Gun Control is Completely Useless.


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
what are you talking about?


Poor Bondo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You get more ridiculous by the hour!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You complain bitterly that my detailed analysis of the failure of ALL LIE-beral policy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You make a determined effort to censor me using the distorted and dishonest CBC definition of "fair use policy" for political comment!!!!!!!!

With the CBC/LIE-beral policy designed to unfairly silence critics of failed LIE-beral policy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



See if you understand this older post that reminds us of how truly twisted are all LIE-BERAL VALUES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Clearly, LIE-berals have NO ANSWER to sound and logical criticism of their MANY FAILED policies! They have no answers, no solutions and certainly NO way to repair the damage they have done. They offer up only MORE debt and more erosion of our standard of living and assorted actions that ERODE our national security and piss off our allies- its all just more LIE-beral delusional excuses. While civil service Hogs grow fat as LIE-berals BUY their votes so LIE-berals can cling to power! The LIE-beral legacy is one of shame and failure!

And what has foolish LIE-berals in a tizzy? This: Here is an example of the twisted logic of LIE-berals and the article illustrates how dangerous LIE-beral policy is to our country. With some comments of my own in brackets):

Tory MPs talking Khadr on American media is a cheap stunt.

(Anything that embarrasses a LIE-beral is ALWAYS dismissed as a “cheap stunt”. The truth is that LIE-berals are mortified by Cdn reaction to their despicable Khadr Krap so they are seeking desperately for ways of diminishing the anger! In addition Cdns are worried that the vaunted Charter of Rights and Freedoms- written by the vile Pierre Trudope may have some HUGE legal holes in it since it apparently can be used to justify the Khadr Krap according to the muddled thinking of Our idiot Boy Justin!)

By Jim Warren, Postmedia Network. First posted: Saturday, July 22, 2017 06:50 PM EDT | Updated: Saturday, July 22, 2017 07:04 PM EDT

MP Michelle Rempel appears on Tucker Carlson Tonight on Fox News on July 17, 2017 to discuss Canada's settlement with Omar Khadr. (Twitter/Fox News)

Conservative MPs Michelle Rempel and Peter Kent last week attacked Justin Trudeau in the United States media in a pathetic, partisan attempt to score cheap political points in the next election.

Regrettably, their actions will only serve to injure their own constituents as the Government of Canada is set to re-negotiate the single most important and biggest trade agreement that impacts the Canadian economy.

(How sad that hypocrite Warren does not wish to admit that the REASON we are facing this NAFTA mess is because of LIE-beral refusal to take national security and Muslim terror issues seriously!)

(If we want the border open as in the past then we MUST start spending more on our military. LIE-berals have just reduced our military spending- which was already less than half of our promised NATO commitment- down to a new record low- never have we been so defenseless- not even in the Dirty Thirties did we spend such a small proportion of GDP- even as North Korea sets up missiles that will hit North America with atomic bombs!)

(Even worse, Our idiot Boy Justin is allowing thousands of strangers to walk across our borders and set up here without the slightest worry about security checks! Trump is justified in his worries about terror cells operating in Canada against Yankee targets!)

Rempel and Kent are airing our dirty laundry south of the border at a time that can only undermine our relationship with the United States and President Donald Trump, without any possible benefit to their own constituents or the people of Canada.

The public and many Canadian media have been roasting the Trudeau Liberals for the $10.5 million payment to Omar Khadr.

(Cdns agree that Khadr was a child soldier whose mind was poisoned by his father and mother. Cdns also know that the Khadrs WOULD NOT be Cdn citizens if LIE-beral prime minister Chretien had not suffered some sort of brain cramp and INVITED convicted bomber Khadr to Canada!)

(Cdns do not agree with Muslim vote hungry LIE-berals - that we are responsible for what happened to the Khadrs- we blame bad parents, insane LIE-beral immigration policy and the Khadr stupidity in going to a foreign country to attack a foreign army. We say: if Omar Khadr feels he deserves money then let him sue the Yankee military who captured him and let him sue Taliban and Al Quaida commanders whom he and his vile family served and leave us out of his KRAP!) (And we also recognize that LIE-berals are engaged in BUYING Muslim votes so they can cling to power; even as they outrage and offend our closest neighbour and biggest trading partner. LIE-berals are trying to put lipstick on a pig with this attack on Conservatives who have simply made it known to Yankees that most Cdns despise the Khadr Krap and stand with Yankees in their worry about Muslim terror-too bad LIE-berals cannot say the same! Muslim terror is an international problem- that LIE-berals ignore!)

Conservatives were quick to condemn the payment and won the communications battle to frame the issue against Trudeau. The Conservatives had their first big political win underway with their new leader, Andrew Scheer.

(Its EASY to win such a battle if the majority of people think you are RIGHT- as Cdns believe Conservatives are!)

But then the former foreign affairs correspondent and former Conservative cabinet minister, Peter Kent, wrote an opinion piece in the Wall Street Journal attacking the payment to Khadr.

Michelle Rempel went on the Fox Network’s Tucker Carlson show.

Michelle Rempel: "Most Canadians are absolutely outraged about this." #Tucker
— Fox News (@FoxNews) July 18, 2017

Before that, the U.S. media had largely ignored the Khadr issue.

(Oh but Trump was NOT ignoring the LIE-beral/Muslim bias of our govt- hence his choice to ramp up NAFTA talks with our Cdn LIE-beral govt that is seen as HOSTILE to Yankee concerns and Muslim terror worries are paramount in Yankee eyes!)

What possible benefit to the people of Canada could come of their actions? Kent and Rempel could have organized protests and rallies in their ridings of Thornhill and Calgary Nose Hill respectively.

(And how does some small noise in Thornhill persuade the Yankee public that the great majority of Cdns are on THEIR SIDE of the Khadr Krap? Especially when LIE-berals will make maximum effort to drown out Conservative voices trying to reassure Yankees? And we all know how little coverage Cdn news gets in United States- so a local noise is USELESS! Only a Cdn face on Yankee tv can offer real assurances we Cdns are not all Taliban supporters!)

(Cdns are rightly disappointed at how poorly LIE-berals have handled the NAFTA talks and the tariffs on lumber, dairy products and assorted metal products REMAIN in place against us!)

(I suggest that ONLY the presence of Cdn Conservatives- including former PM Harper- traveling to United States and making the TRUE thoughts of MOST Cdns known to Yankees prevented us from much worse economic damage at the hands of fumbling LIE-berals who viewed NAFTA as a chance to express their anti Yankee bias!)

They could have held news conferences in Ottawa demanding the return of Parliament to debate the Khadr payment.

(Oh right- and with a current LIE-beral majority such a move would be mighty USELESS! Warren spouts this garbage because he is worried for his job as a LIE-beral strategist now that so many LIE-beral policies are exposed a total failure!)

(How is Warren to save his job if LIE-berals are mauled in future elections? Polls are currently noting black clouds forming over LIE-beral “sunny ways” as Our idiot Boy breaks every promise he ever made on any subject!)

(And Our idiot Boy is seeking out new trouble by insulting the Yankees who are currently helping our economy grow-Yankee economic resurgence helps US Cdns too as they are our biggest trading partner! Insulting them as LIE-berals do is NOT a good idea!)

Instead they took their attacks to Main Street USA in an effort to upset Trump Republicans and inflame the most unpredictable politician in the world – who, if upset, can only do bad things to our country.

(HEY! CLUELESS LIE-beral- Trump is ALREADY upset at our status as NATO slacker, and at our status as haven for all manner of people that TRUMP wanted to deport from United States! Conservatives are acting properly to calm and reassure Trump that we are Not all crazy LIE-berals deserving of a nation wide kick in the pants!)

Kent is a former journalist who lived in the United States and is a former minister of state for foreign affairs, responsible for the Americas. He knew the real impact of his actions and yet he wrote the op-ed piece anyway.

(And we THOUGHTFUL Cdns THANK HIM for his efforts on behalf of our jobs, national security and public sanity!)

Justin Trudeau hands millions to Omar Khadr, whose victims may not be able to collect, writes@KentThornhillMP
— WSJ Editorial Page (@WSJopinion) July 18, 2017

Either he doesn’t care, or he was taking direction from his new leader, when he knows better. In either case it is pitiful. It's only purpose was to undermine the prime minister. But he will pay the price.

(OH such a price to pay for saying publicly what over 7o percent of Cdns AGREE WITH! Kent spoke honestly of our feelings about the LIE-beral sponsored Khadr Krap and his reward is to be called “pitiful” by a LIE-beral strategist whose party is falling rapidly OUT of public favour because of the “advice” of people like Warren!)

I have spent my career working with politicians of all political stripes.

(And you have learned NOTHING in that time about public thoughts! YOU will pay the price when that Cdn silent majority rears up and punishes LIE-berals for the Khadr Krap!)


House Member
Mar 3, 2012

Poor Bondo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You get more ridiculous by the hour!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You complain bitterly that my detailed analysis of the failure of ALL LIE-beral policy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You make a determined effort to censor me using the distorted and dishonest CBC definition of "fair use policy" for political comment!!!!!!!!
With the CBC/LIE-beral policy designed to unfairly silence critics of failed LIE-beral policy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
See if you understand this older post that reminds us of how truly twisted are all LIE-BERAL VALUES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Clearly, LIE-berals have NO ANSWER to sound and logical criticism of their MANY FAILED policies! They have no answers, no solutions and certainly NO way to repair the damage they have done. They offer up only MORE debt and more erosion of our standard of living and assorted actions that ERODE our national security and piss off our allies- its all just more LIE-beral delusional excuses. While civil service Hogs grow fat as LIE-berals BUY their votes so LIE-berals can cling to power! The LIE-beral legacy is one of shame and failure!
And what has foolish LIE-berals in a tizzy? This: Here is an example of the twisted logic of LIE-berals and the article illustrates how dangerous LIE-beral policy is to our country. With some comments of my own in brackets):
Tory MPs talking Khadr on American media is a cheap stunt.
(Anything that embarrasses a LIE-beral is ALWAYS dismissed as a “cheap stunt”. The truth is that LIE-berals are mortified by Cdn reaction to their despicable Khadr Krap so they are seeking desperately for ways of diminishing the anger! In addition Cdns are worried that the vaunted Charter of Rights and Freedoms- written by the vile Pierre Trudope may have some HUGE legal holes in it since it apparently can be used to justify the Khadr Krap according to the muddled thinking of Our idiot Boy Justin!)
By Jim Warren, Postmedia Network. First posted: Saturday, July 22, 2017 06:50 PM EDT | Updated: Saturday, July 22, 2017 07:04 PM EDT
MP Michelle Rempel appears on Tucker Carlson Tonight on Fox News on July 17, 2017 to discuss Canada's settlement with Omar Khadr. (Twitter/Fox News)
Conservative MPs Michelle Rempel and Peter Kent last week attacked Justin Trudeau in the United States media in a pathetic, partisan attempt to score cheap political points in the next election.
Regrettably, their actions will only serve to injure their own constituents as the Government of Canada is set to re-negotiate the single most important and biggest trade agreement that impacts the Canadian economy.
(How sad that hypocrite Warren does not wish to admit that the REASON we are facing this NAFTA mess is because of LIE-beral refusal to take national security and Muslim terror issues seriously!)
(If we want the border open as in the past then we MUST start spending more on our military. LIE-berals have just reduced our military spending- which was already less than half of our promised NATO commitment- down to a new record low- never have we been so defenseless- not even in the Dirty Thirties did we spend such a small proportion of GDP- even as North Korea sets up missiles that will hit North America with atomic bombs!)
(Even worse, Our idiot Boy Justin is allowing thousands of strangers to walk across our borders and set up here without the slightest worry about security checks! Trump is justified in his worries about terror cells operating in Canada against Yankee targets!)
Rempel and Kent are airing our dirty laundry south of the border at a time that can only undermine our relationship with the United States and President Donald Trump, without any possible benefit to their own constituents or the people of Canada.
The public and many Canadian media have been roasting the Trudeau Liberals for the $10.5 million payment to Omar Khadr.
(Cdns agree that Khadr was a child soldier whose mind was poisoned by his father and mother. Cdns also know that the Khadrs WOULD NOT be Cdn citizens if LIE-beral prime minister Chretien had not suffered some sort of brain cramp and INVITED convicted bomber Khadr to Canada!)
(Cdns do not agree with Muslim vote hungry LIE-berals - that we are responsible for what happened to the Khadrs- we blame bad parents, insane LIE-beral immigration policy and the Khadr stupidity in going to a foreign country to attack a foreign army. We say: if Omar Khadr feels he deserves money then let him sue the Yankee military who captured him and let him sue Taliban and Al Quaida commanders whom he and his vile family served and leave us out of his KRAP!) (And we also recognize that LIE-berals are engaged in BUYING Muslim votes so they can cling to power; even as they outrage and offend our closest neighbour and biggest trading partner. LIE-berals are trying to put lipstick on a pig with this attack on Conservatives who have simply made it known to Yankees that most Cdns despise the Khadr Krap and stand with Yankees in their worry about Muslim terror-too bad LIE-berals cannot say the same! Muslim terror is an international problem- that LIE-berals ignore!)
Conservatives were quick to condemn the payment and won the communications battle to frame the issue against Trudeau. The Conservatives had their first big political win underway with their new leader, Andrew Scheer.
(Its EASY to win such a battle if the majority of people think you are RIGHT- as Cdns believe Conservatives are!)
But then the former foreign affairs correspondent and former Conservative cabinet minister, Peter Kent, wrote an opinion piece in the Wall Street Journal attacking the payment to Khadr.
Michelle Rempel went on the Fox Network’s Tucker Carlson show.
Michelle Rempel: "Most Canadians are absolutely outraged about this." #Tucker
— Fox News (@FoxNews) July 18, 2017
Before that, the U.S. media had largely ignored the Khadr issue.
(Oh but Trump was NOT ignoring the LIE-beral/Muslim bias of our govt- hence his choice to ramp up NAFTA talks with our Cdn LIE-beral govt that is seen as HOSTILE to Yankee concerns and Muslim terror worries are paramount in Yankee eyes!)
What possible benefit to the people of Canada could come of their actions? Kent and Rempel could have organized protests and rallies in their ridings of Thornhill and Calgary Nose Hill respectively.
(And how does some small noise in Thornhill persuade the Yankee public that the great majority of Cdns are on THEIR SIDE of the Khadr Krap? Especially when LIE-berals will make maximum effort to drown out Conservative voices trying to reassure Yankees? And we all know how little coverage Cdn news gets in United States- so a local noise is USELESS! Only a Cdn face on Yankee tv can offer real assurances we Cdns are not all Taliban supporters!)
(Cdns are rightly disappointed at how poorly LIE-berals have handled the NAFTA talks and the tariffs on lumber, dairy products and assorted metal products REMAIN in place against us!)
(I suggest that ONLY the presence of Cdn Conservatives- including former PM Harper- traveling to United States and making the TRUE thoughts of MOST Cdns known to Yankees prevented us from much worse economic damage at the hands of fumbling LIE-berals who viewed NAFTA as a chance to express their anti Yankee bias!)
They could have held news conferences in Ottawa demanding the return of Parliament to debate the Khadr payment.
(Oh right- and with a current LIE-beral majority such a move would be mighty USELESS! Warren spouts this garbage because he is worried for his job as a LIE-beral strategist now that so many LIE-beral policies are exposed a total failure!)
(How is Warren to save his job if LIE-berals are mauled in future elections? Polls are currently noting black clouds forming over LIE-beral “sunny ways” as Our idiot Boy breaks every promise he ever made on any subject!)
(And Our idiot Boy is seeking out new trouble by insulting the Yankees who are currently helping our economy grow-Yankee economic resurgence helps US Cdns too as they are our biggest trading partner! Insulting them as LIE-berals do is NOT a good idea!)
Instead they took their attacks to Main Street USA in an effort to upset Trump Republicans and inflame the most unpredictable politician in the world – who, if upset, can only do bad things to our country.
(HEY! CLUELESS LIE-beral- Trump is ALREADY upset at our status as NATO slacker, and at our status as haven for all manner of people that TRUMP wanted to deport from United States! Conservatives are acting properly to calm and reassure Trump that we are Not all crazy LIE-berals deserving of a nation wide kick in the pants!)
Kent is a former journalist who lived in the United States and is a former minister of state for foreign affairs, responsible for the Americas. He knew the real impact of his actions and yet he wrote the op-ed piece anyway.
(And we THOUGHTFUL Cdns THANK HIM for his efforts on behalf of our jobs, national security and public sanity!)
Justin Trudeau hands millions to Omar Khadr, whose victims may not be able to collect, writes@KentThornhillMP
— WSJ Editorial Page (@WSJopinion) July 18, 2017
Either he doesn’t care, or he was taking direction from his new leader, when he knows better. In either case it is pitiful. It's only purpose was to undermine the prime minister. But he will pay the price.
(OH such a price to pay for saying publicly what over 7o percent of Cdns AGREE WITH! Kent spoke honestly of our feelings about the LIE-beral sponsored Khadr Krap and his reward is to be called “pitiful” by a LIE-beral strategist whose party is falling rapidly OUT of public favour because of the “advice” of people like Warren!)
I have spent my career working with politicians of all political stripes.
(And you have learned NOTHING in that time about public thoughts! YOU will pay the price when that Cdn silent majority rears up and punishes LIE-berals for the Khadr Krap!)

i'm sorry, whatever point you were trying to make got lost in that annoying posting style of yours. can't you come back down to earth and stop speaking space cadet.


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
i'm sorry, whatever point you were trying to make got lost in that annoying posting style of yours. can't you come back down to earth and stop speaking space cadet.

SORRY NO- SPEAKING IN LIES IS NOT MY HABIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




Your LIE-beral Human rights courts are so twisted they actually arrested a Mississauga man for offering money in exchange for verified proof of hate speech taking place in Cdn mosques!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yes- in Canada it is now illegal to ask for proof of crimes that embarrass LIE-berals!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yeah- perverted LIE-beral justice arrested the guy A FULL YEAR AFTER a couple of Cdn reporters told us

there was NOTHING BUT HATE SPEECH posted on Cdn Mosque and Muslim scool websites!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
what liberal censorship? you sound delussional.

POOR BONDO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

He is a true LIE-beral and a BAD LIAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Both Bondo and CBC have been outed for deliberately using a deceitful version of "fair usage policy" to CENSOR opinions that LIE-berals do not like!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Consider the DELIBERATE LIE-beral deceit on illegals!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Here is another article illustrating the sneaky and despicable way that LIE-berals are buying voter support by opening up our borders to anybody ay all- with no security checks! With some comments of my own in brackets):

Border loophole opens backdoor to more irregular migration

By Brian Lilley

Published: December 1, 2018, Updated: December 1, 2018 2:18 PM EST

Filed Under: Toronto SUN/ Opinion/ Columnists

Anchor relative, it’s a new term for me but apparently a reality in Canada’s messed up immigration system.

And don’t go thinking this is a term made up by some anti-immigrant group, it came from a report on illegal border crossers released by the Parliamentary Budget Officer this past week.

(The ugly reality of this “anchor relative” term is a reference to the ability of illegals to sponsor other members of their family to come to Canada even before Cdns have decided whether they wish to keep ANY of the current illegals!)

(The anchor relative deal is an expansion of the “family reunification plan” that is operating for legitimate immigrants! Under family reunification- landed immigrants can sponsor an get family members into Canada- IN SPITE of those family members NOT BEING ELIGIBLE as immigrants on their own- due either to extreme age or to lack of education!)

(The family reunification deal assumes that the sponsor will pick up most or all of the tab for caring for the sponsored relatives! But this is a LIE-beral deal and so it does not work as planned! Family reunification has been around since the Jean Chretien LIE-berals dreamed it up! But LIE-berals then had to REVOKE the deal after LIE-berals hit the debt wall and because so many sponsored family members ended up on our welfare rolls- after their sponsors cried poor and sought govt aid!)

(But that was then and this isn ow and Our idiot Boy Justin is DESPERATE for new voters and so he is ignoring the rapidly approaching debt wall that is being blocked by the rapidly approaching 2019 election in which his Sunny Ways will go very stormy indeed! LIE-berals are committing a HUGE act of political vandalism in bringing all these people into Canada without even a security check!)

(And LIE-berals are not the slightest bit concerned over how these unskilled people- many of whom lack even basic English- will survive in our tax debauched economy! LIE-berals do not care what it will cost to keep all these illegals and they do not even consider the cost to deport unsuitable ones!)

The PBO was asked to calculate the cost of the nearly 38,000 people who have crossed into Canada illegally since January 2017.

(Tjis number of 38,000 illegals seems to be a deliberate LIE-beral lie- with the true number of illegals fixed at more than 100,000! We may guess that 38,000 is simply the number of illegals that have been roughly processed by LIE-beral immigration dept and then give access to our welfare system and schools! Leaving over 60,000 illegals still waiting for interviews while “stored” in various LIE-beral facilities- such as Toronto Radisson Hotel!)

While Justin Trudeau was happy to kick off this wave of people walking across the border with his #WelcometoCanada tweet, the government hasn’t been overly eager to share details and costs.

In the report, the cost per “irregular” border crosser is conservatively estimated at $14,321 but is expected to grow to more than $16,000 next year. Total cost is more than $1.1 billion over three years not counting the hundreds of millions spent by provincial and municipal governments.

Those are low estimates because various federal departments would not or could not give full costs.

(Yes- LIE-berals DO ENJOY editing awkward truth- for their personal benefit!)

So it is surprising that while the government wouldn’t hand over full details on the illegal border crossers and resulting costs, they did let the anchor relative idea slip out.

Contained in a footnote of the report was this stunning revelation.

“CBSA officers have identified a recent phenomenon where a claimant enters Canada irregularly and acts as an anchor relative for other family members. As a result, these family members can enter at a port of entry and not be considered as irregular migrants,” the
report reads.

(Oh that is a NICE LIE-beral DODGE! Just another way to HIDE THE TRUE NUMBER OF ILLEGALS!!!!!!)

So how often is this happening? Is this a regular occurrence?

As with so much on this issue, the government isn’t saying.

(LIE-berals would rather have their solid gold pensions cut in half than admit the truth of this illegals CRAP!)

“The PBO requested data from CBSA on this phenomenon, but the data is not currently tracked,” the report stated.

Hold on, we have identified a loophole where someone can cross into Canada illegally, claim asylum and then use that status to bring in relatives and we are not tracking that?

I’d call that irresponsible.

(I call that BUYING VOTES! And I call that a DELIBERATE LIE-beral display of contempt for the democratic process and contempt for ordinary Cdns who want this abuse of our patience and charity ENDED! But LIE-berals prefer to LIE and to deceive for their own selfish purposes!!!!!)

Then again the whole way this situation has been handled is irresponsible.

CBSA can’t provide the number of people using this loophole in the system to the Parliamentary Budget Officer but magically, when questioned about it by media, Trudeau’s Liberals have answers.

A spokesman for Public Safety claims that while in 2017 there were an average of 531 people per month coming into Canada using an exemption to the Safe Third Country Agreement, that number is down to an average of 318 per month in 2018.

Or 3,816 people.

Oh and by the way, while immigrants and refugees operating through normal channels can only help bring in direct family members such as parents, spouses or children this loophole has a broader definition to include cousins, aunts, nephews and so on.

Don’t worry, the Liberals keep telling us the system is working.

Well if this is the system working then we need another system.

Which we might soon get.

Canada is about to sign on to the United Nations Global Compact on Migration, an agreement that seeks to radically alter global migration.

This agreement is filled with calls for nation states to recognize the rights of “migrants” and often blurs the line between economic migrants and refugees.

Which is something the Trudeau government is already doing. As has been well documented, many of the people crossing into Canada illegally are economic migrants. They fly from places like Nigeria into the United States and then head straight to the border and claim to be refugees.

They got into the US on a standard visitors visa with no claim of persecution. Then they bring in their extended families through a loophole once they become the anchor relative.

Yet to Trudeau, this is fine, this is normal. And under the new UN plan it will be.

The Conservatives are opposed to the agreement and have called on the government not to sign. That resulted in Trudeau’s usual response, throw around accusations of racism.

Trudeau may have gotten away with deflecting all questions about our messed up system by yelling racist in the past but I think the public’s patience is wearing thin.

It’s time to close these loopholes.

(The most effective way to close the loop holes is during the 2019 election! Gte rid of LIE-berals and the new govt can close the loop holes, shun the United Nations immigration scam and build some oil pipelines and get some decent govt tax revenue from the sale of oil- and use that tax revenue to pay back some of the grotesque debts LIE-berals have run up!!!!!)

(Run enough LIE-berals out of town and we might even get some new subways and other public transit!!!!!!!!!!!!!)


House Member
Mar 3, 2012
I don't watch cbc because I don't agree with their liberal slant on things. So, if you figure that they have the same opinion as me, I would have to call BS on that. I don't believe you.


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
I don't watch cbc because I don't agree with their liberal slant on things. So, if you figure that they have the same opinion as me, I would have to call BS on that. I don't believe you.

Oh such a Bondo/bad liar!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You used the CBC/LIE-beral poisoned version of fair use to try to censor me as CBC did to many people in 2015 election!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And now you are using standard LIE-beral DENIAL of facts after being confronted with your lies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

How small and pathetic you must be to resort to now DENYING the legal threats you made!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I guess you do not recall threatening me with legal action for using Toronto Sun articles in a fashion YOU did not approve of?????

Gosh it must be nice to be a LIE-beral!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Reality can be whatever you want it to be because you are ENTITLED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


House Member
Mar 3, 2012
It is your drug induced delusion that has fabricated the idea that I am quoting a CBC article. Do you have the balls to admit when you are wrong? I don't think you do. I think your behavior on this website makes you look like a liar, a troll, extremely annoying little sh!t with no integrity.

You want the truth, you can't handle the truth. I used a Stanford law professor explanation of the fair use clause. The man is an attorney at law and his specialty is copyright and blogging I think it is safe to say that he knows what he is talking about, and you don't know your arse from a hole in the ground.

I never posted a link to his website because the last thing i wanted to do was quote or C&P some intellectual property belonging to an expert in copyright laws. But you should be able to find it, try googling "fair use clause stanford" and I'm pretty sure it is on the first page.


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
It is your drug induced delusion that has fabricated the idea that I am quoting a CBC article. Do you have the balls to admit when you are wrong? I don't think you do. I think your behavior on this website makes you look like a liar, a troll, extremely annoying little sh!t with no integrity.

You want the truth, you can't handle the truth. I used a Stanford law professor explanation of the fair use clause. The man is an attorney at law and his specialty is copyright and blogging I think it is safe to say that he knows what he is talking about, and you don't know your arse from a hole in the ground.

I never posted a link to his website because the last thing i wanted to do was quote or C&P some intellectual property belonging to an expert in copyright laws. But you should be able to find it, try googling "fair use clause stanford" and I'm pretty sure it is on the first page.


Poor Bondo is so appalled at being caught out using CANADIAN LIE-beral- Canadain broadcasting deceit on so called "fair use policies"

DESIGNED TO CENSOR CDN news an restrict public exposure to opinions that LIE-berals do not approve of

that he is now MAKING UP claims that he was working with a LIE-beral definition of "fair use" that ALLEGEDLY EXISTS in a foreign country

when he THREATENED ME WITH LEGAL ACTION For using Toronto Sun articles in posts!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This is TYPICAL LIE-beral policy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

First- try to win debate with Fake News!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Then try to win with censorship- as if the other guy has NO RIGHT to opinions that LIE-berals do not like!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Then turn to the "D"s as last resort!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!






IF ALL THAT DOES NOT WORK THEN LIE-BERALS DESPAIR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Council Member
Aug 9, 2008
Bluebyrd, in the past you have stated that handgun are designed, built, and used against people.
After some thought on this, I am now comfortable absolutely disagreeing with the general meaning of you comment. Why? Because the criminal use of a handgun has always been an 'off label' application for the device. So no, I don't agree with the intent ot what you have been saying.
In the past and even now. I did and do contend a hand gun was designed and is meant to be used to kill people. It is extremely difficult to use against a large animal that does not stand still and out of necessity has a well developed sense of self-preservation. Of course criminals prefer hand guns .......They want what you have and carrying a large gun sort of advertises their intent wouldn't you say?

I will remind you once more Canadian laws serve their main purpose and if anyone feels unprotected .......see your therapist (unless you are a bullied and misused wife/girlfriend then call the police! as soon as possible) A mentaliy disturbed or abused person like criminals, will use what they can manage to get their hands on to achieve their goals.

By the way the new weapon Russia has developed is the ultimate in killing machines. We won't even know what hit us!! So live well and happily point getting your knickers in a knot!


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.
In the past and even now. I did and do contend a hand gun was designed and is meant to be used to kill people. It is extremely difficult to use against a large animal that does not stand still and out of necessity has a well developed sense of self-preservation. Of course criminals prefer hand guns .......They want what you have and carrying a large gun sort of advertises their intent wouldn't you say?

I will remind you once more Canadian laws serve their main purpose and if anyone feels unprotected .......see your therapist (unless you are a bullied and misused wife/girlfriend then call the police! as soon as possible) A mentaliy disturbed or abused person like criminals, will use what they can manage to get their hands on to achieve their goals.

By the way the new weapon Russia has developed is the ultimate in killing machines. We won't even know what hit us!! So live well and happily point getting your knickers in a knot!

There are handguns made for several different purposes:

Punching little holes in paper targets.

Punching big holes in big game.

Punching smaller holes in small game.

Knocking over steel silhouettes at long range.

Self defense.


House Member
Mar 3, 2012
In the past and even now. I did and do contend a hand gun was designed and is meant to be used to kill people. It is extremely difficult to use against a large animal that does not stand still and out of necessity has a well developed sense of self-preservation. Of course criminals prefer hand guns .......They want what you have and carrying a large gun sort of advertises their intent wouldn't you say?
I will remind you once more Canadian laws serve their main purpose and if anyone feels unprotected .......see your therapist (unless you are a bullied and misused wife/girlfriend then call the police! as soon as possible) A mentaliy disturbed or abused person like criminals, will use what they can manage to get their hands on to achieve their goals.
By the way the new weapon Russia has developed is the ultimate in killing machines. We won't even know what hit us!! So live well and happily point getting your knickers in a knot!

Most handguns are made for the purposes of serve and protect. Every demographic available( law abiding citizens, police, military)does not see it as a primary offensive weapon. Every demographic primarily uses the handgun in applications where it generally involves not shooting it.

This is what is does and how it is used.

Every demographic is much much larger that the criminal demographic. The criminal demographic by defintion and its inherent nature are the deviants that are using the handgun for something it was never intended for.

I expect that anyone with an open mind will understand what I am saying even if they don't agree. I do not expect you(bluebyrd) to understand or agree.


House Member
Mar 3, 2012

Poor Bondo is so appalled at being caught out using CANADIAN LIE-beral- Canadain broadcasting deceit on so called "fair use policies"

DESIGNED TO CENSOR CDN news an restrict public exposure to opinions that LIE-berals do not approve of
that he is now MAKING UP claims that he was working with a LIE-beral definition of "fair use" that ALLEGEDLY EXISTS in a foreign country
when he THREATENED ME WITH LEGAL ACTION For using Toronto Sun articles in posts!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This is TYPICAL LIE-beral policy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
First- try to win debate with Fake News!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Then try to win with censorship- as if the other guy has NO RIGHT to opinions that LIE-berals do not like!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Then turn to the "D"s as last resort!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
IF ALL THAT DOES NOT WORK THEN LIE-BERALS DESPAIR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

yawn! I'm tired of sea lioning you, it has been fun but now you bore me.


Trolling Hypocrites
May 27, 2007
Northern Ontario,
In the past and even now. I did and do contend a hand gun was designed and is meant to be used to kill people. It is extremely difficult to use against a large animal that does not stand still and out of necessity has a well developed sense of self-preservation. Of course criminals prefer hand guns .......They want what you have and carrying a large gun sort of advertises their intent wouldn't you say?

I will remind you once more Canadian laws serve their main purpose and if anyone feels unprotected .......see your therapist (unless you are a bullied and misused wife/girlfriend then call the police! as soon as possible) A mentaliy disturbed or abused person like criminals, will use what they can manage to get their hands on to achieve their goals.

By the way the new weapon Russia has developed is the ultimate in killing machines. We won't even know what hit us!! So live well and happily point getting your knickers in a knot!

Bullshite...And because I hate typing here is a link to the only time I had to shoot anything beside paper targets in a lifetime of owning handguns

Curious Cdn

Hall of Fame Member
Feb 22, 2015
The officer would have made you cut the head off and have it sent to a lab for testing. (in case of attacks on other people or pets in the area) Same regs apply to all of NA.
I shot a rabid skunk in a woodpile, once ...(really did) in the backwoods part of Lanark County (Hopetown). You couldn't use the wood for a year.

I don't go back there, anymore.

(p.s. Someone else shot a rabid Coyote on the same farm. The head went to the Ministry and confirmed it. They long since mass innoculated the critters in those parts using baits dropped from the air, as it was getting REALLY DANGEROUS around there circa 1982.)


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
yawn! I'm tired of sea lioning you, it has been fun but now you bore me.

Poor Bondo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

He has run out of Fake News to defend his attempts to censor any critic of FAILED LIE-beral policy!

He failed to use the highly distorted and dishonest CBC fair use policy to silence me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Failed to use LIE-beral Fake News to dispute me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Failed to "D" me in LIE-beral fashion- that is to deny, dismiss, distort, dissemble!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And now he wants to shrug and claim "BOREDOM" and walk away while PRETENDING that his arguments ever held any real



Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Poor Bondo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

He has run out of Fake News to defend his attempts to censor any critic of FAILED LIE-beral policy!

He failed to use the highly distorted and dishonest CBC fair use policy to silence me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Failed to use LIE-beral Fake News to dispute me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Failed to "D" me in LIE-beral fashion- that is to deny, dismiss, distort, dissemble!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And now he wants to shrug and claim "BOREDOM" and walk away while PRETENDING that his arguments ever held any real


For anybody concerned about the future of Canada, the increasing frequency with which disgruntled LIE-beral groups post FAKE news must be disturbing! How are we to honestly determine the proper course if we have NO information?

I put the blame for fake news on the shoulders of Cdn LIE-berals as it is LIE-beral policy that makes such fakery profitable and USEFUL! Consider:

LIE-berals have been very skillful in identifying voting blocs in Canada and have exploited them ruthlessly! The single largest voting bloc are those Cdns who simply get a head ache when trying to wade through all the baffle gab being spouted about our economy, green energy, national security, etc.

What is one to make of the news that 50,000 new jobs were created in one month-UNLESS one has background news to understand that 80,000 jobs were lost in the previous 3 months and that the 50,000 new jobs created in one month do Not represent a triumph of LIE-beral policy since it still represents a NET LOSS of 30.000 jobs! Especially when MOST of the old jobs were full time and most of the new jobs are part time! Clarity is too often MISSING!

This silent majority surrendered years ago and gave up having ANY electoral influence. But LIE-berals have become aware that things are now so bad in the land that the silent ones may be getting angry enough to speak for a change and if they do speak; their roar will sweep away our LIE-berals! Thus LIE-berals are encouraged to put out contradictory and self serving economic forecasts!

LIE-berals indirectly get votes from corporate leaders-LIE-berals MUST cater to businesses to a substantial degree or see them disappear to some more tax friendly nation-taking OUR jobs with them. This puts LIE-berals in a duplicitous position in which they must kiss up to corporations while maintaining a public face of milking business like a cash cow! This is why LIE-berals constantly whine about the rate of corporate taxation- and its why they decry Cdns using tax havens- and yet do NOTHING about it!

Further, LIE-berals decried the Harper Conservative relationship with business as if it was something evil to get on well with those who operate so much of our economy! LIE-berals DO NOT want to be seen as groveling before business leaders in order to save existing jobs or buy new ones-so they are encouraged to be duplicitous about their business relations-and to conduct their groveling and selling out to corporate leaders in discreet dirty little back room deals!

LIE-berals have even made a virtue of their dirty back room deals by telling us- as LIE-beral Dalton McGinty did- “that it is time for govt (he meant LIE-berals) to start picking economic winners in Ontari-owe”. Lie-berals are again forced into a duplicitous position by the need to grovel to CEO`s without being seen doing so.

LIE-berals NEED to buy civil service Hog votes- while maintaining a facade of fairness and equality. By the need to take action to save the environment so that Greens and NDP will not syphon off LIE-beral supporters but of course LIE-berals CANNOT take any real action to save the environment without grossly irritating their fossil fuel loving Hog allies-the ones LIE-berals absolutely depend on to remain in power!

LIE-berals make very good use of civil service union Hogs-buying their votes with a hugely generous array of perks and privileges and especially pension gifts that are way beyond anything available in the private sector. But the money has run out-the gravy train is STALLED!

Thus bankrupt LIE-berals are forced to make grandiose statements- and QUITE FALSE statements- about saving the middle class while actually INCREASING the tax and debt loads on ALL CDNs with their Carbon crap and trade tax- that only cleans wallets and not the air- and the up coming LIE-beral Canada Pension Plan reforms that will hit Hogs hardest! Though lately it seems LIE-berals have shelved that CPP rate increase since our “booming” economy cannot stand another hit!

LIE-berals want to suggest that the Pension Pan reforms will benefit us all but it seems likely that most of the increased pension contributions will be used to honour previous LIE-beral pension promises to Hogs-thus Hogs will deal with both increased costs thanks to crap and trade scam and deal with a badly reduced flow of new gravy! LIE-berals are spinning in circles- taxing people so they will have new gravy to offer to people they taxed!

The Cdn middle class-now made up almost exclusively of civil servants in many parts of the country- are forced to mis-represent their angry feelings about LIE-beral policy. If they don’t put on a good face then they MUST admit that it was a disaster to play so instrumental a part in electing LIE-berals at ANY level of govt!

LIE-berals also make fine use of ethnic groups and buy them as well-with no regard for cost- nor for future problems that will surely arise! This is why LIE-berals muzzle Any serious effort to discuss costs and benefits of the LIE-beral immigration system and this also puts them in that duplicitous position because desperate LIE-berals are now pretty much throwing open the gates and letting anybody enter with NO security checks at all.

LIE-berals are so hard up for supporters they are frantically importing any numbskull capable of marking an X beside the name of a LIE-beral candidate! This madness is done even though LIE-berals know that our Hogs are growing angry at this diversion of THEIR GRAVY over to illegals!

But the new arrivals need all manner of costly support due to lack of education and language skills that LIE-berals never considered- LIE-berals live in today- tomorrow is not considered! And there are no jobs in the cdn economy due to LIE-beral mismanagement. The ongoing cost of supporting these new comers is eroding LIE-beral support further and thus mandating the need for MORE newcomers to replace the lost ones angry over their lack of gravy.

LIE-berals are making a messed up perpetual motion machine out of their policies!

Even worse, LIE-berals did not anticipate the reaction of our Yankee neighbours who suffered 3000 dead in the World trade Centre and have seen hundreds others killed and wounded in Muslim attacks around the nation and Yankees care more for their personal safety than they do for the re-election needs of LIE-berals. It is for this reason that Yankee Trump is putting pressure on LIE-berals by hitting at our lumber exports and at our dairy markets.

WE must assume that Trump is aware that the last two major Muslim attacks to be planned in Canada were both thwarted by key information by FBI agents who do a better job of standing on guard for us than any agency guided by LIE-berals!

Those two planned attacks involved a scheme to derail a Via passenger train off the Highland Creek Bridge- with an FBI agent thwarting that one! And a second attack by a suicide bomber was also thwarted when another FBI tip allowed Cdn cops to corner the bomber in a taxi- where he set off the bomb and killed himself!

LIE-beral news follows a specific pattern- start with some logical fact and then blow it up into completely Fake News! And then LIE-berals will launch preemptive strikes complaining that their opponents are mis- representing LIE-beral “facts” that are actually FAKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!