Gun Control is Completely Useless.


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017





Am I messing up your gun control argument by illustrating how easily, how fluently, and how often LIE-berals issue Fake News???????

After all- LIE-berals tell us that 70 percent of the guns cops confiscate in Toronto are from Yankee sources...............

And the other 30 percent are from so called Cdn sources????????????

LIE-berals want to PRETEND that honest Cdn gun owners are cheating!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

With LIE-beral loving Cdn news media whores having VERY LITTLE to say about that ILLEGAL Toronto gun making shop the cops busted recently!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

How can anybody HONESTLY BLAME legitimate Cdn gun owners for weapons being made ILLEGALLY?????????????

Unless of course one is a LIE-beral and mis-repressentation of facts is a DAILY OCCURRENCE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And we REALLY SHOULD be concerned that both CBC broadcasters AND BONDO are both trying to censor our news using a distorted and incorrect interpretation of "fair use" policy on political comment!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

How will you be able to present an honest point about gun control if LIE-berals are allowed to LIE at every turn and to censor YOUR public discussion????????????????

You do know- so I hope- that LIE-berals have set up a web sit to take comments from "the public" regarding "the need for gun control"!!!!

LIE-berals want to control guns- and IGNORE the criminals!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The LIE-beral gun web site is open to ANYBODY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

From around the world!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

No restrictions on who comments!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

No restrictions on how often a small group may comment in hope of making their numbers and importance LOOK larger!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

LIE-berals are being dishonest about virtually every aspect of our society!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And Bondo has been denying any of this stuff!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If people like him silence me- then they will next turn on YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Or do you not care that a bunch of bigots will silence you and ridicule your arguments using LIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.


Am I messing up your gun control argument by illustrating how easily, how fluently, and how often LIE-berals issue Fake News???????

After all- LIE-berals tell us that 70 percent of the guns cops confiscate in Toronto are from Yankee sources...............

And the other 30 percent are from so called Cdn sources????????????

LIE-berals want to PRETEND that honest Cdn gun owners are cheating!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

With LIE-beral loving Cdn news media whores having VERY LITTLE to say about that ILLEGAL Toronto gun making shop the cops busted recently!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

How can anybody HONESTLY BLAME legitimate Cdn gun owners for weapons being made ILLEGALLY?????????????

Unless of course one is a LIE-beral and mis-repressentation of facts is a DAILY OCCURRENCE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And we REALLY SHOULD be concerned that both CBC broadcasters AND BONDO are both trying to censor our news using a distorted and incorrect interpretation of "fair use" policy on political comment!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

How will you be able to present an honest point about gun control if LIE-berals are allowed to LIE at every turn and to censor YOUR public discussion????????????????

You do know- so I hope- that LIE-berals have set up a web sit to take comments from "the public" regarding "the need for gun control"!!!!

LIE-berals want to control guns- and IGNORE the criminals!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The LIE-beral gun web site is open to ANYBODY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

From around the world!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

No restrictions on who comments!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

No restrictions on how often a small group may comment in hope of making their numbers and importance LOOK larger!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

LIE-berals are being dishonest about virtually every aspect of our society!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And Bondo has been denying any of this stuff!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If people like him silence me- then they will next turn on YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Or do you not care that a bunch of bigots will silence you and ridicule your arguments using LIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The problem is not what you say, it is how you say it.

Nobody, and I mean NOBODY, reads your posts.


Look it up.


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
I'm done sea lioning him, I now have him on ignore.

Its a FUNNY THING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Years ago I predicted that Dalton McGinty and Wynne-bag would be a disaster for Ontari-owe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And my listeners took offense!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And they ALSO SAID: " its not what you say that is wrong, its how you say it"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

AND NOW it is open public opinion that the Wynne LIE-berals were the most catastrophic govt in Ontari-owe history!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

JUST AS I SAID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So let me ask if is there is a POLITE WAY to say that Wynne-bag LIE-berals robbed us blind and left us with an EXTRA $150 BILLION DOLLARS IN DEBT??????????????????????????

Is there a POLITE WAY to tell people that WE GOT NOTHING from Wynne-bag LIE-berals doubling the debt?????????????

And in summer 2015 , I predicted that if Justin Trudeau was elected -then he would perform a MAGIC TRICK AND MAKE ALL OUR JOBS AND MONEY DISAPPEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And because Our idiot Boy does not understand his trick- he WILL NOT be able to make our jobs and money re-appear!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Just look at the federal deficits: 2016 - $32 billion dollars!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2017 - $20 billion dollars!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2018- $20 billion dollars!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2019- WE DONT KNOW what Our idiot Boy will spend in a frantic and shameless effort to BUY another term in office- just as Wynne-bag LIE-berals did in spring 2018!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If Our idiot Boy follows the lead of Wynne-bag LIE-berals then we are in for a year of FABULOUS Fake News and shameless propaganda!!!!!!!

We are heading for the most dirty, destructive, divisive, ANTI DEMOCRATIC election campaign in the history of our country!!!!!!!!!!

So Wynne-bag LIE-berals dumped $150 billion dollars in debt on us- with Our idiot Boy crapping out $72 billion dollars and counting!!!!!!!!

That is a combined debt of $212 billion dollars in debt in a few short years!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

There is NO POLITE WAY to point out that LIE-berals are destroying Canada with debt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

There is NO polite way of suggesting that LIE-berals are wrecking our legal system!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The people condemning my words are the descendants of the chicken sh+ts who advocated giving Hitler ANYTHING HE WANTED - just so long as foreign affairs could be conducted POLITELY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If you dont like my words then YOU DONT HAVE TO READ THEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

But not liking my words does not equal me being wrong!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It is one thing to LOSE AN ARGUMENT as Bondo has done!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

But it is quite another thing to REFUSE to present LEGITIMATE alternate points of view that LIE-berals do not like- as CBC has been caught doing during the 2015 election and as Bondo has TRIED to do here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 26, 2009
'VILE A--HOLE': Louis C.K. slammed for Parkland shooting jokes
American Media Inc.
December 31, 2018
December 31, 2018 10:09 AM EST
Parkland Student Cameron Kasky Defends...
featured by
Louis C.K. is digging a deeper hole for himself.
The stand-up comedian, who is already under fire for being accused of sexual misconduct in November 2017, allegedly made cruel jokes about the Marjory Stoneman High School shooting in Parkland, Florida.
According to online reports, audio was leaked on Sunday, December 30 where the comedian is overheard making jokes about Parkland survivors Emma Gonzalez and David Hogg who made courageous strides to implement safer gun laws in the past year.
The audio allegedly surfaced on a YouTube account that has since been deleted. The comedian was overheard allegedly poking fun at millennials for being opinionated.
Then, Louis C.K. allegedly slammed the Parkland, Florida school shooting survivors for not being interesting. The cruel jokes have landed the comic in hot water, causing his fans to turn their back on him.
“I used to love this guy and his comedy, but now he’s nothing but a sad angry man,” one Twitter user wrote. “This rant about the Parkland shooting survivors is despicable and nothing funny about it.”
I used to love this guy and his comedy, but now he’s nothing but a sad angry man. This rant about the Parkland shooting survivors is despicable and nothing funny about it. ‘Louis C.K.'s Sexually Explicit Stand-Up Rant Proves He's Learned Nothing In 2018’
— EdR (@EricadesR) December 31, 2018
For Louis CK and others …
— (@Dictionarycom) December 31, 2018
LouisCK even trying for a comeback is crap, but him mocking the Parkland survivors is beyond despicable. There is no comedy there at all.
— David Wilson Brown (@davidwbrown) December 31, 2018
Another fan compared called Louis C.K. a “vile a–hole.”
As Radar readers know, on February 14, 2018, gunman Nikolas Cruz opened fire at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, killing 17 students and staff members and injuring over a dozen more. Cruz has since confessed to being the shooter and was charged with 17 counts of premeditated murder and 17 counts of attempted murder.
The lewd jokes come after a disgraceful year for Louis C.K. In August, sources spilled to Radar that the comedian was desperate for a comeback after being accused of sexual misconduct by at least five women during the #MeToo movement.
Then, in October, Sarah Silverman admitted to Howard Stern that Louis C.K. once masturbated in front of her. Despite the inappropriate act, Silverman said the once-funny man was like a “brother.”


Keep Calm and Carry On
Sep 6, 2008
Rent Free in Your Head


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017

Oh well- lets talk about killing in the REAL WORLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Here is an article illustrating much that is wrong with creating so called “sanctuary cities’ where any idiot can come and live without the bother of immigration or customs clearance! With some comments of my own in brackets):

He hit sanctuary city -- then he murdered three: say Cops.

By Brad Hunter

Published: November 12, 2018. Updated: November 12, 2018 6:56 PM EST

Filed Under: Toronto SUN/ News/ World

One more chance... Luis Rodrigo Perez has been charged in a gruesome triple murder. A New Jersey sanctuary city refused to turn him over for deportation. SPRINGFIELD POLICE

(Just how POISONED does your world view have to become before it sounds like a good idea to shield an accused criminal from the law?)

Luis Rodrigo Perez got a free pass courtesy of a “sanctuary city” county in New Jersey.

Last week, Perez was charged with a triple homicide in Missouri.

The illegal immigrant was sprung after being arrested on domestic violence charges in Middlesex County, N.J., last year.

(Sounds like Yankee immigration folks KNEW WHAT THEY WERE DOING by denying this guy legal entry to the country!)

At the time, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement wanted to deport Perez back to his native Mexico following his arrest.

Unfortunately, Middlesex has a non-cooperation policy with ICE and wouldn’t let the feds know when Perez was being released in February.

(And some people really want to allow more people of this sort into the country?)

Cops say Perez got the gun from gal pal Sabrina Starr. The next day, he allegedly murdered her too.

(The guy seems to have a HARD TIME making and keeping friends?)

“Had ICE’s detainer request in December 2017 been honoured by Middlesex County Jail, Luis Rodrigo Perez would have been placed in deportation proceedings and likely sent home to his country — and three innocent people might be alive today,” Corey Price, acting ICE executive associate director, told the Washington Times.

Perez — who has a long criminal history packed with violence — somehow made his way to Springfield, Missouri.

And when he was kicked out of the home he shared with two other men, he went on a shooting rampage in two different homes.

His victims were Steven Marler, 38, Aaron Hampton, 23, and Sabrina Starr, 21, according to

According to cops, the terrified victims were heard “begging for their lives” when Perez allegedly pulled the trigger. Aaron Anderson, 19, was charged as an accomplice.

John Tsoukaris, ICE’s deportation operations field director in Newark, N.J., called Middlesex County’s policy reckless.

(No kidding! Perez sounds like the absolute scum of the earth! Nobody can tolerate his presence - in their home or in their country either!)

“We hope that this tragic turn of events forces Middlesex to reconsider its policy and that the local elected officials stop protecting criminal aliens,” Tsoukaris said.

Middlesex officials have passed the buck and are fingering ICE for dropping the ball. They didn’t think Perez was violent.

(Oh that is RICH! Socialist minded LIE-berals NEVER make mistakes! That is an axiom of the socialist movement! Anything that goes wrong is ALWAYS the result of sabotage from outsiders!)

(It is for this reason that Our idiot Boy Justin can call us “racists” when we complain about his FAILED policies! Our idiot Boy did not fail- so he insists- it is all the fault of others who do not judge him fairly - such as Conservatives who he says distort his immigration policy- the one he is so often defending with Fake News!)

(Socialists are so convinced that all failings are the result of sabotage that after NDPer Bob Rae became Ontari-owe premier and tried to make us rich with borrowed money- and failed so badly- he blamed the banks for sabotaging him and not loaning him as much money as he needed!)

(And now Our idiot Boy is involved in an even bigger- country wide borrowed money- NDP style scam! And it is all the fault of Fake News on the internet that LIE-beral fortunes are falling- so say the socialist HYPOCRITES!)

The county added that the feds sat on their hands for 51 days.

(So the county blames the feds for NOT KNOWING when Perez was going to be released- because the county did not think Perez was dangerous and therefore did not notify the feds!!!!! Then the county conveniently forgot about the “please detain” request by ICE! And the county blames ICE for the entire mess! This is classic socialist reasoning!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

“Instead ICE officials chose to do nothing, which places all responsibility of Mr. Perez’s actions squarely upon ICE,” the county government said in its statement.

(And how fast would ICE have acted if the county HAD BOTHERED to notify ICE of Perez whereabouts and release date? As it is- the county was trying to hide Perez from ICE in its MISS- GUIDED immigrant vote buying Sanctuary!!!!!!!!!!!)

(People advocating the creation of sanctuary cities should be regarded as potential criminals and accessories to crime! Certainly in this case the county aided Perez to escape deportation- and let him lose to KILL THREE PEOPLE!!!!!!!)


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 23, 2015
You can protect us from your criminal nazi commie globalist problems coming here by putting a wall up down there...
It's not our job to stop your invasion, it's yours...unless you are a liberal Trojan horse traitor.
now was that so complicated?

Yes I know an unarmed population can't stop an unarmed invasion...but you aren't there yet doood.


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
/\ eh dumb ass this is a gun thread, not an immigration thread /\


POOR STUPID Boomer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

He is unaware that the record number of murders in Toronto in 2018 are the direct result of Cdn immigration- as the new comers carve out turf for their illegal operations!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

All that murder is the result of gangs setting up shop and knocking off competition!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Your wall will prevent more trouble from entering United States but it will NOT protect us Cdn from our own bigoted LIE-beral govt!!!!!!!!!!!

Nor will a wall protect us from the LIE-beral hug a thug judges who can find the most amazing excuses for their soft on crime approach to CAREER CRIMINALS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

LIE-berals erode our legal system on a daily basis!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Here is yet another example of LIE-beral judges letting convicted criminals off easy! With some comments of my own in brackets):

Supreme court lets criminals off the hook

From Postmedia News. Published: December 14, 2018. Updated: December 14, 2018 5:13 PM EST

Filed Under: Toronto SUN/ Opinion/ Editorials

There isn’t a day goes by where you don’t hear a sob story about criminals, while victims go forgotten or abandoned by our justice system.

Case in point: On Friday, the Supreme Court of Canada struck down a law that made victims surcharges mandatory during court sentencing. Brought in the by Harper Conservatives in 2013, the law assigned a small charge to criminals and re-directed the money to victims’ services.

Criminals had to shell out $200 for an indictable offence, and $100 for a summary conviction, or 30% of any fine they received.

(There is an argument of course that criminals generally have NO money- which is why they became criminals in the first place. But that does not let either criminals or LIE-berals off the hook! Why should criminals not be compelled to complete some sort of public service? Picking garbage or shoveling snow in front of seniors homes as partial recompense?)

While this concept had always been available in a judge’s toolkit, fines were only ever imposed in a fraction of cases and sometimes the charge was nominal, like a dollar.

(Just another legal option that LIE-beral hug a thug judges refuse to use- like concurrent sentencing- in which a criminal commits 3 crimes- and gets a 2 year sentence for one, a 3 year sentence for the second crime and a 4 year sentence for the third crime- so 3 crimes and a total of 9 years worth of sentences- but the criminal ONLY SERVES A nominal four years!)

(Yes- our criminal has committed 3 crimes and been sentenced for them- but he serves ALL THREE SENTENCES at the same time! One criminal- 3 sentences- but only ONE ACTUAL SENTENCE SERVED- the longest sentence of 4 years- with the other 2 sentences essentially FORGOTTEN!)

(And then the LIE-beral hug a thug judges allow the criminal LOOSE AGAIN- for “good behaviour” - after only serving PART of that 4 year sentence! And LIE-berals wonder why we think they are soft on crime!)

The 2013 law sent a message to criminals that not only does crime not pay, but it will cost you a little as well.

(Even if the cost was only small- it is still a cost- that LIE-berals scorn!)

The SCOC struck this law down following a lengthy appeals process that sought to test the constitutionality of the law. The 7-2 decision ruled these surcharges violate the protection against cruel and unusual punishment enshrined within the Charter of Rights and Freedoms.

You’ve got to be kidding us. It’s one thing to disagree with victim surcharges, but to call them cruel punishment is ludicrous.

(Yes- suggesting that criminals pay back some of the damage they have done is just not acceptable to hug a thug LIE-berals! Actually trying to punish or deter serious THUGS might result in LIE-berals losing the votes of Black Lives Matter BIGOTS and Idle No More racist natives!!!!!!!!!)

The court did indeed hear some compelling hard luck stories. Like that of Edward Tinker, a 55-year-old man living off Canada Pension Plan and workers’ comp payments. Following convictions for uttering threats and breach of probation, he faced a $200 victim surcharge.

There were other cases of judges issuing surcharges to homeless people without a penny to their name.

(So some sort of compulsory public service would be a useful punishment! If only LIE-berals would agree!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

Doubtless mandatory fines create occasional problematic situations. To us, that doesn’t warrant tossing out the baby with the bath water.

Meanwhile, we’re troubled that activist courts increasingly seem to find ways to overturn the will of elected politicians, particularly when it comes to limiting their discretion.

(I wonder how Our idiot Boy Justin would justify leniency in the case of the Russian mobster- arrested at his King City mansion- for the SECOND TIME! The first time around he had 800 forged credit cards in his possession! The second time around, he had enough stolen information to create 4000 forged cards! The guy is nothing but a BLIGHT on Cdn society- and why not deport him the first time around- before he could make the second mess?)

Justin Trudeau, prior to becoming prime minister, promised to do away with these surcharges. Why didn’t his government instead come forward and moderate the legislation, rather that see the courts trash it.

Trudeau could have given the courts some discretion in enforcing fines, preventing judges from hounding the homeless but preserving the principle of making criminals fund victim services.

(Certainly a guy who owns a MANSION with swimming pool and several exotic sports cars and other luxuries bought with STOLEN CASH SHOULD PAY US SOMETHING?)

Then we could return the focus to where it matters: the victims.

(IN the shameless LIE-beral world- there are APPARENTLY more votes to be won by sucking up to bigots and criminals than to regular white people!)


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 26, 2009
Indiana man charged with neglect after toddler shoots four-year-old sister
Associated Press
January 2, 2019
January 2, 2019 5:03 PM EST
This undated photo provided by the Lake County Sheriff's Department in Lake County, Ind., shows Darrell Marberry. (Lake County Sheriff's Department via AP)
LEBANON, Ind. — A northwestern Indiana man has been charged with felony neglect after police say a 3-year-old boy fatally shot his 4-year-old sister with the suspect’s gun.
Sixty-three-year-old Darrell Marberry of East Chicago was arrested last week and is being held in the Lake County Jail pending extradition to Boone County, northwest of Indianapolis.
Lebanon police have said Izabella-Marie Helem was being cared for by her grandmother Nov. 29 when her brother found a handgun and shot the girl in the head. She died five days later .
Police said Marberry left the handgun on the floor under a couch on the morning of the shooting. Marberry is the ex-husband of the grandmother and had been sleeping on the couch.
Online court records don’t list an attorney who can comment on Marberry’s behalf.