Gender Neutral Anthem? REALLY?


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
Well, we are, whether male or female, all Human, I see no problem, after all as the female of the species, we are longer lived, more compassionate, and in my opinion smarter in all the ways that count. Woman mostly over the centuries managed to rule the roost. Words do not mean as much as the meaning or feeling behind the phrase. So "all our sons command" doesn't upset me one bit. Since, husband, son, nephew, uncle, brother, have behind them, a wife, sister, daughter, niece, or aunt, in all the most important relationships. Usually it is these relationships that have the most important & influential factors driving and supporting those "sons" so who cares??? As they say "Behind every successful man is a woman or women".

Whatever you think. Men have just recognized that life is much simpler and more pleasant if we let women think they are superior and in charge of all the small things, so men can get on with managing the important things. :) :)

Curious Cdn

Hall of Fame Member
Feb 22, 2015
Whatever you think. Men have just recognized that life is much simpler and more pleasant if we let women think they are superior and in charge of all the small things, so men can get on with managing the important things. :) :)

"I want a new national anthem!"

"Yes, dear."

"I want one that talks to ME and ALL WOMEN!"

"Yes, dear."

"We're more than half the population, you know?

"Yes, dear."


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
You have the soul of a poet, beaver.


All our persons command isn't going to catch on, not in any time in the future will the man not be out front taking the spears and arrows and we don't kiss boys excepting under strick tribal protocals, always assciated with strong lighting, and we don't fondle the guy in the next foxhole, gay people can take bullets as well as heteros however. Kepp your hands off me I can't and won't do it and I don't want to see it, I would rather be electrocuted, but if it's you go right ahead, don't expect my interest, just pay your fukkin taxes and keep your fluids to yourself and your buddy. I understand your condition is natural and therefore must be afforded some gravity commensuate with its mass. And your numbers are? Low, you will never rule and always carry the mark through all time, such is your function, thankyou and good luck, go in peace, just go.

No I will not at this time donate to the gay normalization trend at this time or any other, I think.


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
Mainly because we are driven to an early grave! :) :) :)

I'm walking, dragging my feet every inch. I need the rest though. That fluffy white cloud looks so nice and soft, finally a good nights sleep.

There are no mailboxes on the cloud and there can be no bills in the box that isn't there. The telephone stops ringing. The sun shines every day, just enough to provide the perfect personal temperature, it's a highly competently puttogether environment for the deceased who may no longer be able to feed a wood stove.

The lawn mows itself every night while you sleep.

All of your chickens lay golden eggs, all of your neighbours (distant I hope) also comply with zoneing regulations and lay golden eggs, no body wants them, you have to eat them yourself.

Genter nutral is not a gender. It's been nutralised of gender, separated, refined, not the real thing, not in compliance with regeneration protocals.


Hall of Fame Member
Dec 25, 2005
Eagle Creek
That's right, there is, and what are 5P's buddies doing? Making the National Anthem gender neutral because we all know it is THE biggest problem we are facing today. :roll:

Fu cking useless bunch of idiots. The environment minister is a prime example.

I'd add the Minister of Foreign Affairs to that list, ger............and he still needs to attend English classes.

Curious Cdn

Hall of Fame Member
Feb 22, 2015
Well certainly if you're replicating according to the bible, go forth and mutiply and and devide when necessary, your a fine mind in my mind, go forth and mutiply, sniff the wind,
maybe you will win the planet.

I'm turning sixty in three days. It would be cruel to multiply any more, at this point.