Gun Control is Completely Useless.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.
FAIL! Bill Blair Cuts CBSA Funding, Redefines
the Word ‘Invest’

Bill Blair, Minister of Public Safety, misleads both the House of Commons and the Canadian people when he says he increased funding for the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA).

For the past three years, Minister Blair has repeated the same announcement, $51.5 million over five years to beef up border security.

He’s a broken record, repeating the same tired announcement every time a microphone finds its way in front of his face.

It’s no different in the House of Commons (although the numbers change).

“I'm glad the member mentioned gun smuggling because we invested $86 million in the CBSA and RCMP to conduct investigations at our border for those gangs and individuals responsible for smuggling guns,” Bill Blair told the House of Commons on May 21, 2020.

Then he called out the previous Conservative government for doing precisely what he’s doing today – slashing the CBSA budget.

“In fact, a Conservative government, prior to our being elected, actually cut funding for the RCMP and our border services officers by hundreds of millions of dollars and thousands of people and staff, thereby weakening our response to those gangs.”[ii]

According to a document presented to Parliament, Minister Bill Blair plans to slash funding for the Canada Border Services Agency by $264.9 million in 2021 and another $125.1 million in 2022.[iii]




Minister Blair repeatedly praises himself in Parliament for his “investments in borders and law enforcement.”[iv]

Investing in the Canada Border Services Agency by slashing its budget by $390 million over the next two years?

Minister Blair, stop the constant lying to Canadians – both inside and outside of Parliament.

You are a Minister of the Dominion of Canada, and you are degrading the office you currently hold.

From the CSSA.

Yeah. This asshole is going to beef up border security and stop the flow of illegal guns.

The Liberal don't give a damn about gun murders, and here is the proof. 82% of the guns used in crime in Toronto are smuggled from the USA, and Blair is making it easier for them to get across the border. Meanwhile, he attacks Canadian legal gun owners for no conceivable logical reason, at least no reason that concerns violence.

The liberals don't give a rat's ass about you getting shot by some asshole on the street.

What they do care about is the votes of brain-dead urban housewives who know nothing about guns, crime, or democracy....and could care less. They just know "Something should be done!" And Justin's cute.


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
Don't worry about it. The illegal guns will continue to flow, but they'll just pile up at the border, cuz y'all got a shiny new LAW that says Canadians can't touch 'em!

Should save you a bunch of money.


Trolling Hypocrites
May 27, 2007
Northern Ontario,
My issue wasn't with the guns, it was with "the Canadians being useless". :)

How Americans see themselves

How Canadians see Americans:



Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
My issue wasn't with the guns, it was with "the Canadians being useless". :)
Well, if what Jimmy says is true, that no Canadian has ever killed anybody with an AR-15, that'd make the Canadian army pretty damn useless since 1984, when the AR-15 (the C7 and C8) became the standard-issue military rifle.

Canadians have done some superb stuff. Not just Vimy Ridge and Juno Beach, though of course those are probably your "finest hours," but Korea and some smaller stuff.

Here's an example you may not have heard of. Back in the early 80s, the Canadians were part of the peacekeeping force in the disintegrating Yugoslavia. I was in West Berlin at the time, and I read a great account of a relief convoy being guided and guarded by the Canadians, including a tank. The convoy was stopped by a Syrian army roadblock, and told it could not go on. After some arguing, the colonel in charge came up with a diplomatic master-stroke. He said "F*ck it" (possibly in French), and smashed through the barricade with his tank. The Serbs, apparently realizing for the first time that that big vehicle there WAS A TANK, let the convoy go through without further argument.

The general attitude among the Brits and Yanks in West Berlin was "not bad for a running back."*

* Ravens QB Lamar Jackson's comment when he scored a perfect passer rating vs. Miami, a reference to all the critics who said he should be a running back because he couldn't throw.


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
That's probably why the Canadians are so useless on the battlefield.
You don't read the papers, do you?

I guess what he should have said is canadians have never used an ar15 to murder another canadian on canadian soil, so you didnt get confused.