That is the assumption of the so called experts. Since almost none of them have any life experience with the subject, their opinion may not be valid.
Semi related: The majority of social workers involved with addictions have zero practical knowledge. All they really know is what they learned from a book, that was probably written by someone with the same lack of experience. A friend lost both her teens to ODs in the last 2 years, and we were talking about this. She had to walk out of one of these group hugg things because the social worker leading the charge had no fukking clue about drug addiction and the problems family members dealing with it go through. Much like going to a preacher that isn't allowed to marry for marital counciling.
I'll agree that some people involved with drugs and OD deaths don't have a clue. That 'clue' only comes with experience and a social worker won't get the same experience that, say, a therapist will.
It's funny though YOU are assuming that the people who say that rape and pedophilia is about power are just 'assuming'.
How is your opinion any more valid than theirs?
The difference between you is you're just some Joe Public on a forum. The experts are experts for a reason; because that's their area of study, their area of focus.
Sure sometimes they can still make mistakes, get things wrong, etc. That's not on the experts, but rather on the people who are doing these things. And considering how underreported it all is, the knowledge about it is only as good as the cases reported. Want people to be better experts, encourage more reporting.