2016 Presidential Campaign

hillary rodham clinton vs donald john trump who will win?

  • hillary rodham clinton

    Votes: 12 40.0%
  • donald john trump

    Votes: 18 60.0%

  • Total voters


Council Member
Oct 11, 2015
Southern Ontario
"Clinton tells lies. Lots of lies. The difference with Trump is that, while one suspects Clinton recognizes her lies and tells them anyway, he lies so constantly and unsparingly that he appears not even to know he’s lying. The concept of truth is alien to his nature."

This I disagree with.
Clinton lies but Trump exaggerates or speaks without first knowing what he says to be true. There's a big difference.
As President, Trump would be corrected and held in check by Congress; Clinton cannot be stopped from lying by the whole doggammed rest of the politicians. Congress can point out and prove her lies but her 'sheeple' will believe her lies above everyone else no matter how blatant they are and blame others for picking on her.


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
Clinton lies but Trump exaggerates or speaks without first knowing what he says to be true. There's a big difference.
Oh? And exactly what is that difference?

As President, Trump would be corrected and held in check by Congress; Clinton cannot be stopped from lying by the whole doggammed rest of the politicians. Congress can point out and prove her lies but her 'sheeple' will believe her lies above everyone else no matter how blatant they are and blame others for picking on her.
You think Congress (and the Supreme Court) wouldn't have the same checks and balances over President Clinton that they'd have over President Trump?


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 9, 2004
Location, Location
"Clinton tells lies. Lots of lies. The difference with Trump is that, while one suspects Clinton recognizes her lies and tells them anyway, he lies so constantly and unsparingly that he appears not even to know he’s lying. The concept of truth is alien to his nature."

This I disagree with.
Clinton lies but Trump exaggerates or speaks without first knowing what he says to be true. There's a big difference.
As President, Trump would be corrected and held in check by Congress; Clinton cannot be stopped from lying by the whole doggammed rest of the politicians. Congress can point out and prove her lies but her 'sheeple' will believe her lies above everyone else no matter how blatant they are and blame others for picking on her.

Trump says whatever pops into his head, and insists it's the truth.


Senate Member
Feb 9, 2011
Vancouver, BC
FBI announces latest Clinton emails don't require further investigation or charges - World - CBC News

Ban the FBI until we figure out what the hell is going on.


Senate Member
Feb 9, 2011
Vancouver, BC
So, tax, you being all knowledgeable and stuff, how bout filling us in on the structural relationship between the AG and the FBI director? Is the director a "great officer" under the Constitituion? How is she/he selected? Who has the power to remove the director, and what's the procedure? What's the chain of command, and is the AG in the director's direct line of authority?

The retard and the ambulance chaser eagerly await the pearls of wisdom and knowledge that proceed from your vast experience and expertise.

Obviously the FBI director is chosen by the reptilian grand council hovering invisibly above the US capitol building. He is usually a zombie cyborg, easily programmable without any will of his own. Hillary Clinton, a low ranking Reptilian overlord, was chosen to be president of the US this time around (it's her turn!), but the pass codes used to access James Comey's OS were stolen by Bothan freedom fighters (many of whom died) and delivered to the only world government not controlled by reptiles: Russia. Comey was temporarily under the control of Russian rebels (not to be confused with rubles) and tried to swing the election for Trump. The reptiles only regained control of Comey last night. If Hillary Clinton wins tomorrow, we can't forget that last week was still a victory. They may have taken Comey back, but it's the closest we've gotten to stopping the reptilian agenda since Fox Mulder.


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
Obviously the FBI director is chosen by the reptilian grand council hovering invisibly above the US capitol building. He is usually a zombie cyborg, easily programmable without any will of his own. Hillary Clinton, a low ranking Reptilian overlord, was chosen to be president of the US this time around (it's her turn!), but the pass codes used to access James Comey's OS were stolen by Bothan freedom fighters (many of whom died) and delivered to the only world government not controlled by reptiles: Russia. Comey was temporarily under the control of Russian rebels (not to be confused with rubles) and tried to swing the election for Trump. The reptiles only regained control of Comey last night. If Hillary Clinton wins tomorrow, we can't forget that last week was still a victory. They may have taken Comey back, but it's the closest we've gotten to stopping the reptilian agenda since Fox Mulder.
Well, yeah, YOU know that, and I know that, but does taxslave? I doubt it.


on dbl secret probation
Oct 19, 2005
Chillliwack, BC
So it comes down to this.. a referendum on whether or not to carry on the disastrous economic agenda (Global Free Market Capitalism) and moral decay of the last 45 years.

With a Hillary Presidency it will continue unabated and is about to get much worse. Trump at the least proffers a skirmish line, and perhaps full scale counter attack on these massive forces that have propelled world history, and especially those of the West, for the last 5 decades.

The entire political establishment of both parties, the financial and trading oligarchy, the mainstream media, the academic elite.. has mobilized against the ONLY alternative to the failed and hopeless system in which we are now entangled..

Trump, with all of his flaws, is essentially independent of ideology and subservience to this global economic and philosophical tyranny. And he has the moral force to respond to the dangers of our age.

The pollmakers are setting the odds of Trump victory at 20 - 30%. But i see a path for him to get between 270 and 300 electoral votes. But all those hopes rest with the Rust Belt (Penn., OH, Mich., Wisc., NC) and with the voters of those states rising above the demographic prejudices and voting for the nation's best interests.

I'm hoping for the best. I view a Hillary Clinton Presidency as a catastrophe for America and the World. We'll see.
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Senate Member
Feb 9, 2011
Vancouver, BC
Jump in Florida, Nevada early voting could reap Latino gains for Clinton | Reuters

Media bias alert! How do we know for sure that the yuge surge in Latino voters in key swing states will help Clinton? They could be voting for Trump. If Trump is right and Latinos are rapists, then Trump, who has been courting the rapist vote, will benefit from a high Latino turnout.

So it comes down to this.. a referendum on whether or not to carry on the disastrous economic agenda (Global Free Market Capitalism) and moral decay of the last 45 years.

With a Hillary Presidency it will continue unabated and is about to get much worse. Trump at the least proffers a skirmish line, and perhaps full scale counter attack on these massive forces that have propelled world history, and especially those of the West, for the last 5 decades.

The entire political establishment of both parties, the financial and trading oligarchy, the mainstream media has mobilized against the ONLY alternative to the failed and hopeless system in which we are now entangled..

Trump, with all of his flaws, is essentially independent of ideology and subservience to this global economic tyranny. And he has the moral force to respond to the dangers of our age.

The pollmakers are setting the odds of Trump victory at 20 - 30%. But i see a path for him to get between 270 and 300 electoral votes. But all those hopes rest with the Rust Belt (Penn., OH, Mich., Wisc., NC) and with the voters of those states rising above the demographic prejudices and voting for the nation's best interests.

I'm hoping for the best. I view a Hillary Clinton Presidency as a catastrophe for America and the World. We'll see.

Coldstream, you don't have continue analyzing the election with any more nuance. You've put all your chips in.

Trump at age 70 has taken on the mantle of God's candidate.

You can't go bigger than it. You're done.


Doctor of Thinkology
Feb 23, 2006
"Clinton tells lies. Lots of lies. The difference with Trump is that, while one suspects Clinton recognizes her lies and tells them anyway, he lies so constantly and unsparingly that he appears not even to know he’s lying. The concept of truth is alien to his nature."

This I disagree with.
Clinton lies but Trump exaggerates or speaks without first knowing what he says to be true. There's a big difference.
As President, Trump would be corrected and held in check by Congress; Clinton cannot be stopped from lying by the whole doggammed rest of the politicians. Congress can point out and prove her lies but her 'sheeple' will believe her lies above everyone else no matter how blatant they are and blame others for picking on her.
Trump is the biggest liar on the planet. He needs an intervention.


on dbl secret probation
Oct 19, 2005
Chillliwack, BC
Coldstream, you don't have continue analyzing the election with any more nuance. You've put all your chips in.

You can't go bigger than it. You're done.

Yep.. i can't think of any other nuances or caveats to invoke. I'm all in, and call. It's all in the cards now. :)
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