lone wolf
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  • lol - NOW ya tell me! I'm almost over it now, but next time, ferget the cough syrup, I'm headin' straight for the brandy!
    I see. Yes, better to catch no fish than to be sprayed by a skunk. You are correct that dogs always seem to find a way to do it, though. LOL! :)
    Congrats on reaching 10000+ posts, wolf!:)

    Sorry to hear that you got sprayed by a skunk, though.
    I thought it might be fun to start a private Fantasy Football league for us, private with the CCons, any group of 12 or so. I play every season. It is as good as any facebook app! lol !!!!
    It will give us a good reason to stay in touch and give each other some booyahs! Or some friendly grief!! lol !!!

    NFL.com, ESPN.com, FOXsports net, YahooSports has a good one. Any suggestions? Demands??? lol!!!

    Auto or live draft? Auto probably preferred with your pre-draft rankings.

    Write me back before Monday??
    I look forward to it.
    I can set it up or whoever...

    God Bless You
    May the Lord Grace your
    weekend with Angels!

    Mark Bellware
    Hi Lonewolf- Don't see any problem with you and I getting along. I try to be reasonable most of the time. Some find that when I get handed some crap I hand it right back LOL. Guess Ron would rather I ignore that stuff, which I should start to try doing.
    lol - twisty is gooood! bent... not so much haha - how are you? I'm in the midst of moving. Not exactly hell, but a damn close second. *still grinning though*
    Hey Wolf. Dunno about a frozen water pump but I sure got my heater on today. This is summer? Finally a little sun today. Gotta get out and take advantage. Hope you will, too.
    wolf, I'm pretty sure grass says that often. Mine said that last summer, and has never come back.
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