Thank you, Wolf:smile: Bliss is of course vastly exaggerated! It has nothing to do with bliss, really. I just wonder why it is so hard for you and most others here to understand we are all human beings with the same needs for respect, acceptance, understanding and a little kindness.
I wonder why it is so hard for you to understand that the wants, needs and desires of one culture are NOT the same as those in another? That makes you exactly the same as the people you harp so much against as they expect their measure to be the same for others too. It's not for any one of us to proclaim my way or your way or Ali Bubble's way is the right way when it may only be right for me, you or Ali Bubble.
Have you not experienced how good it makes you feel, if you receive a compliment, get praised, some kind words, an offer of assistance, or just a smile? Looking back, our life is so short, why not allow others the freedom to live and breathe? You will now mention that the Taliban control the women (I used women as an example in an effort to reach the thinking part of you) in Afghanistan, restrict their freedom of movement and expression, and you therefore have to go over there and oppose and kill them. Of course, they will put up a fight! You would too, if they came over here for no other reason than to fight us for doing what we are doing. Whoever wants to fight will find a reason, no matter what sort of lies they have to invent. And I feel we have invented a reason to fight in Afghanistan, it's an artificial reason... to me it is.
Have you paid any attention to what I have said? I reiterate: I was AGAINST sending troops to Afghanistan - because once we are there, there is no way we can extract without giving them the psychological boost of a win. To them, that is running away ... the act of a coward. Now that our troops are there, I support the TROOPS - NOT the war. When civillians set up camp near Canadian compounds, that is an indication they are not happy with the way things are in their homeland. That is a cry for help. That is all the incentive a humanitarian needs to assist. THAT, my dear, is NOT invented.
When I said that in the 18th century the fathers were still beating their kids, I meant that we now, in the 21st century, have forbidden such practices... we have made progress as human beings. But our present wars don't reflect that, sadly. My reference to the 18th century had nothing to do with my father beating me up, and you, Wolf, felt sorry for me.
My language skills are not outstanding, and I often grapple around to say what I want to say, and it sometimes doesn't come out perfectly smooth and to the point. So, I am sorry for occasional misunderstandings.
Shall we put this topic to rest now and go on to something new? Have you read Gorbachov's article in the New York Times yet? Any comment?