Costco -- the Bible is fiction


Executive Branch Member
Mar 16, 2005
kelowna bc
With all the spirits and ghosts and burning bushes and .... I am surprised it doesn't
have a GMO Label as well. It has been modified a number of times afteral
While no one can say it is fiction, no one can really prove its true either so both sides
are right eh?


Executive Branch Member
Mar 16, 2005
kelowna bc
Blackleaf a belief system is required to believe in the writings of any religious material.
If it is fiction it's fiction and for those who believe it is not. However to say the Bible is
the truth and enlightenment one has to have scientific proof and that is in short supply
as well. Yes the word has withstood centuries and yes people have held fast to the
promises made and yes to all the other arguments but where is God? Where is the
defined smoking gun proof that this is anything but a work of fiction?
I ask the same of the other side how can one absolutely prove this is a work of fiction.
Both sides of that argument hold the key to the longevity of the Bibles success
It cannot be proven one way or the other so it matters not how its labelled I suppose for
believers what is important is that it's read a point that seems to be overlooked here.


Trolling Hypocrites
May 27, 2007
Northern Ontario,
The usual suspects are leaving this one alone.....


Senate Member
Jun 24, 2011
Thing is that doesn't make the NT any less of a manual to Spirituality any different than the Hindu Vedas, Koran, Confucianism. Buddhist Tipitaka, the Dhammapada etc.

Like I said, it can work in the philosophy section. In the non fiction or history section? No.

With all the spirits and ghosts and burning bushes and .... I am surprised it doesn't
have a GMO Label as well. It has been modified a number of times afteral
While no one can say it is fiction, no one can really prove its true either so both sides
are right eh?

The Adam and Eve 6000 years ago myth has been disproven. Biologically its impossible for it to have happened. Geology proves that the Earth is a hell of a lot older than that. The people who follow the Bible are the ones making the claims. As such the burden of proof is on them.

I cant prove there isnt a tea pot orbiting Mars, does that mean its there? I cant prove Napoleon wasnt the anti-Christ. Does that mean he was?

Born yesterdays combine OT & NT and that makes for a big mess.

It would have been interesting to see what would have happened had the OT been completely discarded when the Bible was compiled. If Christians only used the NT would things have been much different? We'll never really know but its interesting to think about.


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 29, 2007
Millions of people believe in santa and the easter bunny as well. Still doesn't make them real.
Correct but they are children and believe what they have been told. It's not a choice in their belief system since they are mentally incapable of understanding or processing fantasy tales which have been reinforced by parental figures. Religious belief on the other hand, is a choice that an adult has hopefully put some thought into.

Sure they would. Ive done it a few times when debating or discussing Islam with Muslims. All the big "new atheists" do it regularly. Salman Rushdie has done it both before and after Khomenei issued his fatwa against him. Ayan Hirsi Ali does it regularly and has survived a number of assassination attempts.

The Crusades, Inquisition, 30 years war, Reformation and KKK never happened? Christians were just as violent when their religion was the same age that Islam is now. They still occasionally kill gays and abortion doctors.

Stating facts is not disrespectful.
Correct, stating facts is not disrespectful, labeling a bible as fiction is however.

Some of it is true but the vast majority is either fiction or has nothing to back it up outside of the Bible itself. Putting it in a philosophy section is fine but if we have to decide between fiction and non-fiction it'd have to go into fiction. If people dont like it and want it put into the non-fiction section fine, but they have to prove everything (or at least a majority of it) actually happened. There are no historical records or archeological evidence to back up most of it. To put this in the non fiction section suggests Adam, Eve and the Garden of Eden are real. It says they were fooled by a talking snake. Seriously, how can anyone of sound mind believe that to be a historical fact? Or the Biblical flood, there is no evidence to suggest the world was ever completely below sea level. Or Moses and his folks wandering through the desert for 40 years. If they did do that they were very very clean and left everything undisturbed as there is no evidence of that ever happening. Or how about an earthquake and major storm in Jerusalem right when Jesus died? One would think that someone would have written that down. Other than the Bible there is nothing to suggest it happened. Same with the resurrection. I imagine the Romans and the high priests at the Jewish Temple would have taken notice if someone they executed popped back to life and started doing the same things a few days later.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
Correct but they are children and believe what they have been told. It's not a choice in their belief system since they are mentally incapable of understanding or processing fantasy tales which have been reinforced by parental figures. Religious belief on the other hand, is a choice that an adult has hopefully put some thought into.

Not when they have been force fed religion since childhood.


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
That is malarkey. Look beyond the Arcanoyd S. broad's hooey and you'll find it's malarkey.
I have no idea who that is. I have looked in many different sources, hundreds perhaps, and I can come to no other conclusion than the Christ character is fictional. From what I have been able to ascertain, Christ is a title not a person or a god. It is a state of consciousness that anyone can reach. Jesus, if his did reach Christ consciousness, was not the first or the last.

Jesus supposedly said something about, if you think what I have done is great, wait until you become aware of your true potential. Then you will do greater things than I have done (or something to that effect).


Senate Member
Jun 24, 2011
Correct but they are children and believe what they have been told. It's not a choice in their belief system since they are mentally incapable of understanding or processing fantasy tales which have been reinforced by parental figures. Religious belief on the other hand, is a choice that an adult has hopefully put some thought into.

Correct, stating facts is not disrespectful, labeling a bible as fiction is however.


You agreed with me about a lot of the Bible being fiction but you dont want it to be labelled fiction? That doesnt really make much sense. The book is fiction, which is a fact. Just because there are a lot of people out there who think it is non-fiction doesnt make it so.

Indeed, parents can make their kids believe strange things. When I realized Santa Clause was fake one of my first thoughts was "What else are they lying to me about?"


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
You agreed with me about a lot of the Bible being fiction but you dont want it to be labelled fiction? That doesnt really make much sense. The book is fiction, which is a fact. Just because there are a lot of people out there who think it is non-fiction doesnt make it so.

Indeed, parents can make their kids believe strange things. When I realized Santa Clause was fake one of my first thoughts was "What else are they lying to me about?"
Parents are such a let down, eh. It's like Xmas is some kind of societal right of passage that prepares you for the ultimate let down - life is not a bowl of cherries. Everything you were fed as a kid was 100% BS. You were treated like a mushroom and those who fed you the BS thought it was good for you because they were fed BS too - a vicious cycle of the blind leading the blind. There are many ways to wake up and break free of this nonsense. Each of us has to find our own way out of the maze. I am encouraged by the numbers of young people today who are not buying into the status quo. We have the power to create our own reality, a different one than we inherited. I just hope they use their power wisely.


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
The book The Holy Bible certainly is not aa fiction. It is a three dimensional object with mass. However the philosophy contained therein is very much adulterated and the greater beauty and utility contained in the lessons have hugely strayed very far from original meanings. It's proper history is not even fully circulated and probably can't be. The creators built that security feature into all the great mystery school material. You had to absorb it in grades and degrees or not at all and half a clue was no good. So today 99% of the faithful are only faithful where real knowledge and it's attainment was the point and goal.Spiritual perfection and release from the hell of meat and bone was going home to the lake of fire.
That's what they say more or less.


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 29, 2007
You agreed with me about a lot of the Bible being fiction but you dont want it to be labelled fiction? That doesnt really make much sense. The book is fiction, which is a fact. Just because there are a lot of people out there who think it is non-fiction doesnt make it so.
It is still a held belief by over 2 billion people. They do not believe it is fiction. You believe it is fiction, I believe much of it is fiction. It also supplies hope and comfort and acts as a moral compass for many people.

That is a positive thing. I learned something about faith and belief long ago from a priest that I respected. This was back in the day when Jehovah Witnesses would drop by or call people on the phone hoping to make conversions. A JW began to call and we would debate his view of the bible with my view of the bible. At that time I was a Christian, a R.C.

I can no longer recall the point we were arguing but he made a rash statement saying if I could prove his argument wrong with biblical passages he would leave his church because it would shake his belief. He was going to phone a week later. I read and read and crafted my argument carefully. Later that week, before he had called, I was having a casual discussion with a priest I knew. I was pleased with how I had constructed my argument, certain that I was right and wanted to share it, so I told the priest.

He asked me if I thought the young man was solid, and strong. I said I didn't know. That's right he told don't know. It may be all he has. You don't know his psychological state or what is holding him together. He then asked me if you win and tear him down his belief what will you give back to him?

I didn't have an answer.

I never answered the phone when he called later that week or the next or the next. I had nothing to fill the void, I was not going to be there to be his safety net and I had no way of knowing what the loss of that net could provoke.

Indeed, parents can make their kids believe strange things.
They can indeed yet we seem able to cope with that, shake it off and explore our own path.

When I realized Santa Clause was fake one of my first thoughts was "What else are they lying to me about?"
lmao...I've never heard anyone else admit to that...I wondered too.


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 26, 2005
Minnesota: Gopher State
There is methodology to deer hunting?

Why, of course - a very spiritual journey, indeed. I have a Kanien'Keháka {Mohawk} brother who lives for his next hunting venture. Can hardly wait to walk in the woods, arm his muzzleloader, aim, and FIRE! Feels at one with Nature when he does it, too.

Dexter Sinister

Unspecified Specialist
Oct 1, 2004
Regina, SK
Exactly. Most people seem to think they need a high powered rifle with a scope to hunt big animals. I know Cree lads in northern Saskatchewan who do it with a .22. Takes very good woodcraft, careful stalking, and very precise bullet placement from close in, but you *can* bring down a moose with a .22. And if you live as they do and want to eat for the winter, that's what you do.


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
Indeed, parents can make their kids believe strange things. When I realized Santa Clause was fake one of my first thoughts was "What else are they lying to me about?"

Hmmmm.... that never crossed my mind, maybe because I was intelligent enough to realize and understand why they did what they did. It wasn't about lying and at no time did they feel they were "lying". Must suck being so distrusting.