2016 Presidential Campaign

hillary rodham clinton vs donald john trump who will win?

  • hillary rodham clinton

    Votes: 12 40.0%
  • donald john trump

    Votes: 18 60.0%

  • Total voters


Senate Member
Feb 9, 2011
Vancouver, BC
That's all well and good but what happens if there's one major surprise like California, N.Y. or Texas? Remember Truman 1948!

If that happens then in 2020 you'll have another slogan to shout down polling analysis and you can finally get over the election of 1948.


Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010
If you're all about the electoral college map then go here for live updates:


Also five thirty eight has some interesting ways to visualise the context of the map and each state within.

I really like there intestinal college map:
(aka 'my snake is bigger than yours)

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Senate Member
Feb 9, 2011
Vancouver, BC
Politicians are all immoral so it's a mute point. :) :) If one is going to concern him/her self with immorality it's just a recipe for a cerebral hemmorhage

Immorality is exactly what coldstream concerns himself with, so maybe declaring Donald Trump the candidate of God is a sign that he's had a cerebral hemorrhage.


Doctor of Thinkology
Feb 23, 2006
I would think he's about neck and neck with all other politicians. Lying is the sin..........................does it matter how much? Who trusts them after they are caught lying once. Is lying worse than making stupid promises?

Has Black Loaf been mouthing off again? :) :)
Well, yesterday he promised to stop the drug trade. Yes, he will tell you anything when he feels you will believe it.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
Politicians are all immoral so it's a mute point. :) :) If one is going to concern him/her self with immorality it's just a recipe for a cerebral hemorrhage

Can't believe I said that, I think I was distracted by the phone ringing or maybe it was the wife hollering. :) :)


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
Well, yesterday he promised to stop the drug trade. Yes, he will tell you anything when he feels you will believe it.

That would be very, very surprising, with Hillary you KNOW it won't happen, with Trump there's possibly a ghost of a chance.

All this bitching about how both trump and Clinton are crooks, thugs, Douche bags, etc.....

Why not vote for a third party, VOTE STEIN.

I know even less about him, but then it's a moot point, as I don't get to vote anyway.


Doctor of Thinkology
Feb 23, 2006
That would be very, very surprising, with Hillary you KNOW it won't happen, with Trump there's possibly a ghost of a chance.

I know even less about him, but then it's a moot point, as I don't get to vote anyway.
If he says "it's going to be beautiful" you know there is a good chance it can happen. He said so.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 14, 2006
Vancouver Island
Well, yesterday he promised to stop the drug trade. Yes, he will tell you anything when he feels you will believe it.

lol we all know no one is going to stop the drug trade, but he will say that, as some of his
stupid followers will believe him, that is what he is all about, say things that those people
who follow him, are like children, and will jump around and cheer, and say "wow he is going to
change the world", everyone should vote for him.

change the world he might, but not like 'they' think.


Hall of Fame Member
Dec 25, 2005
Eagle Creek
THAT I agree with. What I don't know and probably most other people don't know either is what are facts and what is perception. I'm not a fan of Hillary because I don't feel she can be trusted. I'm not a fan of Trump because at times his mouth engages before his brain and that is not conducive to being Presidential. I do like Trump because he says what's on his mind & that and my last statement are at odds. I suppose we have to accept some of what we hear in the news, but at the same time remembering "One swallow does not a summer make" (or an alcoholic) :) :) It will be close and fun to watch!

Want to know more about the choices, JLM? Watch this: The Choice 2016 | FRONTLINE | PBS

Most of what they covered about the hag, I had known for a long time after following the Clinton's political careers for decades. I did learn a lot about The Donald that I didn't know - most of which I wish I could unlearn.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 14, 2006
Vancouver Island
If he says "it's going to be beautiful" you know there is a good chance it can happen. He said so.

and all the things that are said about Hillary on 'this' thread, have no facts to back them up, none at
all, they have all said things that could send people to jail, concerning her, and actually know nothing about
her at all, and I mean 'everyone' here who is against her.

e mails, lieing, has been said here thousands of times, with no proof of any of it, but that is all anyone
can say, it is just hate, with no substance, it is very sad.

I don't care who wins tomorrow, not my country, but at least she has many years of experience in government,
been there done that, paid her dues, in almost any application for a job, those are strong attributes, and
should be paid attention to.
the reasons all the haters on this thread don't want her to win never mentions, her experience, they
just ignore that, and make up more and more lies, just to satisfy their hate.

hate is a huge weakness to anyone, it takes up much negative energy in one's life, causes stress and
tension, makes it impossible to think reasonably, and can cause people to have high blood pressure,
and do and say things that are not helpful to anyone.

it amazes me to no end the things that have been said about her on this thread, I can't imagine a group
so full of dislike for anyone, I've never seen it before.

I will never go there, I just see one candidate who is capable, and the other, not, so we'll see what
happens tomorrow.


Hall of Fame Member
Dec 25, 2005
Eagle Creek
Trump is the biggest liar on the planet. He needs an intervention.

The Donald has been The Donald since Grade 1....nothing since that time has changed one iota in his psyche - nothing, nada. He learned from his bully of a father and worked hard to excel past him. He has the emotional IQ of an insular, egotistical, spiteful and not very bright eight year old.

Who wouldn't want him at the helm of the most powerful nation in the Western world.