Gender Neutral Anthem? REALLY?


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
A lot of people say they'll just go on singing the old anthem, but your kids and your grand kids will learn the new one. They won't think anything of it and in a few decades you'll just look like an old sexist dinosaur.

Is it possible that "sons" is just used as a generic term meaning sons & daughters?


Senate Member
Feb 9, 2011
Vancouver, BC
Or you can do what I did, take a minute to think about it. :) :)

I actually took several minutes and looked it up. That might be a major difference between how we think. I did some research, whereas you're recommending I just use my imagination.


House Member
Mar 3, 2012
it is sort of topic you guys think it is politically correct to sing the 1980s version of the anthem, if I make a point that it is for historical reasons and not to rebel or reject the politically correct revisions?


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
I actually took several minutes and looked it up. That might be a major difference between how we think. I did some research, whereas you're recommending I just use my imagination.

The burning question is....................which way is the most accurate?


Council Member
Aug 9, 2008
I just saw a clip from Global News about a private member's bill to be debated about changing our National Anthem to a Gender Neutral Anthem. Now I did listen to the article, and when the song was originally written it did not say "in all our sons command" However the article goes on to say it was changed in 1913... Now maybe its just me, but it seems to me it was reworded to HONOUR our soldiers that fought in the first world war. With that being said... This dumb *** in quebec feels that it should be changed back to more of the original wording. Sure.. Lets just do that and look at the people that it was changed for and go piss on their graves... You know who I'm talking about... The soldiers that died in World War 1. Lets just slap them in the face and say, Thanks for coming out, but it appears we have offended someone with our anthem that was changed to HONOUR YOU. I have said it before, and I will say it again, People need to realize that being offeneded is a part of every day life, I'm offended by having to pay for a foot bath in a public university so Muslims can wash their feet. I'm not muslim wtf do I care about them having to wash their feet, tell them to pay for their own damned footbath. I'm offended that idiots like Justin Trudeau can go on to TV and say and I quote, "Canada Made their choice for a Liberal Government". When in fact he should have said it like it truely is, Ontario and Quebed made the choice. Lets really start to realize that I DON'T GIVE A DAMN if I offend someone, Here is a hammer, some nails, some wood... Build a bridge and get over it.

I'm sorry, It appears my give a crap is broken and I am not paying to get it fixed.
Have a great day all.
Well, we are, whether male or female, all Human, I see no problem, after all as the female of the species, we are longer lived, more compassionate, and in my opinion smarter in all the ways that count. Woman mostly over the centuries managed to rule the roost. Words do not mean as much as the meaning or feeling behind the phrase. So "all our sons command" doesn't upset me one bit. Since, husband, son, nephew, uncle, brother, have behind them, a wife, sister, daughter, niece, or aunt, in all the most important relationships. Usually it is these relationships that have the most important & influential factors driving and supporting those "sons" so who cares??? As they say "Behind every successful man is a woman or women".