Costco -- the Bible is fiction


House Member
Apr 12, 2013
Indeed, parents can make their kids believe strange things. When I realized Santa Clause was fake one of my first thoughts was "What else are they lying to me about?"

They probably told you that you were smart and beautiful. :lol: (joking)


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
Hmmmm.... that never crossed my mind, maybe because I was intelligent enough to realize and understand why they did what they did. It wasn't about lying and at no time did they feel they were "lying". Must suck being so distrusting.
What do you call it when someone tells you something they know is not true? If you believe something is true (even if it isn't) then you are not lying. Unless parents believe Santa is real, they are lying to their kids.

Something is not a lie only when you don't know what the truth is.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
Millions of people believe in santa and the easter bunny as well. Still doesn't make them real.

The people who believe in these things are only children.

And I bet you and your fellow sickos also take sick pleasure in going round telling children that they don't exist and tell them to "stop believing in fairytales".

What me and the billions of other Christians around the world believe in has got sod all to do with you and you have no right imposing YOUR atheist beliefs on other people.

You never hear of the Spanish Inquisition? Salem witch trials? The Black Robes? Then there is the murder and/or enslavement of thousands of indigenous peoples around the world. Christians have a long tradition of murdering anyone with contrary beliefs.

Christianity is the biggest religion on the planet, with 2.2 billion Christians. Almost a third of all human beings are Christians, and yet you feel it's okay to attack all these people and their beliefs just because of a few crimes committed centuries ago before all of the world's 2.2 billion Christians today were even born.

We get told we mustn't attack Islam and all Muslims because of atrocities committed in the name of Islam; that such atrocities are committed by "a minority" of Muslims.

Yet with Christianity it's somehow different, and all the world's Christians - almost ONE THIRD of all humanity - are somehow to blame for crimes committed centuries ago. What nonsense.

Stating facts is not disrespectful. Some of it is true but the vast majority is either fiction or has nothing to back it up outside of the Bible itself.

I don't believe you are stating facts, and neither do other Christians. What I believe in are facts. What you believe in is fiction.

You may think the Bible is fiction, but Christians don't, and who the hell are you are the Costco employees to tell Christians what to believe in and what not to believe in? We have our own Christian beliefs, and I don't see why we should let go of those beliefs just because YOU don't believe in them. You atheists have to start learning to be more tolerant of other's beliefs. You're good at preaching "tolerance and diversity" yourselves but show little such tolerance towards Christianity and Christians.

Putting it in a philosophy section is fine but if we have to decide between fiction and non-fiction it'd have to go into fiction.

No it doesn't have to go into fiction. The Bible is considered to be a work of non-fiction and that's why in all every bookshop and library on the planet it goes into the non-fiction - usually reference - section.

However to say the Bible is
the truth and enlightenment one has to have scientific proof and that is in short supply
as well.

You don't have to have scientific proof.

A person can easily say the Bible is the truth, and they can do that because that's what they believe in.

And I'll believe what I want to believe in, not what atheists and Christianophobes want me to believe in.

I was talking about Blackleaf, who flaunts his/her Anglicanism.

The Anglican church is/was just Roman Catholocism, only with the head being the Archbishop of Caturbury instead of the Pope, and with the Bible being in English instead of Latin.

The Head of the Church of England is Jesus Christ.

Unlike Catholicism, no mere mortal is Head of the Church of England.


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
What me and the billions of other Christians around the world believe in has got sod all to do with you and you have no right imposing YOUR atheist beliefs on other people.

Christianity is the biggest religion on the planet, with 2.2 billion Christians. Almost a third of all human beings are Christians, and yet you feel it's okay to attack all these people and their beliefs just because of a few crimes committed centuries ago before all of the world's 2.2 billion Christians today were even born.

We get told we mustn't attack Islam and all Muslims because of atrocities committed in the name of Islam; that such atrocities are committed by "a minority" of Muslims.

Yet with Christianity it's somehow different, and all the world's Christians - almost ONE THIRD of all humanity - are somehow to blame for crimes committed centuries ago. What nonsense.

I don't believe you are stating facts, and neither do other Christians. What I believe in are facts. What you believe in is fiction.

You may think the Bible is fiction, but Christians don't, and who the hell are you are the Costco employees to tell Christians what to believe in and what not to believe in? We have our own Christian beliefs, and I don't see why we should let go of those beliefs just because YOU don't believe in them. You atheists have to start learning to be more tolerant of other's beliefs. You're good at preaching "tolerance and diversity" yourselves but show little such tolerance towards Christianity and Christians.

No it doesn't have to go into fiction. The Bible is considered to be a work of non-fiction and that's why in all every bookshop and library on the planet it goes into the non-fiction - usually reference - section.

You don't have to have scientific proof.

A person can easily say the Bible is the truth, and they can do that because that's what they believe in.

And I'll believe what I want to believe in, not what atheists and Christianophobes want me to believe in.

The Head of the Church of England is Jesus Christ.

Unlike Catholicism, no mere mortal is Head of the Church of England.

What you don't get is that you think you have a right to speak what you believe in the truth but deny others the right to speak theirs. You get all defensive when others don't agree with you. You call them atheists and christianophobes because they express their disbelief. You are the one doing the discriminating here. You are the one getting you balls all in a knot and handing out reds. How come when others express what they think is true, you and many other christians think it is an attack but you feel you have a right to tell them they are wrong? That is the ultimate hypocrisy and goes completely against Jesus' teachings. But, I guess, it what is to be expected from a pompous, arrogant Brit.


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 29, 2007
What do you call it when someone tells you something they know is not true? If you believe something is true (even if it isn't) then you are not lying. Unless parents believe Santa is real, they are lying to their kids.

Something is not a lie only when you don't know what the truth is.
although it is a harmless lie involving a lot of fun, there is a great lesson attached to it when one realizes Santa is the spirit of giving, not a magical being and that lesson is multi-faceted if the child can go there; adults lie, people conspire, not all lies have bad intentions attached and some times it is kinder to lie...I felt much better when I knew because I went to a wealthy elementary school but some kids got way, way less than others and at first that confused me. I quickly learned to lie about what Santa had brought depending upon who had asked. Even little kids can be sensitive to the feelings of other little kids.

Then we grow up and lose our humanity.


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
What do you call it when someone tells you something they know is not true? If you believe something is true (even if it isn't) then you are not lying. Unless parents believe Santa is real, they are lying to their kids.

Something is not a lie only when you don't know what the truth is.

Give it a break numbnuts..... It's sick, mentally retarded morons like you that have caused more grief for kids than all the Santa's and Easter bunnies out there.

I never had a problem with it, and neither have any of my kids.

What you don't get is that you think you have a right to speak what you believe in the truth but deny others the right to speak theirs. You get all defensive when others don't agree with you. You call them atheists and christianophobes because they express their disbelief. .

Actually, you and others do more than just "express your disbelief".

Fairy tales, lies, brain washing............. but just expressing ones disbelief.

Yup, hypocrites and arrogant pricks.


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
Give it a break numbnuts..... It's sick, mentally retarded morons like you that have caused more grief for kids than all the Santa's and Easter bunnies out there.

I never had a problem with it, and neither have any of my kids.

Actually, you and others do more than just "express your disbelief".

Fairy tales, lies, brain washing............. but just expressing ones disbelief.

Yup, hypocrites and arrogant pricks.
Ah, the always eppervescent and congenial gerryh. And good morning to you too. Always a pleasure to have a civil conversation with you.


Privy Council
Jul 28, 2010
Correct but they are children and believe what they have been told. It's not a choice in their belief system since they are mentally incapable of understanding or processing fantasy tales which have been reinforced by parental figures.

As adults, they switch from Santa to Glenn Beck.


Trolling Hypocrites
May 27, 2007
Northern Ontario,
Gerryh is a retard, It's the only explanation for his behaviour.

From a retards prospective. Yes. I agree.
Where you're concerned, a bag of hammers comes to mind


Hall of Fame Member
May 8, 2011
Where you're concerned, a bag of hammers comes to mind

So you come into a thread as gerryh's tool.
Stating that I'm a bag of hammers, in gerryh's defence

Your not to sharp heh?

With idiots like you on the internet, who needs cable TV?
That was priceless DaSleeper.

Thanks for today's good laugh.
Last edited:


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
So you come into a thread as gerryh's tool.
Stating that I'm a bag of hammers, in gerryh's defence

Your not to sharp heh?

With idiots like you on the internet, who needs cable TV?
That was priceless DaSleeper.

Thanks for today's good laugh.

Actually I believe he was inferring that the bag of hammers is much smarter than you. Judging by your poor spelling I'm inclined to agree. Try spell check. That's what the rest of us do.


Senate Member
Jun 24, 2011
Hmmmm.... that never crossed my mind, maybe because I was intelligent enough to realize and understand why they did what they did. It wasn't about lying and at no time did they feel they were "lying". Must suck being so distrusting.

Oh I get why they did it. It doesnt mean I have to agree with it though. I know some people who grew up without ever believing there was a Santa and still had a great time at Christmas. They told me something existed while full well knowing it didnt. Thats a lie. There wasnt really any point in doing it either. We still could have had great Christmases that particular aspect.

I can and do trust some people. But from that point on I never blindly accepted anything just because someone told me one thing or another was true. I need something to back it up other than a single person (even a family members) word. In that way it was a useful lie.

I don't believe you are stating facts, and neither do other Christians. What I believe in are facts. What you believe in is fiction.

You may think the Bible is fiction, but Christians don't, and who the hell are you are the Costco employees to tell Christians what to believe in and what not to believe in?

And some Christians would agree with me. A lot of them no longer believe the Bible is literally true. There are a lot of Christians who even think that evolution is true. Im not telling anyone what to believe. Believe whatever you want but if you want to put a book in the non-fiction section you must prove it isnt fiction. It is the Christians who put forward the claim that it is true. Fine, prove it. Maybe it is all true but Ive seen no evidence to suggest it is. The burden of proof is on you.


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 29, 2007
Actually I believe he was inferring that the bag of hammers is much smarter than you. Judging by your poor spelling I'm inclined to agree. Try spell check. That's what the rest of us do.
Actually just in case you missed it because it is easy to miss individual posts unless you live on here, Anstrom has been very clear with us that he has a learning disability and that affects the way he writes...


Senate Member
Jun 24, 2011
It is still a held belief by over 2 billion people. They do not believe it is fiction. You believe it is fiction, I believe much of it is fiction. It also supplies hope and comfort and acts as a moral compass for many people.

The number of people who believe it doesnt matter. Facts dont change based on the number of people who believe it. They say its true, but they cant prove it. There is no historical or archeological or scientific proof for it. Saying its fiction does not stop people from taking comfort in it or using it as some sort of moral compass. Some people do. A person can get comfort and learn many lessons in morality and other things from works of fiction. Thats a big part of what literature does aside from entertain.


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
Nice to see you guys found a Bible you like. (backs out door and closes it quietly, it locks itself apparently)

.2 are cool even for prairie chickens (no pellets to dig), a .22 cor a cow maybe where yiou can almosr walk upo to it but I never saw anybody go after big game with anything but something that will drop it like a rock. That id for the animals sake so it isn't just wounded and the meat is more tender if the animal isn't stressed out when it died. Wounding will ten to stress a person out so it probably works the same in a moose. That was some time ago but I doubt things have changed other that you can't shoot a chicken in flight anymore as the bullet might land where it shouldn't


Hall of Fame Member
May 8, 2011
Actually I believe he was inferring that the bag of hammers is much smarter than you. Judging by your poor spelling I'm inclined to agree. Try spell check. That's what the rest of us do.

Nice try retard...

The original expression says, as sharp as a bag of hammers.
Not, as smart as a bag of hammers.

Bag of hammer's is a expression you use to say someone's not really sharp.
(You and DaSleeper playing tools for gerryh in this thread makes it all so entertaining)
Guess you really where intent on getting schooled you Idiot lol.

When you have no idea what your talking about, it's best you say nothing.
Or not. Go ahead and keep embarrassing yourself with your obvious stupidity.
