Hamas attacks Israel


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
Hey, I really LIKE Al's Snackbar! Great place to grab a quick lunch.

And the advertising is all word-of-mouth, people running around yelling "Al's Snackbar!"


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 26, 2009
Toronto Police investigating two of their own for alleged hate social media postings
One is a 23 Division constable, the other is a special constable in the Community Safety Unit who is employed by TCHC

Author of the article:Joe Warmington
Published Oct 12, 2023 • Last updated 2 days ago • 3 minute read

Toronto Police have all eyes on any hate directed toward the Jewish community right now but did not expect that would include people from within their own ranks.

The police service has been forced to investigate two of its own officers for potential hate material spread on social media.

“We are aware of the posts and Professional Standards are investigating,” spokesperson Stephanie Sayer said Thursday.

The alleged posts from two TPS members are disturbing and another example of the vitriol stemming from the Oct. 7 terror genocide in Israel that left more than 1,000 dead, many wounded and more than 150 kidnapped.

One is a Toronto Police constable at 23 Division, and one is a special constable in the Community Safety Unit who is employed by Toronto Community Housing.

Toronto Police have the task and authority to investigate both. These two officers allegedly posted commentary online that many feel would cross the line at any time, let along following the murderous slaughter at the hands of Hamas.

An Instagram post allegedly from Const. Shumail Mian shows a cartoon of media cameras videoing an Israeli man wearing a blue shirt and Star of David chain while on the other side of the border in “Gaza” there are severed bodies, decapitated heads, and pools of blood.

Under all of it is the hashtag #freepalestine.

Toronto Police 23 Division Const. Shumail Mian is one of two in uniform now being investigated by Professional Standards as a result of some concerning social media posts that allegedly insult Israeil

The other post, allegedly from Special Const. Mustafa Rahmanzadeh, was a meme showing a picture of Adolf Hitler morphing over three frames into Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu with the headline “How can you inflict the same torture that your own people suffered?” It was followed by the words “may Allah swt (sic) destroy the oppressors.”

Neither officer has been charged at this point. The Toronto Sun‘s attempts to reach the officers have so far been unsuccessful.

Those posts would be disturbing messages coming from anybody. But they are particularly disheartening coming from people sworn to protect all citizens. It’s troubling and potentially damaging coming at time when police are ramping up efforts to keep the Jewish community safe from threats.

“There is no confidence from the community that these officers would properly protect them and because of that they should immediately be removed from duty,” said Thornhill MP and Conservative Deputy Leader Melissa Lantsman. “There is no place for the glorification of terror, kidnapping, murder and rape and there should be consequences.”

This social media meme depicting Hitler evolving into the Israeili Prime Minister being allegedly posted by a Community Housing officer named Mustafa Rahmanzadeh is now being investigated by Toronto Police's Professional Standards Unit
This social media meme depicting Hitler evolving into the Israeili Prime Minister being allegedly posted by a Community Housing officer named Mustafa Rahmanzadeh is now being investigated by Toronto Police’s Professional Standards Unit
Richard Robertson from B’nai Brith Canada said it is “incredibly concerning and disheartening to know that several peace officers allegedly have engaged in sharing anti-Semitic content.”

Robertson added, “Toronto’s Jews must be assured that the city’s police force remains committed to serving and protecting all its citizens” since “those officers do not instill such confidence.”

While Toronto Police have been unequivocal in their mission of keeping people safe, and protecting free speech and protest rights while also monitoring hate crimes, they now find themselves looking internally as well. It’s certainly something Chief Myron Demkiw didn’t need right now. He and his senior and field officers have shown great leadership.

Thursday’s briefing by Demkiw explained how serious they are taking potential threats and the measures they are taking to protect the community.

But as Lantsman said, decisive action on members who are not on side is needed. Like Air Canada showed with its pilot donning Palestinian colours and posting inappropriate memes, the next move in leadership is to remove both of these officers from any of the current protection activities and perhaps from uniform altogether.

The Toronto Police Association, the labour organization that represents the service’s uniformed and civilian members, had little to say while an investigation is under way.

“The Toronto Police Service has stated that any comment which is perceived to jeopardize the integrity and reputation of the organization will be investigated by Professional Standards,” TPA President Jon Reid said. “Given these cases are now subject to possible discipline, we will not be commenting further.”

It shouldn’t have to be said but just about all of the Toronto Police officers have been nothing short of fantastic and always show professionalism and care. These appear to be isolated incidents. But they need to be dealt with swiftly.

Remember, this police service suspended more than 100 police officers without pay for not revealing their COVID-19 vaccine status, so the precedent has been set.

Something has to give. This can’t be allowed to stand. A community living in fear is depending on it.



Hall of Fame Member
Oct 26, 2009
NDP MPP Sarah Jama blaming Israel for terror attacks part of a pattern
NDP MPP has a history of anti-Israel, anti-Semitic statements and actions

Author of the article:Brian Lilley
Published Oct 12, 2023 • Last updated 2 days ago • 3 minute read

On Monday, two days after Hamas terrorists launched their reign of terror in Israel, NDP MPP Sarah Jama joined a march that called for an intifada and wiping Israel off the map.

The next day, she posted a statement to social media blaming Israel for the atrocities that had unfolded, the rapes, the murders, the kidnappings, the desecration of bodies.

That this woman is still in the Ontario NDP caucus is shocking.

That Jama would act in this way isn’t shocking for anyone who has looked at her activism over the years.

Jama was an active member of the group Solidarity for Palestinian Human Rights while she was a student at McMaster University. As a member of the group, she was active in projects like Israeli Apartheid Week and the Boycott, Divest and Sanction movement, both of which target Israel and are widely considered anti-Semitic.

The group was active in calling for the release of prisoners including people like Marwan Barghouti, one of the founders of the al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigade and a convicted murderer and terrorist.

Jama’s activism in denouncing Israel and supporting her terrorist enemies didn’t end with her youthful university days –she kept it up as she grew into an adult. In 2021, while attending a rally in Toronto, Jama began denouncing Hamilton Police for alleged brutality before bizarrely turning and attacking Israel and Jews as a force for evil.

“Over and over again, the Hamilton Police protect Nazism in our city and continue to target Black Muslims and Palestinians,” Jama said before moments later turning to Israel.

“It’s fine that Israel is illegitimate because Netanyahu isn’t there and we know that’s not true because the same people will continue to fund the killing of people here, locally, and globally.”

On its face, those comments sound like she is accusing Jews of funding “the killing of people here, locally, and globally.” Even when denouncing Hamilton Police, it always comes back to Israel for Jama, she is obsessed with denouncing the country, the only democracy in the Middle East, at every turn.

When confronted in the past, Jama has issued blanket statements denying she is anti-Semitic but she hasn’t taken questions directly, or answered them directly, it’s always through the party. When left to her own devices, Jama makes the kind of comments that got her in trouble once again this week.

In her statement Tuesday, Jama called Israel an apartheid state and accused them of war crimes.

“Especially with this context in mind, the news coming out of Israel and Palestine is deeply concerning. For 75 years, violence and retaliation rooted in settler colonialism have taken the lives of far too many people,” Jama wrote.

And just like that, she blamed Israel for the attack it had just suffered and with the term “settler colonialism” tried to claim that Jews have no place in the Middle East. Part of the strange view of some supporters of this cause is that Jews have no connection to Israel, to Jerusalem, despite millennia of history to say otherwise.

These statements and her participation at a rally where the Hamas flag was flown, where chants to wipe Israel off the map were loudly proclaimed, should have been enough to have her kicked out of the NDP caucus.

Instead, she issued a half-apology via the party that was described as “far too little, and far too late.”

Ontario’s interim Liberal Leader John Fraser called on Tuesday for NDP Leader Marit Stiles to remove Jama from the NDP caucus. On Wednesday, Ontario Premier Doug Ford called for Jama to resign from the legislature, saying her views “have no place in the legislature, and they have no place in this province.”

Jewish groups across the board have denounced Jama’s comments and have called for her to be removed from the NDP caucus. But the party that has struggled for years with candidates making anti-Semitic comments, to the point of losing Jewish executive members, decided to keep Jama in the fold.

In doing so, Stiles failed her first test of leadership and emboldened the wing of her party that doesn’t believe in denouncing terrorism when they see it.



Hall of Fame Member
Oct 26, 2009
Response to Sarah Jama exposes Ontario NDP
They let hate win, basically.

Author of the article:Warren Kinsella
Published Oct 12, 2023 • Last updated 2 days ago • 3 minute read

When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time.

That that’s how the saying goes. When it comes to Sarah Jama, it applies.

Jama is (unfortunately for her party) a New Democrat. She is also (unfortunately for the rest of us) an actual member of the provincial legislature.

It’s pretty hard to give Jama credit for anything, but credit where credit’s due: She’s never really hidden what she truly is, which is a bigot. Which is, too, someone who maintains a deep and visceral loathing of Israel — and the people mostly found there. The Jews.

Here’s just a small sampling of some of the things that NDP MPP Sarah Jama has said and done about Israel and Jews — and, for good measure, police.

— Jama has said, many times, that Israel is “an apartheid state.” Given the fact that Israel has Palestinians in its military and legislature and judiciary, it’s not a very effective apartheid state, is it?

— Jama has said that Israel is an “illegitimate” state, and that it funds “the killing of people here, locally, and globally.” She’s offered no proof of any of that, of course. But there is plenty of proof that the myriad Palestinian terrorist groups she often celebrates have killed more than 3,500 Israelis since Israel was founded in 1948, “globally and locally.”

— Perhaps because she doesn’t want the police to feel left out, she has said that police officers “protect Naziism,” and “arbitrarily kill babies.” She has offered no proof of that, either.

This is not an exhaustive list. It also does not include her most recent remarks, published online under NDP letterhead, wherein she again falsely accused Israel of “apartheid,” and — instead of condemning the homicidal cult called Hamas — she attacked the victims, and demanded Israel “end all occupation of Palestinian land and end apartheid.”

Given that Hamas slaughtered hundreds of Israeli men, women, children and babies on Saturday, Jama’s anti-Semitism drew swift condemnation. Multiple Jewish and human rights organizations demanded her ouster from the New Democrat caucus, as did Ontario’s premier and the interim leader of the Ontario Liberal Party.

And, initially, it looked like that might actually happen. Marit Stiles, the purported leader of the provincial NDP, publicly demanded the Jama take down her statement.

She didn’t. She wouldn’t.

Instead, she kept her statement up, and said that she was “reflecting” on her future. She defied her leader and her party.

And, 24 hours later, her leader and her party folded like a cheap suit. They said that Jama’s “apology” — which was a case study in weasel words and conditional language — was sufficient. Everyone move along, nothing to see here, etc.

Except, well, no.

As the past few days have made depressingly clear, Canada has nothing to offer in either a military or strategic sense to Israel and her allies. We have been shut out of any meaningful role in fighting Hamas, principally because of Justin Trudeau’s long-documented performative diplomacy.

So, being a small and increasingly irrelevant country, all that we can really do is provide a good example. But — on the very day that the president of the United States stated that he had seen a video of Israeli babies decapitated by Hamas — the only Canadian example that anyone would remember was that of the Ontario NDP.

That is, to excuse and minimize Jew-hatred and praise for mass murderers.

Regrettably, within the NDP these days, Sarah Jama is not the exception, she is the norm. At all levels, for years, the New Democratic Party has been the political party most often associated with anti-Semitism. There is literally not enough room here to document all of it.

Yes, some Conservative MPs, as was first revealed by this writer, met with a German neo-Nazi. Yes, a Liberal MP invited an actual Nazi to the House of Commons. But in both those cases, the Conservative and Liberal leaders acknowledged that mistakes had been made.

Ontario’s New Democratic Party, and its leader, have not. They let Sarah Jama’s foul statement remain up. They let her remain in their caucus. They let hate win, basically.

Sarah Jama, as noted has always shown us who she is. She has not hidden it.

And, now, we all know what Ontario’s New Democratic Party is like, as well.

Which is just like her.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 26, 2009
Ford government slams CUPE leader Fred Hahn over Israel posts
Labour Minister David Piccini takes Hahn to task, cites criticism from other union leaders over comments on Israel and Hamas.

Author of the article:Brian Lilley
Published Oct 12, 2023 • Last updated 2 days ago • 3 minute read

Ontario Labour Minister David Piccini is taking one of the provinces union leaders to task over comments and social media posts about Israel.

Piccini sent a letter to CUPE Ontario President Fred Hahn who has face criticisms for social media posts over the weekend.

In the wake of the brutal Hamas terrorist attacks on Israel, Hahn posted supportive comments on X, the social media platform formerly known as Twitter.

In one post he said, “resistance is fruitful and no matter what some might say, resistance brings progress,” while in another he posted a graphic with the slogan “from the river to the sea, Palestine will be free.”

That slogan is a call to wipe out the State of Israel and is widely considered anti-Semitic.

“It is unacceptable for anyone, especially the head of a major labour union in Ontario, to support glorifying the persecution and murder of innocent Jewish people,” Piccini wrote.

“What’s worse, instead of taking responsibility for the harm you have caused, you have doubled down and resorted to blaming others for your shameful comments.”

Piccini joins Seamus O’Regan, the federal labour minister in calling out Hahn’s comments. O’Regan called Hahn’s comments disappointing and not a reflection of the labour movement.

“I stand with the many labour leaders calling Hamas’ attacks out for what they are: terrorism,” O’Regan posted while sharing a column from LiUNA leader Joseph Mancinelli published in the Toronto Sun which chastised Hahn and others.

As Hahn faced blowback on social media for his comments, he posted again that he couldn’t believe anyone believed he would support violence.

“For anyone to imagine that I would ever endorse violence is horrific to me – it speaks volumes about the times we’re in – I have spent my adult life fighting for justice for workers – building power & solidarity for working people to resist – to win better,” Hahn posted.

Hahn should have known better, posting within hours of one the most brutal and horrific terrorist attacks that you support resistance and then posting about “from the river to the sea” is only going to be taken as a sign that you are supportive of what has taken place.

The brutal images of what happened in Israel were already available when Hahn was posting because Hamas was posting them, sharing their brutality widely.

“I have never celebrated violence. Hoping for people to be free is not violence,” Hahn said.

No, but posting celebratory words and images in the wake of that terror attack is showing support for violence. How could Hahn not think that he was supporting this brutality given his posts and the timing?

“As leaders, now more than ever, it is incumbent on all of us to speak with moral clarity and condemn the horrific acts committed by Hamas against innocent Israeli people,” Piccini wrote.

“Labour union leaders across the province have rightfully made clear that your statements do not reflect the views of the labour movement or the workers you are supposed to represent. They certainly do not represent the values of the Ontario people.”

Hahn has tried to soften the impact of his original postings by appealing for a ceasefire and respect for international law. Unfortunately, you can tell from his full statement that those appeals are aimed at Israel and not at the barbarous terrorists who killed young people at a music festival, took women as sex slaves, kidnapped the elderly and children, and killed entire families in their homes.

Piccini said that his door remains open to CUPE workers and members but not to Hahn.

“I cannot in good conscience meet with you. I am asking you to issue a public apology for the harm you’ve caused the Jewish community,” Piccini wrote.

Now is not the time for drawing a false moral equivalence between Israel and Hamas, that is what Hahn is trying to do as he feels the pressure over his ignorant and poorly timed celebrations of violence.



Hall of Fame Member
Oct 26, 2009
No, Canada's embassy in Israel was not open when it counted
The Trudeau Liberals fudged the truth, they spun when they didn't have to

Author of the article:Brian Lilley
Published Oct 12, 2023 • Last updated 2 days ago • 3 minute read

When is the government lying to the public, outright lying, a problem? Would lying about an embassy being opened or closed in a foreign country when a war has just broken out count?

Seems the Trudeau government was definitely lying to Canadians over the Thanksgiving weekend about the status of Canada’s embassy in Israel and diplomatic mission in Ramallah in the West Bank.

As Canadians in Israel and Gaza began reaching out to seek help, they were met with messages that the diplomatic posts were closed for Thanksgiving. That’s understandable when there is no crisis and even in the early hours of a crisis as embassy staff pivot from long-weekend status to responding as they are trained to do.

Yet, as Saturday turned into Sunday, complaints from people on the ground continued to mount. There was no one answering phone calls or emails directed to the embassy. Time and again, Canadians in need said they were directed to the Emergency Response Centre in Ottawa.

Any time there is a major crisis, the Emergency Response Centre at Global Affairs Canada is going to be part of the equation, this is why the centre exists. Yet, the Trudeau government went out of their way to insist the embassy in Israel was open when in fact it wasn’t.

“Folks to clarify our Embassy in Israel is open and working over the Thanksgiving weekend. Which is obviously what happens in a crisis situation,” Liberal MP Anthony Housefather posted to X, formerly known as Twitter.

Housefather, who represents Montreal’s Mount Royal riding, a district with one of the highest concentrations of Jewish voters, was speaking to an engaged audience and reposting what Canada’s current ambassador to Israel, Lisa Stadelbauer, had to say, which was to call the main line in Ottawa.

It would be understandable that the embassy needed to shut down, not due to turkey dinner obligations but due to security concerns. Thousands of rockets and missiles were falling, this forced the public to seek shelter again and again with repeated visits to bomb shelters.

That wasn’t the government line, though — they disputed the claim that the embassy was closed and insisted it was “operational.”

That odd choice of language in official statements and by the political side of the government caught the eye of Matt Gurney, a former National Post columnist and current editor of The Line. Gurney sought clarity from the government asking them to explain the difference between open and operational, and didn’t get an answer despite two days of asking.

On Wednesday, Global Affairs held a briefing for MPs to explain what was going on. At the briefing, one MP asked a question similar to what Gurney had been asking officials with no luck. They wanted to know if the embassy was in fact open over the weekend and what the difference was between operational and open.

Several MPs on the call with officials shared what they had learned with Gurney, which allowed him to verify that, in fact, the embassy was closed over the Thanksgiving weekend until Monday.

“Over the weekend, citizens were aided by officials in Canada at an emergency operations centre in Ottawa, that over the weekend, staff in Ottawa were in touch with staff in Israel, and that the Canadian diplomatic offices in Tel Aviv and Ramallah opened on Monday,” he wrote in his report.

There may have been security reasons for this, especially on Saturday with attacks going on, but the point here is the government lied. They responded to Canadians who were looking for help in a war zone and who expressed frustration that the embassy was closed and not responding by claiming that these people were not telling the truth and that the embassy was open.

The government repeated that lie over and over again via social media in an attempt to spin their way out of a bad situation, or at least bad optics. Now, in response to this story, the government’s supporters who spent days yelling liar at anyone who claimed the embassy was closed are now saying this story doesn’t matter.

It does matter because when Canadians needed help in a life and death situation, the Trudeau government chose spin over the truth in order to make themselves look better.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 26, 2009
Canada committing $10M in humanitarian aid for Israel, Gaza as Canadian flights leave
Author of the article:Canadian Press
Canadian Press
Dylan Robertson
Published Oct 12, 2023 • Last updated 2 days ago • 5 minute read

OTTAWA — Canada is giving an initial $10 million in aid for urgent needs in Israel and the Gaza Strip, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said Thursday, while refusing to say whether he agrees with a United Nations warning that Israel is violating international humanitarian law.

Meanwhile, the first airlift of Canadians out of Israel was completed earlier Thursday, with 128 citizens, permanent residents or their relatives landing in Athens on a military flight from Tel Aviv.

A second flight with just over 150 passengers was taxiing for departure from Tel Aviv on Thursday afternoon.

Trudeau was speaking five days after a brazen attack Hamas launched from Gaza that killed hundreds of civilians and led Israel to declare a war against that group.

“The situation on the ground is volatile,” Trudeau told reporters in Yellowknife.

The federal government held a technical briefing for reporters on Thursday. Global Affairs Canada provided the briefing on the condition that officials not be named.

The officials said a fourth Canadian has been reported missing in the past day, up from three.

On Wednesday, officials saidabout 700 people with a connection to Canada who are in Israel have asked for help to leave that country since violence broke out on Saturday.

On Thursday, the same officials said that Canada is aware of hundreds of people in the affected region, but not all of them have asked for flights. That includes roughly 800 people in Israel, 180 in the West Bank and 100 in Gaza.

Another roughly 520 people are in the region, but Global Affairs Canada does not know whether they are in Israel or either of the Palestinian territories.

The officials noted that these figures represent the number of registered Canadian citizens in each area. But they said the actual number of Canadians in a geographical area is often three times as large as the number of people who have registered.

The federal government says each of its military flights can take up to 150 passengers, and officials noted that they “believe” the second flight out of Israel contained three more people than the official capacity.

Canada does not usually provide military air transportation when commercial flights are still operating, but the government says people have been asking for help because it’s difficult to get tickets.

The Royal Canadian Air Force anticipates continuing two daily flights from Tel Aviv to Athens on Friday and likely Saturday, with a surge capacity to increase the frequency if demand rises and flying conditions remain accessible.

Officials say flights the government facilitated with Air Canada should start leaving from Athens on Friday afternoon, with passengers paying for the commercial leg of the trip but not their airlift from Tel Aviv. The flights from Athens would land at Toronto Pearson International Airport, the officials said.

The officials said Thursday afternoon that they have seen a rise in demand for flights out of Israel in the past day, which they argue indicates that commercial options are not sufficient, particularly due to cancellations.

They said an eventual decline in this demand from Canadians would indicate the airlift is no longer needed.

Israel is conducting airstrikes in Gaza in retaliation for the deadly weekend assault by militants from Hamas, which has ruled Gaza since seizing power in 2007. Hundreds of Israelis were massacred on Saturday, including in their homes and at an outdoor music festival.

The Associated Press reports at least 2,700 people have died, on both sides of the conflict.

Israel has cut access to water and power in the Gaza Strip. The UN warned on Tuesday that this violates international humanitarian law, since it blocks access to the essentials of life.

Humanitarian groups say Israel is blocking them from providing food, electricity, water and medical supplies to the territory, on top of Hamas’ own restrictions.

Canadian officials said Thursday that they are aware of “over 100 people now in Gaza” who have asked for help to leave the territory, up from Wednesday’s count of 70. They said that Canada’s ambassador in Israel has asked for the country’s help in getting citizens out.

Canadian officials added that part of the aid Trudeau announced Thursday would go towards an eventual humanitarian convoy into Gaza, if a corridor opens up.

On Thursday, Washington publicly urged Israel to allow for such a move. It said it is in touch with countries who speak with Hamas, asking them to push for the same.

Trudeau refused to say Thursday whether he believes Israel is following international law in its current siege, when reporters asked him about it multiple times.

He instead said Canada is “working very hard” with peer countries to try protecting lives, and said “barbarity” from Hamas, which Canada lists as a terrorist organization, has caused the carnage.

“We continue to look for ways to support civilians, both Palestinians and Israelis, and ensure that as many civilians as possible are kept safe during this terrible conflict that is the responsibility and the fault of the terrorist organization known as Hamas.”

The International Committee of the Red Cross said Thursday that it is asking both Hamas and Israeli officials to allow for humanitarian access to Gaza, saying it is a neutral party that can provide the essentials of life and facilitate communication between hostages and family members.

Israeli Foreign Ministry spokesman Lior Haiat had said Wednesday that Israel wants countries to continue voicing support for the country’s right to defend itself, while working to keep other states, such as Lebanon and Syria, from being drawn into a wider war.

In a briefing provided to Canadian journalists on the condition they not be named, Israeli government officials added on Thursday that this request applies to Canada, adding that Israel is not asking Canada for any additional military or diplomatic help.

Trudeau appealed for Canadians to remain calm amid tense demonstrations in Canada related to the war.

“We must always stand united as Canadians. This is something that is core to Canada; we take care of each other even in the most difficult of times and we support each other, always.”

Canadian officials said they did not have an estimate of the cost of the ongoing airlift from Israel.

They pushed back on a Wednesday statement by Haiat, who said that Israel was not negotiating with Hamas. The comments followed Ottawa’s announcement that it deployed officials to help Israel’s chief hostage negotiators.

The Canadian officials noted the U.S. has made a similar deployment, and said Ottawa wants to have as much of its own support on the ground as possible if there are negotiations that can help free any Canadians who might be held hostage.

Haiat said Canadians are among those being held hostage, but Ottawa said confirming this could make it harder to free anyone being held.

— With files from Sarah Ritchie.

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
No, Canada's embassy in Israel was not open when it counted
The Trudeau Liberals fudged the truth, they spun when they didn't have to

Author of the article:Brian Lilley
Published Oct 12, 2023 • Last updated 2 days ago • 3 minute read
Liberals lying? Say it isn’t so….
When is the government lying to the public, outright lying, a problem?
Well, that’s a good question. Actually, a great question.
Would lying about an embassy being opened or closed in a foreign country when a war has just broken out count?
Only counts once they’re caught, & then only until the next “Look Over There!” Moment.
Seems the Trudeau government was definitely lying to Canadians over the Thanksgiving weekend about the status of Canada’s embassy in Israel and diplomatic mission in Ramallah in the West Bank.
Melanie Joly can’t make it two minutes into this interview without lying about this three times…so what’s the next “Look Over There” moment?
As Canadians in Israel and Gaza began reaching out to seek help, they were met with messages that the diplomatic posts were closed for Thanksgiving. That’s understandable when there is no crisis and even in the early hours of a crisis as embassy staff pivot from long-weekend status to responding as they are trained to do.
Luckily, Melanie Joly is a woman, and it’s 2015-ish, so if push comes to shove, under the Team-Trudeau Bus she’ll go, depending upon Justin Trudeau’s Facebook relationship status, etc…
Yet, as Saturday turned into Sunday, complaints from people on the ground continued to mount. There was no one answering phone calls or emails directed to the embassy. Time and again, Canadians in need said they were directed to the Emergency Response Centre in Ottawa.
At 1-613-996-8885. Got it. It’s on Melanie Joly’s social media page for people in Gaza & Israel to find, or in the above video here:
Any time there is a major crisis, the Emergency Response Centre at Global Affairs Canada is going to be part of the equation, this is why the centre exists. Yet, the Trudeau government went out of their way to insist the embassy in Israel was open when in fact it wasn’t.
‘Cuz it’s 2015-ish…we’re going to do things differently we were told.
“Folks to clarify our Embassy in Israel is open and working over the Thanksgiving weekend. Which is obviously what happens in a crisis situation,” Liberal MP Anthony Housefather posted to X, formerly known as Twitter.
Housefather, who represents Montreal’s Mount Royal riding, a district with one of the highest concentrations of Jewish voters, was speaking to an engaged audience and reposting what Canada’s current ambassador to Israel, Lisa Stadelbauer, had to say, which was to call the main line in Ottawa.
It would be understandable that the embassy needed to shut down, not due to turkey dinner obligations but due to security concerns. Thousands of rockets and missiles were falling, this forced the public to seek shelter again and again with repeated visits to bomb shelters.

That wasn’t the government line, though — they disputed the claim that the embassy was closed and insisted it was “operational.”
1-613-996-8886. In Ottawa. Ring that phone.
That odd choice of language in official statements and by the political side of the government caught the eye of Matt Gurney, a former National Post columnist and current editor of The Line. Gurney sought clarity from the government asking them to explain the difference between open and operational, and didn’t get an answer despite two days of asking.
On Wednesday, Global Affairs held a briefing for MPs to explain what was going on. At the briefing, one MP asked a question similar to what Gurney had been asking officials with no luck. They wanted to know if the embassy was in fact open over the weekend and what the difference was between operational and open.
Several MPs on the call with officials shared what they had learned with Gurney, which allowed him to verify that, in fact, the embassy was closed over the Thanksgiving weekend until Monday.
Whoopsies…Tuesday actually if I understand things correctly…
“Over the weekend, citizens were aided by officials in Canada at an emergency operations centre in Ottawa, that over the weekend, staff in Ottawa were in touch with staff in Israel, and that the Canadian diplomatic offices in Tel Aviv and Ramallah opened on Monday,” he wrote in his report.
1-613-996-8885 for Ottawa assistance ‘cuz the embassies where closed. Not even an 800 or 888 number. Oh well.
There may have been security reasons for this, especially on Saturday with attacks going on, but the point here is the government lied.
Oh well. Add it to the list. Meh…
They responded to Canadians who were looking for help in a war zone and who expressed frustration that the embassy was closed and not responding by claiming that these people were not telling the truth and that the embassy was open.
Marie Fullerton said they’ve been trying to reach the Canadian Embassy in Tel Aviv since news of the attack broke, but they’ve been bounced to hotlines and unable to get direct information due to the embassy keeping Thanksgiving long weekend hours.
The government repeated that lie over and over again via social media in an attempt to spin their way out of a bad situation, or at least bad optics. Now, in response to this story, the government’s supporters who spent days yelling liar at anyone who claimed the embassy was closed are now saying this story doesn’t matter.
Standard. Mis-Cis-Dis-information. Must be. Luckily (?) we can access a variety of different sources to Wade through this still at this point.
It does matter because when Canadians needed help in a life and death situation, the Trudeau government chose spin over the truth in order to make themselves look better.


Electoral Member
Dec 26, 2004
I think that each side are entitled to protest, peacefully, but each side should not demand that the Canadian government take sides. The issue is between Israel and the Palestinian People. When outside players are given the task to settle the dispute, in 1948, for example, they are given a task that is impossible to solve. What they did was try to divide the area up, then say get along. There is no right answer, given that area has been fought over for 3,000 years. Who is right, neither is wrong. Is the way to solve the problems allowing them to fig it out until one kills all of the opposing group, or have one evacuate and to away, would it solve the problem? I don’t think that the UN and other countries should be involved in trying to settle this.

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
It’s truly a shitshow Goat-Rodeo with the potential to blow up into something much bigger. A friend of ours (DND) was to be transferred to East Germany for support for the Ukraine last Wednesday (so four days ago) but lost his ride (military transport) as it was needed elsewhere….
Israel's neighbours are watching very closely, waiting for Israel to show the tiniest sign of mercy, which is interpreted as weakness in this thug neighbourhood. Israel cannot afford to be seen as weak at this point. The Arabs and Iranians only respect might. They do not care about Human rights and values. I GET it.

"There is no intention or plan to put American troops on the ground in Israel," said John Kirby, strategic communications coordinator for the National Security Council, on Thursday. Kirby underscored that the purpose of the increased military presence in the region is to deter others from entering the conflict if they perceive weakness on the part of Israel.

I’m not pro-Israel, & I’m not pro-Hamas. I’m not involved directly in any of this, but I can see the Forest for the trees from the outside looking in, & not in a “Fuck those Palestinians in Gaza ‘cuz they’re less than humans” or in a “some people in hospitals can’t be moved, so all people in northern Gaza can’t move south a couple miles into southern Gaza” sorta thing.

Many people on both sides of this conflict have died, and many more are going to, & those, in Gaza, that can move from north to south, should. Not all are going to be able to, and many that are capable of this aren’t going to do it anyway, but those that can, should. That’s what I’ve been saying, & if somehow that makes me pro-whatever, then so be it.
They even touch on the Willie Pete (with denial, so who knows, but probably used unless it can be proven that they didn’t) above.

Yes, there’s all kinds of nuances in this conflict (which is now been declared as open war) going back 75 years, or 3000 years…depending on the level of nuance anyone wishes to advance. Israel is not seeing shades of grey here, or at least that’s the claim. The fact that I’m pointing this out is not making me pro-anything, but just stating the obvious.

The clock is ticking for residents fleeing south through the battered streets of Gaza after the Israeli military told civilians to leave northern areas of the densely populated strip.
More than half of Gaza's 2 million residents live in the northern section that Israel said should evacuate. Many families, some of whom were already internally displaced, are now crammed into an even smaller portion of the 140-square-mile territory.

Civilians packed into cars, taxis, pickup trucks and donkey-pulled carts. Roads were filled with snaking lines of vehicles strapped with suitcases and mattresses. Those without other options walked, carrying what they could.
Further escalation of the long-running conflict increasingly risks spilling over regionally, prompting the Pentagon to order a second carrier strike group and squadrons of fighter jets to the region as a deterrence to Iran and Iranian proxies, such as Hezbollah in Lebanon.