Global Warming: still the ‘Greatest Scam in History’


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
Looks like the same colors from a parade. Is there a 'relationship between' the two?? The water at NB looks pretty cold, far to cold to cross the Atlantic and still warm up northern Scotland and northern Europe.

What's up with that??


Council Member
Jul 18, 2017
Big Bay, Awhitu, New Zealand
Looks like the same colors from a parade. Is there a 'relationship between' the two?? The water at NB looks pretty cold, far to cold to cross the Atlantic and still warm up northern Scotland and northern Europe.
What's up with that??
The tap mixer must be screwed up.
Maybe we can bomb it better.
Get more fires in the Middle East.


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
The Rothschild bankers go that far back do they? They appear to be just as retarded today as they were back when they were the 95% in the pic. Once across the stupid line always across that same line apparently.


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 23, 2015

2019 is Breaking All Records for Cold – The Real Threat is a Global Freeze

The Black Death was preceded by the Wolf Global Cooling where temperatures dropped by nearly 20% from the Medieval Warming period. As temperatures decline, the crop cycle shortens. In fact, so many people died during the 1300s that this brought an end to feudalism because there was a shortage of labor.

This type of climate change has the potential to be very profound. 2019 is already setting new records for cold and snowfall. In the center of the USA, the snowfall has risen to more than double that of 2000.

Cliffy is always left, and never right about anything.

Just think of the children that will all die listening to people like genocidal nazicommie Globalist Cliffy...
Oh, the Joi eh, clifford? Wealth distribution city here we come!!!
Oh the Joi.


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
Stephen who////?

Angering the Gods is what we do. A passive god is no fukkin good, you got to have action, the testing, so far so good, moving forward, maybe, moving for sure, tick tick tick, the trick is to ignore time, your wrinkles and blotches are your credits, a bit of out of . The climate changes theres fuk all you can do about it.
Cus youre an organism on an orb that cares sweet fuk all about you just ask the dinosaurs. If you think you rule this planets climate you,re stupid da fizzics ain,t on youir side, this planet will be just fine despite you,. cuz in the bgig picture you don,t even exist yet. This planet can curb any human interventions with ease that we don,t yet apriciate and may never, we think we rule when we plainly do not. Of course the global warming crowd will not be amung us much forward into the promised cold future, the stupid die first.
They will insist on cooling the planet while we freeze. If you think the earth is getting warmer you are stupid and should

in a cell. There is no end to human stupiidity, the only verified human resource. We can never get ahead of the big wheel.


Hall of Fame Member
Dec 25, 2005
Eagle Creek
So I'm watching Global news on Saturday morning and the weather segment comes on with dire warnings of freezing rain complete with instructions on what to do in case your car hits an icy patch...... and this goes on all morning long. Outside the sun is shining and it's 5' - not a hint of rain let alone freezing rain. Roads are clear and dry. Beautiful late fall day. Couldn't help thinking that if the meteorologists can't even get a weather forecast for a single day right how in hell am I supposed to believe climate hysterics predicting the future.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
So I'm watching Global news on Saturday morning and the weather segment comes on with dire warnings of freezing rain complete with instructions on what to do in case your car hits an icy patch...... and this goes on all morning long. Outside the sun is shining and it's 5' - not a hint of rain let alone freezing rain. Roads are clear and dry. Beautiful late fall day. Couldn't help thinking that if the meteorologists can't even get a weather forecast for a single day right how in hell am I supposed to believe climate hysterics predicting the future.

I think you've hit upon one of the more salient facts of life about "educated" people, that they think because they are "educated" they KNOW EVERYTHING! :)


Time Out
Feb 2, 2006
I think you've hit upon one of the more salient facts of life about "educated" people, that they think because they are "educated" they KNOW EVERYTHING! :)

It’s just the opposite. The more educated you are, the more you realize how little you know. That explains why Trumpites are know-it-alls