Global Warming: still the ‘Greatest Scam in History’


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia

How CO2 Could Be The Future Of Fuel | VICE on HBO

As climate deniers and their allies in industry and government thwart conservationists’ efforts, some scientists are working to develop a back-up plan: use technology to “geoengineer” the Earth's atmosphere and reduce the impacts of climate change.

At some point in time youimight want to consider the celestial physics, human geoingineering is out of the question sir. The fizzicks negate your suggestions, only a retard would imagine that humanity could control the solar systems intent, it will adjust as it needs to we humans are not it,s main concern, it hardly notices us as we affect it not at all. Our position in the food chain is not as you seem to imagine it. It is said that life flourished here on earth for millions of years without human input. Earth does not need us, as soon as we fukup something else waiting in the wings will fill the void created by our failure to adapt to reality. Our carbon production is much appreciated by this planets organisms, you Sir would deny the green things the bounty of co2. You do know we eat green things don,t you? There is no CO2 tragedy pending. You seem to want to starve green plants of CO2. What will you eat?


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
That a sample of what happens when the current powers that be have been in control for 100's of years? Perhaps they are past their prime if everything they touch goes to shit.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
CO2 Retains Heat For Only 0.0001 Seconds, Warming ‘Not Possible’
Published on October 21, 2019
Written by Kenneth Richard
Mainstream climate science claims CO2 molecules “slow down the rate of heat loss from the surface” as a blanket does.
And yet the rate at which a CO2 molecule retains or slows down heat loss is, at most, a negligible 0.0001 of a second.
A CO2 concentration of 300 ppm versus 400 ppm will, therefore, have no detectable impact.
SkepticalScience, a blog spearheaded by climate science “consensus” advocate John Cook, is widely considered the explanatory guidebook for the anthropogenic global warming movement.
The blog claims CO2 molecules, with a representation of four parts in 10,000 in the atmosphere (or 400 parts per million, or ppm), collectively function as a blanket does in slowing down the rate at which the human body cools.
The rate or time-lapse involved in this “slowing” of heat loss is problematic to the paradigm that says CO2 drives global warming, however.
Professor Nasif Nahle has mathematically assessed the rate at which heat is retained by CO2 molecules; his work was endorsed by the Faculty of Physics of the University of Nuevo Leon (Mexico).
Nahle found the “mean free path” for a quantum wave to pass through the atmosphere before colliding with a CO2 molecule is about 33 meters (Nahle, 2011a).
Such a wide chasm between molecular collisions would appear to undermine a visualization of CO2 functioning like a blanket does.
Even more saliently, Nahle determined that the rate at which CO2 molecules can retain heat at the surface may only last about 0.0001 of a second (Nahle, 2011b).
If heat-loss is slowed down at a rate of 0.0001 of a second by CO2 molecules, the atmospheric CO2 concentration – whether it’s 300 PPM or 400 PPM – effectively doesn’t matter. The time-lapse differential would be immaterial for either concentration.
Another problem is CO2 is outside of the IR spectrum and incapable of trapping IR in the atmosphere.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
What Earth might look like in 80 years if we're lucky — and if we're not
Holy f-ck! 100% pure bullshit. Not one of these claims are true.

Last year was the warmest year on record for the planet's oceans, and the fourth-warmest year ever in terms of surface temperature.
That warming trend has continued into 2019: July was the hottest month ever in Earth's history.
Scientists are also discovering that melting in Greenland and Antarctica is occurring much faster than they previously thought.
These changes could spell disaster for coastal economies in the form of sea-level rise and more frequent (and intense) natural disasters like hurricanes and wildfires.
If greenhouse-gas emissions aren't curbed significantly worldwide - and soon - Earth might be almost unrecognizable by the year 2100.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
Holy f-ck! 100% pure bullshit. Not one of these claims are true.

Last year was the warmest year on record for the planet's oceans, and the fourth-warmest year ever in terms of surface temperature.
That warming trend has continued into 2019: July was the hottest month ever in Earth's history.
Scientists are also discovering that melting in Greenland and Antarctica is occurring much faster than they previously thought.
These changes could spell disaster for coastal economies in the form of sea-level rise and more frequent (and intense) natural disasters like hurricanes and wildfires.
If greenhouse-gas emissions aren't curbed significantly worldwide - and soon - Earth might be almost unrecognizable by the year 2100.

Yeah, I think a lot of shit to do with global warming is over blown! In some areas 2016 was supposedly the warmest year. The current year in this area has been colder than usual. I think where the main truth of the matter lies is with the polar regions.


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
Is that based on an accurate record going back to 4,000BC on a global scale that matches the scale available today?? Paper astronuts and paper scientist belong in the same leaky boat.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Yeah, I think a lot of shit to do with global warming is over blown! In some areas 2016 was supposedly the warmest year. The current year in this area has been colder than usual. I think where the main truth of the matter lies is with the polar regions.
There hasn't been any warming in 18 years and 10 months. During that time 25% of all emissions were created.

There is no warming to mitigate.


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
'So they knew': Ocasio-Cortez questions Exxon scientist on climate crisis denial

House Democrats on Wednesday laid out evidence that the oil behemoth ExxonMobil had known since the 1970s about the potential for a climate crisis and intentionally sowed doubt about it. One of those testifying was Martin Hoffert, a scientist consultant for Exxon Research and Engineering in the 1980s. Responding to the New York congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Hoffert testified that in 1982, Exxon scientists predicted how carbon dioxide levels would rise and heat the planet as humans burned more fossil fuels

Exxon sowed doubt about climate crisis, House Democrats hear in testimony ►


Hall of Fame Member
Apr 17, 2017
Twin Moose Creek
Utter crap.
Holy f-ck! 100% pure bullshit. Not one of these claims are true.
Last year was the warmest year on record for the planet's oceans, and the fourth-warmest year ever in terms of surface temperature.
That warming trend has continued into 2019: July was the hottest month ever in Earth's history.
Scientists are also discovering that melting in Greenland and Antarctica is occurring much faster than they previously thought.
These changes could spell disaster for coastal economies in the form of sea-level rise and more frequent (and intense) natural disasters like hurricanes and wildfires.
If greenhouse-gas emissions aren't curbed significantly worldwide - and soon - Earth might be almost unrecognizable by the year 2100.

I agree, until claims come remotely close to historic records it is all a make a buck scheme


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
Drop in the bucket compared to how much ice she will gain over the winter, or do you expect it to keep melting at -40C??


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
There's a million tons of ice melting on Greenland every summer and every winter more ice is formed.
More snow falls on Greenland than what is melting.

Have you not noticed all the climate conspiracy theory stories of extreme change is in places nobody lives or will ever travel to observe what is going on in first person?


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
'So they knew': Ocasio-Cortez questions Exxon scientist on climate crisis denial
House Democrats on Wednesday laid out evidence that the oil behemoth ExxonMobil had known since the 1970s about the potential for a climate crisis and intentionally sowed doubt about it. One of those testifying was Martin Hoffert, a scientist consultant for Exxon Research and Engineering in the 1980s. Responding to the New York congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Hoffert testified that in 1982, Exxon scientists predicted how carbon dioxide levels would rise and heat the planet as humans burned more fossil fuels
Exxon sowed doubt about climate crisis, House Democrats hear in testimony ►
I've seen that too but then again 6 years later NOAA stated it's impossible for a CO2 increase to increase surface temperature.

Research sulphur dioxide cap and trade, if you do you'll find out that oil companies are making a killing off it. It may or may not dawn on you that creating a huge scare has only increased their sales on natural gas they couldn't give away 25 years ago.

It's obvious we need to save coal for the future or their will be no new steel. How do you replace coal? Switch to natural gas. How do you make a diesel or bunker fuel engine run at peak performance and triple it's service life? Switch to natural gas. How do you get rid of home heating oil or wood? Switch to natural gas. How do pile up absolutely massive and valueable sulphur dioxide credits to sell on the cap and trade markets? Switch to natural gas.

Need more?