey that brings up another debate. Do some people just choose to be gay? If so, should the law not allow the ones who choose that life style the right to marry and have there relationship validated and legal? If the government has no care whether they are gay from birth or whether they choose to be gay, then they should not discriminate against the sex workers who choose this as there profession and who want it to be legalized.

I just want to thank you so much Sassylassie for talking with me about this and for your insight, reassurance and support.




New Member
Feb 10, 2006
I would like to correct some things I have said before. First I would like to change the words I used before legalizing/legalize to decriminalize/decriminalizing. I would also like to correct the amount of money the welfare allows individuals to get educated. I said 5000 I mistakeningly added a 0. so It's 500 they give for an education.

As for my last statement in my previous message I have stated what I thought but it must have been incorrect because no one responded. Because prostitutes do not have many supporters that is for the most part (maybe the only reason) why it's still considered an offence.



Senate Member
Jul 30, 2005

I just read the few most recent posts you wrote and the responses you received.

A couple of things I noticed.

You seem conflicted about choice of prostitution as a means to life and comfort for you and your child.

You are not certain about the liabilities are the legal issues for such a profession. Rather than focusing on the government - should you not be focusing on yourself? Weighing the benefits vs. the liabilities?

You equate good money with prostitution, however the time of earning in that profession is limited - so you have fewer years in which to acquire what you need to be comfortable later when you are no longer in demand.

A smart girl would pay her way through some kind of training while she is prostituting - so she has a better life as a final objective.

Your child will soon be of an age where you have to explain.

Your ex-husband may decide to take a more aggressive role in spoiling your possibilities of success.

What about STD's? Are you prepared to be fully checked on a regular basis so you and your clients are kept safe and healthy. What about clients who bring STD's into your life. What then?

What if you are hired by a client who engages in violence rather than sex? And expects to have what he paid for? Who will screen your clients? A pimp? Who will screen the pimp?

And finally, no matter what a person does with their life, I find it very important that we humans are able to hold our head up high - in knowing we are contributing to society as a positive member.

Will you be able to feel comfortable with your occupation rather than guarding it as "secret and unmentionable"?

It is your choice to decide, however I would be very careful about how your self-image and feelings of worth are nourished.

I have one more bit of information which if you like - you can PM me for it.

Your have a good intellect and are probably a wonderful mother and for this reason alone, I am putting up the cautionary signals - not out of judgment at all - but for your personal survival and the nurturing of your child.


Electoral Member
Jan 27, 2006
British Columbia
Strange as it may seem, there are women who choose to work in this business. There are some that have very expensive places of business and have wealthy clientel.

Prehistoric man did not understand the connection between sex and procreation. Only after the connection was understood did it suddenly become important to keep females virgins until marriage. Until then it was just a jolly good fun time.


New Member
Feb 10, 2006
Wednesday's Child, I am sorry but I tried sending you a pm and they say I can not due to the fact that I have not made 100 or more posts. But from what I can see I just received 2 pm's so maybe you could trying to message me first and see if we could communicate that way.

I hope you do.



Doctor of Thinkology
Feb 23, 2006
It's not illegal to sell sex. It's illegal to communicate in a public place for the purpose of selling sex. You have to be a mindreader and seek out other psychics if you want to participate legally.


New Member
Mar 1, 2006
victoria bc
Wow I got some catching up to do, but I'm here.

Kreskin, no you don't have to be psychic, its all in the wording. Myself I sell time, doesn't matter what I do with the time, its still time. That alone has kept me free of charges for over 12 years.

More when I get the time to read through this thread.


Senate Member
Jul 30, 2005
LOL iwillescortyou

You must be psychic because I was going to show Scared where she could find you at TalkOn and someone must have had the same idea. I sent her a PM just this morning as she requested and then saw you were posting already.

Sincere welcome to you - glad to see you are still joining in on forum chat and know you will be able to give excellent advice to Scared.



New Member
Mar 1, 2006
victoria bc

You may be surprised that some women do choose to work in the sex trade industry. Like me! If it were to be legalized, more women may choose it. Benifits to legalization would be numerous, like health care, legal recourse (we have virtually none now), less girls would have pimps, as in the Netherlands and Nevada, most likely more support from each other and possibly the community.

Some forms of prostitution have been around since hunter gather days. Any exchange of sex for goods or services is prostitution, so if a women sleeps with a guy solely for a place to stay or say food, its still the same thing, only sligthly more acceptable for this society.

Your right that checking the women for STD's would put some out of business, but it would put them in contact with knowledgable proffessionals that could explain high risk behaviors so they have options on protecting themselves. I mean I did my homework when I started 14 years ago. I still catch the occassional bladder infection, but since I informed myself (and thats on going) I know how to protect myself also. As for checking the John's I'm sorry that would never fly, it would only send it back underground. What you may fail to realize is that at least 75% of John's are married. They would never go somewhere and subject themselves to testing while admitting them where using the results to visit a sex trade worker and why else would they be there?


Hall of Fame Member
Aug 30, 2005

Welcome. Haven't talked to you in a while. I look forward to seeing your well written posts.


New Member
Mar 1, 2006
victoria bc
Wednesday's Child said:
LOL iwillescortyou

You must be psychic because I was going to show Scared where she could find you at TalkOn and someone must have had the same idea. I sent her a PM just this morning as she requested and then saw you were posting already.

Sincere welcome to you - glad to see you are still joining in on forum chat and know you will be able to give excellent advice to Scared.


Some sweet Lady pm me today with a request from someone else who talked to her (since he is no longer at TalkON), confusing eh? Anyways I'm here,and its getting late, classes in 5 hours so I won't get far tonight, I am also doing street outreach (its a program helping sex trade workers) at night so it may take me a few days to wade through this. If she has specific questions I think my e-mail shows otherwise Iwill get throught this in time. :lol:

By the way, do I know you?


New Member
Mar 1, 2006
victoria bc
Gonzo said:
Lynaka wrote - If a woman wants the work, and can make that decision based on a life that's not dictated by drugs, alcohol or desperate need, then who am I to tell her otherwise?

Then there would be no prostitutes. Because no women wants to do it.



Senate Member
Jul 30, 2005

Yup - we know each other - and I'll PM you - meanwhile get some rest!

It IS a great forum and watch out for Juan's wizzie stick! All the mods have