
Executive Branch Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
That is the assumption of the so called experts. Since almost none of them have any life experience with the subject, their opinion may not be valid.
Semi related: The majority of social workers involved with addictions have zero practical knowledge. All they really know is what they learned from a book, that was probably written by someone with the same lack of experience. A friend lost both her teens to ODs in the last 2 years, and we were talking about this. She had to walk out of one of these group hugg things because the social worker leading the charge had no fukking clue about drug addiction and the problems family members dealing with it go through. Much like going to a preacher that isn't allowed to marry for marital counciling.

I'll agree that some people involved with drugs and OD deaths don't have a clue. That 'clue' only comes with experience and a social worker won't get the same experience that, say, a therapist will.

It's funny though YOU are assuming that the people who say that rape and pedophilia is about power are just 'assuming'.

How is your opinion any more valid than theirs?

The difference between you is you're just some Joe Public on a forum. The experts are experts for a reason; because that's their area of study, their area of focus.

Sure sometimes they can still make mistakes, get things wrong, etc. That's not on the experts, but rather on the people who are doing these things. And considering how underreported it all is, the knowledge about it is only as good as the cases reported. Want people to be better experts, encourage more reporting.


House Member
Aug 13, 2022
It's funny though YOU are assuming that the people who say that rape and pedophilia is about power are just 'assuming'.
Did you ever ask a rapist if he/she is power hungry, or just needs to get laid?
I still have trouble with the female rapist thing. Generational? I know when I was young there would be very few boys that would complain if a female of almost any age, within a reasonable weight limit got them.


Executive Branch Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
Did you ever ask a rapist if he/she is power hungry, or just needs to get laid?

I don't make it a policy to talk to rapists

I still have trouble with the female rapist thing.

... for the people raped by women, I assure you, they don't have trouble with it.


Could be.

I know when I was young there would be very few boys that would complain if a female of almost any age, within a reasonable weight limit got them.

Uh huh.

Cause it was a badge of honor or some shit.

A woman going after a boy in that way is forgivable, yet a man does it he's a monster? (don't get me wrong, he is AND she is)

In either case, it's an adult using power to get something in return. Sexual gratification is the second hand problem.

Rape is rape, regardless of the gender of parties involved.

Pedophilia is rape of children.
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Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
As parents’ voices grow louder, there’s a perception in the progressive left that all of these emerging movements are rooted and inspired by “far-right” extremism. Many in leftist circles suggest that parental rights advocacy is a dog-whistle: a veiled attempt to advance anti-transgender policies. A recently leaked video from an Ontario Federation of Labour meeting offers a glimpse into how some of the province’s most influential union members perceive these protests. As one member notably stated during the meeting: “The fascists are organizing in the streets … . This is far more than a far-right transphobic protest. They’re fundamentally racist, they’re fundamentally anti-union, they are fundamentally transphobic, and it’s just a matter of time before they come for us.”

Such language of a growing fascist movement, evoking images of 1933 Berlin, is more than a little unhinged, particularly when all they are discussing is parents uniting together to demand involvement in their children’s education. As a covert spectator in the union meeting, there was an undeniable sentiment among participants that if not for them democracy would surely collapse.

It’s a grave mistake to deride the parental collective pushing back against the status-quo as fascist sympathizers motivated by transgender hate. A glance past such alarmist rhetoric reveals that — while a fringe group of hate has always existed — the concerns many parents are championing are much more moderate than a “far-right” moniker suggests.


Executive Branch Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick

Zoe Ellen Brain

In 1890, the X and Y chromosomes were discovered. It was found that the men who were tested had 46 chromosomes, including an X and a Y, while women who were tested also had 46 chromosomes, including 2 X chromosomes.
So obviously the conclusion was that the Y chromosome defined masculinity. A reasonable conclusion.
Fast forward 50 years... and it was found that some men had 47 chromosomes, including 2 X's and a Y, while some women had 45, including only one X. Still no problem with the "Y chromosome defines masculinity" idea.
Then... it was found that fully 1 in 300 men weren't 46,XY. Some women were.
After DNA was discovered in the 50s, it was found that the SrY gene, usually found on the Y chromosome, sometimes was missing. And sometimes had been translocated to another chromosome, hence 46,XX men and 46,XY women. So SrY defined masculinity.
Then.. it was found out that some men didn’t have an SrY chromosome, not anywhere. Some women did. Other genes were involved. Worse, other factors, such as Androgen Insensitivity made 46,XY people female, and Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia masculinised 46,XX people.
Then in the 70s, other syndromes, such as 5alpha-reductase-2 deficiency were identified, which caused babies to look like one sex at birth, then the other at puberty. Worse, in some places 1 in 50 infants had this natural sex change, it was not rare there.
Science 1974 Dec 27; 186 (4170): 1213-5
In an isolated village of the southwestern Dominican Republic, 2% of the live births were in the 1970's, guevedoces....These children appeared to be girls at birth, but at puberty these 'girls' sprout muscles, testes, and a penis. For the rest of their lives they are men in nearly all respects.
In the 90s, it was found that hormonal hiccups in the womb caused some parts of the body to develop as one sex, othersbas the other, regardless of genetics.
Male–to–female transsexuals have female neuron numbers in a limbic nucleus. Kruiver et al J Clin Endocrinol Metab (2000) 85:2034–2041
The present findings of somatostatin neuronal sex differences in the BSTc and its sex reversal in the transsexual brain clearly support the paradigm that in transsexuals sexual differentiation of the brain and genitals may go into opposite directions
It's a matter of timing during foetal development. Sometimes a boy is born looking like a girl, sometimes a girl is born looking like a boy, regardless of chromosomes.
This is complex stuff. We don't teach the Theory of General Relativity in grade school, Newtonian physics or at most Special Relativity (far simpler) is enough. Similary, "XX is female, XY is male" is good enough unless you do medicine or biology in college.
It's only really relevant when talking about Trans or Intersex people, just as Relativistic effects only become relevant in the domain of the very big, very small, or very very fast, close to 186,000 miles a second.
People do *not* need psychiatric help when they think that things get heavier, more massive, as they go faster... while lengths contract. People do *not* need help when they think their sex is something different from their genetics.
Intersex people exist. Trans people exist. They are unusual, so trying to apply the usual approximations is as silly as trying to apply Newtonian physics to things moving close to or at light speed. Legislating such things is as insane as legally ruling that Pi=3... as has been done in the past.
I hope this helps explain.

This was shared from my Doctor friend in the US.

In the end, it's about one thing; just because you learned "Basic Biology" in high school, doesn't mean you now know everything to do with human biology or evolution.

How about leave it to the people who DO go on to learn this stuff.
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Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
As parents’ voices grow louder, there’s a perception in the progressive left that all of these emerging movements are rooted and inspired by “far-right” extremism. Many in leftist circles suggest that parental rights advocacy is a dog-whistle: a veiled attempt to advance anti-transgender policies. A recently leaked video from an Ontario Federation of Labour meeting offers a glimpse into how some of the province’s most influential union members perceive these protests. As one member notably stated during the meeting: “The fascists are organizing in the streets … . This is far more than a far-right transphobic protest. They’re fundamentally racist, they’re fundamentally anti-union, they are fundamentally transphobic, and it’s just a matter of time before they come for us.”

(Not quite misogynistic racists with unacceptable views, but if feels familiar)

For many parents, the core issue at hand is preserving their agency and autonomy over the ideological content of their children’s education. They want transparency about what is being taught, the option to excuse their child from content they believe doesn’t align with their values, and the discretion to determine age-appropriateness for activities, such as certain reading material or events like drag queen performances at schools. Perhaps least surprisingly, parents want to be involved in the key decisions of their own child undergoing a social transition in the classroom.

Many of these matters have been surfacing in school board meetings for several years, largely to be ignored by Trustees and Education Directors. The shared sentiment among these parents is the perception that the education system increasingly sidelines them, diminishing their role in their children’s upbringing. This sense of alienation is leading a growing number of parents to take a stand, even if it means confronting accusations of extremism.

The matter of social transition behind parents’ backs in particular is so condemning of their role in upbringing that it has thrust the entire gamut of gender identity matters into the national spotlight, revealing just how out of balance transgender accommodation has become. The manner in which the left has responded — by doubling down in their rhetoric and deriding parents as militant zealots, has played powerfully into the rapid growth of this grassroots movement.

Many parents, even amid those who will stand in protest, have little desire to limit other families’ decisions regarding gender teachings and expression for their children. They realize that their objective of ensuring their own parental autonomy is intertwined with safeguarding those same freedoms for other families as well.

(Same link as post #4125)
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The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
As parents’ voices grow louder, there’s a perception in the progressive left that all of these emerging movements are rooted and inspired by “far-right” extremism. Many in leftist circles suggest that parental rights advocacy is a dog-whistle: a veiled attempt to advance anti-transgender policies. A recently leaked video from an Ontario Federation of Labour meeting offers a glimpse into how some of the province’s most influential union members perceive these protests. As one member notably stated during the meeting: “The fascists are organizing in the streets … . This is far more than a far-right transphobic protest. They’re fundamentally racist, they’re fundamentally anti-union, they are fundamentally transphobic, and it’s just a matter of time before they come for us.”

(Not quite misogynistic racists with unacceptable views, but if feels familiar)

For many parents, the core issue at hand is preserving their agency and autonomy over the ideological content of their children’s education. They want transparency about what is being taught, the option to excuse their child from content they believe doesn’t align with their values, and the discretion to determine age-appropriateness for activities, such as certain reading material or events like drag queen performances at schools. Perhaps least surprisingly, parents want to be involved in the key decisions of their own child undergoing a social transition in the classroom.

Many of these matters have been surfacing in school board meetings for several years, largely to be ignored by Trustees and Education Directors. The shared sentiment among these parents is the perception that the education system increasingly sidelines them, diminishing their role in their children’s upbringing. This sense of alienation is leading a growing number of parents to take a stand, even if it means confronting accusations of extremism.

The matter of social transition behind parents’ backs in particular is so condemning of their role in upbringing that it has thrust the entire gamut of gender identity matters into the national spotlight, revealing just how out of balance transgender accommodation has become. The manner in which the left has responded — by doubling down in their rhetoric and deriding parents as militant zealots, has played powerfully into the rapid growth of this grassroots movement.

Many parents, even amid those who will stand in protest, have little desire to limit other families’ decisions regarding gender teachings and expression for their children. They realize that their objective of ensuring their own parental autonomy is intertwined with safeguarding those same freedoms for other families as well.

(Same link as post #4125)
Labelling everyone gonna backfire on the soup. Dylan, Bud Light, Target are just the tip of the iceberg. Parents (3-4 generations) will get violent.
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Dixie Cup

Senate Member
Sep 16, 2006
As parents’ voices grow louder, there’s a perception in the progressive left that all of these emerging movements are rooted and inspired by “far-right” extremism. Many in leftist circles suggest that parental rights advocacy is a dog-whistle: a veiled attempt to advance anti-transgender policies. A recently leaked video from an Ontario Federation of Labour meeting offers a glimpse into how some of the province’s most influential union members perceive these protests. As one member notably stated during the meeting: “The fascists are organizing in the streets … . This is far more than a far-right transphobic protest. They’re fundamentally racist, they’re fundamentally anti-union, they are fundamentally transphobic, and it’s just a matter of time before they come for us.”

Such language of a growing fascist movement, evoking images of 1933 Berlin, is more than a little unhinged, particularly when all they are discussing is parents uniting together to demand involvement in their children’s education. As a covert spectator in the union meeting, there was an undeniable sentiment among participants that if not for them democracy would surely collapse.

It’s a grave mistake to deride the parental collective pushing back against the status-quo as fascist sympathizers motivated by transgender hate. A glance past such alarmist rhetoric reveals that — while a fringe group of hate has always existed — the concerns many parents are championing are much more moderate than a “far-right” moniker suggests.
They are, in fact, the fascists not the parents. They're obviously oblivious to that fact.
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Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
Does the idea that there could be a difference between sex and gender baffle you. . . or scare you?
If everybody agreed with you (I’m good with it), then the whole thing could just go away as far as bathrooms & sporting events go. Call it based on sex instead of gender and Bob’s your Uncle (or Aunt, or something…).


Satelitte Radio Addict
May 28, 2007
Toronto, ON
If everybody agreed with you (I’m good with it), then the whole thing could just go away as far as bathrooms & sporting events go. Call it based on sex instead of gender and Bob’s your Uncle (or Aunt, or something…).
Is that not what bathrooms are currently divided by? The other option is to go all European and just have one big happy bathroom. Although I kinda like the lines being faster going into the boys bathroom at events.


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
Is that not what bathrooms are currently divided by? The other option is to go all European and just have one big happy bathroom. Although I kinda like the lines being faster going into the boys bathroom at events.
Indeed. I was in TO to see a play, and at intermission I nipped in and out of the gents' (because they didn't have a "thugs") and there was a long line waiting for the ladies'. I commented to the line at large "Statistically, women in North American live eight years longer than men. Which probably about accounts for the time you spend waiting on line for the restroom." There were many rueful chuckles and a couple of loud "Right ons!"
  • Haha
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