Gun Control is Completely Useless.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
In fact, the only people with constitutionally-protected rights to bear arms are First Nations whose treaties and Aboriginal rights guarantee them the right to hunt and own rifles.
that isn't a statement of good or bad it is a summary of the law
That's hilarious. Nobody is exempt from needing a CPAL.


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
I do dispute them.

Isn't that obvious?

Oh hemerHOID - you dispute so any things...........................................

while exposing your GREED AND IGNORANCE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

In fact it might be fair to say that a LOGICAL PERSON is safe...........................

AUTOMATICALLY DISPUTING anything you say!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Here is an older article exposing a badly failed LIE-beral policy that has enraged the public since it was first conceived of!! With some comments of my own in brackets):

Subsidies for electric cars expensive, ineffective: Report

From The Canadian Press

Published: June 22, 2017. Updated: June 22, 2017 10:14 AM EST

Filed Under: Toronto SUN/ News/ Ontario

Provincial subsidies to encourage the use of electric vehicles are the most expensive, least effective way to help cut greenhouse gas emissions, the Montreal Economic Institute says in a new report.

(Gosh that statement kills a huge chunk of LIE-beral carbon crap claims!!!!!!!!!!)

(In related news- electric TOY cars are simply NOT READY for main stream motorists because the Lithium batteries FAIL so swiftly!! I have a 3 year old lap top computer and the in that time -the battery has LOST over 70 percent of its capacity -instead of lasting hours - the battery now lasts MINUTES!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

(Electric TOY cars suffer from exactly the same sort of age deterioration!! But replacing an electric TOY car battery IS HUGELY COSTLY and LIE-berals DO NOT want us asking just how much the REAL COST IS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

(In other news- Nissan has just announced that it will “GUARANTEE” the batteries in its electric Toy cars for ten years!! No doubt there is the usual array of LEGAL DISCLAIMERS in that guarantee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

(I recently spoke with a neighbour who had bought a certain brand of shingles for her house- based on the THIRTY YEAR GUARANTEE that was offered - it sounded good to her to have such a long lasting product!! But of course the product DID NOT perform as advertised and she is now waiting for somebody to inspect her roof and decide if they will dole out some PENNIES for the failed product - since labour cost to instal the product IS NOT INCLUDED in the guarantee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
(Also the age of the product means “pro rating” the product to allow for “normal wear and tear”!! In short - she will get a few pennies - with that amount drastically REDUCED if she chooses NOT to buy the same FAILED BRAND yet again!!!!!!)

(The REAL IRONY in this is that the same company is now offering shingles with a FORTY YEAR GUARANTEE!! The “new product” is even LESS LIKELY to serve as promised than the OLD FAILED VERSION!! But no matter - the lawyers have sewn shut all the LEGAL LOOPHOLES to cover the company!!!!!!!!!!!!)

(Owners of electric Toy cars can be assured that much the same sort of legal mumbo jumbo went into writing guarantees for electric TOY car batteries as well!)

(Or maybe we should talk about General Motors -offering the best transmission guarantees in the auto biz- shortly after a group of HUGELY DISGRUNTLED OWNERS started an online discussion club about slipping GM transmissions! The legal profession seems to think writing slippery evasive guarantees IS A FUN GAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

The organization studied the subsidies offered by the governments of Quebec and Ontario and says together they could cost those provinces more than $17 billion by 2030, while cutting emissions in those provinces less than four per cent a year.

Ontario offers rebates of up to $14,000 and Quebec up to $8,000, on the purchase of electric vehicles.

(And of course LIE-berals NEVER ADMIT that the costly subsidies are STILL NOT HIGH ENOUGH to compensate for the limitations of their electric TOY cars!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

(LIE-berals DO NOT wish to discuss the short range - that gets even worse in cold weather, awkward refueling, limited cargo capacity, non existent towing capacity or generally higher COST of electric Toy cars compared to gas cars!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

(Most damning of all is LIE-beral refusal to discuss how rapidly a Lithium battery DEGRADES with age to the point it becomes virtually USELESS by 10 years of age -which compares BADLY to gas cars on Cdn roads that have a current AVERAGE AGE of ELEVEN YEARS!! LIE-berals refuse to admit that the service life of an electric TOY car is vastly lower than a gas car!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

(LIE-berals refuse to admit that it is this DISMAL service life of an electric TOY car that is the MAJOR IMPEDIMENT to any public acceptance of the TOYS!! Even worse- LIE-berals are apparently deliberately fudging the numbers regarding carbon spewed while producing electric Toys with such a short service life - thus artificially inflating the CLAIMED environmental value of the TOYS!!!!!!!!)

Germain Belzile, senior associate researcher at the institute and the report’s lead author, says over a decade, a zero-emission vehicle will produce about 30 tonnes less in emissions than a gasoline-powered vehicle.

(A YES- STUDY A TEN YEAR PERIOD OF USE- AND SKIP OVER the cost to replace the battery after ten years!! Nor do LIE-berals want to discuss the reality that THE MAJORITY of gas powered cars are STILL ON THE ROAD at ten years of age!! The LIE-beral political FIX is in!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

That means the Ontario subsidy is costing as much as $523 a tonne and Quebec’s $288 a tonne, compared with the federal carbon price plan, which will hit $50 a tonne by 2022.

Belzile said this is something federal Transport Minister Marc Garneau should take into account as he considers a federal electric car subsidy.

(One fine reason for the Quebec electric Toy cost to the environment to be lower is because so much Quebec electricity is generated by water power- with Ontari-owe electricity produced by MUCH DIRTIER MEANS - such a burning natural gas!!!)

“If the governments absolutely want to get to their (emissions) goals faster, the worst way of doing that is a subsidy to electric cars,” said Belzile.

(Pushing electric TOYS for grossly selfish POLITICAL REASONS is also a GREAT WAY for LIE-berals to get voted out of office - as Wynne-bag Ontari-owe LIE-berals have discovered!! And Our idiot Boy and his federal fools are taking a beating over carbon tax SCAMS and the refusal to complete the Kinder Morgan pipeline!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

(Cdns recognize that oil use will CONTINUE for many years in Canada as there is NO VIABLE alternative available - and LIE-beral pie in the sky scams and gross gravy grabbing will not change this logical fact!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

Garneau appointed an advisory group last month to look at barriers to electric vehicle purchases, including supply, demand, cost, and infrastructure readiness, such as the availability of charging stations. Garneau said he doesn’t intend to set quotas for electric vehicle sales in Canada, as Quebec and Ontario have done, but he is looking for advice on whether to implement a subsidy.

(Both the LIE-beral gvots in Ontari-owe and B.C. have suffered through spending SCANDALS as their contracts to install new charging stations for electric Toys DID NOT go as planned!! High cost and extreme LOW RELIABILITY have been headaches for LIE-beral purchased chargers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

Belzile said the panel should absolutely conclude, based on the evidence, that subsidizing electric cars is simply not efficient.

At the end of 2016, there were 29,270 electric vehicles registered in Canada and three-quarters of them were in Quebec and Ontario.

Quebec wants to have at least 100,000 electric vehicles on the road by 2020, and one million by 2030. The report suggests Quebec’s subsidies would cost between $4.6 billion and $8.6 billion to get there.

(I suggest the price is MUCH HIGHER than that as electric Toy car market is the choice of a WELL HEELED and sometimes eccentric FEW!! Ordinary people WILL NOT willingly pay for a vehicle with such relatively SHORT service life!!!

Which is why California is putting LEGAL LIMITS on thre number of gas powered cars that can be sold in that state!! Big Brother now ORDERS YOU to go electric for the benefit of Big Brother!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

Ontario’s goal is to have five per cent of all passenger vehicles sold in the province be electric by 2020, not including pickup trucks, sport utility vehicles or minivans. Belzile’s report estimates it will cost Ontario between $980 million and $1.7 billion in subsidies over the next three years to get there. If kept in place until 2030, the subsidy could cost as much as another $6.9 billion.

(Worst of all - the LIE-beral track record for getting “fast chargers” installed in public locations so travellers in electric Toys need not worry about recharging their Toys - has proven to be a DISMAL FAILURE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

(Wynne-bag LIE-berals completely botched the installation of a contract for 400 of the chargers - with only half of them installed over a year after letting the contract!! Worse yet- of the chargers that did get installed- more than half are routinely FAILING!! Either they do not charge at all - or they deliver power at a VERY SLOW RATE -or they will charge but wont accept customer credit cards which means customers cannot buy power since they cannot pay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

(Sadly - LIE-berals in B.C. who might have learned from the Ontari-owe fiasco -DID NOT LEARN and thus repeated all the Ontari-owe FAILINGS when they set up theirv own fast charger installation contracts!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

Belzile’s report estimates Quebec’s electric vehicle target would cut about three million tonnes a year in emissions, or about 3.7 per cent of the province’s current total. One million electric cars in Ontario would cut about 2.5 per cent of its annual emissions.

Passenger cars, not including pickup trucks, minivans or SUVs, accounted for about five per cent of Canada’s emissions in 2015. Even if every single car was replaced with a zero-emission vehicle by 2030, it would only get the country less than one-fifth of the way to meeting its international commitment to shave nearly 200 million tonnes of emissions a year by 2030.

(As I have previously noted- it is air planes that are the BIGGEST generator of pollution generated by transportation activities- meaning that of ALL forms of transport hauling either goods or passengers - planes produce over 75 percent of all transportation generated pollution!! Targeting cars- that people need to get to work is crazy - versus targeting planes that a privileged MINORITY use to go play golf in Florida - especially since planes produce so very much more dirt than cars anyway!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

Belzile said consumer demand, spurred on by a $50 a tonne carbon tax, is a far more cost-effective way to increase electric vehicle use than a vehicle subsidy that is more than 10 times as expensive.

(Talking about that $50 a tonne carbon tax SCAM opens up a NEW CAN of LIE-beral WORMS!! How much HIGHER will LIE-berals drive the carbon tax SCAM if they are re-elected!! That question keeps a lot of Cdns awake at night!! HOW BIG will the LIE-beral gravy grab end up being?? We already have ample proof that it is a CASH GRAB for greedy HOGS and does NOTHING of significance for the environment!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1!!!!!!!!!!)

He said research shows as many as half of those who already bought an electric car in Quebec would have done so without the subsidy, so it’s costing the government a lot of money to convince people to do something they would have done anyway.

(In other words the buyers of electric TOY cars tend to be quite wealthy people who can AFFORD to play with electric Toys - in between trips to the airport to fly on gas guzzling air planes- with the ownership of the electric Toy being nothing but a LIE-beral style virtue signalling FRAUD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)


Hall of Fame Member
Apr 17, 2017
Twin Moose Creek
In fact, the only people with constitutionally-protected rights to bear arms are First Nations whose treaties and Aboriginal rights guarantee them the right to hunt and own rifles.
that isn't a statement of good or bad it is a summary of the law

No they have a treaty right to sustenance hunting, not to bear arms


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
A valid opinion I guess, depending on your point of view!

AND THE LIE-beral version is TYPICALLY SCREWED UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

LIE-berals created their costly long gun registry in part - so they claimed.............................

"To keep guns out of the hands of suicidal and emotionally distressed people...................................

and LIE-berals then immediately exempted natives - the most distressed and suicidal people in the country....................

from any sort of training or registration requirement for guns!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

In other news - maybe we should ask "how many allegedly stolen guns are being sold by natives to criminals...........................

for fun and profit?????????????????????????????

And maybe we should ask if natives are buying and then re-selling gun parts to criminals operating gun making factories!!!!!!!!!!!

And are natives re-selling ammunition to thugs as well????????????????????

Not to mention guns are usually forbidden to convicted criminals.................................

and yet LIE-berals ignore the number of native criminals with guns!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If its LIE-beral - then its a LIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Or at least a TRULY UNIQUE SCREWUP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Criminal check is semi waived for PAL, but no right to firearms

You think natives pay much attention to LIE-beral legal requirements????????????

Or that ANYBODY Is checking if they are obeying??????????????

Some years back a group of natives shot and killed a deer and then butchered it.............................

at a spot some irate campers and cottagers considered dangerously close to them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

With natives telling the angry cottagers basically to "stuff it"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Not the first time that natives and cottagers/campers have come in conflict in Algonquin Park and area!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Cops were called and natives were basically told to lay back or face trouble.................................

SINCE THEY WERE simply assuming others would duck and cover!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 15, 2017
now 2 dead 3 wounded the shooter turned 16 today and was "a quiet kid"

Also he might be asian.