How we treat prostitutes


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 19, 2004
Ottawa, ON
"The answer is this: there is no solution. None. Prostitution will never go away."

Yeah, so why try to thelp them then? Let's just let 'em rot; besides, they're only people. (NB, I'm being sarcastic)


New Member
Mar 1, 2006
victoria bc
Who's attitude needs to change?

Its the johns, pimps and prostuties online and on the street that need an attitude adjustment. How do we know? When they get caught and arrested, they know what they are doing is wrong, everytime!

Well Ashley I can only speak for myself, but I don't think it is wrong. See the law states we can do it, we just can't talk about the exchange of money for sex, so since I quit selling sex and started selling time I was breaking no laws. Believe me, they tried to catch me, but they couldn't as you have to do something illegal for the charges to stick.


Senate Member
Jul 30, 2005
iwillescortu said:
Wow that many? I hope a few have listened with an open mind.

You two, oops four, are sweet.

It's been so long since I talked to WC and Zoofer, I've missed you two. You two were among the first I ever talked to on line. :lol:

I Will

Missed you too - and hope others are becoming more understanding because of your expertise.

People have many questions of you right now, but perhaps some time along the way you can sort out for us what you would like to see happen in the way of legalities and changes....

I believe it's a given there will always be sex trade. How it is conducted and by whom .... is the important question.

You have an audience girl! WC


Nanah Potato
Mar 26, 2003
RE: How we treat prostitu

Iwill, I got my information from Colin and Dale. They had a number of girls in Victoria and Vancouver in the 80's and early 90's.

If you'd been working then you'd know those names. Colin in fact had a girl sign on him. You may even recognize the name Kim? Colin's last name started with a P. My information comes from the time when the girls worked gov't. and had permission to do so after 9:00pm that was a very very long time ago. I know very little about the vic streets now.

I'd have gotten back to this topic much sooner unfortunatley I have no access to this site except at home where I share the computer with a 14yr old. Well...share is n't exactly accurate.


Executive Branch Member
Jan 7, 2005
Nice to see ya out and about, Twila...I hope things are well.


Nanah Potato
Mar 26, 2003
RE: How we treat prostitu

Things are very well Jay! I miss the people here...can't get on here at work anymore. Kind of blows!


Executive Branch Member
Jan 7, 2005
Well I hope to see you around more often!

Is married life as good for you as we said it would be? :)


Nanah Potato
Mar 26, 2003
Better, Jay. Much better then you said it would be! But ask me again in 10yrs the answer might change! lol
I see you've a quote from the best band/musician in the world. Matthew Good. Good choice!


Executive Branch Member
Jan 7, 2005
I bought the album "In a Coma". Could this be the best album on the market right now? I think so.

I'm glad you’re happy!

Marriage is the best thing that has ever happened to me.

Take care and come around as often as you can!


New Member
Mar 1, 2006
victoria bc
Re: RE: How we treat prostitu

Twila said:
Iwill, I got my information from Colin and Dale. They had a number of girls in Victoria and Vancouver in the 80's and early 90's.

If you'd been working then you'd know those names. Colin in fact had a girl sign on him. You may even recognize the name Kim? Colin's last name started with a P. My information comes from the time when the girls worked gov't. and had permission to do so after 9:00pm that was a very very long time ago. I know very little about the vic streets now.

I'd have gotten back to this topic much sooner unfortunatley I have no access to this site except at home where I share the computer with a 14yr old. Well...share is n't exactly accurate.

The only information I rely on is those who stood on the corners, not those who controled them. It's like asking a parent what they think their child goes through at school and then asking the child. Two different views, but the child's living it, not the parent.

Since I never had a man, I don't recognize any of their names. As for Kim? most girls used an alias out there and I could have met her under a different name. However I only ever met a handful of high track girls back then. As we played the game by different rules, we did not asocciate. I recently met one of the high track girls, she used to work Gov and Fort. We had arguements back then, now we are very good friends. She ran in that world, so I can ask her if she knew them. I'll get back to ya later.


New Member
Mar 1, 2006
victoria bc
I forgot to ask about the time the other night. Remebered to last night. I just got a reply back from my e-mail. The only condition on time back then was if you had been red zoned. The condition was you were not allowed on govenment between 9pm and 6am. If you didn't have a red zone, there was no time restriction.

I went out early in the winter back, around 7pm and I always drove the circuit once, just to see what was up. I was fairly certain I remember seeing some of the high track girls out early also. So I don't know why you were giving false info.