My issue wasn't with the guns, it was with "the Canadians being useless".
Well, if what Jimmy says is true, that no Canadian has ever killed anybody with an AR-15, that'd make the Canadian army pretty damn useless since 1984, when the AR-15 (the C7 and C8) became the standard-issue military rifle.
Canadians have done some superb stuff. Not just Vimy Ridge and Juno Beach, though of course those are probably your "finest hours," but Korea and some smaller stuff.
Here's an example you may not have heard of. Back in the early 80s, the Canadians were part of the peacekeeping force in the disintegrating Yugoslavia. I was in West Berlin at the time, and I read a great account of a relief convoy being guided and guarded by the Canadians, including a tank. The convoy was stopped by a Syrian army roadblock, and told it could not go on. After some arguing, the colonel in charge came up with a diplomatic master-stroke. He said "F*ck it" (possibly in French), and smashed through the barricade with his tank. The Serbs, apparently realizing for the first time that that big vehicle there WAS A TANK, let the convoy go through without further argument.
The general attitude among the Brits and Yanks in West Berlin was "not bad for a running back."*
* Ravens QB Lamar Jackson's comment when he scored a perfect passer rating vs. Miami, a reference to all the critics who said he should be a running back because he couldn't throw.