Google, YouTube, To Censor Palestinian Videos Of Conflict


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
Perhaps NA should get their training from someplace else. How about an open carry for this little baby??

Russian Handgun Osa to Decrease Fatal Shootings in US

It appears g00gle isn't the only one being strong-armed these days.

Israel Suspends EU Peace Role over Settlement Goods — Naharnet


Dark Overlord
May 29, 2007
The Syrian 3 year old that drowned was posted all over the board as were the cartoons about it.

Let's start here as you seem to be rather protective of the RCC Priests.

I didn't avoid any question, it is your selective reading habits as usual. The post about sex crimes in Iran were posted and they don't allow such things to go on that was going on in Australia. Perhaps the flaw in in that Nation rather than the ones that Muslims actually run. Got any stories from Libya (before NATO went and 'saved them', of course you don't as that is not the way they operate. To refresh your memory I posted this and I stand by it and if you don't see that it points to the molesters death then you are suffering from that selective reading again.
I despise anybody who mistreats all women, all kids or all dogs. You and the collective don't have that same quality as you see one group who deserves more on their plate than the rest. Only your little corner of the world works that way.
I wasn't silent so you are the one with the flaws in your reading comprehension and the insult didn't go unnoticed, nothing goes unnoticed, even the blanket of protection for Boomer.

Should that not be 'Am I clear?' I'm quite aware how this place is run and who (the collective) runs it, if it bothered me I would have left a long time ago. Blame yourself and the collective if the intimidation attempts usually backfire in your own faces.

Feel free to start debunking at about the 6:00 mark if you can stand to hear an honest Jew speak about what went on (and still does) in the homeland.

All I hear is "blahblahblah". If you have an issue with how things are done around here, you can always just leave right?

Not to totally derail a perfectly delightful discussion, but this board censors mods too? The non-trust is strong here. :)

It makes the peons feel a little better.;) LOL!


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 6, 2015
Olympus Mons
The Israeli coordination with Google and YouTube has very serious implications, and many journalists have spoken out in opposition, saying it is a direct assault on the Freedom of the Press.
And yet that's exactly what Hamas does on a daily basis. Both the media and the UN know that portraying the Palestinians as anything but victims of Israeli aggression will end their time in Gaza.
The "news" out of Gaza is tightly controlled and manipulated by Hamas before it's permitted to be released to the public. Hamas isn't stupid, well they are in many areas but I digress. They knew there was already a pre-existing hatred of the Jews they could play on. And with the advent of social media, the sky became the limit. They had the ability to manipulate the masses and as such, despite almost always being the instigator, have fooled many into believing they're simply victims of a "war-mongering, genocidal" Israel.

When comparing Israel's "relationship" with Gaza and the West Bank, there's at least some kind of peace between Israel and the West Bank, even if it is an uneasy peace. When there is violence that erupts, it's usually started by some dipwad acting on their own personal behest.
There are also basics of economic co-operation between Israel and the West Bank, albeit informally. Several Israeli businesses employ Palestinians from the West Bank and even though the leadership in the West Bank has asked the people not to take those jobs they haven't outright prohibited it, realizing that the Palestinians still need to earn a living.

The horrific conditions in Gaza aren't the fault of Israel. They're the fault of extremist groups in Gaza who don't give a flying sh*t about innocent Palestinians being killed because they can use it for propaganda. Hell, they've freely admitted to forcing kids to become suicide bombers. But yeah, Israel is the monster in that closet :roll:

You quoted me and said "I remember B00Mer..." in response to my assertion to MHz that he in a previous thread supported the taking of child brides.

If you're going to participate, then pay attention.
Personally I think it's the alcohol and post-concussion syndrome.


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
All I hear is "blahblahblah". If you have an issue with how things are done around here, you can always just leave right?
It seems to be some 'members' that are having a problem with free speech. I'm rather enjoying myself now that I know who the players are. Explains why things went the way they did when I first started posting here. In that time how many members left due the verbal abuse from the 'collective'?? (no need to reply as the high number would be telling about what kind of people the members are)

And yet that's exactly what Hamas does on a daily basis. Both the media and the UN know that portraying the Palestinians as anything but victims of Israeli aggression will end their time in Gaza.
The "news" out of Gaza is tightly controlled and manipulated by Hamas before it's permitted to be released to the public. Hamas isn't stupid, well they are in many areas but I digress. They knew there was already a pre-existing hatred of the Jews they could play on. And with the advent of social media, the sky became the limit. They had the ability to manipulate the masses and as such, despite almost always being the instigator, have fooled many into believing they're simply victims of a "war-mongering, genocidal" Israel.
So Miko Peled is a liar about the version he gives about the history of the area is he. (or you are and I take him as knowing more about the place than you do. However the vid is on this page and you can debunk it if you wish to (for the record), I'm guessing none of the collective will because it is as factual as it gets.
The news out of Gaza is tightly controlled by Israel, if it wasn't so Israel would let all sorts of reporters to enter the area to see for themselves what is going on. I'm going to suggest the bombed out buildings are there via Israel's wishes rather than it being the people of Gaza wanting to live like that. Feel free to show how good they have it.

When comparing Israel's "relationship" with Gaza and the West Bank, there's at least some kind of peace between Israel and the West Bank, even if it is an uneasy peace. When there is violence that erupts, it's usually started by some dipwad acting on their own personal behest.
There are also basics of economic co-operation between Israel and the West Bank, albeit informally. Several Israeli businesses employ Palestinians from the West Bank and even though the leadership in the West Bank has asked the people not to take those jobs they haven't outright prohibited it, realizing that the Palestinians still need to earn a living.
So that is why Israel sells goods produced on their land, rather what is left of the land on the original map. Losing the Golan Heights is going to be a real blow to Israel.

The horrific conditions in Gaza aren't the fault of Israel. They're the fault of extremist groups in Gaza who don't give a flying sh*t about innocent Palestinians being killed because they can use it for propaganda. Hell, they've freely admitted to forcing kids to become suicide bombers. But yeah, Israel is the monster in that closet :roll:
Yeah okay. So the news blackout only helps Gaza rather than Israel. Perhaps Israel should resist being sucked in then.

Personally I think it's the alcohol and post-concussion syndrome.
You can get help for the booze addiction but then the other part would really start to bother you, probably why you took up heavy drinking in the first place.


Council Member
Oct 18, 2015
And yet that's exactly what Hamas does on a daily basis. Both the media and the UN know that portraying the Palestinians as anything but victims of Israeli aggression will end their time in Gaza.
The "news" out of Gaza is tightly controlled and manipulated by Hamas before it's permitted to be released to the public. Hamas isn't stupid, well they are in many areas but I digress. They knew there was already a pre-existing hatred of the Jews they could play on. And with the advent of social media, the sky became the limit. They had the ability to manipulate the masses and as such, despite almost always being the instigator, have fooled many into believing they're simply victims of a "war-mongering, genocidal" Israel.

When comparing Israel's "relationship" with Gaza and the West Bank, there's at least some kind of peace between Israel and the West Bank, even if it is an uneasy peace. When there is violence that erupts, it's usually started by some dipwad acting on their own personal behest.
There are also basics of economic co-operation between Israel and the West Bank, albeit informally. Several Israeli businesses employ Palestinians from the West Bank and even though the leadership in the West Bank has asked the people not to take those jobs they haven't outright prohibited it, realizing that the Palestinians still need to earn a living.

The horrific conditions in Gaza aren't the fault of Israel. They're the fault of extremist groups in Gaza who don't give a flying sh*t about innocent Palestinians being killed because they can use it for propaganda. Hell, they've freely admitted to forcing kids to become suicide bombers. But yeah, Israel is the monster in that closet :roll:

Personally I think it's the alcohol and post-concussion syndrome.
what the hell is this guy talking about? a bunch of nonsense.
israeli settlers are plundering more and more land from the west bank, there's no "uneasy peace", there's no peace at all, because of this.
israel has more control over gaza than hamas does. palestinians anger is directed at israel, not hamas or other extremists.. why? because it's israel that's controlling them and bombing them and keeping him walled in a highly dense area in poor conditions. this just fuels support for extremism among the palestinians.


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
Generally the concerns of the wider body of mankind with the state of Israel is its disregard for the law. Which law is that you may ask, indicating that you are fit to live among them. Enjoy the banquet of evil.


Hall of Fame Member
Jul 5, 2009
Yeah, the Israelis are evil demons and everyone else in the ME are angels. F off.

No-one forced Sodamn Insane to be the a$$hole he was to kill even his own family if they said anything against him. No-one forces crown prince Abdullah of Saudi Arabia to keep Saudi women from being in public and arbitrarily arrest, flog, and torture people. No-one forces Shia and Sunni to kill each other.

etcetera ad infinitum


Council Member
Oct 18, 2015
We're not talking about the entire middle east but the crimes against humanity Izrael perpetrates on the Palestinians on a daily basis. DOn't go off topic.


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
You don't seem to be aware that Saddam's war with Iran was his bit at being the proxy army for the US who was stinging from the fact Iran kicked them out in 1979, as usual he got a knife in the back for his troubles. Do you believe that Saddam organized the death squads that roamed parts of Central and South America, wait that was the US using proxy armies also.

The US fully supports Saudi methods and they want that kind of ri=ule over all the OPEC Nations. Too bad it will never happen.