Indigenous people, stop eating our animals so we can kill them for sport:
I have said it before and I will say it again:
You Can't kill Indians for sport!
Indigenous people, stop eating our animals so we can kill them for sport:
There you have it Bones, a pseudo implication that there is a question as to immigration.
tell me Cliffy, of those inhabitants that didn't originate from Asia, where did they come from, or perhaps they experienced a unique but parallel evolutionary path as was experienced in Africa?
There is all kinds of privileges.....
In quebec when anything went wrong....the saying was,,,,
"C'est toute la faute des maudits englais"
For the anglophones in this forum.... there is always google translate
not to mention red haired white folks in florida 7000 years ago
The Windover Archaeological Site is an Early Archaic (6000 to 5000 BC) archaeological site found in Brevard County near Titusville, Florida, USA, on the central east coast of the state. Windover is a muck pond where skeletal remains of 168 individuals were found buried in the peat at the bottom of the pond. well-preserved brain tissue was recovered from many skulls from the site. DNA from the brain tissue has been sequenced. Windover Pond represent the largest finds from the Archaic Period.
The DNA evidence has proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that the first peoples to inhabit the Americas were the Europeans.
Asians arrived much later in huge numbers and committed genocide against the Europeans who were already here.
Google: The First Americans DNA Of The Windover Bog People
Really. Let's alter that just a wee bit .That's pretty much the long and short of it.
Indigenous people, stop eating our animals so we can kill them for sport:
One of Canada’s largest outdoor sports organizations warns there simply aren’t enough animals around for everyone and is calling for major sacrifices to be made by Indigenous Peoples.
“Please, stop eating our wild game so we can continue to kill them for sport,” said Brian Keillor, head of the Canadian Hunting and Angling Association.
“Look, we get that you have rights and tradition but we have tradition too and that’s to kill an animal for fun and snap a picture with it.”
In recent years, there has been increasing tension between Indigenous and non-Indigenous hunters, particularly over dwindling stocks of big game.
Many Indigenous harvesters see moose and deer as a major source of food, while non-Indigenous hunters fear that without those same animals, there might not be places for selfies.
Indigenous people, stop eating our animals so we can kill them for sport: hunting org
Natives in the territories and remote areas of the provinces are the only ones who can actually say they live off the land by hunting.
Just out of curiosity, considering the large number of rather successful Chinese, East Indians and people from the Middle East etc who live in North America, are you going to suggest that they are somehow, "honourary Whites" or something?
'Morans' always be whining about White 'privilage'. :lol:
I wonder who first coined the term?
It's in the other White Privelege thread about the female police chief.
I'll dig up the info.
Look at all the privileged whites trying to justify their privilege by saying it doesn't exist. Funny shit right there, especially all you indigenous people haters who say you are not racist while you put them down. Hypocrites!
Look at all the privileged whites trying to justify their privilege by saying it doesn't exist. Funny shit right there, especially all you indigenous people haters who say you are not racist while you put them down. Hypocrites!