Google, YouTube, To Censor Palestinian Videos Of Conflict


Council Member
Oct 18, 2015
I don't recall anyone ever doing that.

I do recall though when you bent over backwards to make excuses for child brides for ISIS soldiers.
I recall boomer doing it.

You Jews can't do anything right, it's on sideways, same with the banking industry that you think is run by Jews. Got news for you, that current practice is one of the reasons God kicked you out of the promised land 500 years before the 70AD expulsion. Surely you know your own history.
calm down


The Velvet Hammer
Mar 5, 2011
London, Ontario
I recall boomer doing it.

LMFAO. Now I can believe that B00Mer might have said a lot of things. But supporting ISIS members for anything....that I very much doubt.

If you're going to stereotypically trash people at least get their stereotype correct. Otherwise its just fukking sloppy.

Besides which, this took place well over a year ago and you've only been here since Oct 2015....isn't that right gore, er, "Harpercons". :roll:


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
Yes I see your point. It's a smart move for Israel because the truth is a weapon that they fear most of all. Of course you will no doubt be happy when the wholesale censorship of truth/fact/reality of certain to be declared martial law in the USof A. I don't suppose you understand that when a nation has to censor the media it's an addmision of failure and desperation. So you go ahead and snicker while you still can because the thing unfolding in Syria will get to America if it fails to secure it's own government and purge it of foriegn agents warming the seats of both congress and the senate.
You could do the world a favour and suspend the televised farsical presidential debates. They don't exactly solidify the idea of American brains with the rest of the world.

da faq?


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
calm down
Recalling history is an emotionless activity, seeing the current headlines sets new levels of stupidity for the collective. Just sayin if you don't have emotions you might as well end your life as the best parts are already over.

This place has banned pics of dead Palestinian children for a few years, at least. Israel is just making a few other places toe the same line.

That would be the voice of the Israeli loving red bear, as expected.
You have a long way to go before you catch the red bear ES. You sure you are up to the task. I'm thinking you will fail, like the rest of you sorry assed life.

LMFAO. Now I can believe that B00Mer might have said a lot of things. But supporting ISIS members for anything....that I very much doubt.
You selective in what you see on a page also?? Where do you see ISIS mentioned??

'Look up some thread started by Boomer celebrating a 2 year old girl being killed in a bombing targeting some family of a Hamas member. Probably didn't register with the collective as being wrong in any context, even the comment about it just saves killing them when they get older.'

Considering the quality of your rebuttals perhaps you should stick to the red button as you look smarter that way.

Besides which, this took place well over a year ago and you've only been here since Oct 2015....isn't that right gore, er, "Harpercons". :roll:
That the thread you don't remember?? LOL


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
That would be the choice of the collective, just need a dark night so nobody notices. Perhaps this is the substitute.

lone wolf

Grossly Underrated
Nov 25, 2006
In the bush near Sudbury
That would be the choice of the collective, just need a dark night so nobody notices. Perhaps this is the substitute.
No ... that would be your choice - and the red would be your judgement based on said guess. Looks like the collective bailed out and left you holding the bag, cadet....


The Velvet Hammer
Mar 5, 2011
London, Ontario
Recalling history is an emotionless activity, seeing the current headlines sets new levels of stupidity for the collective. Just sayin if you don't have emotions you might as well end your life as the best parts are already over.

You have a long way to go before you catch the red bear ES. You sure you are up to the task. I'm thinking you will fail, like the rest of you sorry assed life.

You selective in what you see on a page also?? Where do you see ISIS mentioned??

'Look up some thread started by Boomer celebrating a 2 year old girl being killed in a bombing targeting some family of a Hamas member. Probably didn't register with the collective as being wrong in any context, even the comment about it just saves killing them when they get older.'

Considering the quality of your rebuttals perhaps you should stick to the red button as you look smarter that way.

That the thread you don't remember?? LOL

No, this would be thread that I do remember you frigging tool!

And I while I will absolutely admit that I recalled the specifics incorrectly, it is VERY CLEAR that you are all over vilifying a religion (RCC of course) that was not a part of the OP story while bending over backwards to make excuses for a middle aged Muslim man taking a 12 year old bride in Australia.

So maybe you need to take the advice offered here tonight and CALM DOWN. Given the repulsive stand you took in that particular thread, it is abhorrent that you open with accusing people of cheering the deaths of women and children, of being hate mongers and whatever else you rant and rave about.

And now let me be perfectly clear about something.

This place has banned pics of dead Palestinian children for a few years, at least. Israel is just making a few other places toe the same line.

That would be the voice of the Israeli loving red bear, as expected.

This place has banned pics of dead children and adults. Period, end of story. I am tired of your unintelligible nonsense and your fukking attitude.
If you don't like the way "this place" is run, get the fuk out and do not let the door hit you one the *** as you leave. Are we clear?


Satelitte Radio Addict
May 28, 2007
Toronto, ON

If you don't like the way "this place" is run, get the fuk out and do not let the door hit you one the *** as you leave. Are we clear?

Not to totally derail a perfectly delightful discussion, but this board censors mods too? The non-trust is strong here. :)


Trolling Hypocrites
May 27, 2007
Northern Ontario,
Not to totally derail a perfectly delightful discussion, but this board censors mods too? The non-trust is strong here. :)
I like the way she looks when gets mad and uses green font...


Council Member
Oct 18, 2015
LMFAO. Now I can believe that B00Mer might have said a lot of things. But supporting ISIS members for anything....that I very much doubt.

If you're going to stereotypically trash people at least get their stereotype correct. Otherwise its just fukking sloppy.

"So says the ones that cheer on killing women and kids."
We're talking about ISrael not ISIS, and yes boomer masturbated to the atrocities committed by Israel on women and children in Gaza.


The Velvet Hammer
Mar 5, 2011
London, Ontario
"So says the ones that cheer on killing women and kids."
We're talking about ISrael not ISIS, and yes boomer masturbated to the atrocities committed by Israel on women and children in Gaza.

You quoted me and said "I remember B00Mer..." in response to my assertion to MHz that he in a previous thread supported the taking of child brides.

If you're going to participate, then pay attention.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
"So says the ones that cheer on killing women and kids."
We're talking about ISrael not ISIS, and yes boomer masturbated to the atrocities committed by Israel on women and children in Gaza.

That would be ISIS and Hamas and a couple of muslim groups that murder women and children.Both Israeli and muslim women and kids. Israel is the good guys in that region.


Council Member
Oct 18, 2015
That would be ISIS and Hamas and a couple of muslim groups that murder women and children.Both Israeli and muslim women and kids. Israel is the good guys in that region.
Are you a sick sociopath? Israel the good guys? You're a grotesque abomination excuse of a human.


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
No, this would be thread that I do remember you frigging tool!

And I while I will absolutely admit that I recalled the specifics incorrectly, it is VERY CLEAR that you are all over vilifying a religion (RCC of course) that was not a part of the OP story while bending over backwards to make excuses for a middle aged Muslim man taking a 12 year old bride in Australia.

So maybe you need to take the advice offered here tonight and CALM DOWN. Given the repulsive stand you took in that particular thread, it is abhorrent that you open with accusing people of cheering the deaths of women and children, of being hate mongers and whatever else you rant and rave about.

And now let me be perfectly clear about something.

This place has banned pics of dead children and adults. Period, end of story. I am tired of your unintelligible nonsense and your fukking attitude.
If you don't like the way "this place" is run, get the fuk out and do not let the door hit you one the *** as you leave. Are we clear?
The Syrian 3 year old that drowned was posted all over the board as were the cartoons about it.

Let's start here as you seem to be rather protective of the RCC Priests.

So you're avoiding the question, as per usual.

Most decent human beings would denounce the actions in the OP, but not you. Oh no, you circumvent it entirely, doing everything you can to point a dirty, nasty finger at the church that you despise. Your silence speaks volumes as to your hypocrisy and it is tantamount to giving a blessing to the disgusting mess that is detailed in the OP.

You are disgusting.

I didn't avoid any question, it is your selective reading habits as usual. The post about sex crimes in Iran were posted and they don't allow such things to go on that was going on in Australia. Perhaps the flaw in in that Nation rather than the ones that Muslims actually run. Got any stories from Libya (before NATO went and 'saved them', of course you don't as that is not the way they operate. To refresh your memory I posted this and I stand by it and if you don't see that it points to the molesters death then you are suffering from that selective reading again.
I despise anybody who mistreats all women, all kids or all dogs. You and the collective don't have that same quality as you see one group who deserves more on their plate than the rest. Only your little corner of the world works that way.
I wasn't silent so you are the one with the flaws in your reading comprehension and the insult didn't go unnoticed, nothing goes unnoticed, even the blanket of protection for Boomer.

Should that not be 'Am I clear?' I'm quite aware how this place is run and who (the collective) runs it, if it bothered me I would have left a long time ago. Blame yourself and the collective if the intimidation attempts usually backfire in your own faces.

That would be ISIS and Hamas and a couple of muslim groups that murder women and children.Both Israeli and muslim women and kids. Israel is the good guys in that region.

Feel free to start debunking at about the 6:00 mark if you can stand to hear an honest Jew speak about what went on (and still does) in the homeland.
Last edited:


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia

You think I make that stuff up, but every police force in Usa has been training for since a decade only now gubment be pulling all the armour away from dem. Food stamps next. Sumore racial police work broken econo riots and burning inner cities. What do think the training was for, the Russians? two word troll