Gun Control is Completely Useless.


House Member
Mar 3, 2012
I pity the fool that would consider an Alberta duck hunter a domestic terrorist. That same fool must be going through life with other views that are equally fu8ked up.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
LOL....Went in the 80's to Columbia and saw a lot of beggars and young children hanging on the sides of buses selling T-shirts as well as trinkets through open bus windows on mountainous roads!! No guns.
Also was more than a bit horrified when we stopped for a couple couple of hours discovered the bus driver had the bus motor in pieces on the road back of the bus in pieces, Was astounded when we arrived to return to our base, it was fine and running beautifully.
Even so I felt safer then, there, than at times I have felt when visiting in the US recently.
That was 40 years ago when they had cocaine money. Go back. I dare ya.

There are a lot of misguided fools that think that US policy armed and trained thugs to oppress the people.

The war on drugs has broken the financial backs of Central and South America.

The money is gone and fair trade coffee isn't paying what they made from coca.

I know you don't like stats but the gun homicide rate in Colombis is 7X higher than the US.
Last edited:


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Clearly in America there needs to be some shoring up of gun laws.

Far too many people who should not have guns have guns.

Because the law is the problem.


POOR STUPID HOID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

TRYING SO HARD to change the topic AWAY from CANADIAN GUN VIOLENCE that is the result of nothing more than LIE-beral

carelessness with immigration and with enforcement of criminal law!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Our Cdn problem is with LIE-beral hug a thug judges who seek ANY EXCUSE to let hard core criminals off the hook!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And of course LIE-beral vote buying is allowing a whole crew of criminals from around the world to come here to take advantage of our "charity"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Some LIE-beral loving news media have even suggested that taking a hard line against China over its Huawei SPIES and its arrest of 3 Cdns might further damage the Vancouver housing market!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


The same LIE-berals who told us that there is no evidence of foreign house buyers and home flippers driving up house prices in

Canada are NOW trying to tell us we might be hurt if Chinese organized crime gangs stopped laundering their money in Canada!!!!!!!!

Can LIE-beral policy GET ANY MORE SCREWED UP??????????????????????????????????

It seems hard to imagine that LIE-berals could make an even bigger mess- but they have ten months till the next election to prove me wrong!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


House Member
Mar 3, 2012
POOR STUPID HOID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

TRYING SO HARD to change the topic AWAY from CANADIAN GUN VIOLENCE that is the result of nothing more than LIE-beral

carelessness with immigration and with enforcement of criminal law!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Our Cdn problem is with LIE-beral hug a thug judges who seek ANY EXCUSE to let hard core criminals off the hook!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And of course LIE-beral vote buying is allowing a whole crew of criminals from around the world to come here to take advantage of our "charity"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Some LIE-beral loving news media have even suggested that taking a hard line against China over its Huawei SPIES and its arrest of 3 Cdns might further damage the Vancouver housing market!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The same LIE-berals who told us that there is no evidence of foreign house buyers and home flippers driving up house prices in
Canada are NOW trying to tell us we might be hurt if Chinese organized crime gangs stopped laundering their money in Canada!!!!!!!!
Can LIE-beral policy GET ANY MORE SCREWED UP??????????????????????????????????
It seems hard to imagine that LIE-berals could make an even bigger mess- but they have ten months till the next election to prove me wrong!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

some good points there but then you go full retard.


House Member
Mar 3, 2012
Exactly the level of thinking we have come to expect.

At a human rights level, you are a dumbass, Hoid.

Sure, you understand that in order to have liberty others must have it too. It is the thought that others have liberty that bothers you. That is why you are a dumbass.


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Known as fluctuations!

POOR STUPID LIE-berals!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

WE HAD less gun violence in Canada in the past because of LIE-beral BRIBERY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yes- LIE-berals throwing out money to all sorts of LOONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

But now the money has run out and the debts are HUGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And public anger is FLARING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And the chances of LIE-berals getting a majority govt in the 2019 election are FADING FAST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And LIE-berals are in full on panic mode!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Here is an older item I saw online about migrant workers in Canada and their unjustified anger at the screwed up LIE-beral immigration system. With some comments of my own in brackets):

Re: Migrant construction workers sue Ottawa for discrimination.

(So there is a lawsuit- but its been a year or more and nothing more has been mentioned in the media about this. Should we assume LIE-beral loving media whores have sold themselves to LIE-beral interests yet again?)

(What was the outcome of the lawsuit? Unless of course it is still drifting along without resolution?)

(One has to assume that a legal system that would FREE SEVEN accused murders because it does not have the time and resources to properly try them will not be rushing to deal with whiny migrant workers?)

(Drag it out long enough and maybe they will run out of money and go home? Such would be a typical preferred LIE-beral resolution! No confrontation and no embarrassment! But the migrants are likely working with legal aid financing so they WILL NOT run put of OUR money!)

"Why are we good enough to work here but not good enough to stay?" That's what more than 150 workers from Italy, Portugal and Poland are asking as they fight policies that...

(And there are various reasons why they cannot stay- firstly- they are white people and LIE-berals do not like white people coming here for fear we will ALL become system wide white supremacists! LIE-berals dislike living in a country full of Christian white people!)

(A second obstacle to letting these white people stay relates to the way they work- they are too often tax cheats! One can EASILY get work in house construction as tile setter, brick layer, plasterer, roofer etc by the simple expedient of being a self employed sub contractor. One needs a relative or reliable ally who sets up a company and bids on work- MINUS the cost of workers compensation, health levy, unemployment insurance and Canada Pension Plan-and then hires the migrant worker at costs about 50-60 percent LOWER than an actual Cdn worker with his taxes all correctly paid! One has only to play free and easy with LIE-beral mandated taxes and one can get LOTS of work- as these migrant workers do!)

(Of course its not all clear sailing for migrants- what do you do if you get hurt on the job? Why. just contact your friendly neighbourhood Nigerian forger- they do very nice work producing forged health care documents at quite reasonable rates for those who need medical aid without a lot of awkward questions!)

(And best of all our LIE-beral overlords have decreed that our Post Office MUST deliver all packages under a certain weight- no fair x-raying the container and spotting the forged documents and dumping them in an incinerator. No- our LIE-berals ONLY allow the Posties to report to the cops that they are delivering contraband to a specific postal box- and then one can only hope there is an undercover cop available to sit on the address and wait for the package to be picked up. Too bad if it takes days or weeks for cops to hang around in hope of catching the real owner of the box- while murders are committed and hit and run drivers flee the scene and etc!)

(And of course because the migrant workers are illegal there is no way and no need even to pay income tax- since they are not listed in any Cdn govt computer so they are free to take that un-used tax money and pay it back to their country of origin so that when they retire they can do so back home with a nice little pension and nest egg! The biggest fly on the ointment for migrant workers is that they often end up having kids here and the kids are registered as `Cdn` and grow up as such and do not want to go back to the old country- forcing Mom and Dad to become inhabitants of TWO states! Its all very awkward and LIE-berals don’t seem to have any idea which way to jump on this job stealing and tax cheat mess!)

(One has to wonder just what a LIE-beral lawyer would say in court to defend the govt from a lawsuit of this sort? What could LIE-berals say that does not make them sound cynical and disreputable and reverse bigoted? Of course there is a solution to the migrant problem- one that makes them happy but likely will not be a hit with LIE-berals nor perhaps with ordinary Cdns who have white relatives trying to get into Canada by honest and fair means- as the guy quoted below points out below- the answer is simple):

The guy said: “the way how they can stay in Canada is very simple. Throw away your papers and ask refugee status as a syrian muslim. They will get status, wellfare... anything and everything in seconds.

It will looks good in statistics as syrian refugees are working and dont milking wellfare system”.

(With the various spelling and grammatical errors I am thinking the guy who wrote this quote announcing the lawsuit IS one of the disgruntled migrants!)

(LIE-berals have our tax and immigration systems in such a mess they will never be able to sort it our honestly!!!!!!!!!!!!!)


House Member
Mar 3, 2012
POOR STUPID LIE-berals!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

WE HAD less gun violence in Canada in the past because of LIE-beral BRIBERY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yes- LIE-berals throwing out money to all sorts of LOONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
But now the money has run out and the debts are HUGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And public anger is FLARING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And the chances of LIE-berals getting a majority govt in the 2019 election are FADING FAST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And LIE-berals are in full on panic mode!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Here is an older item I saw online about migrant workers in Canada and their unjustified anger at the screwed up LIE-beral immigration system. With some comments of my own in brackets):
Re: Migrant construction workers sue Ottawa for discrimination.
(So there is a lawsuit- but its been a year or more and nothing more has been mentioned in the media about this. Should we assume LIE-beral loving media whores have sold themselves to LIE-beral interests yet again?)
(What was the outcome of the lawsuit? Unless of course it is still drifting along without resolution?)
(One has to assume that a legal system that would FREE SEVEN accused murders because it does not have the time and resources to properly try them will not be rushing to deal with whiny migrant workers?)
(Drag it out long enough and maybe they will run out of money and go home? Such would be a typical preferred LIE-beral resolution! No confrontation and no embarrassment! But the migrants are likely working with legal aid financing so they WILL NOT run put of OUR money!)
"Why are we good enough to work here but not good enough to stay?" That's what more than 150 workers from Italy, Portugal and Poland are asking as they fight policies that...
(And there are various reasons why they cannot stay- firstly- they are white people and LIE-berals do not like white people coming here for fear we will ALL become system wide white supremacists! LIE-berals dislike living in a country full of Christian white people!)
(A second obstacle to letting these white people stay relates to the way they work- they are too often tax cheats! One can EASILY get work in house construction as tile setter, brick layer, plasterer, roofer etc by the simple expedient of being a self employed sub contractor. One needs a relative or reliable ally who sets up a company and bids on work- MINUS the cost of workers compensation, health levy, unemployment insurance and Canada Pension Plan-and then hires the migrant worker at costs about 50-60 percent LOWER than an actual Cdn worker with his taxes all correctly paid! One has only to play free and easy with LIE-beral mandated taxes and one can get LOTS of work- as these migrant workers do!)
(Of course its not all clear sailing for migrants- what do you do if you get hurt on the job? Why. just contact your friendly neighbourhood Nigerian forger- they do very nice work producing forged health care documents at quite reasonable rates for those who need medical aid without a lot of awkward questions!)
(And best of all our LIE-beral overlords have decreed that our Post Office MUST deliver all packages under a certain weight- no fair x-raying the container and spotting the forged documents and dumping them in an incinerator. No- our LIE-berals ONLY allow the Posties to report to the cops that they are delivering contraband to a specific postal box- and then one can only hope there is an undercover cop available to sit on the address and wait for the package to be picked up. Too bad if it takes days or weeks for cops to hang around in hope of catching the real owner of the box- while murders are committed and hit and run drivers flee the scene and etc!)
(And of course because the migrant workers are illegal there is no way and no need even to pay income tax- since they are not listed in any Cdn govt computer so they are free to take that un-used tax money and pay it back to their country of origin so that when they retire they can do so back home with a nice little pension and nest egg! The biggest fly on the ointment for migrant workers is that they often end up having kids here and the kids are registered as `Cdn` and grow up as such and do not want to go back to the old country- forcing Mom and Dad to become inhabitants of TWO states! Its all very awkward and LIE-berals don’t seem to have any idea which way to jump on this job stealing and tax cheat mess!)
(One has to wonder just what a LIE-beral lawyer would say in court to defend the govt from a lawsuit of this sort? What could LIE-berals say that does not make them sound cynical and disreputable and reverse bigoted? Of course there is a solution to the migrant problem- one that makes them happy but likely will not be a hit with LIE-berals nor perhaps with ordinary Cdns who have white relatives trying to get into Canada by honest and fair means- as the guy quoted below points out below- the answer is simple):
The guy said: “the way how they can stay in Canada is very simple. Throw away your papers and ask refugee status as a syrian muslim. They will get status, wellfare... anything and everything in seconds.
It will looks good in statistics as syrian refugees are working and dont milking wellfare system”.
(With the various spelling and grammatical errors I am thinking the guy who wrote this quote announcing the lawsuit IS one of the disgruntled migrants!)
(LIE-berals have our tax and immigration systems in such a mess they will never be able to sort it our honestly!!!!!!!!!!!!!)


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
but at least you didn't use the word "george"

Which we realize is really hard for you to do,


An argument between Hoid and Bondo may be breaking out??????????????????????

That is like having two sides of the LIE-beral party arguing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

One is completely delusional and the other is only 99 percent LIE-beral!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Picking between them is like trying to decide if you would rather have death by starvation or death from lack of water!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And NEITHER wants to admit it is idiot LIE-beral policy that is killing us all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
what "idiot LIE-beral" policy, and how is it killing us all? I think you made that shit up.

POOR Bondo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

His thought process is coming unglued again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

As he tries desperately to support LIE-beral policy without admitting he is a LIE-BERAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


And as I am NOT a LIE-beral I do NOT need to make things up about LIE-berals!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Telling the truth about LIE-berals is quite sufficient!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I suggest you have a hard look at the debts that LIE-berals are running up as they BUY VOTES so they can cling to power at any price!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And then have some sober thought as to how PAINFUL it will be to pay off those LIE-beral debts!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

In 2015 Our idiot Boy told us he "would run a couple of $10 billion dollar deficits before being able to eliminate the deficits completely- and start running BALANCED BUDGETS in his 4th year!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And of course his FIRST BUDGET carried a $32 billion dollar deficit- meaning that in his first year he SPENT ALL that he had promised and more as well!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Then in his second and third years he spent a combined $40 billion in deficit financing which happens to be WAY MORE THAN HE PROMISED!!!!

LIE-berals now admit the budget WILL NOT BE BALANCED TILL SOME TIME IN THE YEAR 2040 ..........MAYBE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

WE have only to look at the PIGS- Portugal, Ireland, Greece and Spain to see what kind of fiscal MESS LIE-berals are making for us!!!!

LIE-beral immigration policy is in chaos!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

With LIE-berals now feeling so embarrassed by their MESS that they have to LIE about how many illegals are here now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Have to LIE about how many illegals will be allowed to stay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Have to LIE about how many illegals will eventually be deported- MAYBE- if LIE-berals are defeated in the 2019 election!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Have to LIE about what it is costing us to keep the illegals that LIE-berals are rounding up like crazy cat ladies collecting stray cars!!!!

LIE-berals LIE about the level of education and the qualifications that their poisoned immigration selection process is bringing into Canada!

LIE-berals LIE when they pretend they are selecting mostly strong, self supporting people, skilled and educated immigrants for Canada!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

LIE-berals refuse to admit that the great majority of immigrants they are selecting for Canada are coming in as CHARITY CASES under the "family reunification" policy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

LIE-berals LIE about the kind and scope of security checks our "new Cdns" are receiving before being awarded with Cdn passports!!!!!!!!!!!!!

LIE-berals shrug off the terror attacks in other countries and they expect us to become adjusted to periodic blood baths in our streets in the same way we are adjusted to snow storms and tornadoes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

LIE-berals KNOW that Yankees are deeply concerned about terror cells setting up in LIE-beral Canada but LIE-berals are so anti Yankee they think it will not hurt - much - if Yankees close the border to our trade!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The world is growing ever more dangerous with Chinese, Russian, North Korean and Iranian military interests clashing ever more seriously with western values!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yet LIE-berals have NEVER BEFORE let our military ROT, RUST, and DECAY to the current conditions!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

LIE-berals do not care that we have NO ability to aid our friends and allies in time of war!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

LIE-berals KNOW that fully fifteen Yankee states get ALL their electricity from Quebec and LIE-berals KNOW that tensions between Yankees and Chinese are RISING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yet Cdn LIE-berals are the only western govt to give Huawei permission to install their 5G technology in Canada!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

LIE-berals are shrugging off the KNOWN ABILITY of 5G technology to perform SABOTAGE whenever China desires!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

LIE-berals IGNORE the reality that 5G technology can potentially SHUT OFF ALL ELECTRIC POWER to most of eastern North American simply by destroying the electrical controls at Cdn power plants!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

LIE-berals ignore ALL the various potential sabotage capacities of Chinese 5G - such as erasing ALL stock market record and banking records!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Such a 5G attack on major stock markets would have catastrophic effects as all our money DISAPPEARED into a cyber rabbit hole!!!

Such as erasing all health records!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Can you imagine the CHAOS if ALL the computer records at even a SINGLE Cdn hospital disappeared????????????

Think of all the medical tests done in the intensive care unit and all the prescriptions that were written for patients- and then try to DUPLICATE IT ALL in a couple of hours before patients start suffering for lack of medication that you are NOT SURE they should have!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

LIE-berals do not care that we have no ability even to defend ourselves any longer- even as China launches its class one ice breaker that can travel to the North Pole!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

LIE-berals do not care that Chinese fishing fleets are waiting patiently for enough Beaufort Sea ice to melt that they can fish easily in arctic waters- regardless of what conservation laws Cdns may put in place!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

LIE-berals shrug off the kind of potential fishing frenzy that may develop in Beaufort Sea- the kind of frenzy that saw Grand Banks Cod slaughtered!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

LIE-berals also feel obligated to LIE about their interest in the environment!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Feel obligated to LIE about their massive tax grab - also known as the carbon crap and trade tax SCAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

LIE-berals LIE about how many jobs their carbon crap and trade policy is killing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

LIE-berals LIE about the reality that their carbon tax scam only cleans cash from wallets and is completely INEFFECTIVE at doing ANYTHING for the environment!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Or we could look at the HUGE MESS LIE-berals have made of our legal system!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The BIGOTS at Black Lives Matter can blather all they want about ALLEGED "police brutality" but Cdns see the TRUTH every evening on the news!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

WE watch the parade of black faces- suspects, victims, sobbing friends and families AND WE KNOW this is the result of DECADES of FAILED LIE-beral immigration policy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

For decades now- LIE-berals have been selecting immigrants based on their willingness to support LIE-beral policy - RATHER than selecting immigrants for their ability to SUCCEED in Cdn society!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The parade of sad black faces on our nightly news is a GRAPHIC REMINDER of how BADLY LIE-beral selected immigrants do in Canada!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And oh yes- I KNOW most of the sad faces on the news ARE CDN BORN- and that proves my point- their parents have FAILED to help them succeed here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You cannot get a good job in Canada if you have dropped out of school!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And that motivation to succeed comes from PARENTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

AND NOT from some burned out and over paid civil service union Hog teacher!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Asian parents mostly understand the motivation kids need- but black parents do not generally seem to!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Asian parents teach their kids strong skills while black parents- at the urging of vote buying LIE-berals- encourage their kids to blame "white privilege" and "systemic racism" for their failures and lack of motivation!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

In the 19th century blacks fleeing slavery were welcomed here in Canada- while Asians were scorned as aliens!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

But which group has most fully integrated into Canada????????????????????/

Head down to to your local medical centre or any major scientific hub and have a look at the number of Asian faces!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And then understand that Asians do not whine about white privilege because most Asians are too busy taking full use of the Cdn education system that too many black kids have been taught to DESPISE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Too many black kids- and Cdn natives as well- see getting a good education as being a "sellout" to white society!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It has been TWENTY FIVE YEARS since Time magazine published statistics that PROVED that a black man under age 30 - with the same educational qualities as a white guy would earn a salary that was one half of one percent LESS than what the white guy got!!!!!!!!!

And yes- that one half of one percent does indicate there were still some fossilized bigots around in the early 1990`s -but it also INDICATES that LIE-berals LIE about "SYSTEMIC RACISM"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Twenty five years ago- if you got the skills then you also GOT THE JOB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Cdns and their Yankee neighbours DESPISE the LIE-beral affirmative action policy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

THERE IS NO MORAL JUSTIFICATION for hiring newly arrived non whites ahead of other Cdn citizens -simply because LIE-berals like the skin colour variations that come with a staff photo after affirmative action is set in place!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If Cdns have a problem that needs fixing- they expect the most skilled candidate to be available to assist!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Cdns generally DO NOT want their problems handled by somebody who was hired MAINLY for their ability to vote LIE-beral!!!!!!!!!!!!

Cdns certainly DO NOT want all their educational facilities taken over by anti white RADICALS hell bent on poisoning our kids minds!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And the FINAL LIE-beral insult??????????????????????

After LIE-berals are kicked off the political stage- they will spend the rest of their lives MOCKING the new govt for how long it will take to clean up the LIE-beral MESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ALL LIE-beral policies are on a COLLISION COURSE with main stream Cdn values!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

All LIE-beral policy is collapsing into the dirt and all you can do is CENSOR and holler RACIST at us!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


House Member
Mar 3, 2012
So now that you have produced a lengthy list of liberal lies, please show me one of my posts that supports that crap. You can't because I haven't.

all you can do is CENSOR and holler RACIST at us!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

That is an absolute lie on your part. I think you are an annoying asshole who thinks your posts make you an internet legend.


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
So now that you have produced a lengthy list of liberal lies, please show me one of my posts that supports that crap. You can't because I haven't.

That is an absolute lie on your part. I think you are an annoying asshole who thinks your posts make you an internet legend.


OH BONDO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Your mental state is coming as unglued as LIE-beral policy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You use every LIE-beral trick in the book to silence me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

AND FAIL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You EVEN USE the CBC trick of deliberately TWISTING the "fair use" policy that CBC LIED about as it refused to present any view except the LIE-beral version!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I even provided you with quotes from a Cdn law professor that says both you and CBC ARE LYING about LIE-beral fair use policy to DELIBERATELY LIMIT Cdn public access to comment LIE-berals oppose!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And now here you are LYING AGAIN about what you said and how you said it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I suppose you will even deny threatening me with legal repercussions if I did not stop using Toronto Sun articles in my rebuttals of your LIE-beral crap???????????????????

How pathetic that you deny so much so often!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Here is something a little different for you to ponder- and maybe issue LIE-beral Fake News about:

Here is yet another article illustrating the utterly twisted values of our LIE-beral overlords. With some comments of my own in brackets):

It’s almost as if the Liberals are ashamed of Canada’s past

Paul Keery, Special to Postmedia Network

First posted: Saturday, July 01, 2017 06:20 PM EDT | Updated: Saturday, July 01, 2017 11:40 PM EDT

How can the government of Canada celebrate our historic 150th birthday while virtually ignoring Canada’s history?

(In truth Our idiot Boy IS ASHAMED of our history! He has repeatedly apologized to all sorts of people for everything he can think of! Certainly native residential schools were a made in Canada disaster. But at least the motive behind the disaster was relatively honest- to train natives to live successfully in the white modern world! Instead of leaving them to languish in misery on reserves- as they are doing now!)

(But what of the Trudeau apology to Chinese migrants? Cdns were NOT responsible for the appalling conditions that millions of Chinese lived in under the Imperial Manchu Dynasty! And we have NO special obligation to take in any migrant that shows up at the border! Though the current LIE-beral govt is working hard to round up illegals these days with no more care and concern than if our govt were made up of crazy cats ladies rounding up stray cats!)

(As for more “conventional” migrants- Our idiot Boy Justin has told us that he prefers people who immigrated here- because they voluntarily chose Canada -over people who “were merely born here”! Does Our idiot Boy think that illegals who came here to demand our charity will somehow be more patriotic than Cdns who were born here and are dedicated to making this place function in the democratic and capitalist tradition?)

(Or is Our idiot Boy making a not so subtle DIG at ordinary Cdns who are proving RESISTANT to LIE- beral propaganda- and thus ordinary Cdns are NOT willing to vote LIE-beral? We have had ample proof that LIE-beral support comes mainly from our civil service union Hogs and from Black Lives Matter bigots and from Idle No More native thieves! And now LIE-berals have opened the border to hordes of illegals who cannot survive in Canada without major support from the LIE-beral social welfare state! The illegals must sell their votes to LIE-berals in exchange for the govt aid they need to survive here!)

(LIE-berals are desperately seeking new voters because they have FAILED to honour the IMMENSE pension IOU`s that LIE-berals have previously issued to civil service Hogs! As example- LIE-berals promised OSSTF -Ontari-owe high school teachers a pension top up of FIFTY FIVE BILLION DOLLARS- in exchange for their votes at election time- and this immense sum includes interest on the long delayed payment!)

(WE do not have that $55 billion to pay OSSTF- and even if we did - there are EIGHTEEN MORE Ontari-owe unions right behind OSSTF- and all with their hands out seeking payment for their own LIE-beral issued IOU`s! We cannot pay the Wynne-bag LIE-beral IOU`s to the HOGS!)

(And we certainly CANNOT COME UP with the HUNDREDS OF BILLIONS MORE DOLLARS NEEDED to pay off our Municipal Hogs nor the Federal Hogs nor the assorted Hogs who constitute a FOURTH LEVEL of govt since they work for arms length Crown Corps such as ORNGE and E-health and Metrolinx and the assorted colleges and hospitals and universities- and we tax payers are being HOUNDED to pay the LIE-beral issued IOU`s for those votes as well!)

(So we are now being governed by LIE-berals- and we may honestly say that LIE-berals HATE US! After all - LIE-berals have told us they think immigrants who have chosen to come here are preferred over those only born here!)

(LIE-berals have spoken scornfully of “White privilege” and of their desire to end it! LIE-berals have made it known they think it is disgraceful that a white jury would decide that farmer Gerard Stanley acted in self defense when he accidentally shot drunken native thief Coulton Boushie- while Boushie and his pals where snooping around the Stanley farm looking for things to steal including a spare tire to replace the flat on their vehicle!)

(LIE-berals like former Caribbean islander Hedy Fry and Iranian born Maryam Monseff and Muslim Iqra Khalid have made it known they believe Canada is rife with “systemic racism” and with vile “Islamophobia” as well! They have come here in spite of DESPISING our core values!! And they have succeeded nicely- the pay and perks of an MP are SUBSTANTIAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

(Our idiot Boy Justin was reduced to spiteful vituperative RAGE when a Quebec woman dared to ask him WHEN Quebecers could expect to be compensated for expenses incurred for tending to the hordes of illegals that LIE-berals have encouraged to come here and accept Cdn “charity” in exchange for voting LIE-beral!)

(Yes- any Cdn who DARES to aks Our idiot Boy when he will be cutting cheques to municipalities now being over run by illegals is now loudly branded as a “RACIST” and quickly hustled off into silence by LIE-beral Security!)

(And LIE-berals proudly ignore the reality that charity represents what you CHOOSE TO GIVE! Being FORCED to give makes it LIE-beral robbery of tax payers!!!)

(The fact that the bankrupt City of Toronto homeless shelter system houses 4 illegals for every 6 clients born in Canada cuts no ice with Our idiot Boy in his desperate quest to BUY VOTES AT ANY PRICE! But then Toronto councillors really have nobody to blame but themselves - since they proudly declared Toronto to be a “Sanctuary City a couple of years back - and now they must put their money where their mouths were!)

(So shall we ask if LIE-berals actually HATE most of the citizens they currently govern? Based on statements made by LIE-berals we CAN SEE that LIE-berals despise main stream Canada and see us as only being good for paying the bills for their social justice war- against us! And if LIE-berals win that war - they will use their new dictatorial powers and their biased and badly miss-named Human Rights Tribunals to hurt white people and censor critics and thus enable LIE-berals to cling to power indefinitely!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

(LIE-berals are working hard to paralyze our democracy and turn our govt into an out of control spending machine - with no off switch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)