Gun Control is Completely Useless.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
It's okay Cannucklehead, you don't have to be so jealous that this idiot truck driver has more money than you and is more successful than you.

Calm down.

No use engaging with the pr!ck. As Sleepy advised me years ago, talk about him, NOT to him. You'd think he'd at least have the brains to understand that success and money have very little to do with how a person earns his living. Just watch how quickly a "red" appears besides this post. He has my posts connected to his alarm. :) :)


Time Out
Feb 2, 2006
Poor, unsuccessful people always claim money and success aren’t important. It helps them feel better about themselves.



Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
Continued strong public support - two thirds - for more and better gun control.
Like plastic recycling this is something the average Canadian agrees with in principle and would support if given the option.
Step one for the anti-everythings is therefore to make sure no option is presented.
Most legit gun owners support better gun control. And by that we mean keeping guns out of the hands of criminals and leaving hunters and farmers alone.


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Poor, unsuccessful people always claim money and success aren’t important. It helps them feel better about themselves.


And civil service union HOGS always INSIST...................................................

that they are ENTITLED to ride that wonderful LIE-beral gravy train!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
My question stands unless you are stupid enough to claim that no hunters or farmers are criminals.

You could be. I call it about 50-50.

It is illegal to encourage the spread of vermin!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Spay or neuter your LIE-beral TODAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
My question stands unless you are stupid enough to claim that no hunters or farmers are criminals.

You could be. I call it about 50-50.

OK to be technical I'm sure there's been a couple...…………...criminals that is, and probably lots who have committed criminal acts through stupidity or desperate circumstances but aren't really criminals.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.
Why Trudeau's Liberals are pretending THIS gun control study doesn't exist

A new order paper shows the Liberals aren’t interested in studying both sides of the firearms debate before they grab your guns.
Bill C71 makes it harder for lawful people to get and then keep their gun license, bans rifles already in circulation, and tracks license holders when they buy, sell, contemplate selling or give away their guns.

And while the Liberals claim Bill C71 doesn’t technically create another gun registry, it does require gun stores to track buyers and guns.

The bill, already passed in the House of Commons. is making its way through Senate committee hearings where Conservative senators are doing their best to gut it and make it toothless.

The Liberals tout this legislation is a “balanced” approach to public safety. But did Trudeau’s Liberals actually ponder any real evidence, in the form on an existing parliamentary study, that examines the benefits of gun ownership and the dangers of restricting gun access to lawful Canadians?

Saskatchewan Conservative MP Brad Trost asked the government these questions in the form of an order paper question:
“With regard to firearms policy, has the government analyzed the benefits of gun ownership and if so, what are the details of such an analysis, including whether the government has analyzed the topics cited in the Library of Parliament Parliamentary Research Branch paper entitled the Benefits of Gun Ownership, prepared by Lynn Casavant, political and social affairs division, and Antony G Jackson, economic division, dated April 2nd 2004.”
The Liberals have not looked at that study. They instead are relying on direction from their hand selected Canadian Firearms Advisory Committee, a panel heavily weighted in favor of gun control.

I dug up that 2004 study and read through it. Today I’ll show you why the Liberals are pretending that study doesn’t exist. It “provides an inventory of perceived individual, societal and economic benefits of gun ownership for Canadians" and cites facts dangerous to the Liberals preconceived notions about gun ownership in Canada.

Facts like:
“Since firearms are used in Canada around 66,000 times each year to defend against either human or animal threats, and more importantly, approximately 30,000 times annually to protect against criminal violence. This implies that the private ownership of firearms contributes significantly to public safety.”
We know through the tireless work of the folks at the Gun Blog, who obtained details of the government's C71 consultation sessions last year, the government has failed to engage with at least seven members of the firearms community listed as stakeholders while reporting that these excluded groups and stakeholders were involved in meetings.

The Liberals aren’t interested in balance, facts or statistics. They want to scapegoat the lawful for crimes that others commit.


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
OK to be technical I'm sure there's been a couple...…………...criminals that is, and probably lots who have committed criminal acts through stupidity or desperate circumstances but aren't really criminals.
OK, I'm sure you have some reason to say a person who commits criminal acts isn't a criminal, but I really don't want to know what it is.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
OK, I'm sure you have some reason to say a person who commits criminal acts isn't a criminal, but I really don't want to know what it is.

Probably two, the most obvious ones are virtually every person has committed a criminal act sometime in their life...………...ever driven impaired by whatever means? Criminals have a chronic mindset, including achieving something regardless of how it affects anyone else or occasionally being overwhelmed by jealousy, greed or rage.


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
Probably two, the most obvious ones are virtually every person has committed a criminal act sometime in their life...………...ever driven impaired by whatever means? Criminals have a chronic mindset, including achieving something regardless of how it affects anyone else or occasionally being overwhelmed by jealousy, greed or rage.
Thanks. The JLM Dictionary is always good for a chuckle.

Cf. Webster ("one who has committed a crime"), Oxford English Dictionary ("a person who has committed a crime").


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
Then everybody is a criminal.
Which speaks to the issue of way too much law.
Yep, great, enit? Kinda puts the kibosh on JLM's stupid-ass world model with skeery, dangerous, presumably non-white "criminals" and decent, honest, gawd-fearin' farmers who just happened to beat their wives to death, just one time, no biggie.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
Yep, great, enit? Kinda puts the kibosh on JLM's stupid-ass world model with skeery, dangerous, presumably non-white "criminals" and decent, honest, gawd-fearin' farmers who just happened to beat their wives to death, just one time, no biggie.

Learn to read imbecile- I was arguing that NOT everyone is a criminal even though they may have been charged/convicted of a criminal act. Smarten up or get off the forum. Admit you are wrong sometimes!