
House Member
Aug 13, 2022
They are, in fact, the fascists not the parents. They're obviously oblivious to that fact.
So far, everyone that could qualify as fascist I have come across hang out in the far left of the political spectrum. The NDP in particular, traditionally the home of workers and to a lesser extent civil rights, have been overtaken by extremists that don't give a rats ass about workers in blue collar jobs.
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House Member
Aug 13, 2022
As duelling protests took place in Canadian cities over the issue of gender ideology in schools, a new survey from the Angus Reid Institute revealed that most Canadians support a middle ground: They favour equality and accommodation for trans people, but generally don’t believe men can self-identify as women.

Of respondents, just 35 per cent agreed with the sentiment — now enshrined via a latticework of federal and provincial laws — that “anyone who wishes can identify as a woman.”

About the same number (34 per cent) sided with the notion that women are only those “who were born with female genitalia.” (?)

Another 18 per cent were comfortable with the idea of men legally becoming women, but only if they changed their genitalia through surgery. (?)

(We’re getting into that weird ground again between gender and sex, where so clear definitions are needed to not cloud the issue)

These results suggest that a slim majority of Canadians (52 per cent) are not on board with a recent spate of Canadian legal reforms upholding the principle of gender self-ID; the notion that only a personal attestation is necessary for a Canadian to begin living as a member of a different gender.

Right up until the early 2010s, Canadians generally needed a doctor’s note or proof of sex-reassignment surgery to be legally recognized as a different gender.

But by 2017, a spate of tribunal decisions and policy updates had made self-ID the rule on everything from applying for a passport to playing for Team Canada.

The Angus Reid survey, which was released Sept. 19, also found a clear majority of Canadians opposed to the adoption of “gender neutral” terminology, particularly when it came to issues such as menstruation or childbirth. For instance, it is now standard for Canadian public health agencies to use the term “pregnant people” instead of “pregnant women.” Select health agencies have also adopted the term “chestfeeding” as a synonym for “breastfeeding.”

Angus Reid found that 67 per cent of respondents objected to this trend, agreeing with the statement that it “devalues the female identity in society.” Even among under-34 women — usually the group most accepting of gender-neutral language — 50 per cent were opposed.

“For these issues that focus specifically on female identity, motherhood, and birth, there is little appetite for gender-neutral language,” concluded pollsters.

A similar proportion were also opposed to a new trend of attached pronouns (ie: he/him, she/her) to one’s name in emails, social media posts or even in in-person introduction.

(While this is not mandatory among federal civil servants, it is encouraged and increasingly common, with the Department of National Defence even officially observing “International Pronouns Day” every Oct. 15)

Of Angus Reid respondents, 66 per cent disagreed with the statement “everyone should put their pronouns in their social media profiles.”

Meanwhile, that same survey identified several clear indicators that respondents were personally welcoming of trans identities among their social circle, and believed transgender Canadians faced disproportionate rates of discrimination!!

More than two thirds (71 per cent) said transgender Canadians “face a lot of discrimination in their daily lives,” while 69 per cent said that if their child identified as transgender, they would affirm the new identity.

Skepticism returned, however, when it came to the issue of hormone therapy in minors; 63 per cent were against it, with opposition rising depending on how young the child was.

The new survey fits into a broader theme that has been showing up in Canadian polling data for at least the last five years: A broad consensus of Canadians want transgender Canadians to live lives of legal equality free from discrimination!!

….while at the same time being leery about issues such as biological men in women’s spaces, or gender surgery for minors.

As far back as 2016, Angus Reid found more than 80 per cent of Canadians supporting the addition of gender identity to the country’s anti-discrimination laws, but respondents were more skeptical of a push to have transgender people use washrooms and change rooms that accorded with their gender identity, rather than their biological sex.

Gender Identity & Biological Sex used as two distinctive terms. Seems like progress. Can’t fight if you don’t know what you’re fighting over. 😉
This indicates that, like teaching, extremists have been slowly taking these positions of quasi power to further their own agenda without care for the consequences. Call it foghorning or whatever, but it will backfire in the near future and people that may be somewhat different and just want to be left alone will be the ones to suffer the most from the backlash.
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The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
I dont enable people with mental health disorders who say there are 71 genders when there only two. How do you affirm something that they say doesn't exist yet demand I reinforce the delusion of someone who chooses 1 of 2 genders?


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
I dont enable people with mental health disorders who say there are 71 genders when there only two. How do you affirm something that they say doesn't exist yet demand I reinforce the delusion of someone who chooses 1 of 2 genders?
I repeat. Trans involves 1 of 2 genders.
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Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
Actually, both genders. The one they really are and the one they want us to pay for them to be.
But being a gender isn’t about reproductive plumbing or dangling bits so there’s nothing to pay for, right? Sexual organs are biological sex traits, and gender is about how someone feels or something so there shouldn’t be anything that has to be paid for, unless I’m behind again.

There’s two biological sexes, some rare biological genetic misfires that produce interesting but statistically insignificant variations in humans, some other weirdness in Seahorses and such that’s not relevant to the conversation, and then gender is something different in the ‘feeling’ department that can switch around that’s separate than the two biological sexes, I think, at this point.
They are still one of two genders. Its forever.
Maybe, depending on who’s using what definition at any given time. Consistency isn’t a basis to this debate it seems.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
But being a gender isn’t about reproductive plumbing or dangling bits so there’s nothing to pay for, right? Sexual organs are biological sex traits, and gender is about how someone feels or something so there shouldn’t be anything that has to be paid for, unless I’m behind again.

There’s two biological sexes, some rare biological genetic misfires that produce interesting but statistically insignificant variations in humans, some other weirdness in Seahorses and such that’s not relevant to the conversation, and then gender is something different in the ‘feeling’ department that can switch around that’s separate than the two biological sexes, I think, at this point.

Maybe, depending on who’s using what definition at any given time. Consistency isn’t a basis to this debate it seems.
Fuck the definition of the crazy people. Reality says 2 genders.

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
At age 11....but it never happens

What happens when the boy gets out from under whatever influence has got him to this point at 11yrs old, and is the “perfect?” age for hormone blockers and then they’ll start pumping in the estrogen at age 13?


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
What happens when the boy gets out from under whatever influence has got him to this point at 11yrs old, and is the “perfect?” age for hormone blockers and then they’ll start pumping in the estrogen at age 13?
What happens? Party time. Addiction rates are 2-4 times higher in the LGBTQ community than in the general population.


Really though? We have to wait 10 years and look for a spike in parricide.
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Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
So. . . the point is that the will of parents MUST be obeyed, except when you don't like it?
My point was the parents shouldn’t be excluded from knowing what’s happening in the schools regarding their own children, by policy. It still is.
At age 11....but it never happens

Your reply is in response to my response to this video of this 11yr old (that’s Grade 6) boy already being prescribed hormone blockers with the doctor stating that she thinks 13yrs old would be the “perfect” time for that child to get onto Estrogen treatments, like this:
What happens when the boy gets out from under whatever influence has got him to this point at 11yrs old, and is the “perfect?” age for hormone blockers and then they’ll start pumping in the estrogen at age 13?
I’m asking a question, that yourself or nobody else tried to answer, so it still stands. “What Does happen if this child matures and makes a decision for himself that he’s a boy, but has lost out on two years of natural physical development before being put onto estrogen supplements?”

This isn’t an 18yr old, or a 16yr old, but an 11yr old that’s already years (I’m guessing) very far down a rabbit-hole.

At 11yrs old I’d rush home after school to catch part of an old rerun of “Adam West’s” Batman while getting geared up to do my flyer route, so I could get home for supper & homework, so I’d have time for fun and friends before bed. That was the life on an average day for me as an 11yr old boy so seeing what’s happened to the boy in the video so far is hard to relate to. It’s not like I grew up in Mayberry either.

It’s Not exactly letting a child be a child, and knowing that boy is going to have a lifelong tough row to hoe regardless of what decision he makes for himself once he’s old enough to (which I don’t think is what we’re seeing with an 11 year old). It’s just sad, as it seems like that boys childhood has been stolen from him.

Why is this child’s sexuality being pushed to the forefront at that age, instead of just allowing him to just naturally develop until he’s old enough and mature enough to make those decisions for himself? What’s happening in the video just seems very wrong to me. Seeing someone that young pushed that far already puts a face on a debate.
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Dixie Cup

Senate Member
Sep 16, 2006
So. . . the point is that the will of parents MUST be obeyed, except when you don't like it?
Absolutely. When the child reaches the age of consent, then they can do what they bloody well want despite what the parents say. |I personally would prefer the age of 25 but since children are legal at 18, I'd go with that. But there needs to be common sense in this whole thing & that's not happening. Children are being mutilated way before they should be if at all.
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Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
Absolutely. When the child reaches the age of consent, then they can do what they bloody well want despite what the parents say. |I personally would prefer the age of 25 but since children are legal at 18, I'd go with that. But there needs to be common sense in this whole thing & that's not happening. Children are being mutilated way before they should be if at all.
So. . . if a parent wants their child surgically/hormonally altered, that's OK?