Harper portraying himself as economic safe haven when his whole strategy is in ruins


Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010
NDP calls for 'immediate' update on nation's finances

In the wake of Finance Minister Joe Oliver's unexpected decision to delay his pre-election budget until April at the earliest, the New Democrats want him to update the House on the state of the nation's finances.

New Democrat Finance critic Nathan Cullen has served notice his party intends to devote the first allotted opposition day to a motion calling on the Conservatives to "immediately present" an updated fiscal and economic forecast — one that would take into account what the NDP describes as "the unstable economic situation, including job losses, falling oil prices, and declining government revenues."

Cullen and deputy critic Guy Caron will speak about his party's motion on Parliament Hill at 11 a.m. ET. Monday. CBCnews.ca will carry his remarks live.

The motion would also instruct Oliver to ensure the budget "addresses the economic challenges faced by the middle class" by creating more full-time jobs while encouraging economic diversification.

Finance Minister Joe Oliver said earlier this month he won't deliver a budget before April due to instability caused by falling oil prices.

Last week, after a spate of bank reports warning of a downturn in the economy, the Bank of Canada cut its key lending rate by a quarter of a percentage point and predicted slower economic growth.

Today, a report from TD Economics predicted oil prices would continue to fall, pulling down growth in the short term, and said another interest rate cut is likely in March.

The debate on the NDP motion is expected to take place on Tuesday, which is the first scheduled supply day of the winter sitting.

The Liberals will get their own opportunity to set the Commons agenda on Thursday.



Make Canada Great Again
Sep 6, 2008
Rent Free in Your Head
Never mind the polls, Tories will win

The only people that would vote for the Liberals is somebody that is blinded by hate towards the Conservatives and Canada as a whole..

You vote on who can govern Canada responsibly, who will keep Canada secure, and grow our economy and not make Canada look like a babbling idiot on the World Stage..

With that said, the Conservatives will win.

JT is wet behind the ears, no experience and he's worse than Obama would ever be.


Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010
More fantastic news folks!!

TD Bank cuts forecast for Canadian economy

TD also predicts that the Bank of Canada will cut its key interest rate by another quarter of a percentage (isn't that just a wonderful sign for the economy??)

TD Bank is cutting its 2015 forecast for Canada’s economy due to the drop in oil prices and predicting that the Bank of Canada will cut its key interest rate by another quarter of a percentage point in March.

TD says it now expects the Canadian economy to grow by 2 per cent this year compared with its expectation in December for 2.3 per cent growth in 2015.

TD estimates growth in 2016 will come in at 2.2 per cent.

The Bank of Canada surprised financial markets last week when it cut its overnight rate target by a quarter of a percentage point to 0.75 per cent.

Economists had expected to hold the rate at 1 per cent, where it had been since September 2010, but governor Stephen Poloz said low oil prices were "unambiguously negative" for the Canadian economy as he announced the rate cut.

The price of oil, which is trading for about US$45 a barrel, is less than half of its highs of last year.

In its report, TD said lower oil prices will take a bite out of both output and incomes.

The bank predicts the U.S. benchmark price will average US$47 this year and US$65 in 2016, down from its December forecast of US$68 in 2015 and US$80 next year.

“Lower corporate profits will likely lead to a contraction in business investment and weaker employment growth relative to our December forecast,” the TD report said.

“However, the story will play out very differently in various regions of the country, with oil-producing provinces bearing the brunt of the downward revisions.”

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Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
Updated: One thousand Plus Reasons why Harper is a scumbag

Reason #1 – Team Harper’s Racism
Reason #2 – Harper’s Disdain for Vets, Natives, Murdered Women, Unemployed and the Elderly
Reason #3 – Harper Missing $3,100,000,000
Reason #4 – Harper’s Kijiji Labour Scandal
Reason #5 – Harper’s Corrupt Election Bill
Reason #6 – Harper’s Enemy List
Reason #7 – Harper’s Senate Scandal
Reason #8 – Team Harper’s Municipal Support
Reason #9 – Harper’s Eco Babble Scripts for Kent
Reason #10 – Harper’s Apparent Knowledge of “The Cheque”
Reason #11 – Harper’s Destruction of Canadian Jobs
Reason #12 – Harper’s Control of His Caucus
Reason #13 – Harper’s Control of the CBC
Reason #14 – Harper’s Support of Ecocide
Reason #15 – Harper Attacks on the Unemployed
Reason #16 – Harper’s Dubious Friends, Acquaintances & Advisers
Reason #17 – Harper’s Hate for Science
Reason #18 – Team Harper’s Racist Treatment of Natives
Reason #19 – Harper’s Hate for Clean Water
Reason #20 – Harper is a Fascist

Updated: One thousand Plus Reasons why Harper is a scumbag | On First Nation Issues, Events, And Environmental Issues On The West Coast And World Events.


Trolling Hypocrites
May 27, 2007
Northern Ontario,

This is just the first hundred.....there's more coming later:lol:

Reasons not to vote Liberal

1. Cancelling the Sea King replacement
2. Sponsorship scandal
3. Gun Registry
4. HRDC boondoggle
5. Problems with Transition Job Funds program
6. Tainted blood
7. Radwanski Spending Affair
8. Pearson Airport
9. GST Flip Flop
10. Airbus Investigation
11. Voting against Red Book promise of independent Ethics Commissioner
12. Irving fishing lodge stays/travel on Irving jets for cabinet ministers
13. Martin traveling on private corporate jets as Finance Minister
14. Don Boudria’s stay at Boulay owned chalet
15. Denis Coderre staying with Boulay
16. Alfonso Gagliano being appointed Ambassador to Denmark
17. Shawinigate
18. Claude Gauthier (PM’s friend)’s Transelec getting CIDA grant that was questioned by the Auditor General and even CIDA.
19. Liberal fundraiser Pierre Corbeil charged with fraud by RCMP after he approached several Quebec companies seeking federal job training grants and asking for payments to Liberal Party, having gotten the names from senior Quebec Liberal Minister, Marcel Massé.
20. Michel Dupuy, Heritage Minister, lobbying the CRTC.
21. Tom Wappel refusing to help blind veteran
22. Gagliano’s son benefiting from contracts from his father’s department
23. Gagliano’s former speechwriter, Michèle Tremblay was on a $5,000 a month retainer with the Canada Lands Company to provide speeches for the Minister. Former President John Grant let her go saying “we got nothing in return.” Grant claimed that all Crown Corporations reporting to Mr. Gagliano were told to put Ms. Tremblay on a monthly retainer.
24. Iltis replacement
25. Purchase of new Challenger jets for the Prime Minister and cabinet
26. NATO Flying Training program contract
27. Liberal friends appointed as IRB judges being investigated by RCMP
28. Hedy Fry’s imaginary burning crosses
29. Maria Minna’s improper municipal vote
30. Minna giving contracts to two former campaign staffers for public relations work for a conference that had already been held
31. Lawrence MacAulay and contracts directed to Holland College
32. Lawrence MacAulay and Tim Banks
33. Lawrence MacAulay hired his official agent, Everett Roche, for $70K, but Roche never did any work for it. (Oct 2002)
34. Art Eggleton and contracts to his ex-girlfriend
35. Copps’ aide Boyer’s spending habits
36. Collenette resigns for breach of ethical guidelines involving a letter he wrote to the Immigration and Refugee Board
37. APEC Inquiry
38. Andy Scott's 1998 resignation that came eight weeks too late, after a media circus wore him down for indiscreetly shooting his mouth off on an airplane.
39. Anti-American comments by Liberal MPs, officials, and the former Minister of Natural Resources.
40. Rock and the Apotex/Cipro affair
41. Rock giving Health Canada contract to car cleaning company.
42. Manley lobbying CIBC on behalf of Rod Bryden
43. Manley’s fundraiser suggesting donors to his leadership write it off as a business expense.
44. Manley using his pre-budget consultations as Minister of Finance to solicit support for his leadership bid.
45. Coderre’s relationship with Group Everest
46. Martin’s fundraiser/employee of Finance Jim Palmer
47. Martin’s “blind trust” and his relationship with CSL.
48. Gerry Byrne requesting fundraising money be sent to his home address, with no records kept.
49. Gerry Byrne pouring bulk of ACOA money into his own riding.
50. Virginia Fontaine Addictions Foundation
51. Prime Minister’s former assistant, Denise Tremblay’s huge travel expenses on Veterans Review and Appeal Board as Minister pleaded poverty to veterans’ widows.
52. Chrétien appointing Hon. Roger Simmons (former Trudeau minister convicted of income tax evasion) as Consul-General in Seattle
53. Chrétien trying to bring hit-and-run driver Carignan back into caucus.
54. The RCMP is investigating possible fraud and bribery within Industry Canada, involving possible "overpayments" to recipients of federal business grants. The probe centres on the National Research Council, which hands out federal grants to small- and medium-sized businesses.
55. More than half a dozen bureaucrats have been "removed" from their jobs at a Human Resources Development Canada (HRDC) in Toronto following a police investigation into projects funded under one of the department's grants and contributions programs
56. Revenue Minister Elinor Caplan called in the RCMP and ordered a sweeping security review after four tax department computers were stolen containing confidential personal information on more than 120,000 Canadians.
57. More than $7 billion stashed in Foundations by Finance Minister Paul Martin with little or no accountability
58. Dhaliwal overseing Richmond-airport-Vancouver transit line while being owner of the airport limousine service
59. Tom Rosser, former Dhaliwal advisor lobbying Natural Resources department and minister on environmental issues only months after leaving government.
60. $5.3 million GG northern travel
61. GG budget doubles in 5 years
62. Robert Thibault giving a grant as ACOA minister to a wharf and boatyard where his brother-in-law has a monopoly.
63. Royal LePage contract, which the government was forced to cancel in the wake of serious concerns being raised.
64. Shutting down the Somalia Inquiry
65. Home heating rebate, which was sent to prisoners and deceased.
66. Martin firing Bernard Dussault, Chief Actuary of CPP
67. Ethel Blondin-Andrew buys fur coat on government credit card
68. Chrétien’s imaginary homeless friend.
69. Liberal MP Rick Laliberte’s extensive travel budget
70. Liberal Senator Thompson living in Mexico
71. Vendetta against former BDC President François Beaudoin
72. The flag give-away – which estimates suggest might now have cost $45 million instead of the promised $6 million, and reportedly involved fake invoices.
73. Gagliano’s two week trip, at taxpayers’ expense, for a two day event with the head of the Royal Canadian Mint and Maurizio Caruso.
74. Secretary of State for multiculturalism and status of women Sheila Finestone using government car (which junior ministers are only allowed to use for government business) to drive home to Montreal, which even Sheila Copps criticized. (Ottawa Citizen, May 22, 1994)
75. Liberal MP Jag Bhaduria’s hate mail to his former employers, wishing that they had been shot by killer Marc Lepine
76. Liberal MP Jag Bhaduria making false claims about his academic qualifications.
77. Paul Martin and Maria Minna attending fundraising dinner for group linked to Tamil Tigers in May 2000 (National Post, Sept. 8th, 2001).
78. David Anderson, as National Revenue Minister, suing the government for lost wages after being removed as IRB appointee by Conservative government seeking $454,000 from a deficit-ravaged federal treasury. (Vancouver Sun, July 24, 2004). Anderson eventually agreed to drop the suit.
79. David Anderson suggesting that the BC doesn’t need extra House of Commons seats, because they wouldn't be worth much given the poor quality of most West Coast MPs. (Vancouver Sun, July 24, 2004)
80. A consultant on an executive interchange program persuaded Natural Resources to undertake a $700-million reorganization of its research facilities for which no business case had been made. The program was fast-tracked because he had developed a social relationship with the deputy minister. He was eventually charged with diverting $525,000 to a numbered company he controlled. (Globe and Mail, May 30, 2005)

And the list continues under Prime Minister Martin:

81. Raid on reporter Juliet O’Neill’s home by RCMP
82. Permanent Resident Cards
83. Judy Sgro going on vacation as cards became mandatory and landed immigrants were left stranded
84. Minister Frulla’s renovations
85. Pay raises for chiefs-of-staff in ministers offices, while spending is frozen for public service.
86. The government’s changing numbers on how much money has gone to CSL
87. Lobbyists in Paul Martin’s transition team being allowed to return to lobbying immediately, after being involved in process of picking new cabinet and senior staff.
88. Minister Comuzzi’s anti-Quebec comments
89. Martin government using closure after only six days in the House of Commons, followed by using time allocation in the Senate.
90. Problems with DND’s contracts with Compaq Computers that may have cost taxpayers up to $159 million for work not performed.
91. Martin using government jets to tour the country campaigning before election, spending up to $1 million for air travel alone.
92. Martin’s relationship with Earnscliffe
93. Questionable contracts to Earnscliffe
94. The appointment of former Liberal MLA Howard Sapers as the Correctional Investigator of Canada
95. Pierre Pettigrew’s flip flopping on health care
96. David Dingwall’s expenses as head of Royal Canadian Mint
97. Liberals planning to give David Dingwall a severance package after he resigned
98. The secret National Unity Fund reserve
99. Calling an early election after earlier promising first to get to the bottom of the sponsorship scandal
100. Martin suggesting changes to legislation and introducing bill that benefited CSL, despite concerns from his own Deputy Minister that he was in a conflict-of-interest (Ottawa Citizen, May 26, 2004)

The rest...and originally posted By ITN AKA Sons of Liberty


Addendum: Those are "Facts" not "opinions" like the post above
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Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.

This is just the first hundred.....there's more coming later:lol:

Reasons not to vote Liberal

1. Cancelling the Sea King replacement
2. Sponsorship scandal
3. Gun Registry
4. HRDC boondoggle
5. Problems with Transition Job Funds program
6. Tainted blood
7. Radwanski Spending Affair
8. Pearson Airport
9. GST Flip Flop
10. Airbus Investigation

#101- It attracts people like the Trudeaus and Cannuck.:)

captain morgan

Hall of Fame Member
Mar 28, 2009
A Mouse Once Bit My Sister
As expected, another brain dead sheeple pipes up.

Whatsa matter Cliffy?... You run out of argument or are you upset that folks just don't buy all the baloney that you post without asking questions.

Why not get back to the issue at hand and tell us how whitey is exacting a genocidal program on the FNs today
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Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
WHatsa matter Cliffy?... You run out of argument or are you upset that folks just buy all the baloney that you post without asking questions.

Why not get back to the issue at hand and tell us how whitey is exacting a genocidal program on the FNs today
Read the article putz.