2016 Presidential Campaign

hillary rodham clinton vs donald john trump who will win?

  • hillary rodham clinton

    Votes: 12 40.0%
  • donald john trump

    Votes: 18 60.0%

  • Total voters


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
lol we all know no one is going to stop the drug trade, but he will say that, as some of his
stupid followers will believe him, that is what he is all about, say things that those people
who follow him, are like children, and will jump around and cheer, and say "wow he is going to
change the world", everyone should vote for him.

change the world he might, but not like 'they' think.

I'd say it's impossible to STOP it but I think a huge dent can be put in it!


Hall of Fame Member
May 20, 2012
I'm surprised to read that Margolis is voting Johnson but his reasoning makes sense, on the world wide issues anyways......

Enemies of the United States are joyously watching its upcoming elections that are exposing this once great nation as deeply corrupt. It’s as if a huge rock has been turned over, exposing the swarming, slithering underside of America’s political system.

For those who admire America, like this writer, this week is a time to weep for the republic.

We see two candidates who are utterly unfit for the highest office: Hilary Clinton, engulfed by scandals, and blustering TV mogul Donald Trump, a man of profound shallowness who advocates Islamophobia, torture and environmental ignorance.

Hillary Clinton’s core supporters are black food stamp and welfare recipients, and legions of women who are voting simply by gender. Trump’s core supporters are tax-paying workers who have watched Wall Street loot America’s economy and send their jobs abroad.

Like many people, I’ve been tearing my hair trying to decide for whom to vote. I now favor Libertarian Party candidate Gary Johnson who gained worldwide fame as a dolt when asked about the destruction of Aleppo, Syria. ‘What’s Aleppo?’ asked this New Mexico Bismarck.

Now that’s the kind of president I’d like to see. No more regime-changers and empire-builders. No more Imperial America. No more crusaders or world super power bullying. No more mucking around the world and acting as the globe’s enforcer. Let’s forget Aleppo, Beirut, Gaza, Tehran, Islamabad, the South China Sea and North Korea.

We can no longer afford to play ‘Game of Thrones.’ We’ve got to rebuild bridges and airports, and clean the Augean Stables of Congress, America’s most corrupt institution. We just spent $2.8 billion on roads in remote Afghanistan while our own highways are crumbling.

Such is the folly of imperialism. The old Soviet Union did something similar, allowing its domestic infrastructure and industry to fall apart while adventuring in Afghanistan, and deploying 55,000 tanks in the Red Army. These tanks were useful in putting down the heroic Hungarian Revolution of 1956 – 60 years ago this week – but for nothing else.

But I fear that whoever wins the US election will very quickly face major problems for which they are woefully unprepared. Most obvious is the bloody mess the US has created across the Mideast.

I just learned that Trump recently named, as Mideast advisor, a notorious Muslim-hating fanatic, who is a Lebanese Maronite Christian fascist. His advice will likely be to invade Lebanon and Syria and kill more Muslims.

For her part, Hilary Clinton has long been a wholly-financed subsidiary of Wall Street and the mighty Israel lobby. Just have a look at the list of her largest donors. Her pro-Israel supporters are urging her to create a so-called ‘no-fly’ zone over Syria, which is code for full-scale war against Syrian government and Russian forces. Guess who will benefit from Syria’s destruction and disintegration?

This supreme idiocy could lead directly to nuclear war with Russia, something I’ve been warning against for years.

There has been no mention in the campaign of rebuilding the Arab world, ravage by western imperial interventions. Little mention of some 12 million Syrian refugees created by the Saudis and US. Nor of five million Palestinian refugees, and who knows how many in Iraq, Libya, Somalia and now war-ravaged Yemen. And not a word about America’s stalemated war in Afghanistan. Nothing about a shaky Europe. Nor how to accommodate China’s rise.

Instead, we’ve heard tirades against the phony ISIS, which is funded by the Saudis, and Hilary Clinton’s absurd claims that wicked Vlad Putin is somehow behind America’s foreign disasters. It’s stupid and shameful demagoguery.

At least Trump has the good sense to urge that we end our pointless confrontation with Russia and scale back the unaffordable American Empire. Few Americans know that almost half their government’s budget is spent on the military.

Besides disgusting many Americans, the presidential campaign has made the US an object of derision and embarrassment around the globe. Many analysts claim that this grand fiasco marks the beginning of the end of US global hegemony. It’s certainly the beginning of the beginning.

This week alone, the Philippines and Malaysia, two staunch American allies, edged closer to China’s camp. Neither Trump no Clinton had a care for America’s reputation during their ugly debates.

My fear is that the election vitriol will not end America’ shame and misery but continue on, like an acid eating into the national fabric.



the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia

This is what corporate controlled government looks like. Coming to a location near you.

That lot would be sprayed down with high pressure maple syrup and seconds later the starving hornets released, the screaming would be amazing.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
Want to know more about the choices, JLM? Watch this: The Choice 2016 | FRONTLINE | PBS

Most of what they covered about the hag, I had known for a long time after following the Clinton's political careers for decades. I did learn a lot about The Donald that I didn't know - most of which I wish I could unlearn.

I stopped in at A & W for coffee this morning on my walk as I do most mornings and sitting at a table by myself listening to the chatter was just absolutely hilarious. How much of it was true I'm not sure- maybe 10 or 15%. Apparently Hillary has been a criminal for 30 years according to one woman in there. I guess it was back in the days when Bill was Governor of Arkansas, someone stumbled across some bodies and at the time it was speculated they knew something about them??????????? Apparently a necessity to remove a barrier from him being Governor. On the other side there was mention of extreme mayhem happening should Trump win. Listening to the chatter is more entertaining than how the actual elections plays out. We'll know by noon on Wed. regardless.


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
Oh? And exactly what is that difference?

You think Congress (and the Supreme Court) wouldn't have the same checks and balances over President Clinton that they'd have over President Trump?

Checks and balances, audio and video evidence concerning congressional hobbies , perversions and bribes. The whole government structure is rotten to the core. If congress or the supreme court had the power you suggest that they still might, none of the crap would be happening. In my opinion, but I/m just a reader.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
Want to know more about the choices, JLM? Watch this: The Choice 2016 | FRONTLINE | PBS

"We're sorry, but this video is not available in your region due to right restrictions."

A huge dent in the world?

Possibly! It won't stop until the drug lords are killed. Just in the past few months we've seen how the head Mexican honcho in the drug trade escaped incarceration & it took months to round him up again. These F**kers have to die!


Senate Member
Feb 9, 2011
Vancouver, BC
OK folks, I'm outta here. It's been fun yelling at you all these past few months, but I'm away for the next week. I'll miss all the weeping and gnashing of teeth tomorrow. I might pop in Wednesday or Thursday.


Hall of Fame Member
May 20, 2012
"We're sorry, but this video is not available in your region due to right restrictions."

Possibly! It won't stop until the drug lords are killed. Just in the past few months we've seen how the head Mexican honcho in the drug trade escaped incarceration & it took months to round him up again. These F**kers have to die!

Too bad you can't watch it. I saw it on PBS the night of the last debate. Good stuff.

And forget about the Mexican drug guys. If not them then others would take their place.

Do what Portugal did and legalize everything......


Hall of Fame Member
Dec 25, 2005
Eagle Creek
"We're sorry, but this video is not available in your region due to right restrictions."

Well heck, that's strange JLM...........have no idea why you can't link to it..........anyone can go online to the PBS websites.......sorry. It is very informative documentary which delves into the background of each candidate - their families, childhood, education etc.


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 7, 2014
wherever i sit down my ars
The Donald has been The Donald since Grade 1....nothing since that time has changed one iota in his psyche - nothing, nada. He learned from his bully of a father and worked hard to excel past him. He has the emotional IQ of an insular, egotistical, spiteful and not very bright eight year old.

Who wouldn't want him at the helm of the most powerful nation in the Western world.
I think any rational, sensible person would have no interest in being president these days.

Curious Cdn

Hall of Fame Member
Feb 22, 2015
Well heck, that's strange JLM...........have no idea why you can't link to it..........anyone can go online to the PBS websites.......sorry. It is very informative documentary which delves into the background of each candidate - their families, childhood, education etc.

I saw it. It is quite good and reasonably balanced.


Adorable Deplorable
Jun 18, 2007
for the cucks that actually think the media is reporting, doing it's historic job or isn't a dnc troll...

[SIZE=+7]Media Sees Itself As Part of Govt...

How the Political Media's Corruption Destroyed America's Most Crucial Institutions

WikiLeaks: Post's Dana Milbank Asked DNC Anti-Trump Research

Husband Of CNN Exec Tipped Off Clinton Campaign

progs be following the brown brick road.


more scumbag fun:

EXCLUSIVE: Virginia Gov. Pardons 60,000 Felons, Enough To Swing Election

When TheDCNF pointed out that 60,000 could tip an election, Wheeler said “I am acutely and chronically aware of that.” She also noted that McAuliffe has explicitly asked felons to vote for Clinton.

Va. Gov. Pardoned 60,000 Felons, Enough To Swing Election | The Daily Caller



Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
lol we all know no one is going to stop the drug trade, but he will say that, as some of his
stupid followers will believe him, that is what he is all about, say things that those people
who follow him, are like children, and will jump around and cheer, and say "wow he is going to
change the world", everyone should vote for him.

change the world he might, but not like 'they' think.
Maybe he will allow the legalization of marijuana federally . It will not stop the drug trade but will dent it .


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
I'd say it's impossible to STOP it but I think a huge dent can be put in it!
If you like having the highest incarceration rate in the world.

Of course, legalization and regulation is the obvious way to minimize the drug trade and its negative effects, but that wouldn't be hateful enough for Trumpkins.