I don't know about love, but again, during the leadership race of the Cons, I heard quite about about Con views, including supporters of PP, so...
Maybe it's just your region that is "liberal heavy" when it comes to the CBC.
Um, they don't HAVE to change their attitude to Cons. It's not their job to change THEIR attitude, rather it's the job to make Con views heard and for PEOPLE to change their views.
And before that, the Cons (as they were Government...)
Yep, in favour of being authoritarian, anti-freedom to outright far right fascist.
That's true, it's why I don't vote for them either.
Same can be said for every single party. So guess we're all SOL when it comes to ANY government.
... um...

that made... no sense. Fact, you've contradicted yourself.
If that were so, they'd be in power now. But it's not, so...
It rather appeases the right, which is not the majority. They might have economically right (and good) policies, but their social beliefs SUCK and that's why they lost.
Unless he swings more middle ground, I doubt it.
Including PP.
Which Canadians, the right, or "The majority"?