Ah...spoken like a TRUE civil service Hog! Its all the fault of the stupid kids that Cdn companies refuse to spend a penny to train them for any trade because they are too busy paying for Hog gravy! In 2011 in United States with its 330 million population there were a grand total of 3500 apprenticeships started.....want to take a bet how many of the apprentices were kids of the boss learning Dads trade so they can take over the company?
And its all the fault of lazy adults that jobs went to China using investment funds from HOGS to set up those factories! You do recall the LONG BITTER argument with govt for permission for Hogs to invest their pension money outside Canada don't you? Just WHERE do you think they invested that money and who got the jobs?
And the truth about Hog moods is revealed by the mad rush on social media in which Hogs frantically and deliberately lied about Harper. And one can also look at the ELEVEN PERCENT popularity rating of your chosen champion Wynne-bag! Eleven percent support speaks volumes about how badly betrayed and angry Hogs really are!
And now you want to blame Cdns for YOUR economic MESS! No wonder Our brainless Boy wants to legalize weed!He NEEDS that stoner vote cause his other support is fading like snow in July!
But hey-I do admire how you Hogs can put up a brave front!
I AGREE COMPLETELY!!! There is a whole lot of people besides me who agree with you on this. Its just that up till now too many Cdns have suffered in silence-but now things are coming to the BIG CRUNCH! Ontari-owe LIE-berals have made pension promises to civil service Hog totaling roughly three hundred million dollars and they MUST put up that money soon or else Hog pensions will go bankrupt.
OSSTF- our high school teachers ALONE need about 55 billion dollars by 2018 or their pension plan WILL go bust-this according to the outgoing chairman of the pension management board when he appeared on TVO being interviewed by Steve Paikin. With 18 other civil service unions right behind the teachers with THEIR hands out as well! Ontari-owe LIE-berals have turned our hydro system into a huge slush fund to sneak money out to the Hogs in exchange for votes. This is why Wynne-bag sold part of Hydro and then closed the books to govt auditors -she does not want to be caught out buying Hog votes like that!
Whats really scary is that the other three levels of govt-federal, municipal and crown corps like ORNGE. E-health, colleges, universities and hospitals all have similar promises of hundreds of billions in pension promises from LIE-berals- and the fiscal tax blood bath REALLY STARTS for Canadians if Wynne-bag wins the election in 2018!
And NONE of these cursed LIE-berals will be honest with us about what pension promises they have made-and Cdn news media is aiding them-the last real news stories on failing govt pensions appeared in 2012-after that-SILENCE-except for that OSSTF chairman. I wonder what they did to piss him off so he would go public like that? And want to bet all other pension fund managers have now been forced to sign non disclosure documents? And just HOW LARGE have those Hog pension deficits grown since 2012?
And its all the fault of lazy adults that jobs went to China using investment funds from HOGS to set up those factories! You do recall the LONG BITTER argument with govt for permission for Hogs to invest their pension money outside Canada don't you? Just WHERE do you think they invested that money and who got the jobs?
And the truth about Hog moods is revealed by the mad rush on social media in which Hogs frantically and deliberately lied about Harper. And one can also look at the ELEVEN PERCENT popularity rating of your chosen champion Wynne-bag! Eleven percent support speaks volumes about how badly betrayed and angry Hogs really are!
And now you want to blame Cdns for YOUR economic MESS! No wonder Our brainless Boy wants to legalize weed!He NEEDS that stoner vote cause his other support is fading like snow in July!
But hey-I do admire how you Hogs can put up a brave front!
Actually, it's a resounding YES!!!!!
Then again, I didn't whine and sit on my a$$ after college, I decided to get a trade. As a matter of fact I have 3. Automotive, Plumbing, and Gas. But like I said, I didn't whine like a little biatch and blame everyone else for what "I" did or didn't do.
Well!! I'm at a point where I can no longer wonder if Trudeau is good for the kids or the future of Canada, the cleaning of his mess will take years. From a totally insane deficit, his blind immigration stance, his childlike tweets welcoming of everybody in the world to Canada's welfare system, his pay for access, his vacationing for again pay for access, his fear of opposing a crazy motion that labels all Canadians as bigots, his giving away of money for countries that are making fun of his charities!!, etc..
I AGREE COMPLETELY!!! There is a whole lot of people besides me who agree with you on this. Its just that up till now too many Cdns have suffered in silence-but now things are coming to the BIG CRUNCH! Ontari-owe LIE-berals have made pension promises to civil service Hog totaling roughly three hundred million dollars and they MUST put up that money soon or else Hog pensions will go bankrupt.
OSSTF- our high school teachers ALONE need about 55 billion dollars by 2018 or their pension plan WILL go bust-this according to the outgoing chairman of the pension management board when he appeared on TVO being interviewed by Steve Paikin. With 18 other civil service unions right behind the teachers with THEIR hands out as well! Ontari-owe LIE-berals have turned our hydro system into a huge slush fund to sneak money out to the Hogs in exchange for votes. This is why Wynne-bag sold part of Hydro and then closed the books to govt auditors -she does not want to be caught out buying Hog votes like that!
Whats really scary is that the other three levels of govt-federal, municipal and crown corps like ORNGE. E-health, colleges, universities and hospitals all have similar promises of hundreds of billions in pension promises from LIE-berals- and the fiscal tax blood bath REALLY STARTS for Canadians if Wynne-bag wins the election in 2018!
And NONE of these cursed LIE-berals will be honest with us about what pension promises they have made-and Cdn news media is aiding them-the last real news stories on failing govt pensions appeared in 2012-after that-SILENCE-except for that OSSTF chairman. I wonder what they did to piss him off so he would go public like that? And want to bet all other pension fund managers have now been forced to sign non disclosure documents? And just HOW LARGE have those Hog pension deficits grown since 2012?