Global Warming: still the ‘Greatest Scam in History’


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 23, 2015
Why don't you quote the actual weather sometimes MrMrsMz jump off the cliffy?

Oh, Silly me! Your fakenews machine only spits out fakenews.
LOL, go figure. Must have been made in communist China

OH well, They don't need no steenkin' oil, they can always heat the place with snow or something.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
More snow falls on Greenland than what is melting.

Have you not noticed all the climate conspiracy theory stories of extreme change is in places nobody lives or will ever travel to observe what is going on in first person?

Good reason - "Extreme change" happens in places with extreme weather where no one in his right mind would want to live anyway! :)


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 23, 2015
WE have the study of climate in the first place because the weather changes...
...Like the weather.



Hall of Fame Member
Sep 23, 2015
Good reason - "Extreme change" happens in places with extreme weather where no one in his right mind would want to live anyway! :)
That's why the sea isn't rising at either Obama's new seaside abode nor at ALL gore's new seaside abode.

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
Good reason - "Extreme change" happens in places with extreme weather where no one in his right mind would want to live anyway! :icon_smile:
What is "Extreme Weather?" What is the definition of "Extreme Weather" (?) and if the definition exists, where does it come from?

That's why the sea isn't rising at either Obama's new seaside abode nor at ALL gore's new seaside abode.

Questions about sea level where measured with the equivalent of a stick in the water, but the tides go in and out, and the land goes up and down, which made it difficult to measure until about 30 years ago with satellite tech in stable orbits that could bounce a laser and measure to the mm the changes (actual changes) happening with sea levels....and the result is that they aren't (beyond the slow consistent rise that's been happening for about the last 12,000 years since the beginning of this last inter-glacial interlude that we're currently in after the initial melt that raised levels by about 400 feet).


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
A sham is mild talk in the present context, it is not warming globally, they are liars those who spout the globe warming bullshjt are those who will be eliminated by the physics, no loss whatever, the stupid have no salvation, thier bones litter this planet. Those who cannot deferentiate between warm and cold will simply cease to exist, the rest of us will fill the void left by the retards, as usual, and we call this evolution
I suggest that you purchase a five dollar thermometer, and some snow removal equipment. Like a shovel, and get some firewood or burn your furniture.
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Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
Alberta ski hill makes history for the first time in 32 years

Earliest opening ever.
No wonder the commies want to throw the west out, it upsets their global Warming propaganda effort.
Now do the SK skiHill report, . . . . .or was that in your last report??

If the Hudson Bay is icebound and the bears have gone north for the winter why not sails like the surfer dudes (they made me use that term) and do it all winter long? The 'sit down' and 'shift your weight tricycle models' would be fast as hell and with GPs you can find you way back from 100 mile trip in just 1 afternoon. There are smaller lakes but the wind is better a long ways from shore. Put some skies under some ATCO trailers and you could have a journey that takes a few weeks, fly in and out if you are a client, part of your business if you are a local. As longs as they can text they will come from all over the world.


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
Alberta ski hill makes history for the first time in 32 years

Earliest opening ever.
No wonder the commies want to throw the west out, it upsets their global Warming propaganda effort.
A winter wonder land that could be tapped for foreign tourists, cross country and downhill but mostly quads.

The Caribou Mountains are a mountain range in northern Alberta, Canada surrounding a saucer-shaped elevated plateau that rises "700 m (2,297 ft) above the surrounding lowlands."[1] The Caribou Mountains reach an elevation of up to 1,030 m (3,379 ft), making them the highest in northern Alberta. They rise north of the lower Peace River, and are bounded to the north and east by the Wood Buffalo National Park. The area was unglaciated during the Last glacial period.[2]
Because of their unique environment, Caribou Mountains Wildland Park 5,910 km2 (2,280 sq mi), was created in 2001 as part of the Special Places program. The largest provincial Wildland Park in the province, its fragile ecosystem contains sensitive wetlands, permafrost habitat and rich bird breeding habitat. "A population of up to 120 wood bison, an endangered species, lives in the Wentzel Lake area in small groups of up to 15 animals." [1]


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 23, 2015
WE have had some major crop losses in the two early north American blizzards so far.

Crop Losses Fall 2019 | Grand Solar Minimum

These global warming nuts are going to get a lot of people killed.

Think about THAT, cliffy.


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 23, 2015
Canadian university blocks polar bear researcher’s ‘academic freedom’

Sky News Australia

Polar bears are much more “adaptable and flexible” at surviving through summer sea ice levels than anyone had expected, zoologist and author Susan Crockford has told Sky News.

The Author of "the polar bear catastrophe that never was." Fired " from UBC for telling the truth about how the global "warnists" LIED about the Polar bear situation like they have lied about everything else.