Hamas attacks Israel


Executive Branch Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick

Fuck Hamas.

More proof that neither side wanted peace.

The only people I pity are the actual, real innocents who are going to die in this bullshit war, be they Israeli or Palestinian.

Maybe if both sides blow each other up enough the ones who seriously want peace will get their chance.

Or maybe this is the second conflict that is the start of WWIII. Who knows.

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
Who knows? Unless you swim in that tub, it all runs together from the outside looking in.

Wiki says this: On 7 October 2023, a significant escalation of the Gaza–Israel conflict began with a coordinated surprise offensive by multiple Palestinian militant groups against nearby Israeli cities, Gaza border crossings, adjacent military installations, and civilian settlements.

Described as a Third Intifada by some observers, it is the first direct conflict within widely recognized Israeli territory since the country's founding. Hostilities were initiated by a rocket barrage against Israel and vehicle-transported incursions into Israeli territory, with a number of attacks having been carried out on the Israeli military as well as Israeli civilian communities.

The assault has been led by the Palestinian militant groups, including Hamas, Islamic Jihadand PFLP. The Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas verbally supported the uprising, stating that Palestinians had the right to defend themselves against the Israeli occupation.

The United Nations Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process, the European Union, and many individual member nations voiced condemnation of the attacks and said Israel had the right to self-defense.

At least 2,200 rockets were fired from the Gaza Strip as Hamas militants breached the Gaza–Israel barrier, killing at least 250 Israelis and prompting Israel's government to declare a state of emergency; Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu stated that Israel "is at war" in a national address following the beginning of the attacks.

Then, who the Hell is Hamas anyway? Tried a quick Google while it still functions for Canada (until Dec 19th) & one of the first things I found was this chart:
…Which doesn’t say much, but it doesn’t look like they’re in good company, so back to Wiki (it’s quick & dirty to get started):
….& Hamas is the de facto governing authority of the Gaza Strip following the 2007 Battle of Gaza, so at least they have a geographical basis.
The Gaza–Israel conflict is a part of the localized Israeli–Palestinian conflict, but is also a scene of power struggle between regional powers including Egypt, Iran and Turkeytogether with Qatar, supporting different sides of the conflict in light of the regional standoff between Iran and Saudi Arabia on one hand and between Qatar and Saudi Arabia on the other, as well as crisis in Egyptian-Turkish relations.

The conflict originated with the election of the Islamist political party Hamas in 2005 and 2006, in the Gaza Strip and escalated with the split of the Palestinian Authority Palestinian government into the Fatah government in the West Bank and the Hamas government in Gazaand the following violent ousting of Fatah after Fatah lost the election to Hamas. Palestinian rocket attacks on Israel, Israeli airstrikes on Gaza, and the joint Egyptian-Israeli blockade of Gaza have exacerbated the conflict. The international community considers attacks on civilians and civilian structures that do not discriminate between civilians and military targets illegal under international law.
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Executive Branch Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
Who knows? Unless you swim in that tub, it all runs together from the outside looking in.

Wiki says this: On 7 October 2023, a significant escalation of the Gaza–Israel conflict began with a coordinated surprise offensive by multiple Palestinian militant groups against nearby Israeli cities, Gaza border crossings, adjacent military installations, and civilian settlements.

Described as a Third Intifada by some observers, it is the first direct conflict within widely recognized Israeli territory since the country's founding. Hostilities were initiated by a rocket barrage against Israel and vehicle-transported incursions into Israeli territory, with a number of attacks having been carried out on the Israeli military as well as Israeli civilian communities.

The assault has been led by the Palestinian militant groups, including Hamas, Islamic Jihadand PFLP. The Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas verbally supported the uprising, stating that Palestinians had the right to defend themselves against the Israeli occupation.

The United Nations Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process, the European Union, and many individual member nations voiced condemnation of the attacks and said Israel had the right to self-defense.

At least 2,200 rockets were fired from the Gaza Strip as Hamas militants breached the Gaza–Israel barrier, killing at least 250 Israelis and prompting Israel's government to declare a state of emergency; Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu stated that Israel "is at war" in a national address following the beginning of the attacks.

Then, who the Hell is Hamas anyway? Tried a quick Google while it still functions for Canada (until Dec 19th) & one of the first things I found was this chart:
View attachment 19512
…Which doesn’t say much, but it doesn’t look like they’re in good company, so back to Wiki (it’s quick & dirty to get started):
….& Hamas is the de facto governing authority of the Gaza Strip following the 2007 Battle of Gaza, so at least they have a geographical basis.
View attachment 19513
View attachment 19514
The Gaza–Israel conflict is a part of the localized Israeli–Palestinian conflict, but is also a scene of power struggle between regional powers including Egypt, Iran and Turkeytogether with Qatar, supporting different sides of the conflict in light of the regional standoff between Iran and Saudi Arabia on one hand and between Qatar and Saudi Arabia on the other, as well as crisis in Egyptian-Turkish relations.

The conflict originated with the election of the Islamist political party Hamas in 2005 and 2006, in the Gaza Strip and escalated with the split of the Palestinian Authority Palestinian government into the Fatah government in the West Bank and the Hamas government in Gazaand the following violent ousting of Fatah after Fatah lost the election to Hamas. Palestinian rocket attacks on Israel, Israeli airstrikes on Gaza, and the joint Egyptian-Israeli blockade of Gaza have exacerbated the conflict. The international community considers attacks on civilians and civilian structures that do not discriminate between civilians and military targets illegal under international law.

In reality this is just a continuation of the Bullshit between the Palestinians and Israel, but going at it this level is drawing in more than the usual parties.

Israel has a right to defend itself.

Palestine has a right to defend itself.

Blah, blah blah; fuck off, both of them.

Again, more proof that NEITHER side is interested in peace what so ever.

The ONLY innocents in this are the real innocents; the civilians who just want to live their lives, be they Palestinian or Israeli. But the leaderships of both sides don't give a shit about them.

May they both blow themselves to hell.
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Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
In all honesty, I know a little about the region beyond it being background for movies and books.

Removing the religious and political bullshit from the equation, just looking at it on the map (the Gaza Strip), it’s easy to see its strategic value (coastal port, ect…). I can’t be the only to recognize this, and thus the warring factions under whatever flags and banners of nationalism or Religious nonsense to fight over this tiny strip of coastline.

The smaller of the two Palestinian territories, it borders Egypton the southwest for 11 km (6.8 mi) and Israelon the east and north along a 51 km (32 mi) border. Together, the Gaza Strip and the West Bank make up the State of Palestine, while being under Israeli military occupation since 1967.

Gaza Strip industries are generally small family businesses that produce textiles, soap, olive-wood carvings, and mother-of-pearl souvenirs.

The main agricultural products are olives, citrus, vegetables, Halal beef, and dairy products. Primary exports are citrus and cut flowers, while primary imports are food, consumer goods, and construction materials. The main trade partners of the Gaza Strip are Israel and Egypt.
The Gaza fighting began after weeks of rising Israeli-Palestinian tension in occupied East Jerusalem that culminated in clashes at a holy site revered by both Muslims and Jews.

Jerusalem happens to be the Capital of Israel…BUT…Both Israelis and Palestinians claim Jerusalem as their capital, though it’s inside Israel & not Palestine, so that’s an issue.
1696722578944.jpegOn 10 May Hamas began firing rockets after warning Israel to withdraw from the site in Israel’s capital city, triggering retaliatory air strikes. Exchanges intensified and hostilities quickly escalated into the worst violence between Israel and Gaza since 2014.
So why Hamas is lobbying missiles from the Gaza strip at Israel, over Jerusalem, instead of Palestine doing the missile chucking…is anybody’s guess. I’m sure there’s a logic to it that I don’t really care about. Maybe it’s just easier to smuggle weapons into Gaza through tunnels from the Egypt then it is to get them into Palestine itself?
So, What can we learn here from memes?:
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Executive Branch Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick

In the end, this is it pretty much.

It's no longer about the unjust territory given to Israel to appease world guilt over the Holocaust. It's no longer about Israeli crimes against Palestinians.

It's both peoples no longer giving a fuck about anything but retaliation until one side is gone.

The last hope for peace was Rabin.

And an Extremist Israeli saw to it then that there would be no peace.

Palestine could be forever bowing to Israel and there would still be excuses for Israel's Government to attack it.

Israel could give Palestine back land and even concessions on Jerusalem, and it'd never be enough for Hamas.

(Just as an aside, considering the importance to the three major world religions, IMO Jerusalem should belong to NO nation specifically, should be NO capital city to any people and it should be a zone overseen by the UN or some other neutral force to ensure it's safety. And it should be walled from the rest of the region and monitored, every person entering should be checked both incoming and outgoing because it's obvious neither people's in the region are mature enough to be worth having it to themselves.)

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
Well, I’m glad we’ve come to a solution to the Middle East Palestine-Israel-Gaza conflict using random memes, in a day.

{What if we did that King Solomon baby thing with Jerusalem (1 Kings 3:16-18), chopped the Hell out’a it (?) like slicing a pizza into three pieces??}

What conflict do we solve tomorrow?

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
I think that is essentially how Israel came into existence.
The current bitching is about Jerusalem itself though. It is one of the oldest cities in the world, and is considered holy to the three major Abrahamic religionsJudaism, Christianity, and Islam. Both Israelis and Palestinians claim Jerusalem as their capital; Israel maintains its primary governmental institutions there, and the State of Palestineultimately foresees it as its seat of power. Neither claim, however, is widely recognizedinternationally.

Throughout its long history, Jerusalem has been destroyed at least twice, besieged 23 times, captured and recaptured 44 times, and attacked 52 times. What the Dude in the other thread is whining about is the last time in 1967.
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Executive Branch Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
Funniest thing I've heard is that apparently an Israeli official said they would wipe out Hamas's "Ideology" for good with this.


Can this person be ANY more ignorant of the reality?

This is why they both need to wipe each other out; get rid of the stupid ASAP.
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Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
Israel formally declared war on Hamas on Sunday, setting the stage for a major military operation in Gaza as fighting rages on Israeli soil following Saturday's surprise assault by the Islamist militant group in which more than 600 Israelis were killed.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has vowed retaliation, warning his country would take "mighty vengeance" and was readying for "a long and difficult war" ahead. He urged Palestinians living in Gaza to "leave now."

Throughout Saturday and into Sunday, Hamas launched thousands of rockets from the Gaza Strip into Israel -- making direct hits on multiple locations inside the country including Tel Aviv -- while armed terror groups entered Israel and infiltrated military bases, towns and farms, shooting at civilians and taking hostages.

Palestinian militant group Hamas said the captured Israeli hostages are being held across Gaza and warned against attacks in the area.
…This is why they both need to wipe each other out; get rid of the stupid ASAP.
Well, here we are. I guess the Israeli’s & Palistinian’s didn’t read this thread. Maybe we needed more Meme’s….
So Numbers 5 & 6 are involved so far:


House Member
Aug 13, 2022
Hamas, and anyone that supports them, are terrorists and must be eliminated. Whoever is supplying terrorists with weapons needs to be hauled up before the world court.


Executive Branch Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
Hamas, and anyone that supports them, are terrorists and must be eliminated. Whoever is supplying terrorists with weapons needs to be hauled up before the world court.

True enough.

And at the same time, officials in Israel need to be hauled up in the court for violating laws as well, including human rights violations and for destroying and occupying areas that are not their territory in Gaza and the West Bank.

Dexter Sinister

Unspecified Specialist
Oct 1, 2004
Regina, SK
Yeah, well, 75 years of being surrounded by hostile neighbours bent on your destruction has made Israel a little brutal. Israel's not guiltless either of course, I think its behaviour in the West Bank in particular is unconscionable, but it does draw humanitarian lines its enemies do not. It doesn't use suicide bombers or human shields or deliberately attack civilians, but collateral damage in a place as densely populated as Gaza is unavoidable. And Hamas et al know they're going to get thunderous reprisals, Israel's always done that, which will just create more collateral damage they can point to as Israeli atrocities. And they must know that Israel with U.S. help could send Gaza back into the Stone Age in short order if it chose to. That U.S. carrier task force on its way to the eastern Mediterranean could probably do it in a couple of leisurely afternoons. The fact that it hasn't chosen to speaks well of its restraint, restraint that its neighbours would not show if they had the power to do what they want, which is simply to utterly destroy Israel, the Hamas charter at least is quite clear about that. Both sides claim the land was promised to them by a deity and it's the parties of gawd who are preventing the obvious two state solution. They've done it before.
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Executive Branch Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
Yeah, well, 75 years of being surrounded by hostile neighbours bent on your destruction has made Israel a little brutal. Israel's not guiltless either of course, I think its behaviour in the West Bank in particular is unconscionable, but it does draw humanitarian lines its enemies do not.

I think Israel used to draw humanitarian lines, but lately, not so much.

It doesn't use suicide bombers or human shields


or deliberately attack civilians,

That, I've seen them do and actions like these are what turned me from full support of Israel.

but collateral damage in a place as densely populated as Gaza is unavoidable.

True 'nuff. And it's not like the people can leave. Israel guards both the West Bank and Gaza so tightly the people can't really leave.

And Hamas et al know they're going to get thunderous reprisals, Israel's always done that, which will just create more collateral damage they can point to as Israeli atrocities. And they must know that Israel with U.S. help could send Gaza back into the Stone Age in short order if it chose to. That U.S. carrier task force on its way to the eastern Mediterranean could probably do it in a couple of leisurely afternoons. The fact that it hasn't chosen to speaks well of its restraint, restraint that its neighbours would not show if they had the power to do what they want, which is simply to utterly destroy Israel, the Hamas charter at least is quite clear about that.


Both sides claim the land was promised to them by a deity and it's the parties of gawd who are preventing the obvious two state solution. They've done it before.

And this part right here is exactly the reason peace won't happen.
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Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
The world witnessed video and photos of the kidnappings, of hostage soldiers dragged through the streets, of the desecrated bodies of dead civilians and soldiers paraded in Gaza as crowds celebrated. These images weren’t the work of Israeli propaganda services, they were the celebratory images shared by a sick yet proud Hamas and their supporters, including their sponsors in the Iranian regime.

There is no moral equivalence in instances such as this, there is no calling on both sides to remain calm. Hamas launched a well-planned, well-coordinated, and well-financed attack that had obviously taken months to plan as Jews across Israel were marking the Sabbath and the holiday of Simchat Torah.

This was not one military force taking on another – this was nothing but a terrorist group attacking an entire civilian, democratic population.

Trudeau joined leaders across the Western world in stating that they stand with Israel. He was joined by other leaders at home in condemning the attacks.

Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre condemned the attacks and “the sadistic violence they have subsequently carried out against innocent civilians” while NDP Leader Jagmeet Singh called the attacks “horrific” and said all hostages must be immediately released.

The Green Party showed once again why they are on the fringes of Canadian politics with Deputy Leader Jonathan Pedneault blaming Israel for what happened, and Leader Elizabeth May sharing that sentiment.
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Hall of Fame Member
Oct 26, 2009
Some in Toronto celebrating mass murder of Israelis as death toll mounts
Lauding Hamas militants for firing rockets into neighbourhoods, torturing Israeli soldiers and parading the bodies of innocent women through the streets is pure evil

Author of the article:Joe Warmington
Published Oct 07, 2023 • Last updated 1 day ago • 2 minute read
While hundreds are slaughtered in Israel, Pro-Palestinian demonstrators went to a bridge over the Gardiner Expressway to celebrate on Saturday, Oct. 7, 2023.
While hundreds are slaughtered in Israel, Pro-Palestinian demonstrators went to a bridge over the Gardiner Expressway to celebrate on Saturday, Oct. 7, 2023. Courtesy Rebel News
First Canada saw cheering for a Second World War Nazi-related Waffen SS soldier, now there’s jubilation in Toronto over the mass slaughter of innocent Israelis.

Most of the dead are believed to be Jewish – just like those exterminated in the Holocaust. But some here thought this was fantastic and went public to party about it.

The cowardly sneak attack by Hamas terrorists in Israel that killed several hundred and wounded more than 1,000 was already as sick as sick can get.

But people in Toronto celebrating while the death toll mounts is evil. Yet there it was, on the Roncesvalles Pedestrian Bridge on Saturday afternoon.

While hundreds are slaughtered in Israel, Pro-Palestinian demonstrators went to a bridge over the Gardiner Expressway to celebrate on Saturday, Oct. 7, 2023.
While hundreds are slaughtered in Israel, Pro-Palestinian demonstrators went to a bridge over the Gardiner Expressway to celebrate on Saturday, Oct. 7, 2023. Courtesy Rebel News

“A banner drop is happening today to honour and celebrate the resistance and continued solidarity with Palestinians living under occupation,” a notice posted on social media by Toronto4Palestine stated. “A few people wish to hand out sweets to celebrate the resistance and its next level accomplishments.”

Those sick “accomplishments” consist of parading the bodies of innocent women through the streets with cheers, as well as torturing Israeli soldiers and firing thousands of rockets into to kill civilians. It’s genocide. It’s also kidnapping. Several dozen Israeli soldiers are being held against their will.

I unequivocally condemn Hamas’ horrific attacks on Israeli civilians. At this time, Toronto Police are not aware of threats to Jewish communities in Toronto and are working to ensure the safety of Jewish communities in the city.

— Mayor Olivia Chow (@MayorOliviaChow) October 7, 2023

While Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, Ontario Premier Doug Ford, Toronto Mayor Olivia Chow and U.S. President Joe Biden denounced the gutless attack on the tail end of Yom Kippur, there are people in Toronto who are with the Hamas terrorists and rooting for the murderers who organized this heinous event from Palestine.

“ACTION ALERT,” they posted. “Operation Al-Aqsa Storm has begun. The occupation continues to cross our red line. Al-Aqsa is our red line.”

Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has made it very clear Israel as at war.

However, it turns out there are people on the other side amassing here was well. A second gathering is planned for 2 p.m. on Monday at Nathan Phillips Square.

B’nai Brith CEO Michael Mostyn said “celebrating this horrifying attack and heinous murders in our city of Toronto is “hideous.”

Palestine is rising, long live the resistance🌹

“Everything in this world can be robbed and stolen, except one thing; this one thing is the love that emanates from a human being towards a solid commitment to a conviction or cause.” - Ghassan Kanafani https://t.co/TC01x4k0yU

— CUPE Local 3906 (@cupe_3906) October 7, 2023

“Palestine is rising, long live the resistance,” said a posting on X by Cupe Local 3906, which represents 3,000 academic workers at Hamilton’s McMaster University.

There are many Jewish students who may not feel safe attending class Tuesday with such blatant anti-Semitism on full display. In this case, there likely will be no repercussions like what would happen if anybody partied over the mass murders of any other group. It’s free speech but it’s still gross.

And, while legal, Saturday’s banner drop over the Gardiner Expressway with blood-thirsty people enjoying the carnage, is as ugly a moment as the city has ever seen. And Toronto Police were monitoring it.

It sounds like there may be more glorification of this craven act.

It seems there are people here who support this depravity on what should have been a happy Thanksgiving weekend.
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Executive Branch Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
The world witnessed video and photos of the kidnappings, of hostage soldiers dragged through the streets, of the desecrated bodies of dead civilians and soldiers paraded in Gaza as crowds celebrated. These images weren’t the work of Israeli propaganda services, they were the celebratory images shared by a sick yet proud Hamas and their supporters, including their sponsors in the Iranian regime.

There is no moral equivalence in instances such as this, there is no calling on both sides to remain calm. Hamas launched a well-planned, well-coordinated, and well-financed attack that had obviously taken months to plan as Jews across Israel were marking the Sabbath and the holiday of Simchat Torah.

This was not one military force taking on another – this was nothing but a terrorist group attacking an entire civilian, democratic population.

Trudeau joined leaders across the Western world in stating that they stand with Israel. He was joined by other leaders at home in condemning the attacks.

Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre condemned the attacks and “the sadistic violence they have subsequently carried out against innocent civilians” while NDP Leader Jagmeet Singh called the attacks “horrific” and said all hostages must be immediately released.

The Green Party showed once again why they are on the fringes of Canadian politics with Deputy Leader Jonathan Pedneault blaming Israel for what happened, and Leader Elizabeth May sharing that sentiment.

The problem is, sure, we see how the Palestinians reacted...

But what about Israeli's who reacted/celebrated when Palestinian homes are demolished illegally? Or kids died?

The ones who demand those lands because they think their God gave it to them? And ask yourself - would that be accepted anywhere else in the world?

Hamas and Iran were fucking IDIOTS to do this attack. They walked right into Israel's bloodlust to protect itself. Innocents won't matter because to the hard right Government in control right now, there ARE no innocents.

Meanwhile, their promise of "wiping out Hamas' ideology' is a pipe dream and the more Israel lashes out beyond anything "appropriate" (and no, don't ask, cause I don't know what would be appropriate right now), it gives the next generation of Hamas the excuse to keep things going.

Just like this gives the next gen of Israeli people the excuse to keep things going.

This is the cycle there.

The sooner they blow themselves to hell, the better for everyone.